HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-11-03 The regular meeting of the City Gouncil of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall L~onday evening, November 3rd, 1930. The meeting was called to order at 7;:i0 o'clock p.m. ~: cou~lcilman Joseph D.'~uinlan,Mayor c Zoutk~ ~ .~c~ ~r a~oisoO. ~kOLL OA~. Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, I,~.Minucciani, Joseph $.¢]uinlan. Absent, Councllman,R.Tibbetts. Councilman Tibbetts appeared after roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were adopted as read. The kerosine Company applied for permission to erect a 15,000 gallon Natal Tank for the stc of Kerosine on the property of the California l:~:arble Works 75 feet back from the railroad track and feet from their eastern fence line. Permission gra~ted, under direction of the fire chief. Giovanni Guistette asked permission to install two five hundred gallon gasoline tanks on t 1,3,5,7, Block 10, Town of Baden on the E1 Camino Real. Permission granted, with the proviso that t work be complet,--~d within 90 days. ,ku application was received from Joe Bernardo for a position as Truck Driver in the Fire Department. ApPlication ordered placed on file. Legion Arthur W.Tyo, commander San Mateo Post 82, American, appeared before the city council and s pormission to hold a turkey shoot within the corporate limits of the ~ity of South San ~rancisco, t location Belle Air Island, the dates November 15,16,22, & 23 and December 13,14,20 and 21st, mext. motion by councilman Lloyd seconded b~ councilman I'Jinucciani and regularly carried the desired permi was granted. C.W. Whitney ,Commander Bernard McCaffrey Post Ho.355, req~est~d permission to conduct vario~ cessions at the turkey shoot', to be conducted by ~an Mateo Post,No.82 on the dates mentioned in thei request for ,permission to conduct the turkey shoot. P~'~rmission granted on motion by Councilman /~inuc seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. A co~m~.~mication was received from 3ilvio Gua0_uagi requesting permission to construct an out golf course at the corner of Grand and Magnolia Av,-mues. Referred to the city attorney for advice. The State Compensation Insurance Companynotified the city that the city insurance polic~: we expire November 19, enclosed a 20 day coveraf,'e and requested notice from the city if re-insurance is desired. The Olerk was instructed to answer req~estin[~ the renewal of the insurance. The Harmony Club of the Rsdmen 0rchastra requested oermission to hold a dance Saturday even November £9th,19~0. Permission granted. Tho ~ocieta LO;~Ai~DA DI BENEVOLV~ZA ~QUESTED PEi~ISSION TO HOLD A CHRISTMAS THEE DANCE in Fraternal Hall on December 27th,1930 from 8 0'cloc~ p.m to 1.00 o'clock a.m. Permission granted. Ti~e Pacific Indenmity Company, bondsmen of the Pacific Tel & Tel company wrote asking if al liability under the bond had expired August 16th,1930. Engineer Klassen stated the v:ork of: repairing was being done to his satisfactio~ :f reconm~edned that the bond could now be cancelled. The reports of the Chief of Police, Building Inspector and ~ire ~hief for the month ending October Zlst,1930 were submitted to the council and approved as read. It appearing that the Eagle Drum Corps had h~,ld a dance ~ithout proper permit the City Clef was instructed to request the organization to marie the regular application for the same. The city eugineer was authorized to draw v.p, ~Treliminary plans and specifications for the widoi~ing of Grand Avenue from Division Street to !~'ruce Avenue. Claims in the amount of ~1469.4~ were n~x~ presented to the council for payment. On motion Councilman Tibbetts seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried the claims were ordered ~,!.Belli & Company Linden i~ve. Garage Bert Brown Louis Belloni Paul Hamilton J. F. :4_udr ews E.¥enturJ A. Sani J. Bernardo E. Galli J. Castro N. H. Woo den C .Heard B.Brown R.~enoski E. Generdini J.Fambrini E.~[O zlowski R.Bisagno A. Johnson 01inda Bonzani ¥. Lindb er g Leo ~,~ur r ay C. Emer son Leo Murray J. F. Andr ewe The Hub The Saegrave Corp'n, Linden A?e. Garage repairs to Buick car, ~ 51.05 gasoline police dept ~?'~ 57.40 cleaning jaol October $ 5.00 feeding priso:~-',ars o 4.50 fire alarm maintenance Oct. ~ 20.00 attending fir<, ~ 2.50 ~ £. 5o d~ 2.50 ~ 2.50 ~, 2.50 " 2 50 Sup. Steam Ldry, wash, U~_, F.J.Lautze rep Ford A.Z~onize sharpenin~ tools~ J.!fedeghini Sweep ~trs ~ Linden Ave. Gar Gas Fire D~ J. uelsh rem dags,cats 0ct~ Burroughs Add Diachine one ribbon ~ E. Rui z Iht erp' tng, ~! Union Paving Co street Il 1! II h~ging flags " " ~ g. 70 " " ~ 9.40 special police ~ 5.00 special d~tail stock show ~ 15.00 " " " " ~ 20. O0 pillow cases fire dept. ~ 4.00 one clutch,!gbor etc fire ~' 15.~5 gsaoline fire dept. ~ 22.00 2.50 work Swift Avenue 2.5') Galland L~[ry, wash 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 £. 50 5. O0 6.30 £.25 2.25 7.70 The Enterprise ±%esol 72 Uestern Sand a Rock Co cement concrete Total councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;45 o'clock ~2.m. Approved ~o~. of ~outh San Frgncis~co. There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded The ~erosine Company applied for permission to erect a 15,000 gallon Metal Tank for the stc of Kerosine on the property of the California !~.~,~arble Works 75 feet back from the railroad track and feet from their eastern fence line. Permission ~ra?ted, under direction of the fire chief. Giovanni Guistette asked permission to install two five hundred gallon gasoline tanks on ~ 1,3,5,7, Block 10, Town of Baden on the E1 Camino Real. Permission granted, with the proviso that t work be complet,~.~d within 90 days. .kn application was received from Joe Bernardo for a position as Truck Driver in the Fire' Department. ApPlication ordered placed on file. Legion Arthur W. Tyo, commander San Nateo Post 8~, American, appeared before the city council and a permission to hold a turkey shoot within the corporate limits of the ~ity of South San ~rancisco, t location Belle Air Island, the dates November 15,16,2E, & 2~ and December 13,14,f~dO and 21st, mext. motion by councilman ]~loyd seconded b~ councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permi was granted. C.W.'~'d~itney,Cmmmander Bernard McOaffrey Post ~Io.355, requestsd permission to conduct variou cessions at the turkey shoot', to be conducted by ~an Marco Post,No.82 on the dates mentioned in thei request for .permission to conduct the turkey shoot. ?~rmission granted on motion by Councilman Minuc seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. A co~m~mication ~.,?as r~ceived from .~ilvio Gua~-.magi requesting permission to construct an out golf course at the corner of Grand. and Magnolia Av-.nues. Referred to the city attorney for advice. The State Compensation Insurance Companynotified the city that the city insurance polic~: we expire November 19, enclosed a 20 day coverafe and requested notice from the city if re-insurance is desired. The ~lerk was instructed to answer reqt~estin~/ the renewal of the insurance. The Harmony Club of the R~dmen 0rchastra requested permission to hold a dance Saturday even November £9th,1930. Permission granted. Th,~, Soc,.eta LO~,~AilDA DI Bi~NEVOL~ZA ~QUESTED PERL'ISSIOE TO HOLD A CHRIST~[AS T.~iEE DANCE in Fraternal Hall on December 27th,1930 from 8 O'clock p.m to 1.00 o'clock a.m. Permission granted. The Pacific Indemnity Company, bondsmen of the Pacific Tel& Tel company wrote asking if al liability under the bond had expired August 16th,1930. Engimeer Elassen stated the work o£: repairing was being done to his satisfactio~ ~f recommedned that the bond could now be cancelled. The reports of the Chief of Police, Building Inspector and Fire ~hief for the month e~ding October Zlst,1930 were submitted to the council and approved as read. It appemring that the Eagle Drum Corps had h~ld a dance without proper permit the City Clef[ was instructed to request the organization to mat[e the regular application for the same. The city eugineer was authorized to draw up ~reliminary plans and specifications for the widoicing of Grand Avenue from Division Street to ~?.ruce Avenue. Claims in the amount of $1469.42 were next presented to the council for payment. On motion' Councilman Tibbetts seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried the claims were ordered' ~.Belli & Company Linden ~ve. Garage Bert Brown Louis Belloni Paul Hamilt on J. F. ~4mdr ews E.¥enturi A. Sani J. Bernardo E. Galli J. Castro N.H. ~'~ooden C, Heard B. Br own R.Wenoski E. Gene r dini J.Fambrini E.Eo zlov.?ski R.Bisagno A. Johnson 01inda Bonzant ¥. Lindb erg Leo Murray C. Emer son L. Sea:ar ~s Leo Murray J.F. Andrews The Hub The Saegrave Corp'n, Linden Aye. Garage repairs to Buick car, ~ 51.05 gasoline police dept F 57.40 cleaning jaol October ~ 5.00 feeding priso~ors o 4.30 fire alarm maintenance Oct. ~ 20.00 attending fir~~, ~, 2.50 I! ,, ,, han~ing flags special police special d~tail stock £. 50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 F.J Lautz. e rep ~,ord ~ A.L~onize sharpening tools~ J.I~edeghini Sweep Strs g L~nden Ave. Gar Gas ~re D~ J.'.~elsh rem dags,cats 0ct~ Burroughs Add D~achine one ribbon ~ E. Ruiz Interp'tng, $ Union Paving Co street 2.50 work Swift Avenue -~ 2.50 Galland L~ry, wash ~ '.~{ 5.00 The Enterprise i%esol 72 $' 5.00 '~estern oand ~: Rock Co 2.50 cement concrete ~ 2.50 Total ~l~. £. 50 5.00 6.30 £.25 2.25 7.70  3.70 9.40 ~ ~.00 20. oo pillow cases fire dept. " 4.00 one clutch,labor etc fire ~ 15.25 gsaoline fire dept. ~ 22.00 councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;45 o'clock p.m. ~o~ of ~outh San FranciSco. There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded Respectful sU~bmi