HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1924-03-1788 ..EGULA~, lIiG 0F BOAF:D 0F ~r;-o~,'~;'~ THE CITY 0F ['0JTH SAN ~"''' , ~:~At~C1SC0,HELD :.:0i~DAY, ~iiCH 17th 1924. zt., of South F. an Fra-ncisco was he]d The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the C' ~? in Ine City Ha]] !.~onday, ~,.arch l?th, . The meetin~T was called to order st 7-Z0 o'clock ~.m. by Trustee ~D.W.Holston, ~)resiSent of the Board. ilOLL CALL. Roll caul found the foI]owinf Tr,,stoes ?resent, to-wit:- Trustees, F.A.Cunningham,J.~,~T.Pitt, O.W.Holston. Absent. Trust::es, f.J.Eschelbach, H.gcam~ini. [rustnes Eschelb~ch and Scam~ini ~pe~red after roll c~~ The minutes of t~e nrevioue meeting were read and upo~y Trustee Scamnini, seconded by trust:~e Pitt and resu!arly carried were a~proved as read. A ]eZier of ?,retest was received from Henry n.wood~r~, owner of lots 24 in block ]23,6 in block 126 and 18 in block 125 ~rotesting a~anist paying for the clearing of weeds in front of his prope~'ty. The board determined there were no grounds for protest and ordered the communication fi]ed. An application was received from Tippecanoe Tribe 11t, local order of [~edmen, askin~ for a permit to h01d a i, arade on ~funday morning April 27th next, in honor of the meeting here of the Association of Fast Sachems. ~3ranted. A communication ws~ received from F.~,~.~'orthington, ..... Superintendent Pacific ,.y.- ~' otem, Souzhern Pacific Company,rep]yin~ to the city's reguest for a right of way :cross the com~any's track at Third ~ streets, Town of S~den ~nd foo~ of 0r~nge avenue, s~s~ing ~h~t definite ~nswer wou~d be given ~he city in the near future. Fi~e~. A letter of thank~ w~~ received fron Mrs. James ~orri~ ~hanking ~he street committee for the prompt ~anner in which ~ights were p~sced in the district of Peninsular ?~rk, and advised the bo~rd to try ~nd secure one c~r fare rates ~o ~nd from gou~h S~n Francisco fro~ Baden S~s~ion, Fi~ed. Joe V.Born~rdo m~de ~pplic~tion for s ~osition as traffic officer, h~ving been infor~ed ~h~t ~he city w~s in need o~ ~dditiona~ police ~oree. Laid over,for future reference. An s~plication for a permit to ho~d a dance in Fr~terna~ Ha~l on Saturday evening, ~ay Zrd, next, ~.~s received from ~rogress Cs~p,~S~, ~ood~en of the T~orld of ~outh ~sn Franci~co~ the dance to continue until S a.m. Granted. Trustee EsChelb~ch reported sn additional light required on Miller Avenue near Magno~ia ~venue. The Clerk was instructed to write the ~as end e~ectric company ~nd order one ?~sced ~s designated. NO. 52. .~E~OL U ~ 10~ APPROVING DILGi{AM. The following resolution wac introduced by ~rustee E~che!bach;- i~esolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of gouLh San Francisco that the diagram submitted by the City Engineer of said city on the l?th day of 2larch,1924, of the property afi'ected and benefited by the construction of a cement concrete combined curb and gutter,including th'e exca- vation for the same, and by constructing a cement concrete sidewalk, including the grading for the same, and by constructing a brick catch basin with cast iron frame and cover, as described in Resolution of Intention No.52, passed and adooted by siad Board o1' Trustees on the 8th,day of October, 1923, and to be as~es,~ed to ray the exr, enses of said v;ork, be, and the same hereby is approved by said Board of Trustees, and the City C~erk of said City of South San Francisco is hereby directed to certify to the fact and date of such a~prova], and he is also directed to deliver said diagram so a~proved to the Superintendent of ~treets of said City. I hereby certify that the foreFoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by theBoard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this ITth day of March,IgZ4,'by t~e folloWing vote: Ayes,Trustees F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Esche~bach,J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.w. Holston. Noes, Trustees None. Absent,.Trusteos None. Attest: Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. a S0ZUT 0N The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham;- Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, California, that §~F.municipal improvement bonds, Series ~923, in the amount of Fifty-eight Thousand Dollars(S58,000.00.), of the city of South ~an Francisco, authorizedaat':.the special election held in said city on the 3rd day of December, I92Z, be sold in accordance with the terms, time and conditions set forth in the notice of sale ae follows: Notice OF SALE OF IMPROV~d~{T BONDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANC''~±,~C~.'' Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals or bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of~th~:~al~.F~.~cisco, California, until?:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday fi ] ed. An application was received from Tippecanoe Tribe 111, local order of iqedmen, asking for a l~ermit to h01d a parade on 2funday morning April £?th next, in honor of the meeting here of the Association of Past £aohems. Granted. A communication wag received from F..~d.%',orthington, Superintendent Satiric System, Southern Pacific Company,re?lying to the city's reguest for a right of way ~cross the comTmny's track at Third and D: streets, Town of Baden and foot of Orange avenue, stating that definite answer would be given the city in tt~e near future. Fi/ea. A letter of thanks was received from Mrs. James i2orris thanking the street committee for the prompt manner in which lights were placed in the district of Peninsular Dark, and advised the board to try and secure one car fare rates to and l'rom South San Francisco from Baden S&ation. Filed. Joe V.Bernardo made application for a ~osition as traffic officer, having been informed that the city was in need of additional police foree. Laid over for future reference. An aI~plication for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on Saturday evening, i,[ay 3rd, next, ~,.~s received from progress Camp,#425, Woodmen of the 7:orld of ,~fouth f'an Francisco, the dance to continue until 2 a.m. Granted. Trustee Eschelbach reported sn additional light required on Miller Avenue near Magnolia avenue. The Clerk was instructed to write the ~as and electric company and order one ?laced as designated. NO. 52. RE~0LU.10~ A?PROVING DILGi{AL[. The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Eschelbach;- Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of Sou~h San Francisco that the diagram submitted by the City Engineer of said city on the l?th day of L[arch,1924, of the property affected and benefited by the construction of a cement concrete combined curb and gutter,including the exca- vation for the same, and by constructing a cement concrete sidewalk, including the grading for the same, and by constructing a brick catch basin with cast iroz~ frame and cover, as described in Resolution of Intention No.52, passed smd adooted by siad Board or Trustees on the 8th,day of October, 192~, and to be asses~ed to ~ay the expenses of said work, be, and the same hereby is approved .by said Board off Trustees, and the City Clerk of said City of South San Fr~ncisco is hereby directed to certify to the fact and date of such a~prova]., and he is also directed to deliver said diagram so a~proved to the Superintendent of ~treets of said City. I hereby certify that the foreEoing resolution wam ?egutarty introduced and adopted by theBoard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this I?th day of March,I924,°by t~e following vote: Ayes,Trustees F.A.Cunningham,A.J.Eschelbach,J.W.Pitt, H.Scampini, G.w. Holston. Noes, Trustees None. Absent,' Trustees None. Attest: Daniel ~icSweeney City Clerk. RESOLUT:ON rD) The following resolution was introduced by Trustee Cunningham;.-,,, Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, California, that §~y-municipal improvement bonds, Series ~923, in the amount of Fifty-eight Thousand Dellars($58,000.0:).), of the city of South ~an Francisc$, authorized~ati:the special election held in said city on the 3rd day of December, I92Z, be sold in accordance with the terms, time and conditions set forth in the notice of sale ae follows: Notice OF SALE OF IMPROVE~,,i~T BONDS OF THE CITY OF ~0UTH ~AN FRANC1°,~C~'''. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals or bids w~ll be received by the City Clerk of the City of~Ok~th'~a~r:F~a~cisco, California, until?:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday , the ?th day of April, I924, for the purchase of all or any portion of the followin~ bonds of the City of South San ~'rancisco, to-wit: Sixty municipal imp~ovement bonds, Series' in amount of Fifty- eight Thousand Dollars (~58, 000.00). Said bonds are IO-year serial bonds and are sixty in n~zmber:ten of said bonds are of the deno~nation of ~00.00 each;°the remain- ing fifty of said bonds are of the denomination of ~IO00.O0 each. Oaid bonds will be dated March Ist, 1924, and will bear interest at the rate of five per ~ent per annum, payable semi- annually on the first day of March and the first day of September of each year, principal and interest payable in G,ld Coin of the gnited States of America , at the office of the City Treasury of the City of South San Prancisco. Six of said bonds wil.] become due and payable on the first day of Li~rch,~926, and sin of said bonds v;i]l becone due and payable on the first day of ~;iarch of each year thereafter until all said bonds are ,~aid; interest on ~aid bonds will be evidenced by coupons attached thereto. Said bonds are issued under the authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An act authorizing the incurring of indebtedne[s by cities, towns and municip~ corporations for ~nunicipa! improvements, and regulating the acquisition, con,~truction, or completio~ thereof",'chich became a lsw Pebruary 25th,3901, and all acts amenda~tory thereof, and in accordance with the ~rovisions of law and the ordinances of stid city. No bid or pro~osal~~ for sa-id bonds be entertained at less than their face value, together with their accrued interest at the date of delivery and all bids or pro~ozals submitted will be construed by the Board of Tru['tees to mean par and accrued interest to date of delivery of said bonds in addition to the premium, offered, whether the bid or pro~osa] sets forth the sane explicitly or not. Said bond[ v~ill be ready for delivery on or about the £2nd day of a~ ~r~l 1924, ~nd will be delivered at the office of the City Treasury o: said City of South San Francisco, or at any desnig~te<~ place u~on the payment by the purchaser of al the expenses incurred in the delivery of the bonds and transfer of the money neces~lary to make delivery and !a~nent equivalent to a transaction ~t the office of said City Treasurer in sa~d City of South San Franci~co. Ail bids or ~,ropos&ls yroviding for delivery at any i-,lace other than said of So~th San Francisco will be construed by said Board o~+' Trustees to mean the price bid in additio~ to the expense of deliw~ry, whether the bids set forth the same exo]icitly or not. Each ~ro~osa] or bid should be enclosed in a ~ealed envelope addressed to the City Clerk of said City, and endorsed "Proposals for Bonds", and each bid or proT,osal must be accompanied by ~t~,te o±' Ca!ifornis and ~a,yable to the a certified check drawn u~on some responsible bank of the '-~ ~ ~ order of the ireasurer of the City of ~outh fan Francisco for an a~mount of five (5) nar cent of the face value of the bonds for which said bid or pro~os[;] is made, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will take ur, an~ r, sy for said bonds in accordance with his bid within fifteen days after sai Board of Trustees shall have passed a resolution awarding said bonds to ~aid bidder. ~,aid check and said amount represented thereby will be £'orfeited to said city on the failure of such s~]ccessf bidder so to take u? and pay for said bonds in the event the b~d or ~ro,~os~! is accepted. Said Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and a~l bids or proposals, and to waive any informality in any bid, as the int~rest of said city may require. A certified abstract of the proceedings of saiC bond issue may be had upon ap?licst~on to the city C]erk of said city· By order of the Board of Trustees of said City of :Jouth ~an Francisco. Dated March ~7th,1924. Daniel idcSweeney CitF Clerk end Ex-Officio clef of the 3card of Trustees of t~ City. el' ~outh ~'an, Francisco, ,~Jtate of Cali£ornia. Resolved further: ~hat the CitF Clerk publish the foregoing notice for two (2) weeks in "The Enterprise", a weekly nov~spa~er of 5onera] circulation ~ub]ished in said city. ! hereby certify that the i'ore~oing resolution was re~ul~ ~ ~ ar=~ introduced sn~ ado~ted by the Board of '~ru~tees of the City of South ~an P~'anc~sco this !7th day or 2arch,]gE4, by the following vote;- ~- ~ ' ~ ~ ~.J Esuhelbech, J'.;t.Pitt, H.~cam?ini, G.:,~.Ho/ston. Ayes, ~ru,~tees, F.A.Cunn~n~ham, ~ . , No~s ?rustees N'one Absent. ~lrustees, None. Attest I, G. W. Ho],~ton. ~-~resident of tke Board of Ur-~stees of the City~ of South ~an ~ranc~sco_ , ~'o her~b~_ ~ ar]rove ~o foregoing resolution lhi~' !Tth del;r Of [k:rch,]92d. Daniel Lic [tweeney Cit~ C~erk ~:resident of the BOard of Trustees o£ the ~ity of 2ou!h S~n Francisco President Holster, then'aypointe¢] the following citizens members of the Library Board of Trustees; J.",¥.Coleberd, L.E.Adams, Mrs.Mary LicSweeney,i:iiss ique Clifford and ThoNas, L.Hickey. On motion by ~ ~ ' -ru~tee Cunningham seconded by Trust~?e Eschelbach and re&ular!y carried the a~'?ointments were ratified ss ~elected. The folloring claims against the city were ne::t mresented for A.Csrlisle & Co, material, .Marshal's ofilice ~ 10.92 Pac. Tel.& Tel.Co city phones ~ebruary ~ 27.50 f'acific Gas & El. Co mlacing Electr&lier at Prat Hall ~ 9~.81 Chas. Grant Assi~ed labor ~.]aim ~.J.Eurphy o ~ ~ - ~ }[ 27.50 ~up/~t~em Laundry wash fire dep't February ~, 1.05 2outh~,~.F.Water Co water February ~ 25 Lee Grsy i,~achine to County ~ ~rm " '7 50 · ' . ~' 36 60 Mrs J.J Lemmons, salary of J.J.Len~::nos ¥ . ~acific Gas & ]:;3ectric Co. Power Es]l & $tr.]i~hts Feb. Western ?&nd ~ ~ock to. rock,etc., ~!~7.89 B.Farrel/, ~ ' ~ ypzng s 2. O0 The Enterprise Press, Printin~ ~!10,.75 The Enterprise i;ewspaper Drin~i:? 0rdinances,etc ,,165.00 John Castro, ki].-'inff., . &' removing, dogs, Jan ~" Peb. ~" 11.00 Said bonds are issued under the authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of CalifOrnia, entitled "An act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and mum corporations for municipal improvements,, arid reizulatin~ the ac~uirition~ , con,~truction, or con~.,_ thereof",;:hich beoame a law February 25th,]901, and all acts amenc~tory thereof, and in accorda~ with the r. rovisions of law and the ordinances of said city. i~o bid or proDosals for said bonds be entertained at less than their face value, together with their accrued interest at the date delivery and all bids or Dro-~o~als submitted will be construed by the Board of Tru'~-tees to mean and accrued interest to date of delivery of said bonds in addition to the ?reminm offered, whet~ the bid or proposal sets forth the same explicitly or not. Said bond'~ w,'ill be ready for deliw~r~ on or about the £2nd day of A~ril, 1924, and will be delivered at the office of the City Treasu~ said City of South San Francisco, or at any desnid:ateC place u~on the payment by the purchaser the expenses incurred in the delivery of the bonds and transfer of the money neces~'ary to make delivery and la~,nent equivalent to a transaction at the office of said City Treasurer in said of South San Franci~:co. All bids or T, ro~oo~o·~.~ ~roviding for delivery at any i-,lace other than of South San '-~ isc 'Il b construed by said Board o±' ~ranc o w~ e .ru·?tces to mean the price bid in addi to the ex?ense of deliv<~ry, whether the bids' set forth the same exo]icitly or not. Each ~rov~osa] or bid should be enclosed in a ~ealed envolo?e addressed to the City Cle of said City, and endorsed "Proposals for Bonds", and each bid or .~ro~o~'al.- must be accompanied b a certified check drawn u~on some responsible bank of the ct~,te of Ca!ifornis and ?ayable to the order of the Yreas~rer of the City of South Pan Francisco for an a~mount o£ five (5) per cent of face value of the bonds for which said bid or pro~,osa] is made, as a guarantee that the successf bidder will take ur, and ~ay for said bonds in accordance with his bid within fifteen days after Board of Trustees shall have passed a resolution awardin~ said bonds to ~aid bidder. ~aid check ~nd said amount reEresented thereby will be forfeited to said citY on the failure of such s~cce bidder so to take ur, and pay for o~' ~ ~o~d bonds in the event the bid or ~ro~os~l is accepted. Said Board o£ Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals, and waive any in£orm~?lity in any bid, as the iht:rest of said city may require. A certified abstract of the proceedings of saic bond issue may be had upon ap?]icstion to the oity Clerk of said city. By order of the Board of Trustees of said City of Louth Lan Francisco. Dated March ]7th,]924. Daniel idcSweeney CitF Clerk and Ex-Officio of the Board o£ Trust~es of Cit:: of South ~an Fr~ncisco ,~Jtate of California. Resolved further: That the City Clerk publish the foregoing notice flor two (2) weeks a ;~eek]y nev, spa.~er o~ ~ ~he Enterprise", ~ ~enera] circulation ~ublished in said city. I hereby uertify that the foregoing resolution was z'e~u!arly introduced and a~opted by the Board of ~ru~tees of the City of South ~an ~h'ancisco this ~Tth day o£ i.~arch lb24 by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, /.J.Es~helbach, J~.~,.Pitt, H.$cam~ini, G.h.Ho~ston. No~s ~'rustees i.tone Absent. ~rustees, None. At,est I, G. W. Halston, :~resident of tke Board of L'r~stees of the City of ~foulh ~isn francisco, Jo herebM a~]rove ~'~a foro?oin~ resolution lh.;r l?th da~~ of l.lcrch,]92d Daniel ~ ~w^ i~IO ~;v~ ~euey Cit~ Clerk G. '2. itc ] s t on i:resident of the BOard of ~-~+~~ .... es of the 0ity off '~outh 2a'.n Francisco President Halston ~hen'aI'pointed the fo!i0~ving citizens members of the Library Board of Trustees; J.W.Coleberd, L.E.Adams, ~,,irs.Mary !ScSweeney,~,,~iss~' lque Clifford and ~homa.~ L.Hickey. On motion by ~' ~ ~ ' -ru~-tee Cunningham seconded by Trust~?e Esche!bach and regularly carried the ar?ointments were ratified s~s ~elected. The fell .~ing claims aEainst the city were ne:% mrer'ented for pa~lent;- A.C~rli. le & Co, material, Marshal's ofiice Pac. Tel.& Tel.Co city t~hones ~'ebruary l~acific Gas & ~].. Co ?lacing Electr~lier at Frat H~ll Chas. Grant Assi~ed labor ~.]aim D.J.t{ur?hy ~up/~t~em Laundry wash fire dep't February South S.F.Water Co water February Lee ~rsy i,~schine to County ~orm Mrs. J.J.Lemmons, salary of J.J.Lentmos Pacific Gas A Electric Co. Power Hall & Str.]ights Feb. Western ?and & Rock to. rock,etc., · .~arrell Typing ~ The Enter~rise Press, !~rintin~ The Enter~rise i;ewspaPer ~rin~in~ 0rdinances,etc John Castro, ki]]in~ & removin~ dogs, Jan a Feb. Oakland Cai. Towel Co,~Tash, City Hall,Feb. · ony Phillips Labor on streets io..a 27.50 91.81 27.50 1.05 ~.2~ ?.50 36 60 (:435.61 !57.89 2.oo ~;:~ 110.. 75 165. O0 ll. 00 3.41 20. oo 9O Burroughs adding machine co., maintenance of adder A.Sorenson Carl, enter work Total 5.56 17.15 The clsims h~ving been audited by the finance com~ittee Trustee Cunningham moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach and reguls~rly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee Eschelbach moved to adjo-,rn until the next regu!sr meeting, Mondsy, April 7th,1924, at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by trustee Cunningham and regularly carrie~. Time of sdjournment, 9;05 o'clock p.m. Approved ~resident of the Board of Trustees !~espectfully submitted,