HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-04-28I 46O % rSgularly adjourned meeting of the cdt,, council of the City of South San Francisco was hel held in the city hall ];~onday evening, .lpri! fStk,!9:~O. ~ The-mc',et~.~g was called to or,er at 7;S0 o'c_~oc~ p.m. bZ co~cilman J.lU.Q, uinlan, ~,~ayor of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the counci L '",resent, to-wit;- ~ ' '?' ~-~ J. ]'. Quinlan. uouncz!men, v~c Boido, ~.Lloyd, N.lCinucci~,:~n~', R.Tibbetts, The minutes of the previous meeting were z'ead. Tkere beir~g no errors or omissions Co~cilman Boido moved they o,~ adopted as read. The motion wab ~ecouded by Couz~cilman~Llbyd and regularly ca, tied ~dayor Quinl~ anuounced the f~llowing nrmes of the city co~cilmen on the various standing co~ittees ~or the ensuing term,- ~.~,finucciani, ~.Boi&o, Finance Committee, Chairman, Reese Lloyd, Street Committee, Chairm~, R.Tibbetts,iLl,:inucciani ,~..,ese Lloyd. Corporation Oo~ittee, Reese Llo~;d Chairman, V.Boido,R.Tibbetts~ ~ ' .... V Boido,R.TibbStt2 :Purchasi:a~ Committee, !':.Yinucoiani ,Onazrman, . . Police Co~nission, Entire Co~cil,,V.Boido,Chairman. Fire Comz~ission, Entire Co~cil, ~vLIftnucciani, Chairman. A c6mmunication was received from the Council 3~lor Dos Acores asking'permission to hold a ~iesta a~, exercises at All Soul's Church, with n~usic'outside, on the 1?th and~l:~th of ~day,19Z0. Permissim2 granted. 0na':aply was received from the questi maz_e in regard to lighting si%uation on Grand Avenue The answer stated the owner was not satisfied with e present lighting system and p~e~rred t~.~e two globe electrolier system. Communication ordered filed. Ap~ications:~._ for the positions of fire cbT el were received from .~gelo Coneiani, Warren ==!.J.T~elte. Con. unica tigris placed o~ file. A c0mmu~icatton was receiw~d from the ,~e;tern i~eat Company stating the street in front of their new garag~e is i-n bad condition and should be r,~paired and some sot% of reflector placed to ~varn a~ainst accidsnts. Referred to the c~mzrmau o ' tb_,~ treet co2m~ittee. The bnion .~?avin~Z Conmany_, asked -~.~or a~. e;~--~,,o_,~zsion of 90 days in which %o conuoleta~ their work on Swift Avenue and Third Street. Thej were ~srante~. an extension of 90 days o~_. the Third street contra ~::nd the request for ..... ~. u~u extension on the ~wift ~v ~ontract taken unLer adv~semen, t for investigati Postmaster Hardy requested the use of tzw~ city Cfunci! Chambers ~ ' for a meeting of the Peninsula 2ostal :3m'~uloyees Aasociation on th~:~ 6th o: }Jay,!930. flequest granted. ~:m additional or supplementary petition was received :from property o'~ers in the Baden Tract ~orotesti'~g a~ainst c:ranti~.~ a permit to co~:~,~zl-~ct a~. auto camp on the E1 Camino Real~ The nz~mber of front feet to date protestin~ asainst t~ ~'~o~osed construction amounts to 7525 feet and the the number in favor of same 775 feet. ~kfter cOns~ i'-vable discussion r , co :~si(Leration. ~ Olaims in the amo~mt off ~)315.97 were next presented to the city co,moil flor payment. The claims 'having bTen audited by the finance conm~ittee councilman Tibbetts moved they .be pai~. The motion was seconded by councilman },[in~cciani and recu!arl~, T.;~.Robbins, moving e!ectrolier ~ 25.00 Bertucce!li & Co., four cast sprL~:~s ~[~ 1.80 Sam_ }[ie~',~!:~in~_ _ _ = lsbor on streets_ V~' 47 '5 Pacific Water Company locatin~ hydrant y ._. ..... ~:.uz z, interDretin~ Z.Oar!is!e &~ Co. elect~on sup-F~lies ]~ 66.48 West Coast 17ursery Acacia trees " " " Acac ia Z~elanoscyfon '].~. 00 Total ~[,Z15.97. John Ficsher appeared berG e the con: s~ hehal£ of the South San Francisco Baseball team, and re~uest..o, financial aid. fro~~', the city to ~el'F defray the expenses of the ball team u~.til such time as the team could be put upon a paying basis. ~-ayor <uinlan explained tke advice of the ci~t~i' attorney would be required before voting a donation, and expected the attorne,? at the next meeting.. ?.Russo a~plied ftor a permit to construct a corrr~,ted iron building for storeroo~ purposes in the rear of his candy store in the alley, or T' ~"ld Lane,on Lot t6,b!ock 124. He was i]~atructed to prepare a shetland' of' the Dr :psed building, shod. iud: dimensions, etc. There being no further business before tk board Cou~ecilmar: Boido moved to ::~djourn until t~,e next regular meeting, :co:,may, ;,,ay uth,19,~;0 at ,;~0 o'clock pjm. The motion was seconded by Councilman .t:iinucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournr~.ent, 9;~5 o'clock p.m. 2e spect fu~ly submi!te~