HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1927-08-29REGULARLY ADJOURNED I~d~TII~G 0F THE ~ITY C0~NCI~ OF Tm CITY OF SOUTH SAN Fi~NCiSC0,HELD ~i0NDAY,AUGUST 29TH, 1927. A regularly adjourned meeting o£ the City Council of the City o~ South gan FranciscO,was held in the City Hall ~onday evening, August 29th,1927. The meeting was called to order at 7;Z0 o'clock p.m. by Councilman A.J.~schelbach, ~yor of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the City Council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. absent, Councilman E.Minucciani. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omi~sions Councilman Lloyd moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hynding and regularly carried. A reply to the city's communication to ~he Southern Pacific' RaiLroad Company requesting that the spaces between their tracks be repaired, was received. The company stated they would repair the spaces as soon as possible. The clerk was instructed to communicate with the~company again and request that ~he repair work be extended the full width ~£ their crossing on the south side up to the tracks of ~he ~arket street ~ailroad Company. A communication w~s received from the League of California ~unicipalities requesting as large attenaance as possible at the convention of the league at Sacramento September.19th to 22nd. ~ayor Eschelbach asked the co~mcilmen and other o£~icials as to the~n~nber who might attend, Councilmen Hynding and Lloyd stated they intended to be there, also City Attorney Coleberd, Health officer Doak~ and Clerk McSweeney. ~ayor Eschelbach stated he was not sure he could spare the time. A communication was receive,~ from ~.0.Wood, Secretary of the Derby ~lub, asking municipal ~ssistance in ~he ~ormation of a baseball te~ to represent South San Francisco. As the character and extent of the assist_a~ce required was not stated ~ayor ~schelbash instructed the clerk to communicate w with I~r. ~ood and ascertain his views concerning the assistance required. Victor Lonati, owner of the Northeast cor~er of Armour and Linden Avenues made a request upon the Council ~or a refund o~ $5.00 alleged to bedue him on account of a weed clearing, asserting he cleared the weeds from in fron~ oi his property himse2f. Laid over for investigation. Preston W.Green, Naval Eadioman at this station requested to be deputized special policeman for his station. On motion by Councilman hynding seconded by ~ '~ Councm_man fibbet~s and regularly carried ~he request was granted, ~r. Sreen to serve without ~ay from the city, and his duties to be confined to the protection of hiz station. ~' A communication was receive~ fro;~ Pize Chief Costa and ~dward Lamb, recommending the cal~ing for bids ~or 90~ hydrants o£ ~our inch intake etc and l? hydrants o£ ~he si~ inch intake tpye, etc, at the earliest possible date. ~ouncilman Hynding stated ~e s~udied the recommendations with ~r. Stern of ~he water company and city o£~icials and 0.K8D the reco~n~endations. The being the date set f~r the opening of ~ids £or the sale o£~.$A0,000 £~ve per cent :~unicipal bonds, voted by the public June 27th,1927, ~or fire department improvements, the following bids were ovened, to -wit;- Bid of R.H.Moulton & Company, E.R.Gundelfinger Inc., Dean ~it~er & COmpany E?H.Rollins & Sons Freeman, Smith & Camp Co., Bank of South San ~rancisco Par value, ~40,000 and premium " ", ~:40, ,000" " ~40,000 " " " " ~40 " , ,000 " , ~40,000 " " " ", $40,000 " " ~608.00 727.oo ;~1910.00 ¢92 .oo ~i928.00 10lt. 00 The Bank of South San ~'rancisco being the highest bidder COuncilman Hynding introduced a resolution awarding the bid to ti~e ~?ank of South S~.n ~-rancisco ~or the sum of ~,i41,01J,00.The resolution was adopted by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, hynding, Lloyd, Tibbet~s, Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen, None. Abset, Councilmen, M.Minucciani. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at ~age 153. Attest Daniel McSweeney, City clerk ~he revorts of the City Treasurer and oity Clerk for the month ending July 31,1927 were next read. On motion by Councilman Lloyd seconded by Council~,'~an Tibbetts ~nd r~gularly carried the reports were accepted as read. ~eferring to ~he garbage situation ~ayor ~schelbach stated the city ~hould get ~usy in some way to better the sanitary condition o£ the d~nps, the creation of an ordinance regulating same, or ~he charging of a license under s~rict conditions, and the possible ~cquisition of ~ piece of acreage by the city for ~he dumping grounds, oouncil~an ~ynding and Lloyd were appointe~ a co~m~ittee to investigate the mat~er and report bacx to the Oouncil.. The following claims against the city were ne~t presented for payment;- Georf~e A.Enee~ e, ,, ~ !! Jack '~;elch ,, Otto Bissett Owen McC onaghy B.' orelli ~.Bianchi carlo P. ost oni surveying for clearing weeds staking 20 acre park labor 0u ball par~ painting safety zones labor on ball park ~painting sa£ety zones labor in civic center Moise Klinkner Co brass stencil ~lin~'s Service Station gasoline Oscar ~enz ~o supplies £ire dept Nicola Re rem. garbage & dogs The Enterprise legal notices " " printing Ord. ~;145 Associated 0il Co fuel oil The ~amewell Co., repair fire alarm system Burroughs Add ~lach Co maintenance 6 mo Western Sand & ~ock Co., reck & Cement $370.78 ~ 25.00 ~, 10.75 42.75 27.00 $ lO. 75 $ 22.50 w 22.25 ! 22.22 76.22 "-' 4 95 8 ll · ~/249.65 ~ 10 O0 ?~ · ~ 28.~0 nv.oo ~ Al.21 L ~6.0~ , 47,8~ Councilmen, A.Hynding, R'Zlo , R~Tibb~ttS, A.J.Eschelbach. absent, Councilman l~.Minucciani. '~he minutes of the two previous meetings were read. ihere being no errors or omissions Councilman Lloyd moved they be adopted as read. :she motion was seconded by Co~ci~an ~i~ding and regularly carried. A reply to ~he city's co~ication to ~he Southern Pacific' Railroad Company requesting ~hat the spaces between their tracks be repaired, was received. The company stated they would repair the spaces as soon as possible. The clerk was instructed to co~icate with the'company again and request that ~he repair work be ex~ended the full width ,f their crossing on the south side up to the tracks of ~he Market street ~ailroad Company. A co~ication w:_s received from the Lea~e of California ld~icipalities requesting as large at~en~ce ~s possible at the convention of the league at Sacramento September.19th to E2nd. Eschelbach asked the councilmen and other ofi'ici~ls as to the ,n~ber who might attend, Co~cilmen ~ynding and Lloyd stated they intended to be ~here, ~lso ~ity Attorney Coleberd, ~eal~h of.icer and Clerk McSweeney. L:ayor Eschelbach stated he was not sure he could spare the time. A co~ication was receive~, from ~.0.Wood, Secretary of the Derby 01ub, asking m~icipal &ssistance in ~he formation of a baseball team ~o represent South S~ Fr~cisco. As the character ~d extent of the assist~ce required was not stated ~ayor ~schelbash ins%ructed the clerk to complicate w with ~. Wood ~d ascertain his views concerning the assistance required. Victor Lonati, o~er of the Northe~t corner of Armour and Linden Avenues made a request upon the Co~cil for a ref~d of ~.00 alleged to ~e dus him on acco~ of a weed clearing, asserting he cleared the weeds from in fron~ oi his property himself. Laid over for investigation. Pres'ton W.Green, Naval ~adioman at ~his station requested to be depuZized special policem~ for his station. 0n motion by Councilman i~ding seconded by Co~cilman iibbet~s and regul~ly car~'ied the request was granted, i:r. Sreen to serve without ::ay from the city, ~d his duties to be coni'ined to ~he protection of his station. ~ A co~ica~ion was receive~ fron 2.:i=e Chief Costa and ~dw~d Lamb, reco~ending ~he calling for bids for 90' hydrants of fo~ inch int~e etc ~d 17 hydrants of ~he si:: inch intake tpye, etc, at the earliest possible date. uo~cilman H~ding sta'ted 'he s~udied the recommendations with ~r. Stern of %he water company and city ofi'icials and 0.K8D the recommendations. The being the date set fQr the opening o£ bids z~or %he ~ale of $~0,000 f:ve per cent .~,~icipal bonds, voted by the public J~e 2Tth,19E~, for fire department improvements, the following bids were o~ened, to -wit;- Bid of R.H.Moulton & Company, E. R. Gundelfinger Inc., Dean Wit~er & C0mp~ny E?H.Rollins & Sons Freeman, Smith & Camp Co., Bank of South San Francisco The Bank of South San ~'rancisco being the Par value, ~40,000 and premium ~608.00 " ", ~!;40. ,000" " $727.00 ~' 000" " ~:910.00 " " $40, " ", ~40,000 " " ~928.00 ,, ,, , o,ooo ,, ,, 928.oo " ", $~0,000 " " ~101~.00 highest bidder COuncilman Hynding introduced a resolution awarding the bid to the ~:ank of South San ~rancisco for the stm~ of ~,41,01J,00.The resolutioz was adopted by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, hynding, Lloyd, Tibbet~s, Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen, None. Abset, Councilmen, i:~.~inucciani. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at ~age 15~. Attest Daniel l~icSweeney, City Clerk ~he re~orts of the City Treasurer and ~ity 01erk for the month ending july 31,1927 were next read. On motion by Councilman Lloyd seconded by Cotuucil~,~an Tibbetts and regularly carried the reports were accepted as read. :~eferring to 'he garbage sizuation ~,ayor ~schelbach stated the city should get busy in some way to better the sanitary condition of the d~ps, the creation of an ordinance regulating same, or ~he charging of a license under s~rict conditions, and the possible acquisition o£ a piece of acreage by the city for the d~nping grounds. Oouncilman ~ynding and Lloyd were appointe~ a co~m~.ittee to investigate the mat~er and report bacx ~o the 0ouncil.. The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;- George A.Enee,( e, Jack .'elch Otto Bissett Owen McC onaghy B. !'.orelli A.Bianchi surveying for clearing weeds staking 20 acre park labor 0n ball pari~ painting safety zones labor on ball park painting safety zones labor in civic center ~arlo Rostoni " " " " Moise Klinkner Co brass stencil Plink's Service Station gasoline Oscar ~renz ~o supplies fire dept Nicola Re rem. garbage & dogs The Enterprise legal notices " " printing Ord. ~.145 Associated 0il ~o fuel oil The Wamewell Co., repair fire alarm system Burroughs Add ~[ach Co maintenance 6 mo Western Sand & }~ock ~o., reck & Cement C.Allard fertilizer E.Ryan clerical labor Total ~370,78 25,00 10.75 42,75 ~ 27.00 10.75 22,25 22.22 76,22 4.95 8.11 ~.i249,65 lO.OO 28,50 ~117.00 41.21 47,5~ 50,00 1288.2¥ The claims having been audited by the Zinance com~nittee ~ouncilman ~Jloyd moved they be paid. ~zhe motion was seconded by Councilms Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~zhere being no £urther business bei~ore the ~ouncil, ~ouncil.~!~n kynding moved ~o adjourn unt ~uesday evening, September 6th,19~?, at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. i~he mo~ion w~s seconded by ~uncilman Lloyd and regularly c&r~ied. Time oi~ ~djourn~ent, 9;Z~ o'clock p.m. Francisco Hespectfully submitted,