HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-03-10SPEC IAL ~ ~ ~'~'~'~ ~ '~ ' T~E I~,ZI_',G OF ,u CITY COULCIL 0P TP,LE CITY 0P SOUTH S'AI~ FlY,NC I SC 0, HELD L~0YDD~Y, L~RCH, 10TH,10Z0. A special meeting of the City COuncil'of~th~ Cit~ od' South San Francisco, notice of which the foll is $ copy,- "CAL~, AND WY~IYER OF !~0TICE OF SPECIAL E~ETII~G 0F CITY' COUECIL 07 THE CITY · OF SOUTH "The undersi/:ned being ali the members of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby call a special meeting of Said City Council to be held in the Codncil Chamber of aaid City Cou::~cil in the City Hall of said City of 2outh ,oa_~ Francisco on },~onday the 10th day of ~,'iarch, 1930 at 7;30 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of appointing ma~mbers of the board, s of electioi~ to have charge and conduct the general municipal election to be held ir,~ and for said City of South San Francisco on the 14th day of April, 1930, and for the purpose of designating the polling places for holding, such election, and also flor the transac2ion of all other business which may be incident to the appointme of members of such boards of election a~.d t~,e designation o£ such polling places, and also ~or the transaction o~ any and all other business which may be. legally acted upon at such ~eeting; ar.d we horeby waive notice of such special meeting and conse?t to the holding of such meeting" was held in the City Hall ~,~ionday evening, ~,,~arch !0th,1930. This meeting was called to order at ?;50 o'cloc~ p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbach,llayo~ o~ South San Franc_i. sco. ROLL C ALL. Roll call foumd all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen A. Hynding, R.Llo~,~d, ~i.I~inucciani, k. Tibbetts,A. J.Eschelbach. The minutes of tt~e meetings of February ~rd ,F,:bruary 10th and I,,4arch 3rd v.,'ere read. In the minutes of the meeting of ~ar¢,,h 3rd it was stated the b~:,llot envelopes we:~e orderea opened to secure figures as to the ntunber of ballots cast. This should hsve referred to Tally .~n~:elopes and precincts C and D, instead of A and B, and the cler~, was accor,~n~,~ly,,~ instructed to correct the minutes,and on'~ by councilman Hynding secorded by Councilme:a Tibbetts anti regularly carried~ the2~~ were adopted as cot: An application for a position on the election ~oard v~'a-.~ received from .E.A.Lozlowski. Applicat ordered placed on file. £~ communication was received from E.O.Peck requesting the city to place a fire h~drant at the corner of Parkway Terrace and Spruce Avenue for the protection of new houses being erected in the vicinity. Referred to the ,Chairman of the Street Com~:~ittee with full pov,~er to act. A petition was received from residents on Cypres~ Avenue between Pine & Armour Avenues askini that brackets llghtsbe installed in that location. Re!'~,:red to the street con~ittee. A resolution providing for the holding ofthegen,ral municipal election in the Cdt~ of South San Francisco, ,,:~pril 14th,19Z0,dividing the city i:~to four consolidated voting precincts, designati: polling places and a~pointing offic,~rs of the election,/boards was intro~-iuced b;~ councilman i~,~inuccia~ "' to-wit'- and adopt'ed by the unanimous vote of the city council,/ , /&yes,' Councilman, A.Hyndimg, Yi. Lloyd, lf.i~'inuccia~i, R. Tibbetts-, A.J.Eschelbach. Noes, Councilr~e~i, l~one. ,'~ba'ent, Councilmen, None., Attest Daniel !'J,c e City Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. ~, at pa~e I~ayor Eschelbach su~gested that ?roperty ow~er~' along Grand Avenue from Division ~,treet to the ~ission Road be sent a questionaire as to their p~'esent ligi~tin,u system, if additional lights require~, and if~ the~/ desire to change the present sy ,~tem to electro!~ers of two bulbs and finer Actin~f or, the suf~gestion ~the clerk was instr~'~ct~d com~unicat~ with all the property affecte~ and secure their opinion 'b;' cUeamtionaire. Cliams in the amownt of~10~. ~ ~'x '~' ~he ~. were next submitted to the council. ~ claims having been au~ by the Timance comm~ittee councilman Hynding mo~'ed the~' be paid. The motion was seconded by councilma~ 'Lloyd and regularly carried. the next regular meeting, }~,Ionday, ~arch 17th, 19b0, ~,t 7;S0 O'clock p.m. councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time oi' adjournr,':ent 8.45 o'clock p.m. ~ Service garage, and Machine f:~hop hose etc, etc, ~'"' 9"' c.50 ~ Santini.& Roccucci ruhr, er boots ii21.00 Paul Hamilton £EBi-ibARY ~'ir~' alarm mainter~(~20, oo Angel'~ Conziani labor city hall furnace ? 4.50 Dudley Perkins alemiting ~ 1.50 ;~;.Belli & C ~moany pe::,zoil & Labor ~ 8.80 George Wright~ ~ . repairs 2anforan Road ~44.25 Pae~e- Wa$e ~-~,m~a~-- - m---~h-~aFme~-~e~a- aa~e~-~F~a~,-~$~6$$0 ~ ~1o2.55 There being no further business before the board Councilman Hynding moved to adjourn until The motion was seconded by :~rprove ~ · ~ayor ox south San Franc~ SOO Respectfully st-,bmitted, ~J~" Clerk ~/