HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-09-08RECUIAR ~ET!I,~C- OF TIlE CITY CODI~CIL 0P THE CITY OP SOUTH S~J Fi~.I,'CISC, O t!ELD TUESDAY,SEPTEI~BER The regular mee$in~~ of the city council of the Bity Council of the City of South San Pranci.~ was held Tuesday evening,September 8th,1951, Honda~ ~eing a State holiday. The meeting was called to order at ?;50 o'clock p.m. by Eayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call' found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen,R.Lloyd, V.Boido ,~.Z'Iinucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the two previous meeting~ ~'zere read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. Request was made by the Oacific Cas & Elc.-ctric Company for permission to set a p~le ~0 feet E-of Linden Avenue on the south side of Baden Avenue, and remove a pole from the s~me ~' location. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and the desired permit granted. Reed & Quallman Company requested the city to notify the Pacific Gas and Electri~ · Company to remove certain wires and poles from Linden Avem e in front of their property also from their property. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A co~mmnication was received from the Cit~ of ~onterey, requesting South San FranC- isco to send a representative to the conference of the California Sewage Works Association convention to be held in 5~onterey September El-ER next. ~yor Quinlan stated the city engineer ~ should be in attendance or his representative. Cohncilman Lloy~ stated the city council should also be in attendance. They will attend sessions of the sewage conference while the convention of the League of California }lunicipalities holds ~ke,annual meeting at Del L~onte. Judge Edward Farrell notitied the council that he must submit a receipt for for court room_ rent to the county of San ~teo each month. The city council decided to acc=~pt ~60 rental/from the judge for the use of the judge's chambers, raise his salary to $1£5 pe~ month, ~>60 of which will be ret'urned rby.~ the J%~d?e for the rent. kesolutien passed unanimously,page 548. The League of California ~unicipalities notified the city council that the annual convention of the League will be held in the Hotel Del Nonte, ~onterey,California, September £1st,to Z~th,19~l, and requested the cit2,~ to send representatives from all city departments to participate in the experiences and discussions pertaining to municipal government. Communication placed on file. A communication was received from the ~a~ufacturers Association of ~outh San Francisco enclosing a copy of a resolution adopted September Srd,inst,favoring an arrangement whereby the Fire Department of South San Francisco can op~ rate an ambulance and take care of accidents on the highway as well as plant accidents, in the city of South San Francisco. ~,.~yor Quinl~n stated the city council is ready and willing to co-operate in the undertaking. The Fraternal Hall Assoc~.?.tion submitted' a request to th~ council to provide police protection at future dances in tke by refusing permits to dance unless arrangement is made for the payment of police protection., i~yor Quinlan stated the matter had been adjusted and p~lice would be in attendance at all future dances. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Athletic Club, requesting permission to hold a dance in the club rooms, ],.~etro'~'olitan Hall,to wind up the Labor Day Celebration and to give out the ,~irn~ing numbers in the Queen contest, mThe club also thanked the city officials for their participation in the celebration and espec~.all~ the police anl fi~e departments. The desired permit was granted. A communication was received from the San },~ateo County Flower Festival, requesting the city to sanction and co-Operate with them in their forthcoming exhibition, and also to aid financially. The council was'~in moral sympathy with the movem.~nt but was unable to assist f inanc ially. D.W.Eatto requested a ~refund of ~108.16 from the city for taxes paid on a hous~ supposed to have been built on lot ~9,block 84,}~ap of South San Francisco. A permit was issued ~ for the construction of a building on this lot in 19E6, a~d the ~tub submitted to the city as'sessor by the building inspector for entrance on the assc~sment ~olI' .Later it was found no building was ever erected. Referred to the City Clerk and Build~ing Inspector. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company requested permission to attach or extend wire f~'a phone for the council chambers from the buildin~ .inspector and fire chief's office. Permission grant ed. The monthly reports for August were submitted by the Chief of ?olice,Building Inspector, City Jlldge, Fire Chief.~ Treasurer and City Clerk, and ti.e reports accepted as read. This being the date set for receiving -. rotests against the improvement of G~anl .%venue by the installation of~ electroliers,~ayor Quinlan asked if there wer. e any persons present who ~'ished to protest against~the improvement or any written protests against the same. Two pc~titions representing approximately 60~1 feet 'were filed agsinst the impro~-ement of ~3pper ~rand Avenue, from Spruce A~'enue to the Nission Road, under proceedings ~74, while a petition representing approximately'lZS6 feet protesting against the electrolier improvement of Cra~.~d Avenue between Division Street and Spruce Avenue was also submitted. ~r. E.E.Bramble, President of the Businessmen's Association spoke i.~ favor 'of the proposed ~lectr'oliers~ Crand Avenue from Divi?ion ~treet to the Easterly side of Spru~ Avenue, stating t~'~ improvement would benefit propert2.~ o~ ners and businessmen. ~nbrose ~IcSweeney spoke for the protestants, stating the work is not ne~essary a~. th'e present time, owing to the general business de.~ressf, on, back of emv~loNment ..... d e~e ~.nk~.~e in laud vslues the east few years. E.C.Peck made strong Ob~e!ei~ions!-~o the m~.)~opOSed im?rovement' at ~.thi. s.' ~me 'ena~'~bmi~e d ~in -PS~St~ion in ob ti~n~.~.onday evening, ~eptember 14th,19Z1, ,z, as set as the date for the next hearing. This being .ne date set by statute for the adoption of the tax rate for the f'_scal ~ar, Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution s~tting the rate on all property within the original corporate boundaries of the Cits? of South San Francisco at and on the property annexed to the 0ity of~'~$outh San .?ranoisco !'arch 15th,191& at ~?1.57. The resolut~ion ~as adopted by the unanimous vote of of all the members of the cit2; council, to-wit;- Ayes councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd ~'i.~,inucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph TM Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,I~one,Absent, Councilmen,I~one. Attest, Daniel ~cSweene~ City. Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. E at page 548. ~yor {luinlan stated City AttOrne~~ Coleberd's father had r<'.cently died in the east the city wished to express ~he sympathy of tk.e people to Fr. Goleberd in his bereavement. };~tnucciani n~oved the clerk be instructed to draw up resolution of condelence to be presented cit~~ council at the next meeting· The motion was seconded by councilman Lloye ~nd r~eg~ul~a~ly Councilmen,R.LloYd, V.Boido,M. Minucelani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the two previous meeting'.'~ u.'ere read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. Request v~as rn~de by the ~acific Cas & El~tric Con,.party for permission to set a pole 20 feet E-of Linden ~venue on the south side of Baden .,~venue, and remove a pole from the s~me loc~tion. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and t?Le desired p~:rmit granted. Reed & Quallman Company requested the city to notify the Pacific Gas and Electri~ · Company to remove certain wires and poles from Linden Aven~ e in front of their property also from their property. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A co~m~unication was received from the City of Monterey, requesting South San Fran~'- isco to send a representative to the conference of the California Sewage Works Association convention to be held in ~onterey September 21-22 next. Mayor Quinlan stated the city engineer should be in attendance or his representative. Councilman Lloy~ sts, ted the city council sh~i~ld also be in attendance. They will attend sessions of the sewage conference while the convention of the League of California ~:unicipalities holds ~e,annual meeting s~t Del k'onte. Judge Edward Farrell notitied the cour~cil that he must submit a receipt for ~.60. for court room_ rent to the county of San Mateo each month. The city council decided to accept $60 rentals'from the judge for the u~e of the judge's chambers, raise his salary to pe~ month, ~j60 of which will be returned ~ by. the jud~'e for the rent. kesolutien passed unanimcusly,page 348. The League of California Municipalities notified the city council that the 3~rd annual convention of the !~eague will be held in tl~.e Hotel Del Monte, Monterey,California, September 21st,to 24th,1931, and requested the cit~ to send representatives from all city departments to participate in the experiences and discussions pertaining to municipal government. Com~mnication placed on file. A communication was received from the ~.~a~ufacturers Association of ?outh San Franoimco ~enclosing a copy of a resolution adopted September 3rd,inst,favoring an arrangesent whereby the Fire Department of ~outh San ~rancisco can op· rate an ambulance and take care of accidents on the highway as well as plant accidents, in the city of South San Francisco. ~.,[ayor Quinl~n stated the city council is ready and willing to co-operate in the undertaking. The Fraternal Hall Assoc~tton submitted' a request to th?, council to provide police protection at future dances in the by refusing permits to dance unless arrangement is made for the payment of police protection.. ~tayor Quinlan stated the matter had been adjusted and police would be in attendance at all future dances. A corr~o, unication was received fro~.': the ~outh San Francisco Athletic Club, requesting permission to hold a dance in the club rooms, ~:~etro~olitan Hall,to wind up the Labor Day Celebration and to give out the mirn~ing numbers in the (lueen contest. .The club also thanked the city officials for their participation in the celebration and especially th'e police anl fi~e departments. The desired permit was granted. A communication was received from the San Z~ateo County Flows= Festival, requesting the city to sanction and co-Operate with them in their forthcoming exhibition, and also to aid financially. The council was'~i~l moral sympathy with the moven~_~nt but was unable to assist financ ially. D.W.Ratto requested a ~refund of $108.16 from the city for taxes paid or~ a hous~ supposed to have been built on lot 29,block 84,Slap of South San Francisco. A permit was issue~d for the construction of a building on this lot in 1926, aud the ~tub submitted to the city assessor by the building inspector for entrance on the ass~J.~sment roll. ~.Later it was found no building was ever erected. Referred to the City Clerk and Building Inspector. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co~pany requested permission to attach or extend wire f0~a phone for the cozu~cil chambers from the buildin~ .inspector and fire chief's office. Permission grant ed. The monthly reports for August v.:ere submitted by the Chief of ?elite,Building Inspector, City Jlldge, Fire Chief~ Treasurer and City Clerk, and ti_e reports accede;ted as read. This being the date set for receiving ~. forests against the improvement of Granl J~venue by the installation of~ electroliers,~ayor Qulnlan asked if there wer. e any persons present who ,'~'ished to protest against the improvement or any written protests aga.inst the same. Two p~titions representing approximately 6031 feet 'were filed agsinst the in~pro~ement of'lJpper Grand Avenue, from Spruce A~enue to the ~ission Road, under proceedings ~74, while a petition representing approximately'1336 feet protesting against the electrolier improvement of Cra.~'~d Avenue between Division Street and Spr'~ce Avenue was also submitted.. ~r. E.E.Bramble, President of the Businessmen's Association spoke 'of the proposed ~?_ectr'oliers¥ C-,rand Avenue fron~ Dtvi?ion Street to the Easterly' side of Sprume Avenue, stating t~'~ improvement v~ould benefit property.~ o-nets and businessmen. ~Jnbrose L~cSweeney spoke for the protestants, stating the work is not nooessary a~ the present time, owing to the general business de.~ress.-'..on, lack of em~lo~.?~eut a~d the ..... r~.nke.~.e ~.~ laud values the cast few ?ee~rs. E.C.Peck made strong Obje!01tions'.-to ti~e '~oposed im'..'~,rovement' at '.'thi-s.' :'~,me ~ana:-'S~.'Bmitte& 'i'.n pet'it'ion in obJ ti~nj.~onday evening, Teptember 14th,1931, ~.'as' set as the' date for the next hearing. This being the date set by statute for the adoption of the tax rate for the fiscal year, Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution setting the rate on all property within the original [~1.62 and on the property annexed to the corporate boundaries of the City of South San ~-~rancisco at , City of-';South San Francisco _~[arch 13th,1Ol& at ~,~:1.57. The resolution ~:~as adopted by the unanimous vote of of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, E.L!inucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ?.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,t~one,Absent, Councilmen,I~one. Attest, Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at page ~48. Mayor f~uinlan stated City Att0r~.:ej' Coleberd's father had r<:cently died in the east and the city wished to express ~he sympathy of tl~.e !~.eople to I.[r. Goleberd in his bereavement. Councilman 2~'inucciani ntoved the clerk be instructed to draw up resolution of condolence to be presented to the city council at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. The Sou~h San Francisco Athletic Club e:~pressed its appriciation and comi'..limented zhe. Police and Fire Departments of the city for their splendid work and cooperation durin,2 the three day's Celebration of Labor, September 5,6 and 7th,. I,~yor Quinlan stated the South San Francisco Land & Improvement ComT, an~ wodld cede right of way land to the city of South Sa:q Francisco for-a road from the west end of Randolph. to the I.~artin S~:hool District, and Supervisor Thomas L Hickey would lend county, assistance iz constructing the road. The L~yor congratulated the South San Francisco Athletic Club for the splendid showing made durinf their celebration Se~tember 5,6,?, and also the Police and Fire Departme~ for the manner in,which they'.handled tlie situation. Claims in the amount of $ 479,47 were next presente~ zo the city co~mcil ~for pa~ The claims ha',Ving ~een audited by the finance cormv, ittee councilman Tibbetts move~ they be paid as z~dited. The motion was c'econded by councilman ~.linucciani and regularly carr~ V. Gianelli trimmin~f trees A.Colombo attending fires E. Gemar dini " " J.Nayerle " " J. Al~dr ewe " " Jules Feere " " ' R.Petrocchi , ,, E. Galli " " Joe Bernardo , , R. Smi th " " C.Briz zi " " E.Venturi " " R. Peno ski " " L. Saunder s " " E.Kozlowskt ~r A. Schmi dt " " A. Johnson " " C. S~_~_i " " R.Bisa~no " " B. Brown " " August A. Johnson Joe Bernardo Louis Belloni Mrs. J.C,Moya A. Johnson, N. L,~e de ghini C ha s. Lema, R. B t sa~no. A. Johnson Paul Hamilton maint fire alarm C.W.Maewedel i piece cross bar American Fire Equip Co,police ·iron brackets Fred Brown special police duty, " " .~ Lessar~( feeding pri~oners August interpreting, court room cleaning jail ,August sweeping str-ets, hanging flags Rainbow Decorators decorating ,Labor ~ay, John Corso rem. garbage July & Aug. J.~igoni cleaning hall windows J. Welctl rem. cats & D,og~,August Dan McSweeney, 200 l~ayor',s qnvelopes ~red Brown 2 si'gns Highway Blacksmith Shop,2 weed pullers Total I100. O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 50 ~0 ~0 ' .5o ?. 50 "/. 50 ?. 50 ~.50 ?.50 lO.OO o.oo ~0.00 1.0? 4.00 6.00 l0.50 10.50 l0.15 5.00 5.00 74.25 '4.50 4.50 4.50 2~.. 50 9.00 ~ ~0.00 a?.oo 4.50 1.50 00 There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until ~onday evi'ning, September 14th,1931, at ?;30 O'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10; o'clock.p.m. Approved \~ ' ~f ou cisco Respectfully submitted, / 0ity Clerk