HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-12-216O REGULAR ~ETING 0F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANOISC0, HELD NONDAY, DECEZ~ER 21ST ,1931. The~regular meeting of the city council o* the City of South San Francisco was held in the Oi~ Hall Monday evening, December 21st,1931. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councllmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd,N. Mlnuccianl,R,Tibbetts,Joseph P.Qutnlan. ~ The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. Request ~as made by. the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for permis~on to open a trench in ~ple Avenue,north of First Lane, to replace 100 feet of gas line. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. Rosa Schellm~u Lots 3-4,San Bruno Road Tract requested a refund of $1.00 charged to her for the clearing away of weeds in front of her property, ~0rdered placed in file with prevlous requests. Ferdinando Barni, Lot 8,Block 98, also made request for a refund of $'98,<a~-weed tax charge against his property. Ordered placed in file with other requests. A communication was received from Joe Ricomi stating the pavement in Third Lane opposite the Petersen property was undermined and in ~anger of breaking through with traffic. Inspector Beatty and Councilman Tibbetts stated they had been in conference with the contractor who graded the ,~'~.~ Peters~u lot and requested him to take measures to prevent the breaking of the concrete. The contraztor agreed to attend to the matter. A communication was received from the ~ocieta Lombarda reques~ing permission to hold a da nde in Fraternml Hall, Saturday evening,February 6th,193E. Permission ~ranted. The monthly report of City Treasurer E.P.Kauffmann for the month of November was read and accepte~. Eight applications for pool room licenses and 31 applications for soft drink licenses were read and action upon them deferred, and referred to the police committee. Councilman Rod Tibbetts stated Supervisor Thomas L.Hickey had not reported the decision of the Sam Mateo County Board of Supervisors on the application for a portion of gasoline tax to open. and construct a road in Peck's Lots from the west end of Randolph Avenue to the l~artin Prinary school. Councilman Lloyd moved that all regular city employees be paid December salary before Christmas. The motion was eeconde~ by councilman Botdo and regularly carried. Au application was received from Teanni for a permit to construct a. fruit store on lots S5 and S6,Bloek 6,Town of Baden,on the E1 Camono Real. Permission granted, l~or Q~inlan stated the Southern Pacific Co~nany hsd donated l§ flares for use at the ,Children's Christmas Tree Festival,December ~Srd. Mr~<Beatty ~eported the I~ud Speaker owners could not loan the city the use of their apparatus for ~he festival if %he weather continued inclement on account of their delicate mechanism and cost. Claims in the amount of $4928.76 were next Presented to the council for payment. On motion by councilm~_n Tibbetts seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the the claims were ordered paid. C. Ross Labor on sewer $ 22.50 Roy's Repair Shop 5 gals motorcycleoil 5.50 " repairs " and oil 6.40 American Fire Eeuipment Co. 1 police siren 55.00 " " 60. O0 Patr~Ck-~oise Elinkner Co. vehicle license plates & dog license ~lates 27.95 Buick Sedan 1687.00 M. Belli & Co. C · Heard l~days standardizing threads 2 days" 2 days painti~-,g hydrants & 2 days. standardizing threads repair battery terminal · repaird engine ~2 ~ 24 lamsp 5 days labor on sewer labor on street tinsel for tree add 19S1 program 1 ~ioe Judge Fee book dues to June ~0, 1932 6.?5 R. :Petr cc chi 9.00 A. Schmidt 9.00 B. Brown A. Johnson Service Garage J. ~. I~ickey Geo. Lamuth Pete Magnaghi H. Camziani Fred Brown N. Medeghini A. J. ~elte All Soul's Church Schwabacher-~rey Co. Pac. Coast Bldg. Officials Schwabacher ~rey Co. The Enterpri se ~ So. ~. F. Land & Imp. Co. 18.00 18. O0 .75 1.55 6.60 22.5O 27.00 20.25 38.50 49.50 2.00 15.00 8.00 10.00 de]in~uent tax roll & sheets 99.00 notice of award 6.00 Int. & Print onn,7.84 acres 2397.01 Total ...... $4928.76 There being no further business councilman Mtnucciani moved to adjourn until Monds~ evening,January 4th,1952, at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~ Time of adjournment, 8,50 o'clock p.m. ~spectf~ly s~mitte d, Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. Rosa Schellman Lots 5-4,San Bruno Road Tract requested a refund of $1.00 charged to her for the clearing away of weeds in front of her property. ~0rdered placed in file with previous requests. Ferdinando Barni, Lot 8,Block 98, mlso made r®quest for a refund of $,98, 'a~weed tax charge against his propertY. Ordered placed in file with other requests. A communication was received from Joe Ricomi stating the pavement in Third Lan$ oppozite the Petersen property was undermined and in danger of breaking through with traffic. Inspector Beatty and Councilman Tibbetts stated they had been in conference with the contractor who graded the ,'~ ~1~. Peters~u lot and requested him to take measures to prevent the breaking of the concrete. The contramtor agreed to attend to the matter. A communication was received from the ~ocieta Lombarda requesting permission to hold a da nce in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening,February 8th,1952. Permission Eranted. The monthly report of City Treasurer E.P.Kauffmann for the month of November was rea& and accepted. Eight applications for pool room licenses and 51 applications for soft drink licenses were read and action upon them deferred, and referred to the police committee. Councilman Rod Tibbetts stated Supervisor Thomas L.Hickey had not reported the decision of the Sam Mateo County Board of Bupervisors on the application for a portion of gasoline tax to open° and construct a road in Peok's Lots from the west end of Randolph Avenue to the ~.~artin Trinary school. Councilman Lloyd moved that all regular city employees be paid December salary before Christmas. The motion was eeconde~ by councilman Boido and regularly carried. An application was received from Teannt for a permit to construct a~ fruit store on lots 55 and 56,Block 6,Town of Baden,on the E1 Camono Real. Permission granted, Ma~or Q~inlan stated the Southern Pacific Comoany had donated 1~ flares for use at the Children's Christmas Tree Festival,December 25rd. Mr;,,~Beatty ~eported the I~ud Speaker owners could not loan the city the use of their apparatus for the ~estival if %he weather conYinued inclement on account of their delicate mechanism and cost. Claims in the amount of $4928.76 were next Presented to the council for payment. On motion by councilman Tibbetts seconded by councilman Minuceiani and regularly carried the the claims were ordered paid. C. Rose ZaDor on sewer $ 22.50 Roy's Repair ~hop ~ gals motorcycleoil 5.50 " repairs " and oil' 6.AO American Fire Eeuilm~ent Co. 1 police siren 55.00 " " ,60.00 Patr~ck-Moise Xlinkner Co. vehicle license plates & M. Belli & Co. C. Heard R. ' Petr cc chi A. Schmidt B. Brown A. Johnson Service Garage J. ~. Hickey Geo. Lamuth Pete Magnaghi H. Canmiani Fred Brown N. Medeghini A. J. Nolte All Soul's Church Bchwabache r-~r ey C o. Pac. Coast Bldg. Officials Schwabacher Frey Co. The Enterpri se So. S. F. Land & Imp. Co. dog license ~lates Buick Sedan l~days standardizing threads 2 days " 2 days painti~g hydrants & 2 days~ standardizing threads repair battery terminal · repaird engine ~2 ~4 lamsp 5 days labor on sewer labor on street tinsel for tree add 1931 program 1 ~D~tce Judge Fee book dues to June 30, 1952 27.95 168'/. O0 6.75 9.00 9.00 18.00 18. O0 .75 1.55 6.60 22.50 Z?.O0 20.25 38.50 49.50 2.00 15,00 8.00 10.00 delinouent tax roll & sheets 99.00 notice of award 6.00 Int. & Print cnn'/.84 acres 2597.01 Total ...... $4928.76 There being no further business councilman Mtnucciani moved to adjourn until Monds~ e~ening,January 4th,1932, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Ttbbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8,50 o'clock p.m. f Sou h San ~ancisco ~apectfu~ly s~mitte d,