HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-09-14.~GULARLY ADJOb~-iI~ED ~,~ETII.~ OF THE CITYOa1~I~$II~DF THE CITY OF SOUTH 14TH, 19 l"l. A regularly adjourned meeting of ~e C'~, ' ~ ~ ~ 00unoi! of .the Citj~ of South ~an Francisco was h in the City Hall ~o~da~, evening, September 14th,1931. This ~:eetin~j ~.~as called to or~[er at ?;~a o'clock p.m. by Nayom Joseph P.Quinlan. HOLL C~LLL. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-~vit;- Coul~cilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, I~.L:inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous n~.eeting v/ere read. There being no errors or omissions the~· v~ere approved as read. In accordance with a ~_otion by Counseling. an Ninucciani at the previous meeting of the city coomcil instructing the city clerk to draw u? a resolution of condolence to J.W.Coleberd, City Attorney, on account of the ,?~ath of his father, Tlr. James E.Coleberd. ~he following resolution ~.:~as intro~.uced by Cou~.ilman ~inucciani;- Whereas James !(.Co!eberd, father of J.i..Coleberd, City Lttorne~,' of the City of South San Francidco, passed away on t~:e 27th .of ~,ugust,18$1; ~[OW,Tha, refore, be it resolved by the city eouncil of thhe Cit3:' of South q:~n Frax~eisco that the Clerk of the council be directed to ~-'..'~t~., a'f'letter of condolence to ,'.gr. G0leberd expressi~g the deep regret and sincere sympathy .of the me:.bers of this council in his recent bereavement; and that th~s resolution be spread upon the minutes 'of the council, I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South Ban Francisco, this 14th day of September,1931, by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.~loyd, E. ~Minucelani,R,Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~[cSweeney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at page 349. A con~m, unication v~as received from the- San i~teo Count~ ?~deration of !~.,~provement Clubs and Associations, inviting the cit~ council and all others .interested in the matter of the proposed consolidation of San Nateo ~:nd San Francisco Counties, to attend a meet.grig on the subject at the Burlingame High School, ",VedJ~esday evening, September 15th,19Z1. a~ 8 o'clock p.m. The conm~untcation was accepted 'nd placed on file. John ~ager requestod the city council to extend his permit to construct a gasoline station on the S.',V.Corner of Bayshore Highway ~/~:~.d Filler Avenue, as the ';;ork of construction is about to begin. P:equest granted, und~r the su-~ervision of the ~uilding inspector. A petition containing three names representing 192 feet on Crand Avenue between Spruce Avenue and the Nission P. oad ~vas receivsd ~rrotesting agai~st the work of installing additional lights under proceedings ~.~74. Councilman Tibbetts suggested laying the mat~er over t:~' give the people further chance for ex-~'ression of thei=:~se?~timentS~, on ti_e proposed ?;ork. ~o or~.~red and the petition placed on file. P~operty ov~ners t~rs.Kate ~aynard, E.~.Peck, Ambrose ~.~cS~veeney, Joe Di Nardi and Fred Lautze opposed the proposed improvement at this time for various reasons, principslly on account of the depression and the fact that no notice, s v..'ere sent to all the property owners affected by the contemplated project. Proponents~.~0f;the proceedings, E.E.Bramble, Silvio Nieri,Hs~rry Cavassa, Fred Brou~n,L.~incenzini and !'rs. Winterhalter declared th~ work should be done st the present time owing to tl:e low price of ~;_aterials, etc, and the added increase in land values should the v;ork be accom]~lishe'~. On motion by councilman ?in~cciafii, seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly, csrried : the co~Lncil adjourned.?until Friday ever, lng,September 18th,1931, at 7;f!'.0 o'c. lock p.m. Time of adjourned 10.o'clock p.m. ClaiK~'~.s in the a~:~ount of ~j172.75 were .presented to the cou~cil for payment. On motion by councilman Lloyd seconded b.~ cou~:cilman ~,~inucciani and regularly carried the Enterprise Press Rob't,Bisagno Arthur Johnson claims were ordered paid. of South San Francisco printing resolutions V5,74, $160.25 " notices Board ~:eeting~ taking down flags ~ 4.60 " " " *~ 4.50 Respect~lly subm~tte d~