HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-02-1615th ,1932. 2Zonally The regular.meeting of the Clty ~f South San Francisco was held in the city hall evening, February l§th,1952. The meeting was called to order at ?;50 o'clock P,N, by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present,to-wit;- Counc ilmen, V, B o i do, R. L1 o y d, ~. I,.~[in~c c i ani, R. T ibb e t t s, Jo s e ph. P. Qui nlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omlssion~ they were approved as read. The City of San Bruno sent in a check to the city for materials used in an effor to.resuscitate victims of asphyxiation in that city recently. The amount of the check was Accepted with the thanks of the city f~c their appreciation of the firemen's services. Itt. John Tacchi of the~ Social Club requested permission to hold a dance in Frata~ Hall April 9th,1952. Five dollars accompanied the ~request for police protection. Permi~sio~ granted. · Mr. A.Chelini made applicatio ~ for permissio~n to install one additional undergro' storage tank at his garage,Sll~ San Bruno Road. Permit granted after the ten days expiration as per the city ordinance cove~_ing the situation. The Union Services Stationmade request for permission ~to. install a 550 gallon ta~ for gasoline at ll8 Baden ~lvenue at Lindens one additional Visible Pump. Fire Chief was to see that the ten days required by law have expired before the installation could be made The report of th~ Municipal Judge and the Chief' of Police for the month of Janua received and accepted with the thanks of the city Mayor. Mrs. J. Carmod2 made $0~?plaint that thr sum of $2.00 too much was charged against lot on the ~outh west corner of Pine & Linden Avenues. Referred to Inspector Beatty and Pore Fred Brown for investigation. The ~orthside Tax Payers anuouneed ~' ~o~ld be pleased to meet with the city c and their committee in reference to a proposed ne~ servant:and drainage system for the~easter of the City of South ~an ~rancisco, provided the city engineer wer,~ present and could expla ers to the residents of the community afro.ted. ~o action was taken on Aamen~ir~g ordinance ~1§8, the hand bill ordinance, as had' e:~pe cte d. An application v:as received from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Uo] requesting permission to lay water pipes in San Bruno Road,Linden Avenue and Swift Avenue,a~ designating the locations required for the service. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution granting the South San Francisco Land a: Improvement Company the desired permission to lay, construct,reco~struct, etc,and maintain water pipe lines in San Brubo Road,Linden Avenue and and Swift Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the cit$? council, to;wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, l~.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.~uinlan. l~oes, Councilmen,~one. Absent,Counciln~.en,l~one. Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Dock of resolutions, Vol. 2 at page 258.and Clair:s in the amount of ~'~ ~4 ~u~. v'ere next submitted for pa~,ment;- On motion by councilman Tibbetts eeeonded by councilman Elnucctani the amounts wv~re appowed and ordered paid. California State Auto Assn. M. Belli ~estinghouee Electric Co. American Fire Equipment Co. Arndt's Dept. St ore Pioneer ~ibson Express W. L. Rickey & ~ons Pacific Tele.& Tele, Co. V. W. Dennen Co. F. J. Lautze The ~eagrave Corp. Royal Eupply C o, Manuel Borba Wigh~ay Blacksmith 5hop N. Medeghini C. E. Stahl 01d Reliance Garage l~c. Tole, &Tele. Co. P. G. & E. California Mater Service San Marco Co. Title Co, ChiCago Graphite Co. Jennings Pharmacy G. E. ~everton Galland Mercantile Laundry ~tate Compenmation Ins. Co. California ~&ter Service D. ~ilkine en · .. ]~1 oyd ~,. Zandanel Bank of ~o. ~. F. ~arking signs wash, grease, police c~r else. supplies iron caps rethreaded 6 towels express - 2 bales rags repair fl,Ash valve toilet exchange service ~ep. 1071 cheese cloth & rags fire dep. repairs Ford Roadster 1 intake manifold Fire Dept. ~upplies street and fire 6 hrs. labor Industrial ~ay 2 gads sweeping~ streets carpenter labor repel rs Che~. phone service Jan. Misc. service Jan. street lighting hydrant service reports Jan. 1 gross pencils supplies - clerk's office repairs typewriters " Farrell's office towel service Jan. bal. due ins. premium service Jan. labor Orange Ave. various labor claims $34.70 7.15 43.71 32.80 3.90 .90 4. O0 2;75 9.25 4.10 43.00 36.70 3.40 3.50 56.25 22.00 28.1~ 5~ .00 194.54 928.07 452.00 1.50 5.~7 2.50 9.75 2. O0 2.00 223.67 19.88 15.00 3.00 3.00 ~67. O0 TQtal ...... $2,509~.34 There being no further busoness councilman Loused mo%~ed to adjourn until tLe next regular meeting ,Lionday ,March 7th,195~ at 7;$0 0'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by coun or The City of San Bruno sent in a check to the city for materials used in an effoz to resuscitate victims of asphyxiation in that city recently. Tke amount of the check was Accepted frith the thanks of the city f:~r their appreciation of the firemen's services. l~r. John Tacchi of the' Social Club requested permission to hold a dance in Frats Hall April 9th,1932. Five dollars acco~panied the ~request for police protection. Permissio grated. Mr. A.Chelini made applicatio: for permissio~ to install one additional undergro storage tank at his garage,Sll San Bruno Road. Permit granted after the ten days expiration as per the city ordin~ce covering the situation. The ~nion Services ~Statio~de request for permission.to.install a 550 gallon ta for gasoline at 118 Baden Avenue at ~inden~ one additional Visible P~p. Fire Chief was i to see that the ten ~ys required by law have expired before the installation could be The report of th~ ~.~icipal Jug_ge and the Chief'o~ Police for the month of Janua received and accepted with the thanks of the city l~ayor. ~s. J. Carmody made' $O~;plaint that thr s~ of ~2.00 too much was charged against lot on the South west corner of Pine & ~inden Avenues. Referred to Inspector Beatty and Fore Fred Bro~ for investigation. '~'~' ~,~o~ld be pleased to meet with the city The Northside T~ Payers announced . and ~heir co~lttee in reference to a proposed new se~v:~r.'and drainage system for the~ezster of the City off South San ~'rancisco, provided the city e~ineer wero present and could expla ers to the residents of the c:on~unity alTo-ted. Ifc action vzas taken on ~men~i~g ordinance ~158, the hand bill ordinance, as had' eries cte d. An application v,'~s rece~ve~ fron~ the ~outh San Fr~ci~co ~and and ~proveme~t ~o~ requesting permission to lay ~zater pipes in San Bruno Road,~tnden Avenue ~d Swift Avenue.a: desig~ttng the locations required for the service. Councilm~ Boido introduced a resolution granting the South S~ Francisco ~and a: Improvement Comply the desired permission to lay, construct ,reconstruct, etc,and maintain water pipe lines in San Brubo Road,Zinden Avenue and ~d Swift Avenue. The resolution was ,adopted by the ~animous vote of all the members of the city counc il, t o; wl t; - Ayes, Oo~cilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Ninucciani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.~utnlan. Noes, Co~cilmen,~one. Absent,Oounciln:en,~Tone. Attest, Daniel %~cTweeney City Clerk. Recorded in ~ook of resolutions, Vol.2 at page E58.and 257. ~';~,z'~.~. ~,':~ oJj ~,~.~ ~:~'::~.Lted ,.... r,~.~.~:~ ~f :"2.00 of e. ' ~'~e~ elaine i~ the amount of $~509. Z,4 ~"ere next submitted ~or payment;- On ~otion by councilman Tibbetts seconded by councilman Einucciani the amo~ts wvzre appowed and ordered paid. California State Auto Assn. M, Belli Westinghouse Electric Co. American Fire Equipment Co, Arndt's Dept. Store Pioneer ~ibson Express W, ];, Rickey & Sons Pacific Tole. &Tele, Co. V, W. Dennen Co, F, J. Lautze The Seagrave Corp. Royal Supply Co, Manuel Borba High~ay Blacksmith Shop N, Medeghini C, E. Stahl 01d Reliance Garage ~c. Tole. &Tele. Co, P. G. &E~ California lister 3ervice $an Marco Co, Title Co. Chicago Graphite Co. Jen~ings Pharmacy G. E. Zeverton Galland Mercantile Laundry State Compensation Ins. Co, California ~ater Service D. Ililkins on · .. L1 oyd v.. Zandanel Bank of ~o, B. F. Parking s i~ wash, gres~e, police c~r elco. supplies ~i~~ iron caps rethreaded 6 towels express - 2 bales rags repair flush valve toilet exchange service Sop, 1071 cheese cloth & rags fire dep. repairs ~ord Roadster 1 intake manifold Fire Dept. Supplies street ~nd fire" 6 hrs. labour Industrial Way ~ gads sweeping, streets carpenter l~bor repai rs Che~. phone service Jan. Misc. service Jan. 1932 street lighting hydrant service reports Jan. 1 gross pencils supplies - clerk's office repairs typewriters " Farrell's office towel service Jan. bal. due ins. premium service Jan. labor Orange Ave. various labor cla imm ' Total ...... $34.70 7.15 43.71 32.80 3.90 .90 4. O0 2;75 9.25 4.10 43.00 ~6.?0 3.40 3.50 56.25 22.00 28.15 55.00 194.54 928.0? ~52.00 1.50 5.57 2.50 g 2.00 2.00 223.67 19.88 15.00 ~,00 ~. 00 ~67.00 $2,509~, 54 Tibbetts a~regularly carrie~d. Time of A~Pi~OViID ~ O. There being no further busoness councilr:~an Lo~yd moved to adjourn until tLe next regular meeting,L:onday,Earch 7th,193f: at ?;,U,0 O'clock p.m, The motion was seconded by counc~ adjournn:ent, 9.05~O'clock p.n~.