HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1922-04-173tlTV, I !~.egu!ar meeting of. the ~oard of '~rustee~- of tile ~'t-,'~ ,~ of South Sen ~rancisco held April 17th The ~o~r5 of '~rustees of the ~ity of aouth ~an ~'r~nci,~':co .~,et in regular session on Apr,! ~922. .~he meetin~ was ca]_~a~ 1. o or~er at O:O0 o'c!oca p.m. by G.W.Holston, President off the Board There were present the ftc]lowing Trustees: F.A.Cunningham, A.f. Esc}:elb~ch, President G.W..Jo!ston then announced that tkis was the time ffixed by law to csnve~: the ret off the Oenera] ~!uniclpa] ~,!ec~ion held on Apzil ~0th,1922, ~nd to inst,:fl the newl~ elected o~flcers W!~e~euFon the ~ity cler~ ]-:resented s]] the ~eturns of sald ~..eners~ munlcips] e]ectlon zeceived by hi the election boazds v'hlch conducted the same. The City Clerk then presented the ffo]lowin~ certiffleate: Ft~te of ~a!iforni~, ) County of f~an b[a:eo, )ss Czt~:¢ of ?~outh ~'~an Francisco ), I, Daniel McSweeney, city clerk of the ~ity of ~outh San ~'rancisco, oounty of ~?an Mta. eo, of California,do hereby certify that, a'.t tLe Genera] ]"ganici~al ~,lection held in said ~ity of South ~an ~r~nci~oo ~[onday, the 10th day of A~ril, 192E, the number of voters voting, and the whole numbe~ of votes cast were ~hree Hundred and ~'ifty-two ~55~); that at said general municiysl election the n~ of the ~ersons voted for are as fei.lows,, to-wit: Fred Alonzo Uunningham, Albert Joseph ~schelbsch, ~en Truax,Aobert ~;peed,g.L.Irving and i,iike Foley; that at said general municipal election the follo'~ proposition was voted ur. on: "The proposition to levy a special tan of Twenty ~£0) cents on each One Hundred Do!Jars Iw~!O0.00) of the I:ro~erty assessed for the purposes: of ta:.:ation within said municip~ for the purpose of raising the sun of ~'ouSteen Thousand Five dundred Dollars ~$I~,500.00) to be expe for grading the Civic ~enter ,~ite in said ~ity": that the of£ice to fill which each person hereinbei named was voted for is member of the Board of Trustees of the City of South ~an ~'ranci['co; That in South ~an ~'r~ncisco ~':lunic~psl '~lection Precinct i~o. 1 the number of votes given to 'persons voted for in said r, recinct are as follows: ~'red Alonzo c~nningham 166 Zlbert Jo,'.'eph ~Fchelbach I§7 3en Trua~x 1 ~obert Speed 1 '~'hat in said South San ~'rancisco ~.~!unicipal ~lection Precinct i~o. I One i~undred and Fourte~ (ll4~ votes were given for said ~ro~osition and Fifty-eight ~58) votes were given against said r. ror~os it ~ on: That in ~outh ~an ~'r~ncisco ~,{unici?~l i~leetion Precinct i~o.2 the number of votes given to t ?arsons voted for in ss id ~recinct ~re as follows: ~'red Alonzo Cunninghsm A!ber~. Jose.~h ~schelbach Ben Trug:: J.L.frving Liike ~'oley 94 1 I That in said South ..'!an ~'rancisco ]~[unici~o~.:l ~lection Precinct No.2 Sixty-six (66) votes we~ given for said propo,~,ition and ~ifty-four i5~) votes were given sg~..inst said prop.o~ition: That at said ~eneral municipal e]ectio~ the total number of votes given in said ~ity to e~ of the persons hereinbefore named are as fo_llow~, to-wit: Fred Alonzo ~un~-~ingham ~6~ Albert Joseph ~schelb~ch 245 Ben Trua:: 2 Hobert h~eed I J.L. Irving I Liike ~'oley i That at said goncr~i municipal election the total m]mber of votes given in said oity for said ~rooosition is One ~'~ndred and ~.~onty (I80~, and tho total number off votes given againz, t said ~ro~osition is One hunSred ~nd Twelve in witness whereof i hsve hereunto set my Land and~d tL~l o~aid city of Scut[ San ~'rancisco, this i?th day of A~ri]_, ]922. San ~'rs~cisco,Stste o~ ts~rnia~ Upon motion of Trustee uunninghsm, seconded by Trustee ,~schelbsch, and regularly carrie~ it was ordered that the ~,srd of Trustees proceed ~nd said Soard did thereupon proceed to canvass did canvass said returns in ?~bl~c by o~.enini~ s~id returns and canvassing and countin? the v~tes for the persons therein named. After consideration of said returns and said certificate tls following re,~'o]ution was t? introduced by trustee Cunning}mm: SULT OF d~i[l,~r~L L[Ji~iC1PAL ELECT',i0i~ H~LD I~[ THE Wheres~ a ~enera! Liunici~sl }~lection was held in and through the ~ity of ~outh ~sn ~ran~ on the 10thday of April, 1922, for tke election of two members bf the Soard of -rustees of s~id ~it: k:outh t}an ~'rsncisco: and Whereas the city o!er~ of said ti~y has ?re~ented to the ~oard of Trustees of said ~ity. South ~an ~'rsncisco ~11 the return~~ of the votes cast aS said. election; and Where~~ s~id ~oard off Trustees has inspected and examined all said returns: Now, therefore, resolved by the :~osrd of '~lrustees of said city off ~outh San ~'rsncisco said Board of Trustees finds as follows: zhe who]e number of votes caz't in said city i~ ~52; the the ~ersons voted for tt said general municipal election are as follows,to-wit: ~'red Alonzo Ounningl Albert Joseph ~schelbach,~en '~ruax, nobert ~eed,e.L,lrving end klike ~'oley: ~tste of ~alif°rni~-~' ..... County of ~'!an i.,~a~eo, City of [~outh ~an Francisco I, Daniel !,/icSweeney, City Clerk of the bity of ~outh San ~'rancisco, oounty of .tan Mtseo, of California,do hereby certify that, s,t tlc *enera] f!uniciral ~!ection he~d in said ~ity of South San ~ranci~co 2fonday, the 10th d~,y of A~ril, ~92~, the number of voters voting, and the who].e numbe of votes c~,st were Yhree ~undred and ~'ifty-two 1552); that at said general municipal election the n of the persons voted for are as follows, to-wit: Fred Alonzo Cunningham, Albert Joset,h ~schelbsch, ~en Truax,Hobert ~;peed,.~.L.Irviag and ~,~like ~'oley; that at said general nunicipal election the follo' pro?osition was voted uron: "The proposition to levy a special tan of Twenty i£0) cents on each One Hundred Dol2ars (OlO0.O01 of ~ae I~ro~erty asses.~ed for the purposes of ta::ation within said municip for the purpose of r~ising the sun of ~ou~teen Thousand Five dundred ~ollers ~$1.,500.00) to be exp for grading the Civic Oenter ~ite in said ~ity"; that the office to fill which each person hereinbe named was voted for is ~ember of the Boerd of Trustees of the City of South ~an ~'rancisco; 'A~hst in .~outh ~sn ~'r~ncisco ~:lunic~?sl ~lection Precinct i~o. i the number of votes given to 'persons- voted for in said ~recinct s. ro as follows: ~'red Alonzo t~mningham 166 Albert ~o~-'eph ~schelbach Ben Truax 1 nobert S~,eed 1 'i'hat in s~%id ~outh San ~'ranci~co ;;Lunicips! ~lection Precinct l~o. I One Hundred and Fourte (ll4) votes were given for said ~ro~osition and Fifty-eight (~8) votes were given ~g~inst said ~rorosit~on: That in ~outh °an ~'rsncisco Munici?~l Election Precinct i~o.2 the number of votes given to persons voted for in s[~id Precinct are as follows: ~'red Alonzo Cunninghsm A!ber~. ~ose~h ,.,schelbach Ben Trus:: J.L.irving ""~ ~'oley 94 1 I That in said South ~!sn Francisco L'~nicioal ~lection Precinct i40.2 Sixty-six.(66) votes we given for said propo~'ition and ~ifty-four (5~) votes were given ggtminSt said propozition: That at said general municipal election the total number of votes given iD. said ~ity to e of the persons hereinbefore named are as fo]low~, to-wit: Fred Alo~zo ~unningham 262 Albert Joseph ~scholb~.ch 245 Ben True:: 2 ~obert ~eed I J.L.Irving I Liike ~'oley That at said genert:l municiyal election the total m~mber of votes given in said ~''~ ~ ~y for said ~romosition is One ~i~ndred and ~nty {I80), and the torsi number of votes given agains, t ~aid prorosition is One ~iun~red ~'nd '~elve (I12~. in witne~ whereof I h~ve hereunto set my Land an d tl aid ~ity of ,~out~ San ~'rancisco, this 17th day of l~ri]_, ]922. San ~rs~cis~o,Stste ~sl~rnia~ U~on motion of Trustee ~unninghsm, seconded by Trustee mschelbach, and regularly carrie it was ordered that the ~,",~rd ,of '~'rustees proceed ~nd said ~os~rd did thereupon proceed to canw~ss a: did canvass said. returns in public by o?enin~z said returns and canv~s~ing and countin~ the v6tes gi for the persons therein named. After consideration of said returns and said certific~te tlc following re~o]ution was tl introduced by ~rustee Cunning]mm: SULT 0F Gr2~!'~r~L L~Ji:~iCIPAL ~i.~CTi0~ fieLD IN THE CiT'f OF ~ '~ '~'' ~.n [/.N ~'nAi,m~:uO 0lJ APiCaL iOth,lb22. Wherea~ ~. ~enera] ~'.Iunici~osl ~lection was held in and through the ~ity of ~outh ~sn on the 10thday of fi]~ril, lgfi~.~, for tke election of two r~e::'~bers bf the Soard of -rustees of stid tit; ._,~'outh ~n ~'rsncisco,- t.~e oity oler~ of said oioy has pre~ anted tn the ~oard of %'rustees of said ~ity South ~ - ~ ~ · ,~an ~'rsncisco all the returns' of the vote~ ca~t aS sa~d election, and Where~/ ~'~;id ~oard of Tr~stees has inspected and cxsr~ir~ed all said returns: Now, therefore, resolved by the ~osrd of '~rustees of said city of ~outh San ~'rsncisco said Board of ~frustees finds as follows: zhc whole number of vo~es can't in said ~itY is 552; the the ~ersons voted for at said general municin, a] election are as follows,to-wit: ~'red Alonzo ~unning Albert Joseph ~schelbach,~en '~ruax, i~obert S~eed,~.L.lrving and L~ike ~'oley: That st ss:id ~enersl munici]~al election the following proposition was voted upon: "The proposition to levy s srecisl tax of Twenty (20) cents on each One ~undred ~ollsrs ~I00.00) of the pro~erty assessed for the pur~oses of taxation within said munici~a!ity for the purpose of raising · 446 sum of ~'ourteen Thousand rive m~ndred uo]lars (~14,500.00) to be expended for grading the uivic ~enter Site in said ~ity"; that the office to fi!! which each of said persons was voted for is member of ti~.e ~o~rd of £rustees of the uity of oouth .~an rrancisc.~', That in South ~an ~rancisco Municipal ,~lection ~recinct ~o.1 the number of votes given to the persons voted for in said precinct ~,re as follows: fred Alonzo ~unningham Albert ~oseph ~schelbsch ~en Truax 168 1 nobert Speed 1 what in said south ~sr. francisco ~unicipal ,~!ection ?recinct ~o.1 One m~ndred and : Fourteen Il14) votes were ~iven for said pro~osition and ~'ifty-eight ~58~ ,votes were given again, st ar. id proposition;. That in ~outh ttsn francisco municir..sl ,~lection l~recinct i~o.2 the number of votes given to the v~ersons voted for in said precinct are as fol~ows: fred Alonzo ~unningham Alberl ooseph ~schelbach ~en ~rusx ~.~.irving ~ike-~'oley 88 1 1 1 ~hat in said South San ~rsncisco i~lunicipa! ~lection Precinct ~o2 ~ixty-si× (66) votes were given for said prbposition and rifty-£our {54) votes were given against said pro~osition; ~hst st said general municipal election the total number of votes given in said ~ity to each of the persons hereinbefore named are as follows,.to-~it: ~'red £1onzo ~unningham Albert 0oseph ~schelbach Den ~obert ~peed ~.~.lrving Mike 262 245 1 1 1 That at said general municipal election the total number of votes given in said ~ity for said pronosition is one hundred gnd ~ighty ~180~, and the total number of votes given against said proposition is one dundred and Twelve Said ~oard of 'z'rustees of the oity of ~outh ~an francisco hereby dec]ares that fred Alonzo ounningham ~'nd Albert ~oseph ~schelbach were duly elected at said general municit, e! election ~s members of the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of ~outh osn ~-rancisco. ~aid nosrd of ~rustees hereby declares that said proposition failed to carry and was rejected by the voters of said munic'~p,~]ity." ' ~he ~ity ~!erk is hereby ordered to issue ~ertificates of election to said zred Alonzo ~unningham and Albert ~oseph mschelbach. ± hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by '¢'he ~osrd of .¢'rustees of the ~ity of oouth 2an francisco this 17th day of April, ].922,by the following ~.ote: Ayes, ','rustees, r.~;.~unningham, A.~.~schelbach, L.G.n~rdy ~r.,n.ocsmpini, ~.~.~ol~ton. Absent, '~rustees, ,~one. . Attes It wa~ t},en moved by ,~'rustee ~unningham, and ~econflefl by '~rustee ~sche!bach and regUlarly crrried that ,l'rustee ~...~o!ston ~ct as temporary chairman of said ~oard of '..rustees during the election of a permanent chairman. upon motiom of 'x'ru. stee ~sc~ue]bach seconded by ..rustee uunnin~hsm and osrried by th~ unanimous vote of aU1 trustees, ~.~.ao!ston w[s then elected ~resident of the ooard of urus%ees of the uity of Oouth osn ~rsncisco. x, he rainutes of the previous meeting were then read s. nd, upon motion of .rustee ~unningham, seconded by '~'rustee hardy end re~fu]arly csrried were a~proved ~s read.. ,i'he uity u]erk tLen presented to the ~osrd of ~'rustees the affidavit of ;~obert ~peed, the princire] clerk of the rub!isher of~-~he anterprise~ dated april ]Tth,192t, testifying end certifying io the Dublicst~on of ~rdinance '~,o. 115 tn si] respects as in said vrd~nance ~,o.]15 required and in resr~ects ss required by law, which ssid affidavit was by the ~oa'rd found to be in due and regular form. oaid aTz~a.v~t wes ~hen plsced on file. ,, o.~ the returns of and from ~he ~ity ~lerx then preseate~ ~o sa.i~ '~o~rd of Tr~stees a!] ~ ~ the speclsl election held in s~id uity of South ~an ~'r~.ncisco on said 10th day off April,!gfi2, and which said ret~rns were examined and inspected by said. ~oard and by them found to be in all respects in regular and Eros, er for~. 'ihe oity ~!erk then rresented to the ~oEr~ his certificate and stEtement of tLe result of the s~ecial election held on A.londsy,the i0th d~y of Ay~ri], 1922, which said certificate is ~s follows: ,TPECIAL ELECTION HLLD ~-.~';'~=L ..... ~ of California., County of San Lieteo, ) ss: City of ~Jouth ~!&n I, Dsnie! McSweeney, oity b!erk of the ~ity of ~'-~outh Ban Franci."co, do hereby certify that,st the special election held in said ~ity of ~outh ~fsn francisco on monday,the i0 th aay of April, ~922, ~ursu~:nt to the provisions off Ordinance Ne.fl5 off said City, the number of ~oters voting, ~nd the whole number off votes cast were Three ~iundred and riffty-two {352): that in 2o,uth S~:n francisco ',~ · ' ~n~rty-two votes were can't ~n favor o acce]~ting the :~un~c~al ~lection Precinct Nc.I, One Hundred snd '",' f ~,roy, osition submitted, to wit: "The ?roposition to incur s bonded indebtednesz~ of ~46,000.00 in gold coin of.the United States c.f Americs for the object snd purpose of acquiring, constructin~ and com~letin~ Albert joseph ~schelbsch 88 ~en 'zruax 1 J.~.irving ~ike .~'oley I That in said ~outh San ~rsncisco i~unicipa! ~lection Precinct ~o2 Sixty-six (66) votes were given for said prbposition and fifty-four (54; votes were given agsinst said pro~osition: That at said general municipal election the total number of votes given in said oity to each of the persons hereinbefore nsmed are ss follows,.to-?it: ~'red £1onzo uunningkam Albert Joseph ~schelbach oen ~rua~f hobart ~peed ~.L.lrving ~ike 262 '245 1 1 1 That at said general municipal election the total number of votes given in said oity for said pro~osition is one hundred and ~ighty (180;, and the total number of votes given against said ~roposition is One ,~undred and Twelve (112;. Said ~oard of wrustees of the ~ity of ~outh ~an francisco hereby dec]ares that fred Alonzo ounningham grid Albert joseph ~schelbach were duly elected at said general municipe! election ~s members of the ~oard of Trustees of the uity of ~outh ~sn ~'rancisco. ~aid board of Trustees hereby declares that said pro~osition failed to carry and was rejected by the voters of said municzp,~]ity. ~he oity ~!erk is hereby ordered to issue ~ertificates of election to said ~red Alonzo ounningham and Albert ~oseph ~schelbach. ± hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by The ~oard of .~'rustees of the oity of oouth San francisco this 17th day of april, 1922,by the following vote: ~.yes, '~'rustees, r.~'~.~unningham, a.~.~schelbach, L.G.nardy ~r.,n.ocampini, ~bsent, '~'rustees, ~one. . Attes ~ity ~lerk off t~he ~ity ~uth ~an francisco. ~// ~t was t~,en moved by '~'rustee ~unningham, and ~econded by '.,'rustee ~sche!bach and regularly ca~rried that 'l'rustee ~.~.,_~olston ~-ct as temporary chairman of said ~oard of wrustees during the election of a permanent chairman. ~Don tactics' off 'zrustee ~sche]bach seconded by ..rustee ~unninghsm and carried by unanimous vote of aU! trustees, ~.~.aolston was then elected ~resident oF the ooard off urustees off the ~ity of Oouth can ~rsncisco. k, he minutes oF the previous meeting were then read and, upon motion of .rustee ~unningham, seconded by .zrustee nardy and re~u]arly carried were a~:proved ~s read.. ,~,he ~ity ~erk tken presented to the ~osrd of ~'rustees the affidavit of ;;obert ~eed, %he ~zinci~e] clerk off the T, ub!isher off~-~he ~nterprise; dated ~9ri] ]7th,192~ test~ff.~n~ and certiffyin~ to the ~ublicstion of crSinance k,o. 115 in ell respects as in said ordinance ~,o.]15 required and in respects ss required by law, which ~sid affidavit was by the ~oard found to be in due and regular form. Oaid afz~a~vit was ~hen placed on file. .he ~ity ~ler~ th~n ~,reseate:] 1,o sa.l~ ~o~rd of Tr~:.stees a!] of the returns of and from the special election held in said city of South 5an ~'r~,ncisco on said loth day of Apri!,!922, and which said ret~rns were examined and inspected by said. Board and by them found to be in all respects in re.!ar ~nd pro-er form. 1he bity o!erk then rresented to the oo~.'r~ his certificate and sts, tement of tls resu]t of the special election held on i:iond~y,the 10th d~y of A~ri], 19~2, which said certificate is ~s follows: CEXTIFICf. TE 0F CiTYu."'"~:u~. ~'P~IAL EL~]Cz!0i.. i~':~LD L 10TH, 1922 ~=~.~,.~ of California, County of San ~!steo, C~t,, of ~outh ~!sn Frsnci~co~ I, Daniel McEweeney, ~ity b!erk of tke ~ity of ~outh 2. an Franci~'co, do hereby certify ~ . ,~, ~r~:n~isco on monday,the i0 th aay of A]~,ril, that,at the s~ecia] election he~d in said ~il:~ off bouth '~ , !922, ~urs~u~nt to the provisicns of Ordinance i~o.!15 of said Oity, the number of ~oters voting, ~'~nd the whole humbler of votes cast were Three ~iundred and fifty-two (352): that in 2oulh ~':n francisco ~un~c~ ~ ~Iection Precinct Ne.l, One Hundred ~nd Thirty-two votes were ~ast in favor of accepting the proposition submitted, to wit: "The t~roposition to incur ~ bonded indebtedness of ~,6,O00.00 in go2d coin of.the United States of America for tke object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and ~om~leting by the oity of ~outh San francisco, ~ municipcl corporation, ssystem of sev.~ers for s~id Oity in ~sn Bruno no~d from ~hapman Avenue to the north boundary ~ine of said ~ity ~nd in ~utler head, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for ~aid outfBll sewer", and tha in said ~outh San Francisco Municipal ~lection Precinct ~O.1 Sixty-two ~62) votes were c~t against the adoption of said proposition; that in said South San ~'rancisco Municipa~l ~lection Precinct ~o.£ Eighty-seven 187) votes were cast in favor of ~ccepting said proposition, and Sleety-seven (6?) votes were cast ~g~inst accepting ~aid proposition; that of s~id total number of votes can't at said s~ecia election Two idundred a-nd ~ineteen (~19) votes were cast in favor of acce)~ting said pro~osition and Hundred and Twenty-nine (1~9) votes were cast ag~i. nst accepting said proposition. In witnesr whereof I h~,ve hereunto set my hand and ~ffi×ed the seal of the City 'of ?~n F rahcisco this !Tth d~y of A pri],1922. ~~~. ~ . of ~an Pr~:ncisco, ~tate of On motion of Trustee Hardy,seconded b~., Trustee ~c~mnini~ and re~l~r].y ~carried, it was ordered that the Bo~rd proceed, &nd the 3card did thereupon proceed to canv[ss and did canvass sa~id returns in public by oren~z~g said returns and c~nvas~'in~v and counting the votes for a~nd ~g~inst the proposition voted u?on in said s~ecia~ election. Whereu?on Trustee .4ardy introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTI011 "C" Whereas, at the special election held in the City of ~.outh San Francisco, on ~,l,!onday, th~ 10th day of April, 1922, pursuant ct the r. rovisions of Ordinance ~'~1i5 of said city of South San the number of voters voting, iud the whole number of votes c~st in ~outh San Fr~nciaco Municipal Election Precinct No.~ ';~as 198, and that of the who].e number of votes ca~t in said precinct 1~2 vote~ were cast for and in f~vor of accepting the following proposition: ,,The Irorosition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~46,000.00 in ~old Coin of the Unite, States of America for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and comvleting by the city o: South San Francisco, a municipal core, oration, a ~ysten~ of [:ewers for said city in San Bruno ~oad fro] Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of said ~ity ~nd in ~utler ~[osd, inc!udin~ ~n outfa]~l sewe: and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfa]l sewer'~nd that of said whcie nUm] votes cast in South ~an Francisco ~'!unicm~ol h!ection Precinct No.~ 62 votes were cast sga. inst tke adoption of said proposition, and Whereas, at said ~Fecial election, the number of voters voting, and the whole number votes c~.~st in ~outh ~sn Fr~.n(:~sco ~.~ua~ci~a! ~lect~.on ~recinct i~o.2, v, as 154 [nd that of said uho]e number of votes cast in sai~ ......,~t,. ~: ;'~-"'~'~.t~ ' ...... :.recinct L~o.2, 87 votes cast for ~md in f~vor of [~coepting s~id pro~.osition, ~nd that of s~id ~'hole number of votes in South Son ~'rancisco tdunicip~q ~ection 2reuinut _ ..,,o.2, 6~ vote~ v:ere cast sg~inst the adoDt~on of pro~osit~on; ~nd ~nereas the tots? number of voters ,zoti~ end ~he total m~mber of votes osst in ssid ,were ;:52, 8nd that 'of ~sJd tot~] number of votez 2?9 votes were cast in favor of s~id and accepting the same, and that of s~id tota: number of votes 13.9 votes were o~st against the adoptJ 'bf said proDo~"ition, snd ~?here~s the mtmber of votes cast at said sDecia~ oZection for and in f~vor of s~id T, ropoSition and acc'e~tinF ~h'e same, ~s aforesaid,to-wit, 2]~, vote~, was less than '2wo-thirds~2/5) votes cast ~t ssid s¥,eci~ election, [~nd ss/d vote~~ for and in favor of ~ocept/ng slid pro~.osition w~ c~st by ?ess th~n Two-thirds (~/~) of ~].] the voters voting at s~id zpeuisl e~ou~Lon, ~nd Whereas due no~Lce of s~id e]ec~ion wa~ ~iven ~nd ~a/d electron was herd ~.t the time a~ in the m~nner and in ~:~] respects es required by ~?,v ~nd the ordin~;nces of said uJt:: ~nd szid Oz'dina~ No.lZS; and t~hereas s~id election was in ~ll respects legaZly and fairly conducted ~nd the return~ thereof were duly and regularly made snd certified to this J,~ow, therefore, be it re~o~ved V~at the ~oard o~ ~'ruF~ees of the city of ~outh ~n rrsz. finds ~s fo]lows: 'fh~t s~.id Dro?,o~i~ion to ~nour ~. bonded indebtedness of ~'orty-six Thous~:nd ~o~lsrs ($~6,000.00), as ~foresaid, f~ile~ to c~rry ~nd v,~ rejected by the voter~ of so:d uity of ~outh' S~n ~'rancisco ~t s~id sr..eoi~.! elect/on. ~ hereby certify t~ the foregoing rose,ut/on v:a~ re~z.~,r?y introduced and ~dopted , 9~¢. by the fo~lov,.J ,;outn San r~anoisco this 17th d~y of April ] ~'~" the ~o~r~ of '~ru~ee~ of the uity of ~ ' voter 'Ayes, 'fr~stees, ~'.A.bu~ningh[m, ~_.J.E~uhe]b[ch,L.5.H~rdy Jr.,n. Sca~]-.ini, G.W.~o~ston. Absent, Trustees, ~one. - Lttes ~;oulh ~sn ~'rsncisco. The kegular ro~tine oity business was ne:~t taken up. F_ communication was received from o.b.Langton of ~:acrtmento regarSing street !a~m¥. posts ~nd invit~.~g any members of the ~ity government to visit the oapitol grounds st ?acramento to ins~eet of his posts in plsce there, oommunic~tion ordered An a~p]icetion was received from de!uty poundm~n ~iyde ~merson a~kin~z for the ar:pointment o~ Poundr~sster. khe sp?]icstion fas laid over until the ne::t meeting. Ap~lication~ flor sofft drink licenses were received from ~.~hilardi, ~ind~n ~otel and [homas Silver, 113 ~rand Zvenue, and were granted by the fo]]owin~ vote; Ayes, ~rustees, ~'.~.~unningham,A..~.~;schelbsoh,L.~.~lardy or.,~i,~camplni, ~;.W.mol~ton. .... [bsent, Trustees, l~one. A petition was received ffrom a ~ar~e number off residents of :?enin~ular Fark asking that str~ numbers be given the houses in thst part off the city. '~he m~tter wa~ refferre~ to the street committe~ we]! as the renumbering off houses in other ?arts off the citer that now have wrong numbers. A~eti~ion siffned by. many r~sident of ~eck'~ ~ots w~s submitted to the ~oard. reeuestin~ the ~ . A] psvement ox manmolph Avenue,oarsman AVerage, ,~reen Avenue, snd ~a~dinier Avenue so ~h~:t Torti~n ~sn Sruno itoad ffrom the intersection off Arrour .,.venue t~~, tLe intersection of ;~a~do~p~ Avenue and ~an i~os~ to be widened from curb to curb. '~he mstter was ordered' referred to the' ~ity Engineer. A com~lalnt was received ffrom tke ~ity ~rsha! against the ~a]ifornia Po01 ~a]i, owned 'by oral,nan,. :~;~15 ws's bein~ vio!~.ted by them and that they ~olombo ~ l~ainin~, ststing that section ~ 0f e '' slso ke~t a disorderly house. '~'he marsh~.l ssked the Board to request ~oiombo ~nd iYminin~ to apy. ear b~ them ~nd show cause v:h~ their ~oo] room license should not be revoked..~'he o]ark wa~ instructed to to ~olombo a ~l~.inini to that ~ugh ~lcoaffffrey aypeared before the ~oard ~-: .... his ,~'¥~ication._ flor permis~ion to build gara~ On motion of Trustee Hardy,seconded by Trustee Sc~mpini and regularly ~car'ried, it was ordered that the Bo~rd proceed, &nd the '~oard did thereupon proceed to canv[ss ~nd did canvass s~id returns in public by o?eni.~ said returns and canvas~in~ ~nd counting the vote~ for ~nd ~gsinst the proposition voted upon in said s~ecial election. Whereupon Trustee Hardy introduced the following resolution: .~SOL~TI0~ Whereas, at the special election held in the City of ~outh San ~'rsnci~co, on ~,~onday, the 10th day of April, 19£2, pursuant ct the ~rovisions of Ordinance ~115 of said ~ity of South San the number of voters voting, ~nd the whole number of votes c~t in ~outh ~an ~'r~nci~co l~!unicipa! Election Precinct No.1 ~as 198, snd~ that of the whole number of votes ca~t in said precinct 13~t votes were cast for ~nd in f~vor of accepting the following proposition: ,,The Frorosition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~6,0001.00 in ~old Coin of the United States of America for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and com~-leting by the ~ity of South ~an Franci~'co, a municipal cor]~oration, ~ ~yste~ of ~ewers for said city in San Bruno ~.~oad from Cha~m~n Avenue to the north bounds, ry line of sat5 ~ity ~-nd in ~utler Road, including ~n outfa]l sewer an~ the acquisition of the necess$~ry rights of way for said outfa]l sewer'~nd th~.t of said whole numbe: votes cast in South ~an,~ Francisco ~'!unici~:al~ hlection Precinct No.~, ~ 62 votes were cast ~gainst tke ado~,tion off sai8 proposition, and Whereas, at said ~Decial election, the number of voters voting, and the whole number of votes c~st in ~outh ~sn Frs. n~:~]sao ]/!u:qici~:! ~lect~.on ?recinct i~o.~],'~as 154 and that of said cast for ~nd in f~vor of ~ccepting s~.id pro~o~ition, and that of said ~'hole number of votes so cast in South San ~'rancisco ~,~unicips] ~]ection Precinct No.~, 67 votes were cast against the adopti~n of prorositl on; and ~hereas the tots] number of voters. ~otin~ and the total number af votes cast in said uit~ · were ~t5~, and that 'of said total number of votes ~]9 votes were cast in favor of said proposition and accepting the ca,ne, and that of said total number of votes 119 votes were cast against the adoptio~ '~of said propo~'ition, and ~t'hereas the number of votes cast at said special election for and in f~vor of said proposition and acce~tin~ the same, as aforesaid,to-wit, 2lb votes, was less. than Two-thirds(~/~) of votes ca'st at said sr, ecia~] election, [~nd said votes for and in favor of accepting s~id pro]::.osition were c~st by ~egs lh~ Two-thirds (~/~) of all the voters voting at said at~euisl e~ection, and ~hereas due notice of said election wa~ ~iven and said election was held ~:t the tine ~nd in the manner and in all respects as required by ]~w and the ordin~;nces of said uit[3 arid said Ordinanc~ No.115: and ifhereas said election was in all respects legally and fairly conducted and the returns thereof were duly and regularly raade end certified to this $oard: ~ow, therefore, be it rebec!veal that the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of ~outh ~sn finds ss fo!lows: That said propo~on to ~ncur ~ bonded indebtedness of ~'orty-six Thousand Dollars ($46,000.00), as ~foresaid, f~iied to c~rry and was rejected by the voter~' of sa~d oit~f of ~outh' San ~'rancisco g~t said szecis~! election. I hereby certify th[t the foregoing resolution was reg~.~r_y introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the city of South San ~'rancisco this 17th d~y of April, 1922, by the vote: 'Ayes, Tr~stees, ~.A.~unningh[m, i.J.Esche]bg.ch,L.~.Hardy Jr.,n.~cam?ini, O.W.Ho!ston. Ab~ent, Trustees, None. ~ Zttes The ~tegu]ar routine city bus~ness was next taken ~. communication was received fro~ o.t~.Lan~ton of ~ *~ ~ ,?acr~.~ento regarding street lar'.~w posts and invite, nS any r~er~bers of the ~ity govern~ent to visit the oapito! grounds a~t Sacramento to ins~eet samp! of his posts in piece there. ~om[:.unicz.:tion ordered flied. An a~plicetion was received fro~o deputy Doundm~n uiyde ~merson s. skin~ for the ar~pointment of Poundr~sster. ',he s[p]ic~:tion ;t'as laid over until the ne::t meeting. Ap~lication~ for soft drink licenses were received from ~.~hilardi, Linden .qote! and Thomas Silver, 1!~ Grand Zvenue, and were granted by the fei]owing vote; Ayes, Frustees, ~'.~.~unninghan,A.,3.~3schelbsuh,L.G.~lardy ,3r.,~i.~3c~mplni, ~.U.nol~ton. 1~$ oes, Trustees, .... /.b~ent, Trustees, ilone. A petition was received fro~] a large n~mber of residents of :?enin~ular Park asking that street nun~bers be given the houses in thst part of the city. '~he m[~tter was referre~ to the street comr]ittee, we]! as the renumbering of houses in other ]'.arts of the city that nov; have wrong numbers. A_peti~ign s%Fned by. many resident .qfaPeck's ]~ots was s~bmitted.to the Dgs~rd reouestin~ the pevement oI aanmolph Avenue,oa~p~n Aven~e, ~r~on Avenue, [~nd ~a~dinier Avenue. A_~so th~:t ?orti~n of Den ~runo i~os.d fro~ the intersection of Ar~'_o~]r 3. venue t~~, tke intersection of :~ahdo~p~ Avenue a~d Oan ~r i~osc~ to be widened ~ ~ro,~ curb to curb. 'zhe m[tter was ordered' referred to the ~ity Engineer. A com~>laint was received fro~] the ~ity ~%arsha]_ ag~:inst the ~.]ifornia i~ool mail, owned by uolombo & l~yiainink, stgting that section u Of Ordin~.n~e -~f~l~ v,'ss be~]~ vic!['ted b~, thenl and that they a~Iso kemt a disorderly house. 'i'he m&rsh~! ssked the Boar8 to request uoiombo ~nd i¥~.in~.nJ to apt~ear befo them ~nd show c~use v?h~f their v~oo~ room license should not bo ~evo~ed. yhe o].f~rk wa~ instructed to ~;rit to ~olombo a i~i~::inini to that effect. ~u~h ~,~coaffrey a~mea~-ed~. . . before the ~oard o~% his ,-~]-~ication. .._ for permis~'ion to build garages his lot in i%~iller Avenue ally. as the ]oc~:.tion is outside the fire ]~imits inner line the per~issLon ~r~ nted. The ~!erk vfas instructed RS this time to conn~unicate with uity Lnginoer Aneesc and request t lie secure the fire iir]it man~' for the city at tho earliest opportunity. Attention wss brought ~o,:~ that tk.,: %~o??~one corr~sny's '-o]ar were in the way ill the , .... , ~:e rustier of caring for the city tro'-s the com~:n~ summer za~: brou~?ht was decided to ]_cave ~ke work of eraployin6 helj~ for this deT:artr:ent to ~i~y Trustee ou:,ninghrm and the ~treet committee. HES OZU T I ON. The fol!o%~:ing He'~:'~lution was next introduced by Tru,~tee F.A.Cunningham; Meso!ved by the Beaird of [~rustee~ of the City of South ~an ~'rancisco that said Do~rd Dm.,o~ n ~ridge by the joint recommendr the construction of the pro-~,osed ~ast ~ide .aigLway and '-~','j '* .' action of ~ ~ ~,.~ ~'r~.nci~-'co and ~an i,[eteo oounties. I hereby certify that the fore,rein6 resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Bo~rd of .Yrusteer of the oity of South San ~'rencisco, this l?th day of April, 19~2, by the fei lowing vote: i~oes, True'tees, None. Absent, True'tees, None. The following c].s~ar a~ainst the ~itywere then presented flor payment;- ~ o80 60 A.0.Biseett ['esm and men tree p!antin6 F.W.F.Brown Car]center work on booths ~ Dcor ~ 25.00 ~nterTrise ?cb. co. Print ~:lection Notice~&0rd.!15~;:!75.87 . Mexzoni r, sta. te ii. ilk De Lu~chi ~'ami]y Hatch ~: 7.40 r ..... ,a.~n ~'ire ~ept .jan feb ~iar. Southern ?deific bo Audit Lease~ Y1686b &iooT0 ~ 2.00 Oakland ~] Towel ~o Towel Set. Llarch ~: 1.32 South City ,Jara~re Gas ~'ire Dept Jan ~ 4.41 ~chw~:hscLer-~rey uoAuto ~egister ~/ 50.00 .:,~edeghini Aemo~ing one desd dog ~ ~.00 ~nterl:rise ~'oundry ~o Frame ~ Gete ,? 29.00 Viola ~.Wood Services Election $osrd A~ril !0th ~ I0.00 De!Is ~ ~-~lin " " " " " ~:'I0.00 Josephine I,li. Coward " " " " I. izzie M.~tshl " " " " " ~ 10.00 Edw. u r~-~ ,, ...... oxony " " " "w~' 10.00 ~.~ .... ~ ~o.oo Ohss. ]~eruks " " " " " ~ 10.00 :'ichard Hs. rder " " " " " ~ 1,~.<~0 ~ · ~.H.Rehberg " Emme Daneri " " " " " ~ i0.00 .,~ary ~' Di V~ia ~ I0.00 L[r~~. ~' ~:.i0.00 n,- tie ro!ey" " " " " ~'ne:._is W.Scott " " " " " ~" i W '; Brawn " " " " " ~; ~0 O0 by H~ze] °el " " " " " ? ~0.o0 .6~na V/o.i, dIn~n " " " " " : ]0.00 ,irate ~]!y " " " " "~ I0.00 kebecca Kay " " " " "~'" ]0..00 fora! The bills having been ~pproved by the finance coramittee Trustee :lardy moved they be paid. The motion v'ts, ~econded bv~ u. rustee ~cam,~ini t:nd regu]~'zy c~rried. i~o further business an?earing before s~id _~oard of 'xrustees, u~on motion of Trustee ~unningham, seconded by 'trustee ~schelbsch snd re~u!ariy carried, said i~oard cf Trustees sdjourned to meet in [.djourned re?ular session 7:30 o' clock '2' '~ of rd~ou~n,,e.~t ]0 o u 1~:~ ~' ..... ;" ' lock ~?proved Dresideni of tke Hoard of '~rustee.'". ~ity Clerk