HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-12-01HELD }~101~TDAY, ~.~.~=~,~m,~ PIRST, 19~0. The regular meeting ~of the city council of the City of South San ?ranciseo was held in the City Hall,},{onday evening, December lst,19Z0. The meeting was called to order at, 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Councilman Joseph P.Quinlan, ~,,~ayor of Scut S~kn Francisco. EOLL CALL. Roll call found ~11 members of tl~e council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido, R. Lloyd, N.Minucciani~ ~.Tibbetts,Joseph P.qUinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A co~unication w,Js received from the ~,"AYOR'S C0i~FEREI~CE OF GEt, Ti{AL CALIF0~IA stating a PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE BDi~EAU had been created "~t their convention at Santa Cruz September 19th to appeal to the State Railroad Co~nission of California for a general reduction and revision of gas gas and electric rates for the~ benefit od consxm~ers. The communication requested the City of South San Francisco to join the bureau for the general good, and stated funds were T'~eces::~ary to carry the utter siccessfully before the Railroad Co~ission. l/:ayor Cuinlan stated the cause is a most- worthy one and advised that the city take action by co-operating with the bureau. Lotion was regularl~ put and carried that the city take active steps, :md the clerk was instructed to reply stating the City of South San Fr~cisco would gladly become a r~ember of the Bureau. ~ Encroachment Permit was received from the Division of Highways of the State of California,. granting the City of South 3an ~cisco permission to install traffic signals at the intersection of Grand Avenue and tlc Bayshore Highway, and submitted the terms and conditions under which the per- mission is grated. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Co~cilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was accepted according to tLe terms, conditions, etc, of the Co~%ission. Complaints against weed charges were received fro~rs Louise Brovelli,ImfrS. Mary Bolazzi and Idrs. Alice ~oung. Laid over for investigation. The November rnonth!~ reports ~Le Cit~. Jua:~.e, Police Chief, ~ire Chief, Building Inspector, Tmeasurer and Cit~~ Clerk were received and acce?ted. Through :~ misunderstanding of tlc motiou regardi~ the proposed lighting of Grand Avenue the minutes of tlc meeting of the City Council of t~a City of South San Francisco,I~ovember ~rd,19Z0, stated ~he word "widening" of Gr~d Avenue,info'read of"Lighting~ of Crud Avenue. Accordingly Co~cilman ~inucciani i~troduced a resolution ual:lng the correction to read'Lighting"of Grand AvenUe. The resolution was adopted b~~ the umanimox:s vote of all the members of the City Council,to-wit; Ayes, Coumcilm. er~, Y.Boido, k. Lloyd, i:.I~i:'mcciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph,Y. Quinlan. !ices, Councilmer~,!~ona. Absent, Councilmen,,None. Attest Daniel ~.(cSweeney, City Clerk i~ecorded in Book off Resolutions, Vol.~:, ,~t page 320. Engineer i~obert ~:!assen reported the preltL~inary work on 3r~d Avenue for the installation of electrol!ers is n.~arly complete. Building Inspector Beatty requested the council to order two electroliers of the Linde~ Avenue type, one to.replace a broken one and one for -.Perdency p~poses. Order sa~:ction,-:d by the co~cil. ~iecuest was made flor additional lights :~n Parkx, vay i~ t~.e vicinity of t~:e Arnott new houses. keferre& to Councilman Tibbette. ~.ayor Quinlan asked if any persons !-~resent ~.ished to efffer suggestions in regard to the unemployme~t situation. It was suggested more cora be :fur~ished flor use of homeless men at tLe City Hall, Chief Belloni having stated many men apFly nightly for permission to sleep in ti':.e city jail and are given permission. L~rs. Carrie 'Jin~er;.':~lter stated the city should give employment to more men, iff possible from tlc available ~xds. She :::tared she could procure the use of a bousin~ building 40il00 in dimensions, to be used by une~ployed na homeless men if the city could furnish bedding,etc. Councilman Ll~'d: said he favored providtnff s]~elL:.~? for homeless p~rsons duriug winter. I:o action taker Layer ~uinlan stated he-attended the convention of Mayors on the unemployment condition. stated there .were but ap[plicatims Tot worL at t~.e local labor employment a~ncy. The mayor sudgested-that the city mi~:q~_t procure a Christmam ~ree, if ~e price was Within reason, to be placed in the civic center at Grand and Maple Avenues side. The coxmcilmen agreed the city should make an efffort to have one installc~d, and accordingly Layer Quinlan appointed Co~cilmen Eesse Lloyd, Rod Tibbetts and L.Linucciani a co::~m~tee to visit ~-,olmen Gate Park and con~.~r with officials there in an efffort to procure a full Lrov:n tree. Claims in the somx of ~1136.47 against t}~e city were n~xt presented for payment. The finance committee having audited the~claims Co~cilman Lloyd moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman-Tibbetts and regularly carried. Bert B~own cleaning jail I~ov. C.Landucci chief's uniform Babe's Set. Station gas. police dept ~I.~uiz Fred Lautze Dudley-Perkins 'Black Louis Belloni L~.Belli & Co., interpreting,court gas,police dept, reps mc.cycle mats.police car feed prisoners labor pol.car The Electric Corp. mat.fire dept Fred Laut ze Sup. Steam Ldry, ,, '~ ,, Jack Hickey Cal. ~.i~ip.I~ats Co Ser~-ice 0ar age Ric's Set,Sra. C .Brizzi J. Andrews Paul Pemoske L. Sevares gas fire dept wash,fire Ho.l, mats fire dept sanitary rags globes,etc,F.D. tires,etc F.D. grass fires attend fires Ferre ~,~orse 'eed Co, lawn seed Price Str.l~ur ser~~ pansies 65.00 2.40 5. 'iO 65.05 1 50 . i. 60 2.48 35.80 4.16 5.19 !).06 '7 O0 3¢.20 .so ~. 50 .oo ~. Sani J.Bernardo A.C0!ombo L~. 7,'ooden ~ J.Famb~ini g.?erre B. Br own ~i.O. Johnson ~ Venturi R. Bi sagno Paul Hamilt on ~...f.Fuller Co I~!ain. Fire Alarm 47.50 crude oil fire dept ?~.7'70 " " " crude oil S 8.~5 li~. 1.1e deghini sweeping streets'. ~!~ ~5.00 Joe. Dancak rep streets ~!~ £?.00 Fred Lautze gas str.dept ;i~' ~2.26 0.1'~Conaghy labor on sewer 18.00 C.R.Beatty work on BaysnoreHy~?4z'4.27 ',;l.L.Hic~ey & ~on service "Y"s ~165.00 """ rep toilet etc ~ 5.50 F.Robinson, sppples,clerk ~/ 11.15 J.Welch rem. dogs Nov. ~.~ £1.50 Total There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, ~onday evening, December 15th,1930,at ?;ZO O'clock p.m. The motion wa~ seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Tim~ of adjournme~nt~?;~l~5~o]~c!o~ck~._p:~m PIYB~0"'UT~]~If"'~C~'~U~]~U had been created ,st their convention at ,~anta Cruz ~eptember 19th to appeal to the State Railroad Co~isslon of California for a general reduction and revision of gas and electric rates for tlc benefit od coumm~ers. The co~municatio~ requested the City of San Francisco to join the bureau for the geuer~l good, ~nd stated funds were :~ecesc~ry to carry t~ ~tter siccessfully bofore the ,Railroad Co~]iss~on, Eayor [uinlan statec th~ cause is a most worthy one and advised that the cit~ take action by co-operating with the bureau. Lotion ~:as regul put ~nd carried that the city take active step~, ~md the clerk was instructed to reply stating the City of South San Pr~cisco would gladly become ~ m~mber of the Bureau, ~ Encroachment Per,it was received fro~ the Division of }~ighways of the State of Californi gr~nting the City of South 3an ~cisco permission to i~stall traffic signals at tLe intersection of Grand Avenue and tLe Bayst~ore tti6hwa~, and submitted the terms and conditions ~der which the p mission is grated. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Co~cilman Boido and regularly cart the permit was accepted according to the terms, conditions, etc, of the C0~tssion. Complaints against weed charges were received fro~rs Louise Brovelli,tCrs. Lary Bolazzi and Ers. Alice Young. Laid over for investigation. The l~ovember mont?9.j reperts ~-ke Oit~ Ju~.e,~ Police Chief, ?ire Chief, Building Inspector, T~easurer and City Clerk were received and acce~ted. ~rougk '~ mzsv_n~erstanding of the motiou regardi~ia the :,roD)seal lighting of Grand Avenue t! minutes of the meeting o~ the City Council of t.~ City of South San Francisco,November 3rd,!9ZO, stated ~?:e ¥:ord "widening" of Grand Avenue,in:read of"Lighting" of (-:r~d Avenue. AccordinGly uo~cilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution making the correction to read'Lighting o~ Grand Avem The resolution was adopted bw the ~ ~ ' ~ un~m~mo~s vote of all the members of tlc City Council,to-~ ~es, Councilmen, Y.Boido, i:,.Lloyd, i~.].~i:mcciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph,P. quinlan. !~oes, Councilmem,:ona. f~]~?,ent, Councilme::,None. Attest Daniel ~,(cSweeney, City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol., , ,at page 320. Engineer~ i~,obert :lassen reported the r~reli~:inary, work on ~,r~d~ Avenue -r..~,~r the installation electroliers is n,~arly complete. Building Inspector Beatty requested the council to order two electroliers of the Linden type, one to-reply:ce a broken one and one for ~,ergency p~poses. Oraer sa~ctionod by the co~cil r~equest was made for additional lights on Parkway in t~e vicinity of the _.rnott new houses. keferred to Councilman Tibbetts. ,ayor Quinlan asked if any persons ?resent wished to eljer suggestions in regard to the unemploymez~t situation. It was suggested more cots be furnished for use of homeless men at tLe City Hall, Chief Belloni having stated many men a.p:ly nightly for permission to sleep in tLe city j and are given permission. I:rs. Carrie Win%er;.slter stated the city should give employment to mcr men, if possible from the available f~ds. She :-.tared she could procure the use of a bousinf buildi 40i100 in dimensions, to be used b~ une~t~loyed nd homeless men if the city could furr~ish 'bedding,e Councilman Lleyd~ said he favored f, rovidi~: sbelt :.v for homeless persons during winter, i:o action ta. ~a~,or 2uinlan stated he attended the conwention of Layers on the unemployment condition. He stated there v:ere but applicatims for worl at t~.e local labor employment a~ncy. The mayor suggested that the city mit'hr procure a Christmam Tree, if m~e price was Within reason, to be placed in the civic center at Grand an& ]~laple Avenues side. The co~mcilmen agreed the city should make an effort to have one installed, and accordingly ;:ayor Quinlan appointed Councilm~ hesse Lloyd, Re& Tibbetts and E.Idinucciani a co:,_mittee to visit ~,olmen Gate Park and confer with officials there in an effort to procure a full crown tree. Claims in the s~m: of ~1136.47 against t:~e city were n~'xt presented for payment. The committee having audited the-claims Councilman~.~=r~d~ moved they be ,oaid. ?he motion was seconded by Council::an-Tibbetts and regularly carried. Bert DFown C. Landucci Babe's Set. Station E. l!ui z Fred Laut ze Dudley -Perki n s Black & ?aaite, Louis Belloni L':.Bel!i & Co.,~ labor pol.car The Electric CorP. mat. fire dept Fred Laut ze Sup. Steam Ldry, Jack Hickey C al. 'Ji p, Eat s C o Serwice Garage Ric's Ser,Sta. C .Brizzi J. Andrews Paul Pemoske L. Sevares cleaning jail 17ov.~ chief' s uniform :as. police dept lnterpreting,cour gas,p~lice dept, reps mo. cycle mats.police car feed prisoners gas fire dept wash,fire :o.1, mats fire dept sanitary rags globes,etc ,P.D. tires,etc f.D. grass fires (~) attend ~res Ferre },~:orse -ced Co, lawn seed Price Str. L~ur sere, pansies 65.00 2.40 5. ¥0 65.05 1.50 2.48 55.80 4.16 f~. 19 ?.00 4.95 36.20 2.50 2.50 z. 50 25.00 ~. 00 A. Sand J.Bernardo A.C 01cube !,:. ~'o eden J. Famb~ ini J.Ferre B.Brown A.C. Johnson E.Venturi R. Bi sagno Paul Hamilton '//. f. Fuller Co lT. ~,,.;e de ghir:i Joe. Dancak Fred Laut ze 0. I,:~C onaghy C.R.Beatty ',,/.L.Hic~ey ?: Son P. i~obinson, J. ~?elch I:ain. ~H. re ~larm 47.50 crude oil fire dept ~a~.?'70 crude oil S 8.£5 sweeping streets'. w''~' 45.00 rep streets ~) 27.00 gas str.deptii' ~2.26 labor on sewer 18.00 work on BaysnoreHy~4£4.27 service "Y" s ~i165.00 rep toilet etc ~:~ 5.50 sppples ,clerk ! ll.l~ rem. dogs Nov. ~: £1.50 Total ~ij1136.47 There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, Monday evening, December councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Fr~cisco 15th,19~O,at,7;50 O'clock p.m. The motion wa.~ seconded by Tim,~ of adjournment 9;15 o'clock p.m. /// ~e sp_ec t ~h~lly ~tte~