HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1926-09-07226 REGUL~K~ I~EETING OF ~'"~' ' · ~ 30AED Oi~' TRUSTEES OF T~ CITY 0F ,..0U.H SAN F~NGISC0 HELD TUESDAY, ~.~, . The regular meeting of the Board o£ .run, tees of ~he City of South ~an Francisco was held in the City Hall on Tuemday, September 7th,19E6 The meeting was sailed to order at 7;30 o'clock ~,.m. by Trustee F.A.Cunningham, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Roli call found a~l trustees present, to-wit:- Trustees, ~schelbach, Lloyd, Liinucciani, Tibbetts, Cunningham. The minutes of the ~revious meeting were read, ~nd there being no errors or omissions were approved ~s read. An application for a building ~,ermit was received from ~t0ne Signorelli ~o construct a dwelling on 1ot 7,block 8,Hig~-~ School Park, estimated cost ~ZS00.00. Permit granted. 'A cor~mication w~s r~::ceived from the Electrica~ Produc~ Cori~or~tion a~king ~he city's permission to erect a standard sign for the Pacific Gas & Electric ComT~any of this city . ~ erml,-sion granted. Louis Negro 332 Baden Avenue ~.ade application to construct a gslvanized iron g~age on the rear of his lot. Permit~- si on granted. ~i.N.O'Shau~hneesy, city cngin~er of San Francisco directe~ a comrmnic~.tion to the board of trustees requesting that ~ttention be given the matter of widening ~he ~resent State High~~ay from 66 feet to at lea~t 124 feet, the proposed with of the Bottleneck at L~wnrdale. The clerk was instructed to reply stating that district ie out~ide of this city's territory, but that co-operation will be given in the matter wh~rever possible. A co~ication was received from the South San Francit~co ChamP:er of Commerce asking the city to notify Mr. C.C.Cottrell, Manageer of the Traffic Bureau California Automobile Association, ~s to the tine the pavin~ of Chestnut Avenue will be completed. The clerk w~ s instructed to so notify ],ir. Cottrell. A co~ittee representing the }~exican Inden~endence Ce!ebration asked ~or p~mi~sion to hold a dance in connection with Lhe event on Saturday evening, September 18th,1926. Permit g~'an~ed. Ee~,ann Gomrdes, through Attorney Davis m~de application ~or permission to repair his store 2~2 Grand Avenue, which was damaged by fire, t~e red, airs ~o ~ost a~proxim~tely $1500. Trustee~~ Tibbetts and Eschelbach were a~pointed a covz~it~ee to t~ecure the ~:'ervicos of a builder to e~ti~e 1 the cost of repairs and the cost of a new building. A comm~ication w~s received by Pre~idont bunningham from the South San F~-~cisco L~nd and Improvement Company granting permi~'sion to the city to use certain ~'~ro~,er~y E~.st o~ the ?resent County Road ~nd South of the Southern Bo~G~ry of the Sprim7 V~lley W~te~: Company for ~he purpose el' Oisposin of garbage, providing the inflammable portion of e~ame i~ burned and the balance dumped into the sloughs, and none left uns?read. The company r~ervec ~he righ~ at s.ny time to modify or cancel the agreement upon written notice. Sam Eie~'slTn$ ~29 iTiller Avenue, r,q~de ~?lic~tion for the position of firem~n, having hear~ a vacancy was about to occur. There being no v~c~ncy the ~pplic~tion was ordered filed. The South S~n Francisco Fire Department made request for ex]~enses for a delegate to be s~nt to the annual convention of C~liforni~ State Firenen's A~,socia~ion to be held at Long Beach, Californi August 19-2~-~1. As t~e request wa~' ~urned in late President ~ningh~m sugge~,ted ~hat ~he ex~en~e bill might be submitted to the board for consideration. The Gordon Rowe Company submitted a propot~ition ~o the board for ~ho in~t~llation el' ~ new system of ~cco~ting, ~he initi~ price beanery $750 ~or services ~nd $7~ per (~uarter for continuous ~uditing. Referred to the finance committee for invet~Ligation. ~ sppli'c~tion for a soft drink licenz:'e wa~ received from Jo~e?h Lo~bardi for the location $308 Grand Avenue. Referred to the City Id~rsh~l for investigation. The reports of the City .~,,arsh~, Fire Chief,Schoo1 Nurse and City Clerk for the ~mnth of August were neL:t read. The report of the City Clerk showed the ~ollm';ing balances~ in the various fu f~ds · - Genera] Fund, ~7132 36,Library Fund.~l~6.,~6,iTlo comer f~6,~1o95.65, 191t, Bonds $$5927.07, 1923 sewer bond i'und,~8295~Tl,~tr. Imp. Fund,~Z.OO,Revolving Fund,S100.00, .,treat assr' f~mdS ~2465.91 0n motion regularly carried ~he report~' ~,.re accepted ~s read~ NO. 57. Trustee Tibbetts introduced a resolution ordering the construction of pavement, sidewalk.~, gutter~~ and curbs in Tamarack and Elm Avenues: The resolution was adopted by the unsnimo'as vote of the board, i~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, vol.2, at page ll5. 0RDIN~CE N0.141. Am ordinance entitled "AN 02DINANCE OF TiL~] CITY OF SOGTtt SAN FRANCISCO C[-iZATING 'ftiE OP~ICE 0F BJILDING INoPEC.0n, Pi~ESCRIBING THE DOTIES AiID PROVIDING FOR THE ISEUANCE 0F B~iLDIi.~G P;~[~,,ilTS, AND REPi~ALING ORDINANCE ~ll8 OF SAID CITY, PASSED JAlmlUAi-iY 2ND,192Z, AND ORDINANCE ~138 OF SAID CITY PASSED JUN~] 15TH,]925"was introduced by Trustee Lloyd, had it.(!, i'irst reading and ~as laid over to come up under the regular order of busine.,~s at the next regular meeting of the board. President Cunningham stated the Zt~iscopal Church ~,vs desirous of having the trees cut in their vicinity. Referred to the 'fire committee. The fire committe and a]l citizens w, ere invite,~ to meet at ;.he council Chambers of the Board of Tru'.'tees Monday September 13th to discuss the prospe,~tiv~ purchase of fire a~psratut~, meeting to take place at 7:30 o'clock p.~. Numerous hole,c were reported in the streets and alleys. The chief of police was instructed to investigate and report to the board. President Cunningham asked the city attorney to ct:ll for bids for painting the City Hall. Also to draw up an ordinance designating streets to place stop signs upon'. A.Volonte was granted permis.('ion to conduct dances every ,'~aturday er@fling from 8:50 ?.m. to 1 A.M. Joseph Walker appeared before the board and requested ini'ornation regarding the widening and lighting by electrolicrs of Linden Avenue. As the city engineer was not v~resent no re':m, ort could be had. Vincinzini Bros made application for permi'csion to set t~:,.o electrolier poles in from of their new building, Grand and Maple Avenues. permi(~,sion granted. dwelling on lot 7,block 8,High School Park, estimated cost $3500.00. Permit granted. 'A conu~:unication w~s r~J~ceived from the Electrica~ ?roductz' Corl,~or~tion asking the city's permission to erect a standard sig~ forLthe Pacific Gas & Electri~ Co:n~.~any of this city. Per~,~i~si(~n granted. Louis ~ Negro ~5Z2 Baden Avenue ~.ade application to construct a galvanized iron garage on the rear of his lot. Permi~ si on granted. ~,i.M.O'Shaughnessy, city engine's, er of San Francisco directe~,~ a coN:~.nic~tion to the board of trustees requesting that ~ttention be given the matter of widening ~he .~resent State High~ay from 66 fe~,t to ~t lea: t 124 feet, the proposed with of the Bottleneck at Lawn~',dale. The clerk was instructed to reply stating that district is outside of this city's territory, but that co-operation wt~l be given in the matter wh~rever possible· A communication was received from the South San Francis:co Cham;~er of Commerce asking the city to notify ~ir. C.C.Cottrell, ~,'tanageer of the Traffic Bureau Californi~ Automobile Association, as to the time the paving of Chestnut Avenue wi]] be com~?leted. The clerk w~z~ instructed to so notify Er. Cottrell. A committee representing the L!exican Indenpendence Celebration asked for pc~i~sion to hold a dance in connection with the event on Saturday evening, September 18th,19£6. ?ermit g~'anted. Hermann Gomrdes, through Attorney Davis ~n~de application for perr~ission to repair his store 2]2 Grand Avenue, which was damaged by fire, t~e ro~irs to ~ost a~proximately $1~00. Trustee~ Tibbetts and Eschelbach were a~pointed a cor~mGittee to z~ecure tho ~'~'ervicos of a builder to e~tin~a~e the cost of repairs and the cost of a new buiIding. A communication ~'~'us received by Pre~Jidcnt Cunningham fro~_~ the South San F~-ancisco Land and Improvement Company granting permi~'sion to the city to use certain ~)roperty East of the present oount,~ Road and South of the Southern BounG~ry of the Sprin~ Valley W~te~ Company for the purpose ct' ~is~)osi~ of garbage~ providing the inflammable portion of ~a~ne i~? burned and the balance du~ped into the sloughs, and none left un~?read. The oomph, ny r(~,'~ erves the right at any time to modify or cancel the agreement upon written notice. Sam Eie~Slin$ Z29 i.~il]er Avenue, muds a~?lication for the position o~ fireman, h~ving heard a vacancy was about to occur. There being no vacancy the application was ordered fi]ed. The South San Francisco Fire Dep~,rtment m~de request for ex~enses for a delegate to be s~J,~nt to the annual convention of Californi~ State Firemen's A~'socia~ion to be held at Long Beach, Californ~ August 19-29-21. As t~.e request ~va~'~ turned in late President Cun~ingh~m sugge~ted that the bill might be submitted to the board for consideration· The Gordon Rowe Company submitted ~ propoz~ition ~o the board for the in~'~tallatior~ ct' H new system of accounting, the initi~ price being $7~0 £or services ~nd $7~ per ~uarter for continuous auditing. Refer~ed to the finance com~nittee for investigation. An sppli'c~tion for a soft drink license w~_~ received from Jo~eph Lombardi for the location $308 Grand Avenue. Referred to the City Marshall for investigation. The reports of the City ~arsh~l, Fire Chief,School Nurse and City Clerk for the r.~onth of August were ne~t read· The report of the City Clerk showed t~e follo;','ing balances in ~he various fu funds ~ - Genera] Fund, ~i'~7132.36,Library Fund.$11~6.,%6,191Z Se~er fun~,$1~95.65, 1919 Bonds $$5027.07, ,~3.O0,Revolvin~ Fund,S100.00, ~treet assr funds ~2465.~1 1925 sewer ~ond ±'und,~8295.21,f~tr. Imp. Fund ~'~' On motion regularly carried %he reports ~Lre accepted as read.~ NLSOLUTION 0i~Di~ZiiliG T,:C ','~0!(~[. N0.57. Trustee Tibbetts introduced a resolution ordering the construction of pavement, sidewalks, gutter~ and curbs in Tamarack and Elm Avenues~ The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the board ? · · ,~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, vol 2, at page llS, 0EDIN~CE N0.1A1. An ordinance entitled 'YAH 0i~'iDINANCE OF TH]~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Ci~EATING THE OFD~ICE 0F BJILDING INSPECT0~, P~SCHIBING T~ D~TIES ~D PHOVIDING FOE T~ IS~U~CE 0F BUiLDIi.~G Pi~i~ITS, AND REPEALING 0~DINANOE ~118 0F SAID CITY, PASSED J~U~Y ZND,19~Z, AND ORDINANCE $1Z8 OF flAID CITY PASSED JUN}] 15TH,]gES"was in~roduced by True, tee Lloyd, had it~ first reading and wus laid over %o come up under the regular order of business at the ne:~t regular meeting of %he bo8rd. President C~ningham stated the E~isco~al Churoh ~,~s desirous of h~ving the trees cut in their vicinity· Referred to the 'fi~e committee. The fire comr::itte and ~]l citizens w, ere invite~ to meet at ;he council Char.~bers oi' the Bo~,rd of True'tees ~,[onday Septen~ber 1Zth to discuss the prospe~tiw purchase of fire a~psratu~', meeting %o take place at ?:Z0 o'clock p.~:~, Numerous hole~-' v~ere reporte~ in the streets and alleys. The chief of police ~as instructed to investigate and report to the board. President C~ingham asked the city attorney to c~:ll for bid~ for painting the City Hall. Also to draw up an ordinance designating streets to place stop signs u~on'. A.Volonte was granted ~ermis~'ion ~o conduct dances every ~aturday ev$f~ing from 8:S0 ~.m. to 1 Joseph Walker appemred before the board ~d requested information regarding the widening and lighting by electroli~:rs of Linden Avenue· As the city engineer was not ~-~resent no re'r',ort ~ould be had. Vincinzini Bros ~ade application for per~i~-'sion to set t~,.~ e!ectrolier poles in from of their new building, Grand and L[aple Avenues. permi['sion grated. The fo!lov:ing claims ~gainst Lho city were next pre~Bented for pay~::ent;- Pomppeei Levi J.L. Jayne Jack Welch G. Br uno Jack Welch Edna Yotmg Eleanore Ryan B. H. Truax Gee .}~ills S. Tamas ini 0 .Bianchini Tony Phillips Fred Brown, ~:weeping streets, August So.S.F.W~ter Company Water July " " " " " " August 0.Cortesi clearing willows Red Tibbetts expenses to mtmi c~nvention F .A. Cunn in ~ham " " " " A.J.Eschelbach " " " " H.White b~l. due o~ad~n~ Orange Ave. tri~m~i ng trees labor on sewers kil~ ing dogs typing etc assessment roll " " tax books ~. firemen's pa~ cleaning jail O~aring willo¥~s watering trees t~'imming trees The Enterprise, printing resolutions etc Hoyle ~rinting tax books,arc Reliance Garage gas oil police de~t July Pacific Gas & Electric Co gas & light city hall " " " street lights So.City Lbr.& SupDly Co materials i198'00 190,£3 ~185.10 ~ 57.50 55.0O ~ 55.00 :~667.74 ~ ~6.00 27.50 18.00 l0. O0 9.00 144. O0 50.00 5.00 9.00 60. O0 37.70 63.50 177.00 17.24 2~.17 $451.40 9.65 ~ 2.10 South S.F.Chamber of Commerce Part exp ent.Governor 19.50 Geo.A.Kneese Lia~s & Surveying £0 acre park Baden Cash store tools ' Appliance ~ervice ~o chemical hose Associated 0il Co oil Nicola Re removing garbage and dogs Carmody Estate groceries Burroughs addin~ machine co., Liaintenance adder ~uperior Steam Laundry wash fire dept Aug A.Vannucci 19 gals gasoline Oakland Cal Towel Co' service July Empire Cupply Co Hose H.L.Haaker ins fire lruck L.Belloni -Trans?~orting & Feeding ~risoners Moise K]inkner Co police stars West disinfectin~ Co.guchralyptum Superior ~:team Laundry wash fire dept Service garage rep~ira' to motor cycle " " repairs to police car " "gasoline etc Southern Pacific Co lease audits 17199-17200 The Hub sheets e~c Fred J Lautze tires, gas etc " " " gas fire dept Aug " " "city ~'hare of ~chool ~mord Pac.Tel & Tel Co city phones Crocker First National Bank, assigned claim of Gordon Roe Co for auditing South ~.F.Band music Aug 28, Leon D'~.rtenay rep~ir~ to truck ~ !! ,! !! ,! Total, 65.00 5.25 134.00 43.13 6.00 12.15 5.55 .80 4.18 ~220i00 ~ 9 52 6.55 15.~6 55.15 i3 .~5 52.51 :.o5 i6.54 2.00 , 15.80 i~ 74'97 ~ ~ 7.26, $211.85. $ ~b.22 ~366.00 22~ O0 847 80 $$4893.21 The claims having been audited by t~e finance committee trustee Eschelbach moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by trustee Lloyd and regularly carried. Charles Gebhardt prote?' against paying the expenses of the committe of the Board of Tru['tees sent to the 28th aanual convention of the League of California Eunicipalities at Yosemite. Guestioned a~~ to his grounds for protesting he stated on the grounds o~bein~ a taxt~ayer. ~ro~est overruled and claims or,ere( .... There being no further busine~-~ beTore the board trustee Eschelbach moved to. adjourn. The motion was seconded by trustee Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjourn~nent, 9:50 o'clock p.m. President-of the B~d ~.f Tr~stees i~espsctfully submitted, City Clerk