HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-04-20 The r,.gular meeting' of the city co%u~cil of the City of South San ?rancisco was held in the city hall Lion%day evening,April EOth,19S1. The meeting was called to order at 7:S0 p.m. by cou~cilman Joseph D.Quinlan, L[ayor of South San Francisco. ~0LL C~L~. 'iqoll call found all members of th~ c~ty council present,to-wit,- CouL, cilmen,V.Boido ,R.Lloyd,l_'.L'inucciani ,i~.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. _ ~ ~1 to ~oe ~ petition signed by ~ persons request?~d the cit~~ cou~.~ ~rant a ~ rmit to ~frs. 4'slice Lo~ bardi to conduct a grocery store at 601 Walnue Avenue, High School Park. As this section of the city is in the residential zone and retail business not permissible attorney Caul so advis~d the council, and the petotio~ was ord~red placed on file. ~e Portuguese Gociety Santo Christo ~equ st~d permission to hold religious exercises ~n All ~touls Church and ezplode Flag Bombs on the street in the vioiuity of tho church on Sunday ~ ~r~ or ounma~ L~a~ the ~th,19Z1. Permission granted. , ~l. D0 '~ id the city for the cleaning of weeds from the B ~Jolini requ~,stod a ref~d of a front of ~is lot,~,West half of 16 in block 98. L~ap of South San Francisco. Ordered placed in fol~ with other re~ucts of the same character. lh~nici~al Judge Edward Farrell submitted a communication to tho co~cil withdrawing bls letter of resignation as city judge. Ordered placed on file. The ~agle's drum corps of Sout~ San Francisco requested permission to hold a ~nce in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening ~y 9th,19Z1, ~ill I A.~. Permission granted. ,~ application for the position of Citj Judge, in case of a vacancy, was received from Joseph C.Walker. Application ordered placed o~~ file. The Portuguese Society ~anta Christo of Scut'~ San Fr~cisco mad~ application for permiss~ ~o operate a carnival o~ ~ay 7,8,9,10, four days. Permission denied. ~i con~nunication was recoived fron~ A.E Shadd,Bishop of the United Holy Church of ~,~erica ~hanking the city council for granting Nfs. f~r~a Lewis the right to open and ~rganize a branch o~ ~he, church in 'South San ~-~ancisco. Communication accepted. A pool room and soft dri~ license were 'ranted to Carl %Velte, and a soft drink license was granted to~v/rence ([ and Albert L.~rmanino,ZS1 Grand Avenue. ~ ordinance regulating and relatin~ "o the construction , maintenance,ercetion and use billboards in the City of South San Francisco ??as introduced by councilman Lloyd,Lad its first reading, and was laid over to come up ~der the regular or~er of business at the next regular meeting of the city council. In ~iow of the n~any fatalities from automobile accidents on the San Br~o ~oad in the city limits of the City of South San Francisco the city council decided to n~ake a strong stand foz the protectio~ of the public by placing signs and warning notices at intersections throughout Zho length of the 2an Bruno i{oad in tho city limits of South San Francisco regardless of the ?~isl of the Railroad or State }[ighway Con~3~issions. 7o!ice Chief Belloni ~,.:as instructed to begin activ~ ~ork .in this direction in the morn~u~. Claims.in~ the amo~t of $t~9Ij96 ;'sere next presented to the comcil for payment. 0n motion by Co~cilman ~inucciani seco~e~ by councilman Tibbetts the bills were ordered paid. W. E. Wetenkamp City Improvement Co. C. Landucci M. Belli & Co. Irvine & Jachens C. Bollazzi Ric Venturi Service Garage L. Riznik & Son Theo. Plans, Inc. Electric Spec. Co. So. City Lumber Co. Union 0il Co. Enterprise Foundry J. Xergianis Old Reliance Garage N. Medeghini Calif. State Auto.Assn. Gen. Electric Co. Geo. A. Eneese Westinghouse Ele. Mfg. Co. · . S. Robbins Ed. Stahl C. E, Rowe Q. De Zordo V. DeZordo ~ S. S. F. Land & Imp. Co. J. B. P~kington refund ac, house charged and not on lot Amt. due installation traffic signals uniform McGraw repairs police car 2 badges fire dept. I pair hinges, etc. grease ~ d, etc. 5 spark plugs fireman uniform Mariani " " Raffaelli 8 brushes & wool packing cement & c~ncrete mix 1 ball twine lumber .47 tons asphalt ~ 18 ~lv. manhole steps $89.39 71.14 65.00 6.70 3.00 2.00 2.50 5. 75 48.50 55.00 3. 40 13.78 1.15 10.11 ?.20 claim of J. Montes repairing s ewer 33.75 repzair s C~v. 28.90 llz days labor sweeping streets 51.75 installing parking signs ~09.~0 traffic signal keys, etc, 3.85 cost of supervision traffic signals 322.89 2 electrolie rs 87.10 r?plaing electrolier 25.00 5~ days labour ball park 44.00 " 24. " 2.25 " 2.25 taxes on 8.029 acres 1 plant 2. Total $1~91.~6 ~!ay £1st,1931 a~ 7;3o O'clock p.m. f'he mot'on carried. Time of adjournment, 9;~~ o'clock :o.m. There being no further business couu,~ilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Tuseday even! was seconded by councilman Einucciani and regulaz .ng ~no errors or 0m~a~ions thc were approved as read. ~ petition signed by 45 persons request~:~d the ~it,, aou~,c~! to ~Trant a ~,~ermit to ~rs. ?el!ce ~o: bardi to conduct a grocery store at 601 Walnue Avenue, High School Park. ks this section of the citj~ is in thc residential zone ~,ud retail business not permissible attorney C~ so advis~ d the council, and the petotio?~ was or~ii.~red placed on file. The Portuguese Gociety Sar, to Christo ~e~u st,od permission to Lold religious exercises in All ~o~ls C4urch and ezplode Flag Bombs on the street in the viciuity of t~o church on Sun~ ],,gas Sr~ or Sunday ,~.Ta~ the 4th,1931. Permission granted. B,Eolini requ~:,sto~ a refund of ~?l.30 aid the city for the cleaning of weeds from the front of .is lot,~,West half of 16 in block 98. FaD of South San Francisco. Ordered placed ir-, : with other requests of the same character. Eunici~,al Judge Edward Farrell submitted a cor;~muntcation to th3 cova~cil with&tawing h.;~s letter of resignation as city judge. Order~d Placed on .,ile. The -~agle's drum corps of Souti San F:'ancisco requested permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening l'A~y 9th,1931~ Till I A.I"'-. ?ermisston granted. ,au application for the position of Cit~ Judge, in case of a vacancy, was received from Joseph G.?;alker. Application ordered placed o-' file. The Portuguese Society Santa Christo of Scut~. San Francisco made application for permJ zo operate a carnival on ~,~ay ?,8,9,10, four daj~s. Permission denied. ~ co~mmnication was rec~ived from A.E Shadd,Bishop off the United ~oly Church of f~meri¢ zhanking the city council for granting ~,~rs. Anna Lead/is the r~,.~nt to open a::d ~rganize a branch. ~he, church in :-~outh San E~:a~cisco. Com~::zu~icatJon accepted. A pool room and soft drink license ~ve~'e '~ranted to Carl ?~/elte, and a soft drink licen~ was granted toLav/rence '% and Albert L. Armanino,381 Grand Avenue. &n ordinance regulating and relatin~ ':o the construction , maintenance,ercetion and ~: billboards in tke City of South San Francisco ~:?as introduced by councilman Llo~d,kad its first reading, and was laid over to com. e up under the regular or~er of business at the next regular meeting of the city council. Iz~ ~ic:w of the n~any fatalities from automobile accidents on the San Bruno ~oa~].~ ~u the cit~ limits of t}~e Cit~ of South San Francisco the city council decided to make a strong eta fez the protection,: of the public by placing signs and warning notices at intersections through thc: length of the ~San Bruno l~oad in the city limits of South San Francisco regardless of the u~ of the Railroad or State ~igh~zay Com~,_issions. V'olice Chief Belloni ~,.'as instructed to begin act work in this direction in the morning. Claims.in the amotuat of$1~glj96 -~Tere next presented to the council for payment. On motion by Councilman ~.{inucciani seconae~ by councilman Tibbetts the bills '¥Tere ordered paid. W. E. Wetenkamp City Improvement 0o. C. V,anducc i M. Belli & Co. Irvine & Jachens C. Bollazzi Ric Venturi Service Garage ~. Riznik & Son Theo. Planz, Inc, Electric Spec. Co. So. City Lumber Co, Union 0il Co, Enter~r ise ~oundry J. Xergianis Old Reliance Garage N. Medeghini Calif. State Auto.Assn. Gen. Electric Co. Geo. A. Eneese Westinghouse Ele. Mfg. Co. ~. S. Robbins Ed. Stahl C. E. Rowe Q. De Zordo V. DeZordo ~ S. S. ~. Land & Imp. Co. J. B. Pikington refund ac. house charged and not on lot Amt, due installation traffic signals uniform McGraw repairs police car 2 b~dges fire dept. 1 pair hinges, etc. grease F~d, etc. ~ spark plugs fireman uniform Mariani " " Raffaelli 8 brushes & wool packing cement & cencrete mix I ball twine lumber .4? tons asphalt 71.14 65.00 6.70 3.00 2.00 2.50 5. 75 48~0 55.00 ,5. 40 13.78 1.15 9.]~ 10.11 18 ~klv. manhole steps claim of J. Montes repairing s ewer repairs C~v. 11½ days labor sweeping streets installing parking signs traffic signal keys, etc. 7.ZO 35.75 28.90 51.75 309.50 ~.85 cost of supervision traffic signals ~22.89 2 electroliers 87.10 rgplaing electrolier 25.00 5~ days labor ball park 44.00 " 24.75 " 2.25 " 2 taxes on 8.029 acres 58.~8 1 plant Z. ?5 Total ~1391. u6 ~!ay £,lst,19Z1 a~ 7;3o O'clock p.m. ~he mot:on carried. Time of ad.lournment, 9;~~ o'clock Approved ~yo~ of ~outh San Francisco There being no further business couu,~ilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Tuseday ev was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regu