HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-12-21RZGULAR .LiEETING 0F THE BOARD 0F ~"°~: ~'~ ~,~ ~ 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTi[ SAN FRANCISCO HEL~ ~?.ONDAY, DEC~,[BER ~18T',1925. r Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South ~an Francisco held in the Oity t!all ~,~onday evening, December 2]st,1925. The .',[eeting was called to order at 7;Z0 o'clock p.m. by Trustee H.F.l,[cNe]lis, President of ' Board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following trustees present,to-wit;- Trustees, Blank, McCaffrey, McNellis, Absent, Trustees, Cunningham, Escholbach. Trustee Eschelb~ch appeared after roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions ~-;ore adp: a~s read. A communi~ation was received from Nico!a Re and John Corso, local garbage men, offering to ma: the roads to the city d~p if g~ven the privilege of charging 50 a load to others who might dum~ in city dumping ground, or ~ou!d pay the same themselves if the city would maintain the roads. Referred to the street committee and the Tnustees of the City of San Bruno for de]iboration. A communication was received from Y.Lorenzo asking for a soft drink license for the location 202,Grand Avenue. 0n motion regularly carried the application ~as laid over. The Pacific Tel & Tel Company renewe~ their application for permission to locate subway in va: ~tr~'~ets and alleys in the city accordin~ to blue rrint attached. Permission was granted on condition that a bond coverin~ theoperrations be filed. George W.Cushing, contractor on street and alley vavement work, asked for an extension of in which to complete the work , The:. required e:<tension of 50 days uss granted. A conm]u~ioati~ ..... from City Engineer George A.Kneese :stat~ed· that contractor W.J.Tobin hsd comp!et~ his sewer contract to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and advised the board to accept ihe work, 0n motion regu]sr!y carried the work was a~oe~ted. A cohabitation from P.J.Shaw of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company stated th~ road Com~,ission would reopen the ~'~atter' of the closing of Linden Avenue on Ja~nuary 12th,1926 and that the city send representatives to the hearing. Accordingly ?resident McNellis ap~ointed John and P.H.Thom~son as de!e~ates from this city. Peter Lind, Secretary of the Downtown Association petition,ed the board on behalf of the organ~ to repair the alleys in many places v;h~re the concrete had been removed and not properly restored. to tho Su erint..nae~t of Streets Chas ~inetz ~asked for and was granted ~ refund of ~I~.29 on accost of erroneous assessment, builder havin~r ~iven his lot number when asking for permit. A communication was received from John Ruggeri asking rermission~ut down thirteen tr~es on h~ proverty ~1246 San Bruno Road. Permission granted. A reply to the city's letter was re~eive5 from the Railroad Comffr:ission of California, acknowl~ city's protest against the closing cE LinSen Avenue, sn~ statin~ !hat a rehearing would be held in ciao January 12th, 1926, at 10 a.m. in the State Bui]_din~, A comm~micstion was received fr~.,m H.C.Reid & Company asking that a bill o~ ~55.00 be paid for a'~' ~ . 'by tr~stee?,scheRbach seconded by electrolier e,,~ ...... t fur~shed the city in ~.~a;~, 1925 0n motion McCaffrey and rd~ulerly carried the bi].l was ordere~; paid and the equipment sold to the Pac. Gas Company. Applications for poo~ rocca licenses were received fror: A.Genove..i Thomas C.Connol!y,Colombo & Tapella, Gindo Arias, Ernest Gal!i ~nd J.V.Ron and G~'anted by t.ae fo]lowing vote, Ayes, Trustees, Blank, Esche]bech, McNellis, I.dcCaffffrey, Noes, Trustees, None,Absent Trustee C~ningham. Uron application a ~ree license w~ s granted Frank Robinson on accodnt war w~teran's e:~emption. Application for soft drink licenses were received from Ernest Ga!li,A.Bertolucci, Peter Pale, Antonio Cresti, Emanuel Ghi]ardi,C.T.Connolly, Colombo & Ta~e!la, Gindo Arias, f~gelo Oenovesi, V. D~ end granted by thefollowing vote, ,Ayes, Trustees, Blank,Eschelbach, ~,,[cCaffrey, ~,~c_.ellis. Noes, Trusz~ .None. · Absent, Trustees, Cunnin~rham. The Pacific Gas & E~ectria Company~was granted permission to extend ~ervice to .supD!y sin new City En~-ineer George .~ .Xneese reported progress in forming the proposed reclamation district. The police ~eva~tr~ent was ims~'~cte5 to be on the lookout for offfenders 8u~.Ding f~rbage on yea lot. A tele~hone ~'s ordered ins~]ed in the home of officer Paul Pur~ssina, 110 Pine Terrace. The street cormitte was instructed to look into the ~azter of ma~ing further repairs to Butle~ The reoorts of the City Treasurer,School l~urse, ~nd Chief of ~o!ice for the month endin~ Nove~ LOth wer~ re~.d to the board ~nd accepted. RESOLUT~0N 0i~ WAt'ER FRAi~CHISE A resolution asking.the South San Francisco ;;,rater Company to make application to the City of South San Francisco for ~ franchise to sell water to the city and its inha,bitan'ts ~,'-s introducem by Trustee ~,~cCaffrey and pa~sed by a m~jority oI' the board. Recorde~ in Book of Resolutions,~Vol.£ at ps RE~ OLUiI 0i'~ CLOSING AND CY~ ~SS A resulution ordering the work of closing up portions of Corm~ercial and Cypress Avenues in Block 141 was introd~ ed by Trustee Mcbafrey and reffu]arly ~aesed and adopted by the board. Recmrded Book of Resolutions Vol~, ~.t ~age 73. and Cypress Avenue was introduced by Trustee Bl~.nk and regularly passed and ado~ ted by tho board. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vo! ,~,,~2, at pa~e 73. ' Owing to a change of dante in 1he pro?osed bond i'~sue election for the im?rovement of parks, 0ramg~ Avenue fire a.~paratus, fire house, civic center Tr'a~'tee iScCai'frey w~h~rew the intrbduction of the ordinance calling for the bond issue and re-introduced the same, which had its first reading and ~,as laid over to come up uuder the reffu]ar order of busine~ s at ~h,-. ne::t regular meeting of the board The following claims against the oily were ne~:t Iresentod for payment;- W.J.Tobin, Gee l~,[i! ls Frank Robinson Patrick & Co Thor~,e's Garage ~.~,~ ~.~ Priest Baden Cash Store E. E. Brawn Chas, KZfl~ ¢ ~ z C .I~cGovern Dudley Perkins Gladys A.Welte Jack Welch ~outh City Plumbing Shop Nick Re ~ept,0ct,Nov C.E.~torek H.C.Eeid & Comp~ny Fred Brown Geo.A.Xneese final, estimate and oa~m.:e~t sev~er construction ~646.1! · ~: 5. O0 Llate rials ~,~ 7. !0 Tube, etc ~ 6.15 t gross burs ~ 9.00 75 ?aint brush ~ 26[I1 materials · refund ac taxes ~ 1~.29 Handwriting exams ~155.tg Re~,airing M.O. Cvcle~ .9 2.F2 Clerical ~abor ~38.~ ~ [~. O0 removing do~s ~ cleaning s er:er w 2.00 remov, garbage dogs ets ~ 5.00 Expenses to Redwood ~ 14.80 equi]~ for electroliers ~ 55.00 labor w 13.50 surveying ~:241.90 cleaning city hal! November The claims having been audited by the finance committee trustee'~,.tcCaffrey moved t~ey be paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee B[~nk and_ regularly carried. There being no further business before the board trustee McCaffrey ~:~oved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Trustee C~unningham and regularly carried. ~, Time of ~djournment 9~:55 o'clock p.m. .resident of ~he B ee'~'e Respect~fully subfield ,