HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-01-09itEGULAR ~EETI~TG 07 TKE CITY COUIiCIL OF THE CITY OF SOU'I~qL~SA2~' FRAI(CISC0, H_~,LD, ~f0NDAY, JA~UA2qY 6TH,1930. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the ~i~ Hall,Wonday evening, January 6th,1930. The meeting was called to or,er at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbach, ~ayor of ' South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call fmmd all mambers of the council present;-to-wit;- Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, E.L~n¥~c~a~i, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of the previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman Minucciani moved they be adopted as read. The motion ~as seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regul~ carried. The reports of the ~nicipal Judge,Building Inspector. Chief of ~olice,Fire Chief, City Treasure~ and City Clerk for the month ending December 31,1929 were submitted and on motion regmlarly carried were accepted. This being the date set for the openin~ of bids for the improvement of Lindan Avenue, Councilma~ Tibbetts moved the bids be opened. The motion ~as seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. The following bids were then opemed;- -~ay Conetruction company, Hanrahan Company, .~ieyer Rosenberg, Union Paving Company, E. J. Treacy, Louis J.C chh, California Construction Company, James T.Tobin $51,082.70 S52,666.g0 $56,~57.00 54,679.00 ,112.60 ~56,882. O0 ~i~' ~ 9~1.25. On the recommendation of Councilman Hynding postponement of the award to the lowest bidder, Th~ Fay Conctruction Company,was taken in orc~er to allow the city engineer time to pro-rate the costs to all property owners in the affected or bene~it~:, area. Refund of weed charges in the sz~. of ~39.03 was ormered paid on motion by Councilman Hynding ~econded. by Councilman Einucciani and regularly carried. City Attorney Coleberd was requested to frame a resolution from the City Council to Heinz & Koffmann, welcoming their new industry to tlc City of South San Franci'sco. Claims ir~ the amount of $1773.40 were next presented for payment. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Bznz. cczan~ and regularly carried the claims were ordered paid. Superior Steam Laundry ~, Welch Paul Hamilton Louis Savares A. Sani 0. Bissett A. Canziani J. Bernardo T. Galli J. Castro The Seagrave corporation The Prest-0~-Lite Co. B. Pasqu~le Co. P~cific Water Co. Pen. Drug C o. Galland Mercantile Laundry Jennings Pharmacy San Mateo Co. Title Co. C. R. Beatty Co. Associated 0il Co. Fred. Laut ze Reid Bros. Dudley Perkins Co. Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. Louis Belloni M. Belli & Co. Pacific Water Co. H. V. ~arter Co. 0. Hayworth P. Lombardi N~rs. J. T. O'Connor Mrs. W. W. Brawn A. Gianoli Goldie Silvernail A. Molinu M. Lico J. Fagundes Mrs. A. Eikerenkotter Mary Mercks J. H. Bridgewater Mrs..E. Lynch wash Fire House removing cats and dogs Dec Fire system maintenance Dec. spec. police duty attending fire Putting up flags Dec. 23 wprk on fire truck material fire dept. 10 pair gilt collar letters water service Dec.- I came paper twwel service Dec. Imp. Butler Road sand and rock supplies Clerk's office reports Dec. moving lines on poles 2 brackets and ~ blue lamps gas fire dept. "police dept. repair Ford car 'gas. street dept. " police dept. " health dept. servicing motorcycle service Dec. I police cap and feeding prisoners repairs, etc. police care 2ark water Dec. couplings labor on park weed refund, lst' inst. Weed refund 2w~ inst. !' 1st inst. Both inst. 1st. inst. 4.3V 6.99 13.50 20.00 10.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 10.50 51.42 .95 12.65 450.00 7.20 2.00 3.00 4?5.0O 45 .~0 4.90 1.50 32.00 12.80 1.20 3.00 1~.30 25.60 41.60 11.00 4.00 1.50 47.25 5.75 33.45 26.29 19.89 27.00 .67 2.00 2.00 1.48 2.00 1.24 .68 2.00 2.00 2.00 .50 .'70 carried. The reports of the lfl~nicipal Judge,Building Inspector. Chief of police,Fire Chief, City Treasure and City Clerk for the month ending December 31,1929 were submitted and on motion regmlarly carried were accept ed. This being the date set for the opening/ of bids for the improvement of Lindan Avenue, Councilm~ Tibbetts moved the bids be opened. The motion u'as seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried, The following bids were then opec, ed;- Fay C onetruction compamy, Hanrahan Company, ~eyer Rosenberg, Union Paving Company, E. J. Treacy, Louis J.Cohn, California Construction Compamy, James T.Tobin $~1,082.70 g52,666.gO ~6,5~7.00 4,679.00 58,368.25 67,112.60 ~5~,882.00 ~,951.25. On the recom~nendation of Councilman Hynding postponement of the award to the lowest bidder, Fay Co~ctruction Company,was taken in crc_er to allow the city engineer time to pro-rate the cost~ to ali. property owners ir~ the affected or benefit~a area. Ref~md of weed charges in the szm of ~69.03 was ormered paid on motion by Councilman Hynding seconded by Councilman 1,~inucciani and regularly carried. City Attorney Coleberd was requested to frame a resolution from the City Council to Heinz & Kof'fmann, welcoming their new industry to t~,o City of South San Francisco. Claims iD the amount of $17~3.40 were next presanted for payment. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Einucciani and regularly carried the claims were ordered paid. Superior ~team Laundry J. Welch Paul Hamilton Louis Savaras A. Sani 0. Bissett A. Canziani J. Bernardo T. Galli J. Castro The Seagrav~e corporation The Prest-0~-]~ite Co. B. Pasquale Co. Pacific Water Co. Pen. Drug Co. Galland Mercantile Laundry Western Sand and Rock Co. Je nnings Pharmacy San Mateo Co. Title Co. C. R. Beatty Co, Associated 0il Co. Fred. Laut ze Reid Bros. Dudley Perkins Co. Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. ]~ouis Belloni M. Belli ,& Co. Pacific Water Co. H. V. ~arter Co. 0. Hayworth P. Lombardi Nfs. J. T. O'Connor Mrs. W. W. Brawn A. Gianoli Goldie Silvernail A, Molinu M. 7,icc J. ~agundes Mrs. A. Eikerenkotter Mary Mercks J. H. Bridgewater Mrs. ~E. Lynch M. Shoults Mrs. Annie Bianchi Martha Veit wa,s,h Fi,r,e Ho.use ~21 removing cats and dogs Dec Fire system maintenance Dec. spec. police duty attending fire I1 Il Putting up flags Dec. 23 wprk on fire truck material fire dept. l0 pair gilt collar letters water service Dec.- 1 ca~e paper twwel service Dec. Imp. Butler Road sand and rock supplies Clerk's office reports Dec. moving lines on poles 2 brackets and 2 blue lamps gas fire dept. "police dept. repair Ford car gas. street dept. " police dept. " health dept. servicing motorcycle service Dec. I police cap and feeding prisoners repairs, etc. police care Tark water Dec, couplings labor on park weed regund 1st. inst. Weed refund ~wd inst. " TWO " " " 1st inst. " " Both ir~t. " " 1st. inst. II $ 4.3V 6.99 13.50 20.00 10.00 2.50 2,~0 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 10.50 51.42 .95 12.65 450.00 7.20 2.00 3.00 475. O0 45 .?0 4.90 1.50 32.00 12.80 1.20 3.00 13.30 25.60 41.60 11.00 4.00 1.50 47.25 5.75 33.45 26.29 19.89 27.00 .6V 2.00 2.00 1.48 2.00 1.24 .68 2.00 2.00 2.00 .50 .70 1,00 .70 1.00 14'42 Luoetta B. Hardy J. C. Wallace Rose Ungaretti Callie E. Boyle L. A. Welden R. 3'akkema S. S. F. L~-:~nd & Imp. Co. Pacific Water Co. weed refund $ 1.00 " " E. 00 " " 1.40 " " 6.72 " " .5 0 " " .5 0 refund Lot 24, Block 98 1.00 payment on bill 300.00 Total -~ii1773.40 There being no further business Councilman Hynding mo~ed to adjourn until the nex:t regular meeting, Eon~ay, ~anuary .20th,1930, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Coumcilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;45 o'clock p.m. Appr ore d ~~~~~-~~~ ~ay0~ of Sou.th Sa~ ~rancisco. Re spect~ully submit,