HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-08-03GUI~R I~.~TI1,_ OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUT~ SAN FiL%YCISCO,M~LD, NONDAY, AUGUST Z~D,1951. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~onday evening,August Srd,19Z1. The meeting was called to order at ?;30 o'~lock p.m. by councilman Joseph ?.Quinlan, Hayor of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit;- ~ouncilmen,V.Boido, R.Ttbbetts,Joseph ?,Quinlan. Absent, Councilmen,E.Minucciani,R.Lloyd. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A Comronnica tion was received from Fred A.Bambomi, calling attention of the council to the ~mendments to the street larJs, and offering his expert services to the city in case such be required. Application placed on file. The Italian-American A~hletic Club requested permission to use the city streets for parading and the display of flags for a celebration Labor Day period, on the 5,6,and 7th of September,1931, and enclosed a copy of the o-fficial program of events. Permission gr~ted. L~ayor Quinlan stated the city would cooperate to their fullest extent to make the celebration a success. The Rosebuds Club requested permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening August 29th,1931. Permission granted. Councilman V.Boido applied for permission ~o construct a corrugated iron garage with concrete floor and concrete foundations 50×50feet on the southerly portion of lot 23 in block 125,~p of South San Francisco. Permit granted. The Department of Public Health,Sacramento,California notified the council that the League of California Municipalities would hold their annual convention at Del Eonte,Calif, , September 21 to 24,19~1, and requested that the health officer be in attendance. Request ~rant~d. Owing to the ~any grass fires set by c;~ildren the council will offer a ~e~ard for c°nvictio culPrits.The Zacific Gas & Electric Company reque~ted permissio~ to set 55 poles on Grand ~venue between Acacia and Oak Avenues to replace decayed ones. Refers'ed to councilman Tibbetts and the request ~ranted. Antonia Planca requested permission to r~model the frontof store Nc. Z12 Grand Avenue, with stucco and new windows. Permission granted. The monthly reports of The Municipal Judge, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Building Inspector for the month of Jul~ were received a~d accepted. Claims in the amount of $2857.~4were next presented to the council for payment. The claims having been audited by the finance co~mittee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. Th~ motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. B.Brown J. Andrews J.~.~ayerle R. Smi th A. Schmidt E. ~enardini C .Heard P.Penoski C .Brizzi G. Sani E.Eozlowski J.~erre E. Galli A.Colombo E.Fambrini R.Bisagno Joe Bernardo R.Petrocchi L. Savar e s E.Venturi A. Johnson A. Johnson at~ending fires, $ 25.00 cleaning jail July. attending fires ~ 12.§0 " " $ 10.00 " " ~ 5. O0 " "i 10.00 " " 5. O0 ,, ,, .~ 10. O0 ' 12.50 " " ~ 20.00 " " ~ 15. O0 painting signs P.Hamilton P.Penoski Bank E.Weloh Chas. Bollazzi Galland Laumdry maimtain fire alarm20.O0 . expens, to firemen Con~ 2~.00 safety box rent ~? ~.80 destroy cats,dogs '~: 2cJ.50 sprincol 'J~ .80 service, July g 5.00 Recorder Printing Co., police set Fred Brown carpenter work So.City 2beet 1.~etal Go.cover doors A.Oarlisle & Co police books Cai. Wiping L'ats Co wiping rags Service Garage ttres,str, dept. 01d Reliance Oar. repairs str.truck N.Le~eghini swpeping streets C. Landucci pol. chief uniform 3.00 32.00 7.50 7.50 ?.00 20.80 69.65 49.f~0 65.00 Fred J.Lautz, rep.fire truck,f; 16.29 Fac. Tel & ~el Co, city phones~ 50.45 " " " " " 3.80 Frank Otffra 2 shovels 3.0~ " " su?~lies fire D~!~ 7.25 Fac. Water Co ,pa~ & !ib.wst $115.26 " " " hydrant water ~452.03 The Enterprise priut 0rd.15? f) 16.00 Pac. Gas& E1 Co str.lights,Jul$930.?O " " " highway li~.hts ~i: ~,~/.L.Hickey & Sons plumbing park comfort ~277 75 '~.'estinghouse El. Co.2 electrols~]147~95 Yew Lincoln L~t coal oil v~!" 1.95 Service Carage tires, etc,poI ~.~j 44.78 L.Riznik & Son p.olice caps ~I 9.00 J.Lombardi mobile oil V 6.00 F.'dhitehouse gas str.dept, ~,? 28.84 " " " fire " ~ 28 70 ,, ,, . poi. "~ ' '* 46. Sup. Steam Ldry wash fire dept ~i~i 11.~0 " " " " pol. " ~.60 Ric Venturi polish,etc,fire 3.65 " " cleaning fluid~i . ~0 Total, /]12857. ~4 Th~re being no further business Coumci!man Tibbetts moved to ~,,djourn until ~!on~ay , August lOth,1OZl,at 7;,~0 o'clock p;m. The mot~.m v~'as seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried, Time of adjourument ,8; 55 o' clock, p.m. P. espectful_ly/suhmtt~e.d~, ~ ],~'O~r of South San Prancizco' Oi~~ Clerk ~