HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-03-17~GULAR DIEETING OF THE CITY COU~JCIL OF THE CITY 0~~ SOUTH SAIl FRA~JC ISC0 , HELD ~i01~DAY, }~iAPEH 17TH ,1930. The regular meeting of the City Counccil of th,~ City of South San ~rancisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, L~rch 17th,1930. .The ~eting w~s called to order ~t ~; ,_~0 o clock p.m. by councilman ~.J .... ohelbach,E~r of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Comncilman Lloyd suggested tha't all ~an'~ountsoverara,~wn in the various city funds be c u -~v paid from the general fund, deducted frOm the general fund, as the overdraws have a~t az~ been which would then show the genera], f~nad's true b?lance. City ~ttorney Coleberd stated he would look the matter up and see if this could be leg~::ily done and ::~'eport back at the next meeting. Lights were ordere~ in ~ypress AveLu~~ bet~Yeen Pine and Armour f~venues.. Ctain%s in ti~e amount of $1790.96 were next prs, sented for payment. The finance comm~ittee having au[ited the claims councilman >[ynding ~o~:ed they be haiti. T~'~e motion was seconded by co~mcilman Lloyd and regularly carried. t{oll call found the following n~embers of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, R.Tibi:':,tts, A.J.Eschelbach.,, D_bsent, C o~mcilman ~inucciani. The minutes of the previous meetin~g ~,'~ere read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as ~read. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. A comm~_unication was received from the Pacific Tepephone and Telegraph Company b~ L%yor Eschelbach 'stating t~e telephone company ¥/ould proceed promptly to move its poles back to the new property line on Linden Aver, ne,~ repair'all da~r_a,;'~e to sidewalks if damaged in the course of moving, prepare plans and specifications for the permar~ent removal of the poles fro~a Lindan Avenue, submit the same to the city council for inspection a~-~d, than. keri the ~,[ayor for the courteous treatment he extended to Lan~ger i.~o ¥.E!lis Con~."~mica'~on accepted and ordered placed on file. E.C.Stahl made application for permission to construct a a0 x 30 ft, garage of concrete floor, galvanized iron sides and roof on the :~rear of lot 5, block 124, Second Lane, on the property of ~,,~irs. Dora L.l,~ahoney. PSrmission g'~anted under the supervision of the building inspector, Giustett~t Bros applied for a permit ~o construct an &utc Camp on the E1 Camino Real on lots 1,3,5,7, Block 10, Town of Baden, in connection with a gasoline station. Plans were subm. itted for the inspection of the council. The matter x,~as taken ~der advisement v~til the council ,.:...~ investigates the request and inspect the plans. The reoorts of the cit? nurse and cindy treasurer for the month end~= ?ebruary ~8 were read and accepted. .~ ........... ' , ...... . Phone ~8 _$ 5.~0 Ins. Prem. 'on ~ibrary $$9.00 " " Buick .11.00 Freight on calrock 61.00 Rent garage for election 10.O0 Relief driver toNer.l? 69.29 · I~bor & n~terial fire Truck ~47726 Truck & labor streets repairs police car 12 hath towels 5 days labor streets cleaning fou~in tq 12/29 6.00 work on election 2/25, · addressing envelopes, 1 set type keys daily reports Feb. Convention pr oceedi,ngs relocating hydrant ~102 61 tons calrock towel service ~eb. sand and rock Service Feb. Street lights Eeb. printing Award $68 labor on streets Lumber Inv.~B19997-239 " " ~B18978 Total 112. O0 25.50~ 7.40 7.05 22.50 9.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 27.48 366.00 5.00 26.63 83.23 690.63 24.00 43.00 49.50 33.30' 50.62 .... $179b.96 Pacific Tel & Tel Co, B. J. Rodondi B., H. Truax S. P. Co. ~rs. Brawn Otto Bissett The Seagrave Corp. ~oe Dancak M. Belli & Co, C. Guidi Sam Kiessling J. ~igoni & Co. Gladys A-. Wel~te Perfect Typewriter Key Co. San Mate~ Co. Title Co. League of Calif.. Muni. Pacific Water C,. Calrock Asphalt Co. Gal laud Laundry Western Sand & Rock Co. P. G.&E. The Enterpris e N. Medeghini So. City Lumber Co. There being no further business ~ouncilman Hynding moved to adjourn until ¥¥ednesday eve~ing, }Parch 19th,1930, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjourrn~ent, 8.~0 o'clock, p.m. Avpr°V~sco Respect ful?~ ~i~ed,