HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-03-31 NE~TILG 0F ..... CITY COLq,!CIL OF THE REGULARLY AD JOUPgRED 'CITY 0F BOUTH S~{ FR~CISC0, HELD EONDXY A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall t,~onday eveni~g, ~arch Zlst,19~0. This meetiog was called to order at 7;~0 o'clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbach, ~ay¢ of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call foYm. o. all members o~. t~'e co~'zcil presezzt, to-wit;- ' " n ' R.Tibbetts, A.J. Eschelbach. Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, L.L~nu~c~ani, The minutes of the three previous m-~etings were read. There being no errors or omission~ Councilman ~.Hynding moved the~' be adopted as read. smd regv!art~ carried. Of the questionaires sent out reaarding the lighting condition on Gr~d Avenue and the sentiment of t~e property o~ers toward an i~Trove~ent present lighting' five ~ere for more lights s~ five were for the two globe system. ~swere filed reference. request of theThe Pacific ~as and ~lectric Com_?ny to open a trench 40' long by 15" deep in a sidewall at the northwest cor.~er of Linden Avenue and Fourth ~ne in co~ection with the removal of their e~uuipment from Linden Avenue, was received and referred to the chairman of the street co~r~ittee with ll power to act. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company reqvested permission to extend the iron pip lateral from the pole on the east :ide of Lind,'~u Avenue to the manhole at the intersemtion of Pourt and Linden Avenue. Referred to the chariman of the street co~ittee with full power to act. The' Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company also requested permission to place a sub~ay on Linden Avenue and San Bruno Road,between Baden and T~foran Avenues. Laid over till the next meeting.' A co~.ication fas received by Mayor Eschelbach from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company calling attention to the fact that the new rates established by the gas & light company will reduce the city's light bill $276.12 per ann~. Communication filed. A petition signed by ~7 property o~ ~rs an~ residents of Town 0f Badeh, requested the council to refuse the application of Guistetti Brothers for a permit to establish an auto camp on t~ E1 Camino Real, highway, within the city limits of South San Francisco on the gro~d that such camp become ~desirable and insanita..~ and tend to depreciate the value of property in the vicinity. Th pD.~ition~ ~eGdested that noel, ce be sent of t~.:~ date of the next hearing on the subject that they ~r:.ight be present to state their objections.. Latid over for two weeks. The request of Attorney ~,IR.Healey for a 'Palmistry license for his client I~[ark ~ado, was n taken up. Councilman ~!ynding stated ilr. Rado s).oald have an interview with Chief of Police Belloni and also should appear before the city co~mcil ~'~r questioning before such a license might be grant i'~[ayor Eschelbach stated it is a questionable bu~.iuess at best and the mater requires thorough investigation. ~id over till the next meeting. ~l-ctric Company of March 17th for a permit to extend The request of the ?acific Gas & ~ an eight inch pipe line from the easterly line of the Western Meat Company to T~.P.Puller & Company' to supply natural gas to companies in that vicinity, was taken up an& on ~notio:'. by Councilman Hyndi seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried , the desired permission was granted, and the clerk instructed to write the company to this effect-. Insur~ce Agent D. ti~.Ratto appea~ed before the council and recoromended that additional insur~ce be taken out by the city for protection against d~age suits by persons working for contr doing city work. .City Attorney Cole~erd believed the citr should avail itself of additional protec The matter was laid over until the next meetinf:. Nr. Dimetr0ff of Linde~ ~kvenue exten, ion and San Bruno' Road appeared before the co~cil and stated no provision has been made for sewer laSerals in front of his property on Linden Avenue, the same should be installed before the layin~ of pavement thereon. Referred to the city engineer f advise and action. i33.~ Claims in the amount of ~jl 25 we~e next presented to the board for payment. The finan co~.ittee having audited the claims co~cilmanTibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded cozmcilma~ Hynding and regularly carried. Royal Supply O ompany Otto Bissett, Siracode Signal Corp, Ray Burner Company Bertuccille !: Rossetti A.Oarlisle & Co., So. City Plumb. Shop M.Belli & Co., Joe Dancak Ben Gonzales Sam Xiessling D. C o! omb o ' A:C onziani Frank ~.~cC arn A.C. Johnson D.~cSweeney assigned claim of Red Sel'n Frank ~enn " " "0.ha~. a~ th Gino Range E. Bar!ettami g. Oriffigna Gustave Schmi dt Pacific Water Company seeds, etc,e%c Q81.40 relief driver ~58.6~ one siren ,}5~.80 repairs to hall Burn~&l.~5 pick & ax ~an~[les ~ 2.10 election s'a~::c!ies 377. ~2 couplings etc, ~ 5.80~ radiator Cap. ~ 5.50 labor & machine ~':~72.00 street sw.~ ~ping ~[~29.2~ ~epairing ?treets ~54.00 installins mannole. ~85.00 cutting troes, ::.~60.75 " " ~6.00 " " ~ll. 25 labor,bal ~. park ~1.50 " " " $51.50 " " " ~24.7~ " " " ,, {~47. 4th pyt. ~:.ydrants $~00.00 Total '.~ll55.25 Re spe c t ful_~:/S~Vbm i t J~, / ' ~-~/~City Clef There being no further busine~'s cour~.~i!man Hynding moved to adjourn ~sm_t~! the next regu!a , _~nday,~kpril~Vth,19Z0,at ~;30 o'clock p.n~. T~e motion w.~s seconded by councilman Tibh0~ttsa gularly c~e of adjournment, 9;Z0 o'clock ~.m. The minutes of the three previous m etings were read. There bei~:g' no errors or omissio Councilman ~.Hyndi~g moved they be adopted as read. T]~e m_otJor, ~;~as aeco~:d b~ cov:~,e~ir::e.~ Tibtetta a.~-,d, regv!arl~ carried. Off the questionaires sen~ out re~:i~:rding the lighting condition on Grand Avenue and the sentimert of t}:e prol~erty o~ers toward alq i~!~rove~::er~t 28 answers were rec~ived. Elgttee~ were for j~resent lighting~ five ¥,ere for more l~.ghts sz~d five were for the two globe system. ~swere filed reference. request of theThe Pacific ~as and f:lectric Compsny to open a trench 40' long by 15" deep in a sidewa at the hOrrify;est cora',er ~, Linden Avenue and Forth ~ne in co~ection with the removal of their equipment from Linden Avenue. was received and referred to the chairman of the street committee wi~ full power to act. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company req~,este.d permission to extend tlc iron p: lateral from the pole on the east :ide of Lind,-;n Avenue to the manhole at the intersemtion of and Linden Avenue. Referred to the chariman of the street co~nittee with full power to act. The' ?acific Telephone and Telegraph Company also requested permission to place a sub~a.1 on Linden Avenue and San Bruno Road,between Baden and T~foran Avenues. Laid over till the next meeting.' A commA~;ication uas received by La,.ce Eschelbach from fha Pacific Gas & Electric Compan~ calling attention to the fact that the new _a~es established by the gas & light company will redu~ tn~ city's light bill $276.1~ per an~qvm~. ,sommmnication filed. X petition signed by ~7 property cyme,rs anc~ residents of Town 0f Badeh, requested the council to refuse the application of Guistetti Brothers for a permit to establish an auto camp on E1 Camino Real, highway, within the city limits of South San Francisco on the gro~d that such ca~ become ~desirhb!e and insanitary and tend to depreciate the value of property in the vicinity. pp~ition~ ~aq~ested that no%l~ce be semi of tL,~, date of the next hearing on the subject that the~ r:,ight be present to state their objections.. L~id over for two weeks. The request of Attorney IJR.Healey for a ~Palmistry license for his client I{ark ~ado, was taken up. Cour~cilman EA?nding stated ~,[r. dado ~.:ould have an interview with Chief of Police Bellor and also should appear before the city cmmci! ~'~r questioning before suck a license might be graz i[ayor Esohelbach stated it is a questiona~!e bu~iness at best and the mater requires thorough investigation. 2id over till the next meeting. The request of tke Pacific Gas & ,m!,~,ctric Company of L[arcL 17th for a permit to extend an eight incL pipe line from the easterly line of the Western Meat Company to 7~.P.Ful!er & Compah~ to supply natural gas to companies in that vicinity, was tsken up an& on motioA~ by Councilman Hynd seconded by Councilman Tibbetts &nd regularly carried , the desired permission was granted, and clerk instructed to write the company to this effect'. Insur~ce Agent D.W.Ratto apD~a~ed before the cotmcil and recommended that additional insurance be taken out by the city for prote6tion against damage suits by persons working for cont doing city work. ~Ctty Attorney Coleberd believed the city should avail itself of additional prote The matter was laid over until the next meetinf~. I,[r. Dimetr°ff of Linden Avenue exten~:~ion and San Bruno' Road appeared before the co~cil and stated no provision has been made for sewer laterals in front of his property on Linden Avenue _ "~ ~ the city engineer the same should be installed before the laying o-~ pavement thereon. Re~.e~red to advise and action. Claims in the amount of ~1 ~Z. E5 we'~e next presented to the board for payment. The fins comAittee having audited the claims councilmanTibbetts moved they be paid. The motio~t was seconded co~mcilma~ Hynding and regularly carried. Lqoyal Supply Company Otto Bissett, 3iracode Signal Corp, Ray Burner Company Bertuccille ~; Rossetti A.Carlisle & Co., So' City 21r~nb. Shop M.Belli & Co., Joe Dancak Ben Gonzales Sam ~iessling D.C o!ombo ' A:C onziani Prank ~¥~cC arn A.C. Johnson " " D.~icgweeney assi~_ued~.. ~ claim of Red 5el'n Frank ~enm " " " 0.Hay:-arth Gino Range E.Barlettami G.Griffigna Gustave Schmidt Pacific Water Company seeds, etc,etc ~81.40 relief driver ~58.6~ one siren ,~54.80 repairs to hall Burn~41.45 p~ck a ax ~an~les ~,? 2.10 election s'~:~c!ies :~77.32 '~' 3.80 co~p!ings etc, radiator Cap. ~ Z.50 labor & machine ~72.00 street sw.-~ ~ping 429.25 ~epairing ~s, tree~s ~*. O0 /nstalli~':~ manhole. ~85.00 outting trees, ~60.~5 " " oo ll.g5 labor,hal' park ~31.50 " " " ~31.50 " " " (~24.7~ " " " (~47. 4th pyt. '.:ydrants $300.00 Total There being no further busine~s cou?~,~ilman Hyuding moved to adjourta ~:mti! the next regu! meetin7 ~' -~' = ' '~ ' , _:~may,~.pril~Tth,1930,at 7;30 o'c.,_oc:~ p.m. The motion, w,?s seconded by councilman Tibb~tts_ 9;~0 o'c!oc? ~.m. Respectfu.l_~y/sq>bmi t J~, / ""~/~Ctty Cl~