HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-08-17CITY ,~EGU ~LAR ~EETING OF THE CITY C OLEJCIL OF THE SOUTH SA~J F~C ISC0, HELD M01{DAY EVF_J~IEG, AUGUST 17~TH,1931. The regular meeting of the city council of the Cit~,7 of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall 5ionday evening, August 17th,1931. The meeting was called to order ~t 7;30 o'clock p.m by councilman Joseph P, Quinlan, ~,ayor of South San Francisco. In the absence of clerk McSweeney Councilman ~inucctant acted as clerk pro rem. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the city council present,to-wit;- Councilmen ,V.Boido ,~,~Ltnucciani ,R.Tibbett s, Joseph P. Quinlan. Absent, Councilman,Reese Lloyd. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A conm~unication was received from the League of California ~£unicipaltties requestint the ~,,~ayor, and city officials to attend the convention of the Northern California Association of Clerks, Auditors,Assessors and Treasurers at Eureka,Saturday August 22nd next. CommunicatD ordered placed on file.. Insurance Agent D.W.Ratto notified the council of the date of expiration of the insurance on the city's Chevrolet Truck, September £Znd,19Sl, the same being covered for fir~ and theft. The clerk was instructed to notify L~. P~tto to re-insure. A communication was received f~om A.C.Kleemeyer, secretary of t~e Board of Educatio] of South San Francisco stating he was i~ receipt of a request from the ~orthSide Tax Payers Protective Association Of South San FrancisCo urging the Board of Education to use its influe] ~vith the City Councilmen in securing a road from School Street to be extended northward so ti it would connect with Peok's Lots for an outlet for school children attending the Martin Prim~ School. The city had already asked super~isor Hickey to lend assistance in building this rca~ after a request of the Northside Taxpayers Protection submitted, to the city coUncil in July, but no reply had 'been received. Mayor Quinlan advised representatives Lo~nati and Garcia to communicate personally with M~. Hickey and mo, ke the request. Request mas made by the Business~en's Association of South San Francisco to invoke curfew law to keep minors off the public streets after reasonable hours, as they loiter aroun~ the business houses till late at night, u~e more or less disrespectful language and are a detriment to business interests. YOur~g men over the age of the curfew law associate with the younger element at the busy corners and be~,ome obnoxious to shoppers and passersby. Referred the Chief of Police for investigation. Request was made by the' ~exican Colony under the auspices of the Junta ?atriotica, permission to hold a dance and entertainm,~nt in Fraternal Hall,Saturday evening,September 19ti 19el, until 2 a.m., the occasion being the celebration of the l£1st anniversary of the Independence of ]~Iexico. Permission was granted with the exception of the hour of closing, whi~ 'mas changed from 2 a.m. to 1.a.m. The city council and the city officials were invited to att~ the celebration. ]m.~yor Quinlan accepted tlr ~vitation with the thanks of the city. A communication was received from ~ohn Tacchi of the Italian-American Athletic Club South San Francisco req~esttng the city's permission to add the attraction of a London Punch and Judy Show and ]~,~iagic with the other attractions at the corner of ~Iiller and Linden Avenues, Referred to Councilmen Boido and Einucciani. A.J.Eschelbach requested the city to move a hydrant from in front of his theatre ent~ to a new location. The council ordered tLe ~ydrant,'.removed'~t~ the Sbuth~west.~.e~rner cf. Lind~ Baden. ~. Eschelbach also requested the re-location of an electrolier in the ~:.:ay o£ tLe ne~ ~'~rquee now being erected. The electrolier was ordered removed to the corporation yard. Claims in the amount of fifty-t~,'m,O [$52.50) against the city were next submitted for payment. Om motion by, coUncilman Minucciani, seconded by councilman Tibbetts the claims were ordered paid. Depot Cafe, ' coffee ~'or firemen on S.P.Hotel fire, $ 3.00 N.~e~eghini , labor §weeping streets ~49.50 T15ere heine no further bus'ness councilman ~lbbetts moved to a~Ez~:~ ~ttl E~zesda~ ~vening, September 8th,l~31,at ?~50 O'olouk p.m. ~he motion was seconded by councilman Yinuco~ ~ud regularl~ carried. Time of adjournment, 8;Z0 o'clock p.m. Approved ,~~of South San Francisco. Respectfully submitted, ~I. Minucciani. Clerk pro te~y Approved ~~~~~~