HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-04-06REGULAR ~:~ETING OF Th~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOU~ Sj~N FP~PJC ISC 0, HELD k~ONDAY, 'APR. 6TH, 1931. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of ~outh San Francisco was held in t~he cit~: hall ~onday evening,April 6th,1931. The ~_,~eting ~Jas called to order at 7;~ o clock p.m. by councilman Joseph P Qulnlan, ~ayor of South San Francisco. ROLL~ CALL. Roll cal~. found all n~.embers of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.Lloyd; ~,~.},~inuccia~.i ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P. ~i~.uinlan. The minutes of the two previous meetiui'~s were read. There being no errors or o~issions they were approved as read. Applications for the positions of police officer were received from Charles A.~obinson and Allan Cameron. A?plications ordered placed o~ file. A~conm~.unication was received from ~r. C~as Peterson of the Peterson Theatre Company thanking the council for courtesies extended and requesting that the money he paid for a building permit be tr~[nsferred so as to allow the same to apply on the new Eschelbach Theatre. The clerk was instructed to write ~Ir.' Peterson statir~g breakes were made in the .alley in tearing up pavement and requesting hSm to ha-'e the same repaired under the supervision of Inspector Beat ty. The I.A.A.Club of South San Fraucisco through secretary D.W.Ratto requested the ex.clusive right to sell soda water, cigars, cigarettes and candy at the local baseball grounds during the Peninsula League Ball Games' the season of 1931. Permission granted. A co~r~nunication was received from Regina Elina Circle No 97, stating they overloo_~J~ stating in their first request fo~ a dance permit the dance was to be a Pajama Dance, and requeste~ permission to proceed with their planS. Permission granted. D.?~'.iqatto requested permission to present a score board to the city for the baseball grounds, the board to bear his advertisement. Perr~.ission granted, and the donation of the board accepted. Fred J.Lautze submitted a bid for a New Ford Police Patrol for the sum of $1114.00 F.O.B. South San Francisco. Bid ordered placed on file. John ?.~:~ger requested permission to c~nstruct a,Su?sr Service Station on lots 10,11 and and 1£ block 148 l~p of South San Francisco, b~in:: the southwest corner of San Bruno ~oad and ~,,~iller Avenue, the equipage to be 8 pumps and tanks,t'::o hydrolic'lifts,sales and repair rooms, battery service room and office. Permission granted. Nello Terrenzomi,~O1 Poplar Avenue,Bo. San Francisco, made a request for a refund of v~.60 paid ~, the South ~an !?rancisco Land and D:~-:rovement ¢omoany to the Cit~ of South San Francisco for the cleaning of weeds from lot 19,block ~, Parkv~ay Terrace, in 19£9. D~s the Land Com]~any paid~ the city for cleaning of th~e u~eeds ~::ithout protest the claim ~as not allowed. A conmr.,unication u~as received from the Superintendent of telegraph of the Southern Pacific Company, stating he received notice fro, the ?acific Gas & Electric Co~pany of the city~ request to n~ove a pole on ~ne south side of Gra~d Avenue u~est of Swift _.:e letter stated the S.]U.Company :~:ould move the ~ole a distance of a~oroxin~.ately 1Z f~et, an~ '::ould have the ~ ork completed in a very few days. Ed':~ard 3'arrell,.,',.k,nicipal judTe of t;~: Cz't~-~, of South Ban ?rancisco, submitted his resignation as ~:unicipal ,judge,, and asked that the ~ame take effect as soon as possible, h~atter laid over till a future meeting. Antonio ~,~oliz~i reguested a refund o-~' ~:/eed tax of ~ ~.75 paid for the cutting of weeds on ~,'~ 1£,~ feet l:,t 16 and lot 17,block 98, 665 Flrst Lane, stating he cut the weeds in question. i-~eferred to Cour~cilman Tibbetts and ordered pls~ ed or~ file. ~ re~ly from ~Ysse~:b=,,~ Parkman state~ he would stye the Senate bills referred to b~, ~ the cit~: every consideration u;hen they come before the house. The ~,~arine Che~:~icals Company Ltd., ~'e:uested the city to repair the road to their place of busin~ss beyond ??.P.F~ller Corn?any R ~ . · , ~e~ r~'ed to Councilman Tibbetts yJ.ritten notice was r,~ceived from Co:~ractor ~.C.Stickle announcing that he u'as ordered to sto~~ ~or~ on the E1 Camino Theatre arid iqealty Con~.pany building on lot 36 and the ?f 25ft of lot 3?,block llV, _~,~ap of 2outh ~an Frs r~c~isco, and that therefore his res[.,onsibilities for the perforn~.ed were ended. Accepted. City ]~hag'ineer lLueese submitted a staten~ent showing the City Improven'~ent Company had completed their contract to install the traffic signals at C. rand& Linden Avenues and Sar_ Bruno Road and Crand Avenue, and were entitled to the balance due the~ of ~?l.14. Accepted and the amount ordered paid. County Tax CollectOr A,~'~CSWeeney submitted a statement showing the State Legislature had passed a measure designating the delinquent 6~tes for the collection of taxes as December 5~ of each year for the first installment and April 20th of each year for the second installment, ~1 and suggested the city might co-op.:~rate with the count~ in amending the city o'rdinance oz. the subject to conforn~_ with the State and County to a~oid confusion. No action taken. Permission was requested by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company to open a street at the crossing of ~aple Avenue and First Lane to red,lace 100 feet of 2 inch pSpe. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and permission granted. Permission was requested by the Pacific Cas & Electric Company to open a trer_ch in ' the crossing of Second Lane and Nagnolia f~venue to install a ;'~ inch gas main. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and permission granted. Permission was requested by the Pac-ific Cas & P]lectric Company to make excavations on ~[ission Road between Oak ~$treet and E1 Camino Real to install dresser coipling gaskets on t~ their 4 inch main. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and permission granted. The monthly reports of the Cit~ nurse, ~,:unicipal Judge,Fire Chief, Police Chief City Treasurer and Cindy Clerk for the month of ~,larch were submitted and approved by the city council. .~, resolution was introduced by Coun~_,ilman Lloyd opposing the passage of Senate Bill ~98 on the ground the same ~:ould be detrimental to the interests of cities of the sixth class. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-witr ~es ,Councilmen,¥.Boido ,R.Lloyd, E.Einucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph D. Quinlan. ~,Yoes ,Councilmen,None ,Absent ,C ouncil~'~en ,None. Atte st Daniel ~,:c Sweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥o1.£ ata pageZZ0. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution accepting a deed from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company fo~ street purposes near the Grower's Rice Eilling Compa~ property. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Coun. to-wit; - Ayes, Coun~;ilmen, V.Boido, R. Lloy~, M.Einucciani,i~.TIbbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Council~en , None. Absent, Councilmen, None~Attest Daniel Mc~weeney Cit~ Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. E at page ~l. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution accepting a deed from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company for an addition~l 'piece of land for street purposes near the Grower's Rice Milling· Company's property. The resolution was adopted unanimously by the vote of all the members of the City Council, to-v~it-; ~yes ,Councilmen,¥.Boido ,E.Lloyd,N.~inucciani ,E.Tibbetts, Joseph P. ~i~uinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent,Couucilmen,Eone. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol[L,at page ZZE. RESOLUTION ABATINC VfEEDS 1.9 Sl. Councilman Lloyd introduced a res,o!ution abating weeds in the City of South San Francis~ ~or tDe ~ear 195l. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of th~, City Council t o-wit; - Ayes,Councilmen,V.Boido ,R.Lloyd, E.Im, Einucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ?.Quinlan. Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~EcSweeney Cit~ Clerk Recorded in Book of resolutions,¥ol.£, at pages ZZS and Z~4 Claims in th'e amount of$Z418.S9 u'~,re next present.ed to the council for payment. The claims having been audited by the Finance Committee councilman Lloyd moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman ~,~inucciani and regularly carried. Black & ~h~& Service Station Thee. Planz, Inc. F. J. Lautse National Ice & ~old Superior Laundr~ B. Brown I~ul Hamilton Storage Co. C. Bollazzi $. Penna Louis Belloni Mar~ari te Ruiz W. F. Fuller & Co. C. Landucc i Dudley Perkins Black & W~lte Service Station Pete Magnag~$ Pacific Coast~ Ste~Co. Blaak& White'"Se~viee Station ~rankBrown ~red Brown N. Medeghini W. L. Rickey & Son So. City Plumbing Shop D. W. Ratto San Marco Co. Title Co. C. R. Beatty Electric Co. J. Welch Crocker 1st Natl. Bank Jenninge Pharmae~ Pacific Water Co. Geo. A. Kneese P. G. & E, Pac. Tele.& Tole. Co.- Bert Brown Galland I~undry The Enterprise ~e o. Enderlin Tasty Sweet Shop Calif. l~ce Market 'H. V. Carter Co. Pacific Water Co. Assoeiate~ 0il Co. City Improvement Co. gas fire dept, Uniform W. Cameron adjust brakes Ford 5 gals. di stilled water wash - Mar. painting boxes, etc. fire alarm maintenance Mar. and changt~g lines supplies fire & street ~ept. 5 cans sani-flush feeding prisoners & I police cap interpretating Mar. 20 10 gals traffic white 10 uniform officer Martin servicing machine Mar. 18 gas police dept. painting zones 1 bag screws gas - street dept. 2 days replacing drain on Linden Ave. Sweep~mg streets p~pe smd couplings 6~ Oakum ~ax collectors bond City Clerk' s " reports Mar. Installing traffic signal bells removing cats & dogs Mar. Claim of Qo~don Rowe Co. fumigators hydrant service Mar. work on block books Highway lights ~arch Misc. service Mar. street~ lights " ~hone service keeping Jail cleam Mar. towel service Mar. legal Zotices of filing un- paid assmts. $66- and 67 assmt, roll, letterheads & envelopes distributing dodgers for E~ster hunt Ess ~er mdse. 100 doz. eggs 8 c 0uPlings water service Mar. gas istreet ~ept. Now. amt ,~ due a/c ins talling traffic signals, : if Total ....... 55.00 .75 .50 6.26 4.26 6.00 57.50 10.50 1.25 8.50 5.00 21.50 24,50 65.00 1.50 41.66 11.25 1.99 18.47 9.00 9,00 74.25 10.63 1.50 ?5.00 5.00 1.50 166 27.50 L60.O0 14,00 ~50. O0 720.04 3.60 68.98 941.53 53.45 5.00 5.00 19.50 94.75 2.00 23.00 20.00 20.19 19.97 1.05 71.14 $S,418.S9 Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent,Couucilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol .... ,at page ZZY. n~,0LUTI01~ ABATII~C %W£EDS 1.9 31. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution abating weeds in the City of South San Francis ~or tke ~ear 19Sl. The resolution v:as adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of th,;~ City Council to-wit;- Ayes ,Councilmen ,V.Boido ,R. Lloyd, ~,~.~,finucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ~. Quinlan. Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent,Councilmen,I~one. Attest Daniel ~gcSweeney Cit~ Clerk Recorded in Book of resolutions,¥ol.£, at pages ZZ3 and Z34 Claims in t~fe amount of$3418.39 u',~re n~xt present,ed to the council for payment. The claims having been audited by the Finance Committee councilm~n Llo~,~d moved the~ be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman ~,~inucciani and regularly carried. Black & ~h~& Service 3ration Theo. Plans, Inc. Y. ~. ~,autse National Ice & ~old Storage Co. Superior Laundr~ B. Brown Paul Hamilton C. Bollazzi I,o~is Belloni Mar~ari te Ruiz W. F, ~uller & C, Landuoci Dudley Perkins Black Service Station Pacific Coas~.Stee~-0o. Black & White'Service Station Frank Brown ~red Brown N. Medeghini W. L. Hickey & Son So. City Plumbing Shop D. W. Ratto San Mateo Co. Title Co. C. R. Beatty Electric Co. J. Welch Crocker 1st Natl, Bank Jennings l'harmac ~: Pacific Water Co, Geo. A. Eneese ' P. G. & E. l~c. Tele. & Tele. Co.- Bert Brown GallaudI~undry The Enterprise ~eo. Enderlin Tasty Sweet Shop Calif. P~ce Market H. V, Carter Co. Pacific Water Co. Aseociated0il Co. City Improvement Co. gas fire dept, Uniform W. Cameron adjust brakes Ford 5 gals. distilled water wash - Mar. painting boxes, etc. fire alarm maintenance Mar. and changing lines supplies fire & street ~ept. 5 cans sani-flush feeding prisoners & I police cap int~rpretating Mar. 20 10 gals traffic white 10 uniform officer Martin servicing m~ohine Mar. 18 g~s police dept. painting zones 1 bag screws gas - street dept. 2 days replacing drain on Linden Ave. Sweeping streets p.i. pe and couplings 6~ Oakum ~ax collectors bond City Clerk' s " reports Mar. Lustalling traffic signal bells removing cats & dogs Mar. Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. fumigators hydrant service Mar. work on block books Highway lights ~rch Misc. service Mar. street~ lights " ~hone service keeping Jail cleam Mar. towel service Mar, legal notices of filing un- paid assmts. ~66- and 67 assmt~ roll, letterheads & envelopes distributing dodgers for Easter hunt Easter mds e. 100 doz. eggs 8 c 0uplings water service Mar. gas ~street dept, Nov. amt,~ dne ~a/c installing traffic signals :,i t! Tot ,l ....... $3.3.59 55.00 .75 .50 6.26 4.26 6.00 5?.50 10.50 1.25 8.50 5.00 21.50 24.50 65.00 1.50 41.66 11.25 1.99 18.4 ? 9.00 9.00 74.25 10.63 1.50 '/5. O0 5.00 1.50 166 2'/. 50 150.00 14. O0 ~50.00 720.04 3.60 68.98 941.53 55.45 5.00 5.00 19.50 94.'/5 2.00 23.00 20.00 20.19 19.9'/ 1.0~ 71.1& $3,418.S9 There being no further business before the boa?~'d Ooun¢ilman ~.~inucciani moved to adjourn ~uatil the next regular r~eeting of the council,I~onda~,7 evening ADril EOth,19Z1. The n~_otion was seconded by councilmen Tibbetts and regularly? carried. T~me of adjourn~ent, 9;1~ O'cloc~ p.~. ~q~spec tEully submitted,