HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1920-02-02314 Regular ~feeting of the Bo~rd of Trustees of the ~ity of South San Francisco,held M~nday FebrUary,2nd. 1920. This meeting was called to order at 8 0' clock p.m.,by Trustee G.W. Ho!ate n "?resident of tt:e Board". Roll-call Rol]call found the fo!lowinK Trustees,present,to-wit: F.A. CunninFham,A.J. Eschelbach,M.F. Healy,J.H. Xeelley and G.W. Holston. Absent Trus%ees None The mi:~utes of the previous meetings were read and uppncmo$ion of Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Kelley and regularly carried were approved as read. ~ cor~nunicstion signed.by s commmittee from the Chamber of Commerce of South San FranciEco and the womens Im~rcvnent Club of South San Francisco,and asking that ~ curfew law providi~'~g that nInors under the age of fo~rteen years b,~ off the streets after 9 0' clock p.~.,unless accompanied by their parents,be passed by the Board of Trustees. i'll_red by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee H~aly that the comnunication be accepted and p~aced on file and that the City Attorney be instruced to draw up an ordinance for present~ ion to the Board of Trustees at the next r~gular meeting. Motion carried The report~ of City officers for the month of January were then read,the report of the City Clerk showed the following balances. General F~nd ~14,722.93 Library F~md ~l,42Z.]Z £inking Fund ~'Z449.56 Teed Fund $104.53 ?treet Imp. bonds Series "A" ~319;~.~5 ~eries "B" .~68.14 Series "C" $210.92 Series "$~ $946.76 Eeries "E" $40.75 The report 9f the City- Tre~asurer checked with that of the City Clerk the report of the Cil~ Recorder snowed that the ~um of ninety (90) Dollars had been received through his office dtr ing January 19~,for which he enclosed check. The reports of the Health officer,City Marshal,and that of the Chief of the Fire Department were also received. M red by ?rustee Cunningham,seconded by Trustee Kelley that the repeats of all City officers b~ accepted and filed. l,iotion carried The following demands against the City were presented for payment the same having been a~proved by the finance committee. John M. Costa Cleaning streets }~i~nth January E.H. Lewis Care of fire apparatus" " Rsisch Impr~vment Company construction sewer Resolution ~ Enterprise Pub.Co. for check books A.Carlisle & ]0mpany supplies for City Ed Hs~:;ilton attending fire John Foley attending fire Jim Mc Donald attending fire N~cola Re hauling garbage C.C. Conrad Z meals f~r prisoners J.J. 7, e]ch pound fees for 6 cows E. 2~stici cleaning drinking fountain Pac. G~s & E Ce.lights for City H~ll ? GTlli attending fire Wi~iax' Viet attending fire L. N~eri attending fire J. Bianchi attending fire Louis Bellon~ at~en~ing fire M. Piava attending ~ire John Fischer Jr. at%ending fire Otto Bissett attending fire B.H. Truax attending fire Thomas Ryan attending fire ~175.oo- 19.25- 3663.84. 17.40. 36.09. 2.50. 2.50. 5.00' 2.00 80. 18.0o. 1.00' 1.26 2.50' 2.50' 2.50' ~.~0- 2.50' 5.0~ 2.50 2.50' 2.50' 2.50' 3,977.1M Moved by Trustee Healy seconded by Trus%es, seconded by Trustee CUnningham that the above demands be paid and warrants drawn for the various amounts . I,iotion carried Moved by Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Kelley that the above demands be paid and warrants drawn for the various amounts. Motion carried Moved by Trustee Healy seconded by Trustee Kelle~ that the Board adjourn until l[~dda~a~e February,4,1920,to meet at SZlO L, nden Ave,at ' clock p.m. If. otion carried Time of ad jo urnment 9(20 p.m. Re spec tfull~s~,mi t ted · yd2Yl e rk