HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-08-24 A regularly adieu?ned meeting of the Board o2' Trustees o±' the City of South San 2'rancisco was held in t~;e City tlall" '¢ i..,onaoy eveni~g August 24th,1925. The meeting was called to order at 7'30 o'clock o.m by Trustee H.F.~',,chel!is, President of the board. ;~0LL CALL. ~.oI1 call found the following trustees present,to-wit; Trustees, Blank,!~schelba. ch, Mc0affrey, i, ici~ellis. Absent, Trustees, Cunningham. The minutes om' the previous med..ting were read ~.nd there being no errors or omissions were approved as read. L com:-;unicstionwas received i-'rom' County Clerk E.M.If_neese stating the Board of Supervisors of San ..[ateo Co~zy, the S~.uthern ~acific Co., the Market Street ~.ailway Co., the Calii'ornia Highwa Com~.:ission, the Town cZ Lawndale, South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company and property owners along tz~e v, aterv, ay of the proposed draina~ge system throuCh the town of Lawnda!e, together wi Counzy Engineer George Z~eese would meet in tD~e cfi'ice of Cypress Lawn Cemetery at tv~o p.m. Tuesday, August 25th,1925, and requested the Board of Trustees of the City off South San Francisco and repre sentatives to be present. President ~icNellis ~sked all trustees to be present, together with City Attorney Davis. A deification was received fred the Welfare Conmittee of the South San Francisco Ch~ber Commerce stating that the Chamber of Commerce passed ~ resolution instructing this committee that t Chamber takes no part whatever in politics, but that its ~blic ~;elf~re Committee has been selected represent every element of the comm~ity, and that the Chamber of Commerce cfi'ers its co-operation and council to the Board of Trustees, its Police Department and its Fire Lepartment, in Zhe interes off common welfare. Comm~ication accepted and placed on i'ile. A communication was received i'rom Mrs. James ~,Iorris, representing the T~wn of Baden, statin tLat sand was being t~en from the roadway of 0ranf~e Avenue between tho east end at the railroad track and railroad Ayenue, thereby end~gering the lives of of drive~s on acco~t of the Sarape hole; made in the road by the persons taking the sand. The Ohief of polioe v,~ instructed zo lacate the offending persons a, nd have them return th~ san~ a:ad I'ill up th8 holes. L bad hole wa~s reported in Baden Avenue between [laple and Spruce Avenues. i.efferred to ' street committee. The Long Beach Chamber of Commerce sent in ~n invitation to the Bo~...rd of Trustee and city oi'ficia!s requestinf~ them to attend the Convention of California ~.iunicipalities at Lon~ Seach in Se~tember, .ofl'ering the use ~nd services of the ~.ong Beach Chamber o~ Cm~merce and particu].ar!y the Convention Department of the same. Lotion defer~'ea until a _.~ater meeting. The reooz't oi' the Cit,*,, Treasur~r for the month cz' ~,~ly was read to t~;e bo;'rd and accepte~ ordered placed on i'i!e. The report of tLe ~.uditor,W.~".~eldert for the fi~ca! year ending J~uie DOth,1925 was .eceive~ and read. The re?ort~ showed the transactions, of the Treasurer, Lecorder, Librarinn, Assessor, and ..... ,a~, 0el!ediCt in de~ai] flor the ¥~eriod under reviez to have been corzect in every respect zith all collections and disOursements accounted flor. The matter o~ a~-?ointin~ a delegate to the ~ire ~hieff's conw:nbion at 2eat~.le was taken up by the preside::t off t~e board· B.ii.L'ruax was ai?ointed by 7~ e President. The cior~ wa~ instructed~ to write the ~ealtn 0fffficer '~r.~i b Leak re~uestin~.~ him to notz~y o~ers o~' t~;e Cox cottages to connect wit~, t~_e sewer on 2an Bruno iload or rim the risn o~' havi~g the premises co~:demnod. B.n..Trua:: afpearoa bo~,_o tile b~.~'d o~ boh~.!ff of ] .'[~'.l,,oberts whoso ball v,a~' i'o~'l'eited whi' unable to attend 0ud,ro, i~o!an'g Court oi'~ automat oi' injuz'ie~, i,otu~'n cZ' abe ~oz~eitod mo'~,~.~,,./ wa~ roqu( ~e was i~fformed t~e maZ~er shoul,, be.take~, b~-i'oro Judge i[olan fir~'t for his opini~,n. The ::'mtvoz' o! t~e a, ].,,oi~t;,:ent o2 a firermn w~ ne;.v given co~side~-atio,,, it ~ppeaz'inj ~z'om reports o~' tho ~'-lOOtin(~ el zJ:e ffiz'omen _nu~s~:,ay evi:;i;~g ti~at Joe Bernarao received z~,-; largc~t, nuzhbe votes ~resiaon~ l.:oLe!!i~ ~skoa i~ t ro~ommei~ation ~or erz~arao l.t.a az'ri';~.~d. [here bein? nol.e t~ zas roque~zoa by tz'~o board to write the secretary of %~e zi o de],artment and as~ il' %~ore were any recommendation I'or i'ireman to bo made to %ne board, az'~d ii' t~ere ;;.o~'o to nave Lbo sa.zrze in the of the 0ity olerk by ;,eon cz' :[hursd~.;'. u¢Tust the SYvh,lnst, am~re~'sed to t~.o Cha~irman o2' the fire ~-'sion. J.O.',','a!~er ~ppeareo before tz~e bi. arm on b~¢ha]m' el' t~_o Lnterp~'i¢:e Fouzidry and asked t~.at e::tension oI' 6aliiornia "venue i'rom Divioion Street to the fouzmry's, property line be vacated and closed up b'~., '~.e city, and t~e same dediut, ted to the _'~'o~ndry co:;, any. ~.fter di~u~:sion ;t v, as to take no action.until tit[/ [nginoer ._new, se could be con~ ~ited. The following claims, ag~i~at t.~_e city v.'e~'e z~e>:t presented for payment;- i,;ary Wallace Bernice l.i. Ho o!bro ok Enos Tacchi W.~'.Oe!dert Shell 0il Come,any L.J.Borck Southern '~acii'ic Company iiali & ~'oztntain uty Clerical Labor ~uduiting~ city's books cup grease 0fficersUnifo-,'ms ,Be]~ioni Bianchini and ~iil!e r Lease a'~dit ;i;17200 Total 24.75 gl';'o.oo .44 z9 .oo 00 ?re, ident of the B~,r~ o~ .ru~zee The claims having been auulteo by t~.e finance co~,ittee Trustee Blank move( they be paid. T~:e motion was seconded by trustee Y,a:chelbac~'~ an¢~ reguta~-ly carried. There bein~ no z'urtner bu~'iness beio~'e the boa, id Friday evening August £8th,!925. -he motion v~'~ se~,~ded'by t~ustee IScCa££rey and regularly carri~ Time off ~'djourn~_ent 8;~0 o'clock p.m. The minutes om' the previous r..~_.ting were read ~Lnd there being no errors or omissions were approved as read. L Com:~maicationwas received ~'rom'County Clerk E.M,~eese stating the Board of Supervisors of San .._ateo Co~%y, the S...,uthorn ~acific Co., the l.,iarket Street Railway Co., the California Hignwa Com,:isa'ion, the Town or Lawndale, South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company ~d property owners along the v, ater%:,ay of the proposea drainage system throueh the town of Lawnda!e, together wi Counzy Engineer Georee Zmeese would meet in the office oi' Cypress Lawn Cemetery at tv~o p,m,Tuesday, August 25th !925 and requested the Board of ~ , , .ru, toes of the City of South San Prancisco and repre sentatives to be present. President ~,icNellis asked all trustees to be present, together with City Attorney Davis. A co~ication was received from the Welfare Co~ittee of the South San Francisco Ch~ber Commerce stating that the Chamber o~ Commerce passed ~ resolution instructing this committee that t~ Chamber takes no part whatever in politics, but ~hat its ~ublic ~elfa~re Committee has been selected represent every element of the temerity, snd that the Chamber of Commerce cfi'ers its co-operation and council to the Board oi' Trustee~~, its Police Department and its Fire Lepartment, in ~he interes~ of common welfare. Comm~ication a~cepted and placed on file. A co~unic~tion was received from ~rs. James i,[orris, representing the T~wn of Baden, statin[ that sand was being t~en from the roadway of 0ran:lo Avenue between the east end at the railroad track and railroad Ayenue, thereby end~gering the lives of of drive~s on acco~% of the Sarape hole~ maae in the road by the persons taking ti~e sand. The Chief of po!i~e ~,a~ instructed %o lacate the offending person[~' and have them return tik, a'an~ arid rill up th8 holes. A bad hole was reported in ~ae~ Avenue between ,iaple s~nd Spruce Avenues. Aeferred to street committee. The Lonff Beach Chamber of Commerce sent in an invitation to the Bo~.rd of Trustee and city officials requestinf~ them to attend the Convention of California iiunicipa!ities at Lon~ Seach in September, .offering [he use ~-n~ services of the [.cng Beach Chamber of Co~,merce and particularly the Convention Department of the same. Lction defer~'e~ until a }ater meeting. The reoort of the Cit,~,~ Treasur~r for the mon%h of J~ly was read to t~-~e bo~'rd and accepte~ an ordered placed on i'iie. ,he report of the ~uditor,L.~'.~eldert for the z~scal year ena~ng Juz~e 50th,1925 was ~eceived and read. The report~, showe~] the transactions, of the Treasurer, Recorder, Librarian, Assessor, Clef and Y~ax 0ol!ector in deZaii for the period uz~der review to have been correct in every respect with all coilection~ and dis0ursements accounted i'or. 2he matter of a?.pointing a delegate %o the Pire Ohief's conw:ntion at Seat~te was taken up by the presi~t of t~e board. B.~i. Truax wa~~ a~n}ointed~_ by I e President. The clerk waa instructed~-to write the ~ealtn 0ffficer '~r.'i.o.Loak re,~uesting him to notii'y tn o~ners o~ %ne Cox cottages to connect wit~. the ~'ewer on ~an Bruno Road or r~ the ris~: of havif~g the pr~+mices condemned. B.m..kruax a?pearea be~,_'c the bo~.rd oR boh~.!g oI' ~ .¥¥.2, oberts whose ba[i ~'aa' i'orzeited unable to attend Jud~!e iJo!an's court oi~ a~co~It o2' injurie~. ~.eturn of the ~'o~eitod mo~oy was roq~o~ ~e was infformed z~e mat~er snou].~ be. takeh b~ rote Judge i, olan fir~'t i'or his oI:ini~..n. The matver el' the a. }.,oi:-~t;:ent cZ a fire,mn v,,~ ne:_t given consido~'ati~?n, it appeariz~j =rom reports of tho ~ooting el t~e i'ircmen Thurs,,ay evihi;,g t~at Joe 3ernarao receipted z~e votes ~resiao~.~t i,lci, e!!i~ ~sKcu i~' t. recor.r, enaatio~ i'or 'er~arao baa arz'i'/:'~d, ihere bein~T none ',:a~: roque~tou by t~o board to write tile secretary cz' t~e zi, e ~eparZhent and ask il' there were any recommendation rot firemsn to bo nade to zz~e boarm, and il t~ere v, ere to ne, ye the same in the offlice o~ the 5it:; Clerk by ;~oon o~' ii~ursda~' u~Tust the zVzh,!nst, ~are~sed to t~,e Cheirman asion. J.~./,a!~er appearea bern'ore t~le b~ard on b,~ha]z' or t~_o Lnterpri~:e PouNdry and e::ten~ion o~' GatiZornia "venue Z'rom Divioion Street vo the Youhmry's, property line be vacated and closed up by ~,e city, ~,.z~d t~.e same dedicated to the Po~ndrff ooN ~ny. ~,ftez die,ual:ion it ;.,a~' a,'cid~ to take no action until tit[.' .nginoor ._new, se coulm be ~on~,~ited. The ffollowing cla'~.'~" _ _ - · ,.~ a.g~in~ t %~e ci~y were ne:,:t presented -f'o~' payment; Nary Wallace ~ernice i.,.Ho o!bro ok Enos Tacchi ;, .~ .Ge] ~ert Shell 011 Con~any L.J.2orck Southern '~acii'ic Company iiall & Pountain ~uly Clerical Labor ,, ~.~uduiting' city'~' book~ cup grease 0fficers~niforms,Be!!oni Bianchini ~,nd I.iil!er ~,~e~se audit i17~00 Total w 2.30 24 [ 75 {~ 2.44 i~: 1 · 00 ~:4a9.99 Pre~ident of the B~,rm cz .ru.: e . The claim,~: having been euxine0 by t_e finance co!,~,ittee Trustee Blank move~ they be paid. The motion was ~.econded by trustee fls~helbacn a~n~ regularly carried. There bein~ no i'urtner bu~'iness bclore vne boa~d iru~tee Aschelb~ch morea to adjourn ~u~til Friday evening August 25th,1925. ~he me,ion v¥'~ se~,~nded by tnu~tee i.icbaffffrey aha re~ul~rly carried ~zme of adjou~'n~.ent 5;~ o'~io~k p.m. Respectffu ~