HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-03-07REGUT,~}{ ~ETII~C OF TI~ CITY COUECIL 'OF~.~THE ~ITY'OF SOUTH SAL' Fl~C ISCO ,HELD I~0NDAY, I:..~RC H ?TH,19~2. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was hell in the city hall I..:onday evening, Earch ~th,195£. The meeting was called to order at ?;~clock p.n~., by ~.~ayor JosepD P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. ~oll call found all members of the city cou~ci! presez~t,to-wit;- Councilmen, V. Boido ,R. Lloyd, ¥. Einucciani ,E. Tibbe t t s, Joseph P. Quinlan. The n'.inutes of the previous ~.eeting were read. TLere being no errors or on~issions they were approved as read. f~ co~"n~.unication was received fron~ the S~utL San Francisco Industrial City Band, requesting pern':ission to conduc~ a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,April £nd,19~2. Pern~ission granted. The ~hapultepec Society of South San Francisco ~'~ade application for per~'~ission to hold a dance for tlc benefit of one of their sick m.~bors, on February £0th,19ZY,Per;nission granted. :'i~s D. gnes Flink applied for a position on the election board April llth,19Z~. Application plac,,d on file. ~ commuhication was received fron~, the Northside Taxpayer Protective Association, celling the attention of the city authorities to the condition of Pine Terrace between Parkway and ~ple Avenue,statin6~ the payement has sagged and there is danger of accidents. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the street committee. The request of the Shell 0il Company for permission to install a 1000 gallon underground 12 guage storage tank for gasoline on the corner of Bayshore Highway and Grand Avenue, was on the recommendation of Fire Chief Welte and Building Inspector Beatty, granted. The California Water Service Comyany requested permission to cut 12 square yards paveme~ at the N.¥! corner of grand and Cypress Avenues, and a two foot hole at grand Avenue and the shore Highway and also one a two foot square L.~-~.e in £ront of 8~8 grand Avenue, to n~ake tie-ins to their water ~ains, for better fire protection, Referred to councilman Tibbetts. Giovanni Cuistetti requested permission to install two additional five hundr'ed gallon tanks for the storage of gasoline at the service station on lots 1,Z,~,block? the E1 Camino Real. Cran~ Permission under the supervision of tho buildin~~ inspector ~nd fire chief. A co:~m~unication was received fro~ the Taxas Company requesting permission to install one BB0 gallon storage tank, also one Wayne Visible gasoline pu~p at tLeir station Baden Avenue and Bayshore ~ighway. Permission granted. The ~onthly reports o£ the ~ire ~hief, ~olice ~hief,Building Inspector,~?unicipal Judge City T'~easurer ~r~d City Clerk wet ~ext presented to the council and accepted with the thanks of the Yay o r. Referring to tlc case of the city against O.¥.;~isern~an and Hillary J ?urlong for damages done the the city's Fire Engine ~o.£, ~ou~cil~an ~inucctani introduced a resolution ~ empo~,'~'ering the city attorney, J.b'.Coleberd, ar~& d~'~octing hi~,-~, to con~ence an action ir~ t~ ~ nan~e of the City of South Sa~o Francisco against 0.L%~i~ern~n and ~illarY J.~long on accour~.t of the damage done to Fire ~ngine No.2 of this city. to-wit;- The resolution was adopted by the u~-~a~imous vote of all the members of the cit~ council, Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,L~.Einucciani, R.Tibbetts,R.Lloyd, J.P.Qutnlan. ~oss, Councilmen,t~one. Absent, Council~nen,Eone. Attest Daniel EcSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. S,at page ~81. ~ resolution of the cit~ council of the City of .~outh San Francisco providing for the holding of a general ~%u~icipal Election on f~pril llti~,lg~2,designating polling places, appointing election officers and consolidating the city's super~.~isorial precincts into four municipal p.~ecincts, was introduced b~ Councilwoman Boido, and was adopted ;~y the unanimous vote of all the n~ember~ of the City Council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, E.~','~inucciani,E.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. I~oes, Councilmen,Eone. Absent, Councilr~en,~one. ~tte st Daniel ~cSwe eneY City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page 361. I~o .request having been received to a~end ordinance ¥o.158, the hand bill ordinanoe, Councilman ~Tin~icciani mowed the ordina~'~ne be ratifi~d in its presemt form. The r~otion was adopted by the unanin~ous vote of all t4e councilmen, and ti:e ordinance ordered sent to print. Cozu~cilman Lloyd n'..oved that action on proposed proceedings "i~-V4, electroliers on ~-rand · Avenue between Spruce Avenue and the Eissior~ lqoad, be deferred to ~.~ay 2riddleS2, for the'hearing. C protests. The :~'_~otior~ was seconded by council]~an Boido and regularly carriee. Breckel BrotHers Ice Corn_party requested tLe city to control the flood waters at t.~eir plant caused by the late heavy rains. Mayor Qui~-~lan stated the is unable to undertake the pr~bleno of raising the street in the neighborhood above t4e level of the sewer line. T;~e South San Francisco Chain. bev of Co~:_.erce endorsed the proposition of ~r. Thon%pson to install electric lights over the Hillside sign, "South San ?rancisco,The Industrial City". ~._~rs. Carrie E.Winterhalter called the co~.~_ctl's attention to the annual Easter E~g ~ hunt, and stated 3~mday,}~farch 27th, would be the ideal time. The city council expressed its willingness to co-operate to n~ake the hunt a success. Claims.~ln.~.~he~am0unt~60~.16 were next presented to t~e council for payn~ent. The claims having been audited by the finance conm~.ittee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. 2he motion was eeconded by councilman ~,%nucciani and re~.~ularly carried. ti. A. Cava88a W. P. Fuller & Co. 1[. Belli & Co. M. Belli & Co. r, acy L. Redd &.Co. Louis Be]loni 9ervioe Garage Flink's Service Station Fred Brown Dddl ey Perkins Bank of South San FranCisco Pacific Coast Rubber Co. Superior Steam Laundry Highway Trans port C o. National Ice Co. P. ]/ami lton ¢.A.M. Siren & Mfg. Co. Service Garage Serivde Garage 01d Relianoe Garage Enterpris · ~oundry Union Oil Co'~. of Calif J. B. Guglie~tmet~ti N, Medeghini Galland ~ercantile Laundry League of Calif. ~unicipalities Burroughs Adding Machine Co. San Marco Co. Title Co. J. Welch California Water Service Co. Pacific Tole. & Tole. Co. P. G. &E. Enterprise Press West Coast Nursery California Water Service Bank of So. S. ~rancisco Bank of America So. City Lnmber & Supply Co. C. Bollazzi Royal Supply Co. ~harter Study Committee s uppli es $7.50 Traffic white & red 47.75 adjust brakes police car 1.75 5 lbs grease, etc. 2.00 1 spotlight police car25.00 feeding prisoners 5.80 gas police dept. ~eb. 41.97 " " 20.98 ~ day carpenter work ~.00 repair motorcycle 9.7? claims ~f Lema and Johnson paint ing z one 87.75 250' fire hose 2Z7.§0 wash ~1 and ~2 house 10,66 freight,- fire hose 1.02 5 gals diet, lied water .50 fire mahateaaneer~Feb. 20.00 1 siren fire chief 90.00 gas fire dept. 13.40 repairs Engine $1 ~.10 gas street dept. ~eb. 26.74 repai rs Choy. 1 plate drilled St. Dept, 1 bbl. asphalt 5 gals kerosene sweeping street towel service Feb. 1 copy proceedings , maintenance to 8~7/32 reports Feb. dogs & cats removed Feb. service Feb. service Feb, misc. service Feb. street lights ~eb. 500 books of assessment list 450 acacia trees misc. water service various labor c]aims work Orange Ave. sand, brick, etc. plaster, con. mix, ere. Park supplies Park " Park expenses . 50.75 1.75 4.49 1.00 74.25 2.00 1.50 5.55 1.50 27.50 452.00 54.30 156.68 928.07 73.96 157.50 19.66 525.00 493.00 514.00 281.00 19.19 6.74 22'80 1.40 21.39 50.00 ~otal ..... $4604.16 There being' no further business councilman Ninucciani moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, Monday, Earch 21st,1952, at ?;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was sec¢ ded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;50 o'clock p.m. Francisco . . of South ~an ~/w, Respec. tfully submitted,