HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-06-16REGUL~R N~EETING 0F THE CITY COIYNCIL OF THE CITY SOUTH SAN FRA~ICISC0,HELD ~0NDAY, JUNE 16TH, 1930. T~e regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San FranciSo was held in th~ city hall Monday evening, June 16th,1930. ~?~e meeting w~s called to order at ?;Z0 p.m. by Councilman J.P.Qunilan, ~ayor of South San ~rancisco.- ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following membe~.s of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, R.Lloyd, E.~inucciani,R.Tibbetts,J.P.Quinlan. Absent, Co~cilman.V.Boido. The minutes of the previous meetiLv~g were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions they were adopted as read.. A communication was received from Charles Bollazzi, requesting permission to sell.Some ~ourth of July Fireworks which had been left over from a previous .year when an o=dinance was passed prohibiting the use of explosives on the Fourth of July. Permission was not granted on the ground ~that the existing ordinance agains~ fireworks is in full force and effect, ~nd should be enforced. The clerk was instructed to so inform Mr. Bollazzi. A com~uication w~s received from Ben Gonz~.les ~sking for a position in the street deparl as a sweeper. There'bei~ no vacancies in this department ~t present the communication was ordered f~ The Pmcific Telev~hone an~ Telegra~h Company answered the city's request to make repairs t streets at Tamarack ~nd Eagnolia Avenues, which had been disturbed by the company, stating the repai~ would be attended to and acceptance of the work asked for. The Pacific ~as & Electric Company replied to the city's order to cease work on all jobs digging up streets until proper authority has been secured from the city, stating they Would instruct ..foremen to comply with the city's ordinances in the matter, by requesting permission and inspection. ~ Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. The Pacific Water Company also replied to the city's letter requesting them to cease wor~ until proper authority is secured, stating they would arrange to secure proper permission and inspecl for the work of digging up cit~ streets. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. The Pacific Water ~ompany replied to the city's communication of June ~th, informing the~ that the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce suggested ~ter mains be e~tended on the Bays~ore H~ to accommodate new industries proposed. The wmter company st~ted there is but one new industry con1 plating building, the David Round & Sons Company. To su~opl~ this companywould entail the laying of ~ feet of pipe, making the installation prohibitive. The water company is of the opinion that th~ subd~ of the. land should m~ke the installation, or the new owners of the property, l~ayor Quinlan stated th~ new owners of the property ~nd the South S~n Francisco Land .~ Improvement Company might get together come to some agreement with the water company for the nec~essary installation, as it was not the cit~ provence. Engineer Klassen said. he would secure the names of the property owners along the territo~ affected. . The Burlingame C~rbon Company wrote a proposition to ~h~ city offering to keep three typ~ in rePairs and ribbons, otc, for.the sum of $3.00 per momth. Dffe~i~Or~ere~placed on file. A communication was received fro~ the ~arket Street Railway Com?~any stating the sum of $~ was due the city of South San Francisco under franchises for. the year ending April 21st,1930, and en( a check for the amount. Accepted. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of CommerCe stating th~ after a conference with the So~th San Francisco Industrial City Baseball Club, the chamber had taken of the' immediate financial needs of the club in order to maintain a representative baseball team in city. It was stated the weekly receipts do not meet the expenses,'and the city Would be asked to mak~ certain improvements to the diamond to make the grounds the more desirable. The chamber a~pointed a committee consisting of W.H.Dinning, A.J.Eschelbach znd Dr. J.C.McGovern to wait upon the city counc~ to confer regarding the suggested improvement. Mayor ~i&uinlan stated the council would be pleased to z with the committee and glad to co-pperate in ~.,ny way. A communication was received from the Unit~d Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Stea~ Fitter Union, submitting s copy of a plumbing ordinance, and asking the 8ity of South San Francisco adopt the same. Referred to Inspector Beatty, Engineer Klassen and City Attorney Coleberd, as a com~! to investigate and report. L.Terragno aDllied for the position of traffic '~ Officer in the event that an ooeni~ occurs. Application pl~ced on file. The reports of the City Treasurer,Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Municipal Judge, Libraria~ ~nd City Clerk were submi~tted for the month ending ~iay Zlst,1930, and accepted. The o~der fixing time for h~ring objections to the issuance of bonds under proceedings No.~8 w~s postponed until July lst,19Z0. A~RESOLUTION VACATING RESOLUTION OF INTENTION~?0,-PA~i~ED AND AD03TED ON THE THIRD DAY OF JUNE, 1930, was introduced bY Councilman Tibbetts ~nd adopted by the votes of the following members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, R.Lloyd, M.~iinucci~ni,R.Tibbe~ts, J.P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman,V.Boido. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.2, at page 297. Attest, Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. A RESOLUTION VACATING RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND~!SPECIFICATIONS, N0.70 was introduced by coUncilman Minucciani and adopted by the votes of the following members of the cit~ council,to-wit;- ~ . Ayes, Councilmen,R.Lloyd, ~i.Minucc~an~, R,Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan. Noes, CoUncilmen, None. Absent, Councilman,V.Boido. Attest Daniel NcSweeney, City Clerk Recorded in. Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 298. 470 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS N0.71. A resolution adopting plans and specifications, profiles, detail drawings, etc for the construction of improve~nent work on Linden Avenue from the northerly line of Railroad Avenue to the the westerly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Company's Bay Shore Line, Dollar Avenue, Tanforan Avenue,and HuntingtSn Avenue East, was introduced by councilman Lloyd and adopted by the votes of the following members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, R.Lloyd, ~.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman,¥.Boido. Attest Dahiel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.£, at page 299. -RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0,?I. A resolution of the city coune, il~of the City of South San Francisco declaring its inten- tion to improve Linden Avenue from the northerly line of !~ailroad Avenue to the Bay Shore Line of th the Southern Pacific Company, Dollar Avenue, a portion of Tanfor~n Avenue, and Huntington Avenue Eas East, was introduced by councilman Tibbetts and adopted by the votes of the following members, to- wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, R.Ll~Yd, ~.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Counciln~n, V.Boido. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney· Cit~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at pages, ZOO to ZOE. City Attorney Coleberd reported the ordinance on the re-naming of streets under construction. ~ayor Quinlan raported he h~d visited Spruce Avenue in the vicinity of Lux and Parkway Avem Avenues, and found conditions there as reported in the petition of ~y l~ last to the city council, leaves, dust and other rubbish covering many lawns nd driveways in 'the district. He advocated relief of some kind should be undertaken to abate the nuisance. Councilman Lloyd requested ~!'~' Engineer Klassen to secure data on the cost , etc of instal] ing Tra£fic signs. Councilman Lloyd also suggested tha~t the clerk be instructed to write the Pacific ~as & Electric Company and request them to remove two ~:,oles on Grand Avenue at San Bruno Road, just recently set, as the same are set in the ~rong place. So ordered. He stated all poles shoNld be eliminated fro:n main streets in the city. Claims in the amount of SE~.~ were next presented for payment. The claims having been audited by the finance co~aittee councilman ~inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~ N.~edeghini ~red Brown sweeping streets,~ ~ ~.00 foreman cutting weeds ~ ?~.~5 There being no further business councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until ~uesday,July 19Z0, at ?;~0 o'clock p.m, The motion was seconded by councilman Ninucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment ,9 ;~O o'clock p.m. ~a~ of South San ~rancisco. Respec tful~ subm~ d~ J A resolution of the y council of the City of South San Francmsc? declarmn6 rots mnten- tion to improve Linden Avenue from the northerly line of ~i:.ailroad ~'~venue to the Bay Shore Line of th the Southern Pacific Company, Dollar Avenue, a portion of Tanfor~,n Avenue, and Huntington Avenue Eas East, was introduced by councilman Tibbetts and adopted by the votes of the following members, to- wit; - Ayes, Councilmen, R.L10yd, I~.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman, V.Boido. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney Cit~y Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at pages, 300 to 502. City Attorney Coleberd reported the ordinance on the re-naming of streets under constructic ~ayor Quinlan reported he had visited Spruce Avenue in the vicinity of Lux and Parkway Aven Avenues, and found conditions there as reported in the petition of l~iy 15 last to the city council, leavos, dust and other rubbish covering many lawns ,nd driveways in the district. He advocs, ted relie~ of some kind should be undertaken to abate the nuisance. Councilman Lloyd requested ~.~ ~', Engineer Klassen to sec.ure data on the ~cost , etc of insts ing Traffic signs. Councilman Lloyd also suggested tha:.t the clerk be instructed to write the Pacific ~as & Electric Company and request them to remove two ~:.,oles on Grand Avenue at San Bruno Road, just recently set, as the same are set in the wrong place. So ordered. He stated all poles should be eliminated from main streets in the city. Claims in the amount of $2445.22 were next presented for payment. The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded b2 Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~' N.Medeghini Fred Brown sweeping streets, $ 54.00 foreman cutting weeds$~ 74.25 There being no further business councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until ~uesday,July ts$, 1930, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment,9;40 o'clock p.m. Ma~ of South San Francisco. Respec tful~ sub~ d~ J