HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-06-024 The meeting was called to order at 7-50, o'cl-,ck p.m, by con, ti!man ~ ~.P.';:',uinlan,I.laJor of C, ou' San 2rancisco. ~OLL CALL. Ro!l call _,_oLnd all members of tke co~zncil present, to,wit;- 0ouncilmen, Yic. Boido, N.Lloyd, i~[.idinucciani, k. Tibbetts,J.P.Quinlan. The minutes of the tu~o previous meetings ere read. Tkere being no errors or omissions they w adopted as read. A.conmm, nication u'as receive from I.H.Potter, President of the 3outh San Prancisao Chamber Co,,~,erce cai-ling the city's attentio~u to the fact th-_ut :;~ever~l factories a~e contemplatin~ buildir, g of the underpass and that additi~nai water service s~_.}u!i be installed before the factories are bud' -,~, ~.% ' :v:~,',~, te comply to attend to the installation of Tko clerk was req,.:e~ted to _.or.._.'; i;,,,:: _~ ........ ',/a r service. ,= comTxunicati}n -.vas reoeive~ from ~,n&~ n~nd_,'g as~iu{l -~or a share of the city's Insurance bv. siness when the present terms expire. Oa~mumioati."P:· ::ooepted an& or&ered placed on file. L.P.Wal~h of t~:e ~'aoifio Gas ~% !!eotric Company requested to be notified when the new electr . , :.m~J.~cer iil~ssen stated are in place-an& rea&~; :f'o~ light,nE_ that the ceruleanZ ~' turn ou tke juice. ~' ..... manN of t!'_e 'eleotroliers "ere already placed and the company might be notifle& at once. %o order6&. 2 steter, ent was received from the eenural CoT:,se! cT the ITarket Street Railway Oompany,'aillh ~ 2bbott, st~tin~-~ the ~ross ear~-mx'~¢ o~r the ':%outb Sen Francisco PJailroa& ;" Power Company for the ,_ " · , -- % '~ ,. e~:&i:n.q April' 21st !sst were '~,[20,604 42 end the c~ty' share of-~- per cent of the earninf:s The report - as ac:cepted by t}:e cou~,cil and th' clerk i~structed to so noti'%- the ermrssm~n was requested by the ~acifio Oas . ~ u,!ectric Conmany to set ]poles on Grand Avenue Ba~ 2~ore B:~lev~d, to a~e21ace ~ -ee ~ ~ ~ ' uh~ South :~an :ra~c~sco Nailway poles to ~e removed. Permission Fermissio~: ':-as also requested by the Paciff[c Cas ~,: z~lectri,. Com~y to z e,.~lace poles on ~:ut: Road east of Bay ::here Boulevard and to install piTes or~ ~m.t!er Road where it cro~-.~ses the ::3outhern Paciffic Nailroad. Vermission grated. An aNplica~ion was received from Augustine Terragno for the position of Trafffic 0ffice~, sho~ u.,.~ position be created. !vplication refferred ~o the ~oiice oon~ission. ' ~ ~ ~"~ fo~ sale to the cit: The C'alifornia Real :Estate Association effete& cop~es o:,- thief ma=a~N.,e ,[~100 full pa~e :-d~.~rtisind -nd _ ~,.,~ a half page. Ordernd placed on file. z,eoue. St was n.~de~-- by,,. x, roparty_ owners o:~ Ltnder Avenue to refrain -ffro'm cutting weeds on t~:e av~ sn acco'ant o:~ the Space~ being tor:'~ ~p .,,, tke cont',..-a.stor Councilman Tibbetts stated he would care of the matter. . The '"~ ~ " ,..,,stin~iouse Electric I.,lanufactnri-ng uompany submitted its Patent License Agreemant for electroliera to be used on Linden Avenue from ~ailroad ivenue to Zauforan Road, at a price of each, and t.b.e same was filed witk t.~, cit ~ u!erk on ~',~y 16th,l~SO. The o~~ er fixi~uj t,~e time for hearinc, objections to the issuance of bonds ~der'proceedings was postpone~ for two weeks. The re~ort of tke k'uildi~,~d ~ ~",-'ot. or '~::' +~,~ :'~oL~th s~'~dir, g i.aj ~l"t .... ~ ........... ~ ,1UZO ,as r~ad and accepte~ ~ngineer !l!asses stated th.~re is a small ~'~',"','~ ~a~,, of ground between the west en~ of %~hird 3tree' and the Stats Hi ~' - ,, ~onform~ty with the gm~a~ which requires to be p!acnd i:= ~:~ndition in condition in '- ' balance of Third 3~'<eet..!ie was authori~,e{l to or~or t e worl~ done. ~oaden be changed to Ora~ Councilman Lloyi mo~'ei that the name of Thir~ 3treat in tke Tov~ of ~ Avenue, and .that the rest of the streets in that district be iesignated"i~'enues", instead of street~ The motion was seconded by Councilman I.{inucclani and re~ular]2~' carried. The oi.t~ engineer '.vas instr~ to prepare the necessary ,:reiiminary },roc~edings. E~gi~eer. lil~sen stated there were several torn up spots or broken pavement in Linden 2venu, "~ u =~" ?,aTe t]~e ' ork done o;a . . L~, ar, d material basis not to wi,ich needed repaiTing He was L:str ct,a to , , . .n [ 00. exceed the s~m o_ .:~00 On motion regularly carrie~ all c~.%-= oFfficer~'~., '=ere _required to ha~e their monthly reports the first meeting o~ the month. Clair:s in the amount o~ (~1961.18 against tt, e cf..fy were next presented for payment. The clai~ having been audited by t~ finance co~ittee Counciln n Tibbetts mo,~ert the be paid. The motion was ed by Co~mcilman l{inucciani and regularly carried. Paul Hamilton Otto Bissett The Seagrave Corp. The Enterprise Press B. J. Rodondi C. Bollazzi Babe's Service Station G. Sani Bert Brown Angelo Colombo A. Oanziani R. Bisagno J.' Bernardo R. Petroc chi H~ Buek J. Fambrini E. Kozlowski A. O. Johnson H. Shoot'e J. Ferre Paul Penoski Babe's Service Station M. Belli & Co. 01d Reliance Garage Palmer & Ven~ri maintenance fire alarum sFstem May'. relief driver fire dept. to M~y 31 1 brass nipple and l~bor installing 50 notices public work premium ~ord car 1 grease gun & 2 screw drivers gas - fire dept. Attending fire ,! gas - police d~pt. repairs - Buick ' I fan belt repairs - c~vrolet gas - street dept. and helping electricia~ $20.o0 63.96 6.05 3.50 5.00 17.75 23.60 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2~fiO 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.75 2.50 2.50 2.50 48.20 169.10 1.00 1~0.90 466 Claims - continued: S. Wiess ling N. Medeghini 0. McOonaghy Louis Dieu G. Schmidt Ohms. Ross H. D. ~elsenthal P. McCormick D. Palany D. Monohan J. Marlo A. Raffaelli J. McMahon B. Gonzales J~ Barry V. Lindberg S, Kiessling Joe Dane ak J. Graffigna . J; P. Lacau S. Gaudagni ]~. Quilici S. Franc is C. Piantanida Galland Mercantile Laundry Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. Pacific Water Co. A. Carlisle & 0o. Jennings Pharmac~ J. Welch Billie Sing ~urgarit e Ruiz Pacific Water Co. Pacific Water Co. Paulo Lombardi A. Molinu M. ~ico J. H. Bridgewater Mrs. Eugene Lynch Margaret Shoults Mrs. Annie Bianchi Lucetta B. Hardy J. C. Wallace Rose Ungaretti r,. A. Weldon R. ~akkema S. S. ~. Land & Imp. Co. J. G. Walker E. M. Graff Mrs. H. Rugge swe~ing streets cutting weeds towel service phone service relocating hydrants on Linden hydrant service May 1 binder and 1500 sheets supplies Clerk's office removing dogs and cats May interpreting chinese gambling oase " in court Ma~ 22 water service May paTm't on i~tallation of hydr~ts refund 2nd inst. weeds weed tax refund $24.75 47.25 18. O0 18. O0 18. O0 18. O0 18 o O0 18.00 18.00 18. O0 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18. O0 18.00 18. O0 15.'/5 15.75 1~.50 11.25 9.00 6.75 ~.00 7.00 38.09 450.00 12.?E 7.50 17.50 5.00 5.00 89.52 500. O0 .67 1.24 .68 .50 .?0 1.00 .70 1.00 2.00 1.40 .50 .50 9.50 7.60 1.60 2.00 otal - - $1,961.18 T]'~re bein~:~ no £urther busi'aess .befor':' u~o. ..... board councilman Tibbetts ,~owed~ to ~.~ourn ur~ti! _. su_a~, eveu~:,-~, June Jr&, 1950, at 8 o'e!ock p.m ?L.e motio:'] v,~as seconded b~/ Cou~':c_.~_,~n 1,~inucciani and re~.ularly carried. Time o= adjournment, 9,1o o'clock "-' -'{~, -~ -' South ~an Pra':<oisco Re sDe c t ful 1-y submit t~d,