HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-12-29RElY AD4~.~,:D MEETING OF THE CITY C01YNCIL' GP TEE CITY 0F ~ SAN I~NOI~00, HELD NONDAY, DEOEMBER 29, 19SO. A regularly a~ourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San l~anclsoo was held in the City Hall Mo~Lay evening, December 29, 1930. The meeting was called to order at ?:~0 o'clock p. m. by Counollm~___~ J. P. Quinlan,' Mayor of South Sa~ Francisco. In the absence of the City Clerk, Counotl_m~__~ l~inuociani acted as clerk pro tern. Roll Call Roll call found all memeberoof the council present, to-wit: Councilman V. Boido, R. ~10yd, M. Ninucciani, R. Tibbetts an~ J. P. Quinlan, The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. Application was made by He~ry Bertoldi for the position of street sweeper or ~ny other position that may become Vacant during 1931. Application placed On file. A communication was received fram Mrs. C. Winterhalter, Secretary of the Grand Avenue Development Association asking the City Comnoil to take complete charge of the proposed improvement on Grand Avenue. Mayor Quinlan stated that the oommitte appointed to interview the Market Street Rallwa~ had a conference with .Mr. Young of sai~ railway and he informed them they Would have to take the matter up with Mr. Eahn. They are endeavoring to mske an appointment with Mr. Eanh, he stated. Mrz. J. ])ann requested a refund of 20~, weed charge. Refund grante~. On motion of Councilman Mlnncoim-~i, seconded by Councilman Boido Fire Chief A. J. Welte's salary was increased from $175.00 to $200.00 per month effective DeCember 1, An apportionment of $300.00 was set aside to cover expenses of the Mayor and eight City 0f~ioials to attend the ~eugural ceremonies of Governor James Rolph at Sacramento, January 4, 5 and 6th. Councilman Lloyd spoke of the dangerous condition of the railroad crossing at Swift Avenue. Mr. Coleberd was asked to get in touch with the Southern Pacific Co. and ask them to hurry the work to completion. The application of the Service Garage & Machine Shop for a permit to install gasoline storage tajaks on lots 18 and 19, Block 148, was again laid over for consideration. Fire Chief Welts re- ported that the premises where the tanks were to be located i's a frame dwelling and would be a fire hazard. Applications for pool room licenses were received from Jose Fernandez, Charles ~errario, E. Galli, Martin Dovichi, Antunano and Ugarte, Q. Massagli, John P. Fiahher, Colombo & Tapella, A. MoMillan, and grant ed. Applications for soft drink licenses were received from A. Bodini, Continental Grocery Corporation, Fat Boy Barbecue Cabins, v,t~., P. Baratteri, Chris Stephans, ~oe u~_inini, E. Galli, E. Bonolanza, E. I~mbardi, Max Giavia, ~. P. Fischer, Q. Massagli, G. Pellegrini, S. Borzzano, ~ames J. Jennings, Martin Dovechi, Stlvio Dubiosi, A. Colombari, Angelo Paglino, Giuseppe Berrone, Antunano & Ugarte, Colombo & Tapella, Franklin W. Robinson, Tins Retsch, Tasty Sweet Shoppe, A. MeMillan, G. & T. ~moke Shop, Ermelindo Marani, John Fannucohi, V. Uberti, Peninsual Drug Co., and Jose Fernandez, and granted. A oommn~tcation was received from Mrs. Carrie E. Winterhalter commending the Mayor and City Organization on the work they have done in the past year and outlining new improvements. Qutnlan asked that the very complimentary letter be placed on file. Claims in the amount of $580.8~wemnemt presented to the council for payment. The claims having been audited ~y the finance committee Councilman Beido moved' they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mlnuoolani and regularly carried. Peninsula Ice Coo R. Bellagamba ' Certified Zaboratory Co. Frank Gi~fra Pac. Coast Assn. ~aok 'F. Rickey Pioneer Express · ouis Belloni H. L. Haler J. Welch Sam EAessling Vo Ltndburg A. C. Johnson F. Freitas N. iJedeghint Burlingame Carbon Co. Enterprise Press 5 gals. distilled water repair 2 window sha~es 6 E. Oxygen ~% Fire Dept; ~'ero sene " Fire Chiefs ~es 19~1 ~ - 25 Watt globes ~e~ght . re~ light for ~lck pr~. po~ ~ster removi~ ~ogs · oats Dec. 4 Ms. ~nging fla~8 4 ~ys labor on streets 10 d~s labor " repairs ~dge ~arrell's t~e- writ er "Clerk's and Police Chief's ~c~ne 500 legal bla~ Chief of J. B. Pilkington $ °50 96.00 2.25 3. O0 1.50 5.25 5.00 24.50 2.25 2.25 18. O0 45.00 12.50 2.00 Police & 1500 Xmas tree dodsers 21.50 £000 stamped envelopes Clerk's office & 1. page Xmas 1 Spanish Pin fire tree 204.00 - There being no further business Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular mestizO, Monday evening, January 5, 1931, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8:~0 p. m. The rea~ing of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. Application was ms_de by ltenry Bertoldi for the position of street sweeper or any other position that may become vacant during 19S1. Application placed on file. A communication was received fram Mrs. C. Winterhalter, Secretary of the Gran~ Avenue Development Association asking the City Council to take complete charge of the proposed improvement on Grand Avenue. Mayor Quinlan stated that the oommttte appointed to intex-view the Market Street Railway had a conference with .Mr. Young of said railway and he informed them they would have to take the matter up with Mr. ~A~. They are endeavoring to make an appointment with Mr. Eanh, he stated. llre. J. Dann requested a refund of 20~, weed charge. Refund granted. On motion of Councilman Mtnuccimzt, seconded by Councilman ~oido Fire Chief A. J. Welte's salary was increased from $175.00 to $200.00 per month effective DeCember 1, 1950. An apportionment of $S00.00 was set aside to cover expenses of the Mayor and eight City Officials to attend the Inaugural ceremonies of Governor James Rolph at Sacramento, January 4, 5 and 6th. Oo~noilma~ Lloyd spoke of the ~a~erous condition of the railroad crossing at Swift Avenue· Mr. Coleberd was asked to get in touch with the Southern Pacific Co. and ask them to hurry the work to oomPleti on. The application of the Service Garage & Machine Bhop for a permit to install gasoline storage tanks on lots 18 and 19, Block 148, was again laid over for consideration. Fire Chief Welts re- ported that the premises where the tanks were to be located Is a frame dwelling and would be a fire hazard. Applications for pool room licenses were received from Jose Fernandez, Charles Ferrario, E. Galli, Martin Dovichi, Antunano and Ugarte, Q. M_~ssagli, Joh~ P. Fiabher, Colombo & Tapella, A. MoMillan, and granted. Applications far soft drink licenses were received from A. Sodini, Continental Groeery Corporation, Fat Boy Barbecue Cabins, E. Lombardi, Max Giavia, Jennings, Martin Doveohi, Silvi~ Dubiosi, A. Colombari, Angelo Paglino, Giuseppe Berrone, A~tunano & Ugarte, Colombo & Tapella, Franklin W. Robinson, Tins Retsch, Tasty. Sweet Shoppe, A. MoMillan, G. & T. ~moke Shop, Ermelindo Narani, ami Jose Fernandez, and grante~. A communication was received from Mrs. 0arrie E. Winterhalter commending the Mayor and 0ity Organization on the work they have done in the past year and outlining new improvements. Mayor Qulnlan asked that the very complimentary letter be placed on file. Claims in the amount of $580.8~w~enezt presented to the council for payment. The claims having been audited ~y the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mlnucotani and regularly carried. Peninsula Ice 0o. R. Bellagamba ' Certified Zaboratory Co. Fr~ Giffra Pac. Coast Assn. Jack "F. NJ. ckey Pioneer Express Imuis Bolloni It. L. thsker J. Welch Sam Ktessling V. Ltndburg ~. C. Johnson ~. ~reitas N. Medeghini Ih~rlingame Carbon Co. Enterprise Press gals. distilled water repair 2 window shaaee 6 E. Oxygen 5~ Fire Dept; Esr o s ese Fire Chiefs Dues 19~1 6 - 25 Watt globes l~e~ght red light for Buick pram. pound master removing dogs & cats Dec. 4 hrs. hanging fla~s 4 days labor on streets 10 da~s labor repairs ~udge F&rrell's type- writ er "Clerk's and Police Chief's machine 500 legal blanks Chief of J. :B. Pilkington $ 96.00 2.25 ~. 00 1.50 · 92 5.25 5.00 24.50 2.25 18. O0 45°00 12. $0 2.00 Police & 1500 Xmas tree dodsers 21.50 2000 stamped envelopes Clerk's office & 1 page Xmas ad. 131'9§ 1 Spanish Pin fire tree 20A.00 There being no further business Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meetly, Monday evening, January 5, 19S1, at ?:S0 o'cloc~ p. m.. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~pproved: f South San Prancisco. Time of adjournment 8:S0 p. m. Respeotfally submi .ted,