HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-10-204 iiEGULAR ~z~TING OF T~.E CITY COUNCIL ~..,~ T~'~E CITE 0F SOUTH ........ 0C~,0Bm~ 20~H, 1930. S~ ~'R~CI~O, HELD Loi~Y, ' ~ ~'~ The regular moetind of tke city cmncil .)f .... ~ C~_ty of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall ~'~onday e~ening, October ~0th,1930. The meeting was called to order at 7;~'.O o'clock by councilman Joseph P.Quinlan, L'~yor of Sout;~ Sgn Francisc~. ROLL CALL. Roll call foun~ all ~ memoers of the council [~:resent, to-wit- Co~cilmen, V.Boido, R. Lloyd, I~.Einucciar~i, R.Tibbetts, Joesph P.Qui~]an. The minutes of the previous meeting were ?~'~ad. There being no errors or omissions they u:ere adopted as read. ~ co~mmnication was received from Joe !,io~-ize, asking permission to o~-fer~ an ~uto est~:.om~' ' st'ua::~nt ,1]J.9~ Cypress f~v,~nue, between Baden ~nd Grand Avenues, ,::14" Cypress ~..r'e,.~:s not nece~ry, ~ai~'~.d l.,iz. I.io:.i::~ was instructed to that efffect, and allowed to open the business. Einuc~iani & Xingue requested p~rmi :SiOU to ru~': ,~untzay ~ncos in Fraternal Hall uatil fu~2e_ notice, dances to begin iu t~e aft , ,:~u~, , . t~:.e ?olice 0ommission. .... ~ ~ ~ ~.Brondini 338 L~ ~venue. %~ ~ ~ ~ (.[ '~1 ~ ~ [~-~[~J [( "i ~ reques~:~d '- T.De Rosa, ~511 Aspen Avenue and ~ .... ~ B atty. Re-~erre(i to t;u~ City !z, spector,O A resolution acceptimg a patent lice~:se a,::reement ~.-,, tl)e matter of i-.~troduced by councilman Lloyd and adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,' , ~ ~ ~[.il.in~.cciani R.Tibb~tts joseph P. Quinlam. Ayes, Council en, V.Boido ..,.Lloyd, , , Noes, Councilmen, l~one, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest. Daniel ~cSv.~eeney Cit~ Clerk. :~eeorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, a~t page 320. EESOLUTIOI~ ADOPTIEG PLANS LED ~±~C IFICATIOI:[S. I~'0.72. Councilman. Boido introduced a resolution adopting plans and specifications for improvem~ work upon Industrial Way, Swift A~enue,Butler Road and certain rigLts of ~,ay. The resolution was adopted by all the votes of the members of tke tit;. council, to wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, bi. Lloyd, D,.hinucciani, R. Tibbetts, Joseph r. Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,Uone, Absent, Councilm~m, none. Attest Daniel l~icSweeney, Oit~ Clerk Recorded in Book of hes~luti0ns, Yol.£, at page i{ESOLUYI01: OF IETEI~TION E0.72. Councilman L:inuccian introduced a resolution of intention of the City of South San ::~ranci: declaring the intention of the city council to improve Industrial Way.and a portion of the inters~ of Industrial with Swift Aven.ue, and a portion of Butler Road and certain rights of v?ay in the City $outi: San Francisco. Th~:~ resolution was adop~:,~d by the votes of all the mem~:.::rs of tlc cit3 coum~ to-wit,- Ayes,.Co~.ncilmen, 7.Boido, ' ':, n. Llo~m ~,"..I,'[inucciani, ~.Tibbetts, fo~.eph, I~.Quinlan. I,Ioes, Councilmen, ~ Absent, Cotmcilmen, Forte. Attest, Daniel [~,[cSweeney Cit[~ Clerk l~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, ~o1.::] at page 321. The City Clerk v;as instructed to notify all ~ e prot~,erty owners on Crand Avenue to appear Friday re a lighting unit~he application of ~ames ~icolopolos for a soft drir~ license was denied on the ground,of non-citizenship. The application of F.~,,~.Terribelini for a soft drink license was 'Withdrawn. The application of A. Che!ini for ?ern:i sion to store gasoline in four tanks, referred to fire chief , was franted, The tanks to comsist o? 1500 gallons, and the gasoline not to be sold on premises, and be placed back 1£ f et from t~.,~ residence. The application of the Pacific Tel & T,~I ce,for the return of their ~600 bond v;as laid a future meeting.~penditures in the amount of ~167~.00 were submitted and ordered paid. List of next mo~e,490~ recess of five minutes w~,s t::ken, ~'~er which councilman Boido moved to adjourn. The motion v;~s seconded by coun~:ilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;0;5 p.m. ~ of Soutl': can Francisco Re sl[:e c t fuil~.~ submitted, 490 Tke following is a list " " Sap. 5, O0 N. H. Wooden " 2.50 C. Brizzi " Aug. 2.50 C. Brizzi " Sep. 2.50 J. J. Mayerle " 2.50 E. ~fozlowski " 5.00 W. Emerick " 2.50 P. Penoski " Sep. 5.00 " " Aug. 2.50 J. Bernardo " Sep. 5.00 " " Aug, 7.50 T. Galli " Aug. 5.00 R. Bisagno " Sep. 12.50 J. Castro " Sep. 7.50 " " Aug, 5. O0 A. Colombo " Aug. 5.00 " " Sep. 5. O0 J. ~. Andrews " Aug. 7.50 " " Se p. 7.5 0 E. Galli " Sep, £.50 " " Aug. 5. O0 J. Fambrini " Aug. 2.50 J. Fambrini " Sep. 5.00 R. Petrocchi " Aug, 2.~0 R. Petrocchi " Sep. 5.00 C. Heard " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 5. O0 E. Genardini " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 5. O0 G. Sani " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 2.50 R. Bisagno " Aug. 5.00 B, Br own " Aug. 5. O0 B. Brown " Sop. A. Sani " Aug. 2.50 A. Sani " Sep. 5.00 A. Johnson " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 5,00 J. Ferri " Sep. 5.00 " " Aug. 2.5 0 A. Penzi " Sep. 2.50 " " Aug. 5.00 L. Saw~_re s " Sep. 5.00 " " Aug · 5.00 E. Vent~ri " Aug. 5.00 E. Venturi " Sep. 5.00 !'aul Hamilton fire alarm maintenance Aug 20.00 " 2 days labor inst~lting J. Pen.rla t?:red. Lautze Universa,1 Tool Co. Frank Giffra C. R. Beatty Elec.Co. Royal S~pply Co. Simon Auto Co. Graybar Electric Co. W. L. Hickey &Son Superi or Laundry Electric Corp. The Seagrave Corp. Arndt's Dept. Store Service Garage S erlriee ~arage C. Ghidi E. D. Bullard Co. Fred Lautze ~ ce Lombardi Universal Tool Fred, J. Lautze M. Belli Dudley Perkins Bertucelli & Co. SerVice Garage M. Belli & Co. C. Landucci C. Landucc i Dudley Perkins ]~. Bell i Reliance ~arage Lombardi Ser~lee D. ~. Ratto fire boxes maintenance fire alarm system Sep. & install 2 boxes P.C.S,Co. supplies fire dept. labor on Ford car I lock for fire box supplies fire dept. Supplies fire & Police dept. wash and polish ford 6' lead inter cable repairs at House ~l & g I lead sleeve Wash - August :il 2 switches - 100' wire su]?lie s " fire de?t. repair siren on ~lengine gas - fire d~pt. Aug. I oil cloth first aid supplies install cable gas - fire dept. Sep. 2 fire alarm boxes and 2 character wheels 2 - 5 gal cans valvoline adjust brakes Po]ice Dep. alemiting machine supplies fire dept. & police d,~pt, 4 tires police dept. repair tire police dept. police uniform Bildhauer " " Bianchini 1 brake cable & labor wash car, etc. lnlice dep. repairs & material Chev. gas - police dept. Ins. Chev. truck 01d Rel. Garage Repairs Chev. J. Lombardi gas street dept. Service Garage ~ gas street dept. Jul.. John Oorso removing garbage Galland Lanndry - cabinet toWel serviceAug · Galland Laundry towel service Aug. Galland Laundry cabinet service Sept. Ga!land Laundry service Sept, S. Minettt - labor & material City Hall G. A. Eneese - bringing m~ps up to date George A. Kneese 4 maps So.S.F. Jennings Pharmac[ supplies clerk's office D. W. Ratto Prem. bond Asst. Dep. Tax Coll. H. S. Crocker I box 'eyelets San Mateo Co. Title Co. reports Au~. & Sep. The Enterprise ll books - tax rec. 500 Ord. books ~154 7.50 The Enterprise 2000 soft drink licenses The Enterprise Ord. ~154 & notice inv. sealed pro. $71 The Enterprise filing assmt, notices Nos. 66- 67- & 68 ~he Enterprise 1000 small envelopes 1000 large " C. Bollazzi supplies Civic Center 20.00 55.00 1 52.71 1.60 8.05 44.24 12.60 5.75 ~.02 6.85 1,00 6.32 5.76 1.59 2.90 12.48 4.50 ZO. 08 .92 5.09 26.65 52.60 220.00 lB .50 1.50 2.59 61,50 76.50 .75 65.00 65.00 1.03 6.45 18.50 59.55 8.25 Calif. Cut Stone Co. stone for Civic Center G. F. Bishop Co. 2 alemite fittings Total $17.45 29.68 24.30 7.00 Z.O0 2.00 Z.O0 2.o0 2.80 15.00 10.00 6.55 25.00 1.60 5.00 112.75 22.00 84.50 36.00 56.75 5.50 56.00 1.20 $1675.00 A. Colombo ~ " " Sep. 5.00 material City Hall 2.80 J. ~. Andrews " Aug. 7.5 0 " " Sep. 7.50 E. Galli " Sep, 2.50 " " Aug. 5.00 J. Fambrini " Aug. 2.50 J. Fambrini " Sep. 5.00 R. Petrocchi " Aug. 2.50 R. Petrocchi " Sep. 5.00 C. Heard " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 5. O0 E. Genardini " Aug. 2.50 " " S e p. 5.00 G. Sani " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 2.50 R. Bisagno " Aug. 5.00 B. Br own " Aug. 5. O0 B. Brown " Sop. 7.50 A. Sani " Aug. 2.50 A. Sani " Sep. 5.00 A. Johnson " Aug. 2.50 " " Sep. 5.00 J. Ferri " Sep. 5.00 " " Aug. 2.5 0 A. Penzi " Sep. 2.50 " " Aug. 5.00 L. Saw, res " Sop. 5.00 " " Aug. 5.00 E. VentiLri " Aug. 5.00 E. Venturi " Sop. 5.00 ~'aul Hamilton fire al2rm maintenance Aug 20.00 " 2 days labor inst~lling J. Penna Fred. Lautze Universal Tool Co. Frank Giffra C. R. Beatty Elec.Co, Royal S~pply Co. Simon Auto Co. Graybar Electric Co. W. L. Hickey &Son Superi or Laundry Electric Corp. The Seagrave Corp. Arndt's Dept. Store Service Garage SerFiee ~arage C. Ghidi E. D, Bullard Co. ~red Lautze $ oe Lombardi Universal Tool Fred. J. Lautze M. Belli Dudley Perkins Bertucelli & Co. Set?ice Garage M. Belli & Co. C. Landucci C. Landucci Dudley Perkins ~. Belli Reliance ~a~ge Lombardi SerVice D. W. Ratto fire boxes maintenance fire alarm system Sep. & install 2 boxes P.C.S.Co. supplies fire dept. labor on Ford car I lock for fire box supplies fire dept. Supplies fire & Police dept. wash and polish ford 6' lead inter cable repairs at House #l & 2 I lead sleeve Wash - August ~l 2 switches - 100' wire supplies " fire de~t. repair siren on j~lengine gas - fi re d~pt. Aug. I oil cloth first aid supplies install cable gas - fire dept. Sep. 2 fire alarm boxes and 2 character wheels 2 - 5 gal cans valvoline adjust brakes Po]ice Dep. alemiting machine supplies fire dept. & police d.e l~t, 4 tires police dept. repair tire police dept. police uniform Bildhauer " " Bianchini 1 brake cable & labor wash car, etc. lnlice dep. repairs & material Chev. gas - police dept. Ins. Chev. truck 20.00 55.00 1.Z0 52.71 1.60 8.05 44.24 12.60 3.75 3,02 6.85 1.00 6.32 5.V6 1.Z9 2.90 12.48 4.50 ~0.08 .92 5.09 26.65 32.60 220,00 lZ.50 1.50 2.39 61.50 76.50 .75 65.00 65.00 1.03 6.45 18.50 59.55 8.25 G. A. Kneese - bringing maps up to date George A. Kneese 4 maps So.S.F. Jennings Pharmacy supplies clerk's office D. W. Ratto Prem. bond Asst. Dep. Tax Coll. H. S. Crocker I box eyelets San Mateo Co. Title Co. reports Au~. & Sep. The Enterpr i~e ll books - tax rec. 500 Ord. books ~154 The Enterprise 2000 soft drink licenses The Enterprise Ord. ~154 & notice inv. sealed pro. #71 The Enterprise filing assmt, notices Nos. 66- 6~- & 68 The Enterprise 1000 small envelopes 1000 large " C. Bollazzi supplies Civic Center Calif. Cut Stone Co. stone for Civic Center G. ~. Bishop Co. 2 alemite fittings Total 15.00 10.00 6.35 25.00 1.60 S.O0 112.75 22.00 84.50 36.00 56.~5 5.50 36.00 1.20 $1675.00