HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1927-01-03242 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, JANUARY S RD, 1927. The regular meeting of the Beard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco was held in in the City Hall Monday evening, January Jrd,1927. The meeting was called to order at 7;Z0 O'clock p.m. by Trustee F.A.Cunningham, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all trustees present,to-wit;-Trustees, Eschelbach,Lloyd, Minucciani, Tibbetts Cunningham. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and there being no errors or omissions were approved as read. A communication was received by President Cunningham fron the Gordon Howe Company stating that the Treasurer's new ledger was assembled and would be installed by the end of the current month. Communication ordered filed. The resignation of Library trustee ~rs. Isabelle Switzer was received ~nd accepted. ~iss Rue Clifford was a~pointed to fill the vacancy. The clerk was instructed to notify miss Clifford of her a~pointment, and Mrs. Sweitzer of the acceptance of her resignation. G. Beltrami and E.~archi made a~plication for the refund of $E.05 each, charged to them by by the city for the clearing away of weeds, claiming they performed this work themselves. On motion regularly carried the clerk Yas instructed to make the refund. An application for a peddl~s free license was received from Arthur Blackman, a disabled soldier of the World ~ar. License granted. An application for a per~'~it to construct a 25 x 60 ft concrete building on the westerly 25 feet of lot §, block 125, map of South San Francisco, was received from R.O.Stickle. Permit granted. The estimated cost of the proposed structure is $6,000. 'John Casino, 4~9 Baden Avenue made application for a permit to conduct a vegetable end fruit s~ore there. As the location is in the residential district consideration could not be given the request. A petition signed by a number of residents on Grand Avenue between Linden and ~aple Avenues was received, vrotesting against the issuance of ~. soft ~rink er pool room license for the b~sement of of the Fraternal Hall. Action to be taken under the head of license applications. Applications for pool room licenses were received from Gendo Arias, Garcis & Arias,Colombo & Tapella,~ngelo Genovesio,Ernest Galli, J.V.Ron,George Hacker, Stanley & Nickerson, and thelicenses granted. The'application of Richard E.Setter for a pool room license ~or ~h~:bgsement of tLe Fraternal Hall was denied. Applications for soft drink licensees were received from Corudetti Bros,Star Restaurant, A.Ferrari, Henry Scampini,. Q.Marsagli, Colombo & Tapella, Dan Bertoldi, LOdie 9erganacchi, Mrs. Tina Retsch,Frank Scarrone, Vanni & Guffanti, Angelo Genovesi, Joseph Mainini,Gusieppe Berrone, Garcia & Arias, Emma Blandini, E.g~arini, Granbini & Grandi, E.Galli, E.Evangelesti, Gendo Arias, A.Dresti, GeOrge Haaker, J.B.~brams, Stamley & Nickerson, A.Gelepses,01ivio Cortesi, Viette & Thatcher Peninsula Drug Co., Frank Robinson and ~he licenses granted. The application of Enric~ Gianni, 3rd & E1 Ca~ino Real, for a sof~ drink license was laid over. ,The application of Richard E.Setter for a soft drink licens, e for the basement of the Fraternal Hall was denied. SupervisorThee Chamber of Commerce submitted a PesolUtion to'the board advocating to zhe Board of of San Francisco the selection of the South San Francisco AirTort site showing the advantages of the local site, etc. The Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the r~solution, a copy of which was t'ent to the Board o~ Supervisors of San Francisco. The reports of the building Inspector,Fire Chief, Police Chief and the City Clerk for the' month ending December 31,1926 were next read and accepted. The report of the City Clerk showed the following balances in the various funds.- General Fund,$21,449.gl,lgl$ Se~er ~hmd;$$.552.77, $ibrar~ Fund,S2,369.69, 1919 Bonds,$5,Z67.57, 192Z Sewer Bonds Fund,$ll'lgZ;64, Park Fund, $9,887.65, Revolving Fund,S100.00, Street Series Funds,S4594,29, Balance in ann funds, ~58,505.42. 0RDIN~mCE ~ An o~dinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE 0F THE CITY OF ~0UTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUIRING DRIVERS OF ALL VEHICLES TO STOP SUCH VEHICLES AT CERTAIN STREET INTERSECTIONS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", was introduced by Trustees Tibbetts, had its first reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the board of trustees. The following claims against the city were then presented;- Pacific Gas & Electric Co 0 .Mc C onaghy Joh~ Castro J. L. Jmyne John Tacchi G.Bruno Toney Phillips Street Lights "Hall"lights & Power "gas fire house trimming ~rees, destroying dogs Nov.& Dec trimming trees labor on streets cleaning Jail etc Dec. John Welch kilSing dogs Fred Brown sweeping streets December Fred Lautze gasoline fire dept " " gas oil materials So.S.~.Water Ce.hall hydrant & fountain water Flink's S~rvice Sta. gasoline etc Pioneer Gibson E~.Co~freight on asbestos E.Ryan clerical labor Western Sand & Rock Co cement ~.Robinson, materials 45~.25 57.01 2.45 9.00 12.00 11.00 4.50 4.50 lO.CO .oo' $198.00 1. o 56.12 '$184 · O0 13.78 1.41 45.00 1.75 Oal. State Auto. Asso'n, 52 signs So.S,F.Furniture Co blankets F,Robinson, books, health dep't L.Belloni, feed & transportation of prisoners 28.54 205.oo n.5o 4.20 so. 75 $1 54. V6 Total The claims having been audited by the finance committee trustee Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by trustee Minuccian an~ re~larly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee Tibbetts moved to ad~omr~. The motion was seconded by trustc~ Minucciani and regularly carried. Time ~ a%~ur~ent~ A communication was received bY President cUnningham from Gordon Rowe Company stating that the Treasurer's new ledger was assembled and would be i~stalled by the end of the current month. Communication ordered filed. The resignation of Library trustee Mrs. Isabelle Switzer was received and accepted. Miss Rue Clifford was appointed to fill the vacancy, The clerk was instructed to notify miss Clifford of her appointment, and Mrs. Sweitzer of the acceptance of her resignation. G. Beltrami and M.Marchi made a~plication for the refund of $2.08 each, charged to them by by the city for the clearing away of weeds, claiming they performed this work themselves. On motion regularly carried the clerk v. as instructed to make the refund, An application for a peddlers free license was received from Arthur Blackman, a disabled soldier of the World War. License granted. An application for a per~'~it to construct a 25 x 60 ft concrete building on the westerly 26 feet of lot 6. block 12~, map of South San Francisco, was received from R.C.Stickle. Permit granted. The estimated cost of the proposed structure is $6,000. 'John Casino, 429 Baden Avenue made application for a per~it to conduct a vegetable ~nd fruit store there. As the location is in the residential district consideration could not be given the request. A petition signed by a number of residents on Grand Avenue between Linden ~nd Maple Avenues was received, protesting against the issuance of a soft drink er pool room license for the basement of of the Fraternal Hall, Action to be taken under the head of license applications. Applications for pool room licenses were received from Gendo Arias, Garci~ & ~rias,Colombo & Tapella,Lngelo Genovesio,Ermest Galli, J.V.Ron,George Haaker, StanYey & Nickerson, and thelicenses granted. The~application of Richard E.Setter for ~ pool room license for ~he~bgsement of the Fraternal Hall ~as denied. Applications for soft drink licenses were received from Corudetti Bros,Star Restaurant, A.Ferrari, Henry Scampini,. Q.M~rsagli, Colombo & Tapella, Dan Be~toldi, lOdie Sergamacchi, Mrs. Tina Retsch,Frank Scarrone, Vanni & Guffanti, Angelo Genovesi, Joseph Mainini,Gusieppe Berrone, Garcia & Arias, Emma Blandini, E.~arini, Granbini & Grandi, E.Galli, E.Evangelesti, Gendo Arias, A.Dresti, GeOrge Haaker, J.B.Abrams, Stamley & Nickerson, ~.Gelepses,01ivio Cortesi, Viette & Thatcher PeninsulR Drug Co,, Frank Robinson and ~he !ice~ses granted. The application of Enric~ Gianni, Zrd & E1 Ca~ino Real. for a soft drink license w~s laid over. ,The application of Richard E.Setter for a soft drink license for the basement of the Fraternal Hall was denied, The Chamber of Commerce submitted a ~esolUtion to,the board advocating to the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco the selectio~ of the South San Francisco Air~,ort site showing the advantages of the local site, etc. The Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the r~solution, a copy of which was ~'ent to the Board o~ Supervisors of San Francisco. The reports of the building Inspector,Fire Chief, Police Chief and the City Clerk for the' month ending December 31,1926 were next read and accepted. The report of the City Clerk showed the relieving balances in the v§rious funds.- General Fund,$21,4~9.81,191S Se~er Fund,~J-5~2.77, $ibrar~ Pund,$2,~69.69,~lg19 Bonds,$5,Z6?.5?, 192Z Sgwer Bonds Fund,$11~.18Z;64, Park Fund, $9,887.65, Revolving Fund,S100.00, Street Series Funds,~4594,29, Balance in ann funds, $§8,505.42. ORDINanCE ~ An o~dinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUIRING DRIVERS OF ALL VEH1CLES TO STOP SUCH V~HiCLES AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS IN TME CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", was introduced by Trustees Tibbetts, had its £irst reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the board of trustees. The ~ollowing claims against the city were then presented;- Pacific Gas & Electric Co 0 .Mc C onaghy John Castro J. L. Jayne John Tacchi G.Bruno Toney Phillips Street Lights "Hall"lights & Power "gas fire house trimming ~rees, destroying dogs Nov.& Dec trimming trees labor on streets cleaning Jail etc Dec. John Welch killing dogs Fred Brown sweeping streets December Fred Lautze gasoline fire dept " " gas oil materials So.S.~.Water Ce.hall hydrant & fountain water Flink's S~rvice Sta. gasoline etc Pioneer Gibson ~.Co~freight on asbestos E.Ryan clerical labor Western Sand & Rock Co cement F.Robinson, materials 0al. State Auto. Asso'n, 6£ signs ~o.S.F.Furniture Co blankets (ZI F.Robinson, books, health dep't ~.Belloni, feed & transportation of prisoners Total ;4~.25 67.01 2.4~ 9,00 12.00 11.00 4.50 4.50 10.00 6.00' 198.oo 1.8o 6.12 . l .OO g~.O0 ~08.00 11.50 4.20 The claims having been audited by the finance committee trustee Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by trustee Minuccian and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Trustee Tibbetts moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by trustoe~ Minucciani and regularly carried. Time ~ aSJ~urnment~ 9'18 o'cl ock p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~resi ~'~nJ Trustees ' '