HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-04-04~EC~L~LR I~ETINC 0F "WE CITY COUI~CIL OF THE CITT OF ~.~0UTL SA!~ '~ · F~.~.~L C I SC 0 ].;0NDAY, ~EIL 4TH,1932. Tl~.e regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San ~rancisco was: held in the city hall Nonday evening,'Lpril 4th,195£. The meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m. by Mayor',Joseph P. Quinlan. , ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of tlc c'ty council present, to-:¥it;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, N.Ninucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ?.Quinlan. Ti~e minutes of the t~vo prevLous ~eetings were read. There being no errors or omissio~, tLe~~ were approved as read. d com~n~ication was roceived from tko Pacific Cas ~ Electric Company requesting permission to install a two inch gas main in t e westerl~ sidewalk area of Olive A%-enue between Dine & Aspen Avenues. Referred to co~_ncilr~an Tibbetts and permission granted. L c~n~,~unicatio~ was received from Nr~ Carrie ~.Winterhalter showing tko result of tlc Easter E&j ?~t,moni~s received, disbur;~d otc,etc. TLe report w~s well received by the city council and and Ers. Uinterhalter was ~:anked by the ~ayor. The ~agle Drur? CorDs made ay~7~licatio:-, fern a permit to hold a dance in Praternal Hal1 on Zatu_d~, evening,.~przl 16th,next, and a ..... omp~nzed the application with v~. ~= 0~ for extra pol police protection. Porr~it grated. The CLaDultepec Societal ~'utualista Nexicana of South San Pr~cisco requested permission to hold a d~ce in Prater~l Hall ~atur~- evening, April 2S,19SS from 8.p.m. to ~ne o'clock a.m. Permission gr~te&. Dick's .~ervics Ctation requested permission to install tv;o 550 gallon gasoline tanks and pumps at his place of business. Permission. grated. Tke California Cut ~tone and Cranit~ Works of South San Francisco requested permission. to install a 560 ga~A~gasoline ta~ at t~:.-ir place of business, Railroad ~ La[nolia Lvenues. Permission granted. T]~e monthly reports of ChieI of Police Belloni,Sire Cl%ief Welte, !ns-?ector ?catty, Judge Edward Edward 2stroll and City Clerk NoSv~ene~ for-~the~m~th of Hatch were submit~e~ ~& accepted with tlc thanks of the city co~ncil. Lction on weed. refunds was postponed ~ntil a later m~eting, Claims in the sum of $2,841,88 were next presented to the Council for payment. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded b.y Councilman Bodio and regularly carried the claims were ordered paid. ~links Service Station Louis Bell0ni F. J. Lautze The Seagrave Corporation Plink's Service S'tatioh The Hub E. Venturi J. Ferri G. Sani ~. Colombo C. Heard A. Schmidt J. Andrews J. Bernardo A. Johnson A..Johnson R. B. Glennon N. ~ede~ini 2Si~k's Service Station ~.~elch ~aul Hamilton A~. Carlisle Co. ~an Mateo Co. Title Co. Crocker ~st National Bank Crocker First National J~nd ~!ercanti ~ e i~ uudry Pacific Tele. & ~ele. Co. · . G. ~ ~. California ~ter Zerviee Co. Geo. ~. Kueese Bertuce~li & Nennini C, Bollazzi Geo. A. Kueese California Water Service gas, oil-I set perfect-o-lites- police feeding prisoners Mar. repair starter ~ord Repair engine ~1 gas - fire d ept. 2 yds oilcloth A t t e nding .fire a ,! 'Cleaning Jail Mar. 2 valve lubricators 6n Engines ;~1 & ~2 sweeping streets gas street dept. Mar. removing cats & dogs Mar. fire alarm maintenance Mar. Asses~:.:~nt rol~ & ~sheets reports M~r. claim Jordon ~owe Co. for audit ending Ear. 5I-Z2 claim Gordon Rowe - 1st p~yment installation fil- ing sys tern H~nd and cabinet service Jan. Feb. ~ar. e~rVice March Aisc.m. s ~rvic e ~arch street light? ~rhh hydrant rents~ March insyectiou, etc. repair sewer Swift ~v~nue 4 garbage nails services rendered on relief of unemployment to J~ar. 29 £ ervi ce ~,Larch $85.33 3.2~ 2.35 171.6~ 15.18 .60 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 £. 50 2.50 5.00 12.00 49.50 48.68 28 · O0 2O. O0 71.87- 1.50 150. O0 375.00 58.85 ~37.00 928.07 452.00 52.80 6.40 1.50 123.50 8.55 Total $2481.88 ~h~r~ 1~$ing no_ further business ~.efore tlc, council,council~i~an Llo~'d moved &d~em~n, '"' ' ~:o*~ ~. .... ~ :~ The mot~ :n wa~ seconded by councilman Tibbetts of the There being no errors or omissior~s tLey _~ comJ~:¥mication was received from tls Pacific aas ~ Electric Company requesting permission to install a two inch gas main i~'~ t e westerl~ sidewalk area of Olive A~'enue between Pine & Aspen Avenues. Referred to co~ncilman Tibb~tts and permission granted. A c~mr.unicatio:~ was received from Yr~ Carrie E.Winterhalter showing tls result of tLe Easter ?lag ~t,moni~s received, disbur~_~d etc,etc. T~e report was well received by the citj council an& and Ers. Winterhalter was , :anked by the l~ayor. Tl~e ~agle ~run~ Corps ~ade aI?licatio~ fo~ a i~ermit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on ,~atu_d~ evening, April 16th,next, an~ a~:companied the application with v~.0~ ~or extra pol police protection. Porn~it grated. The CLa~oultepec Societal ~utualista Nexicana of South San Fr~cisco requested permission to hold a d~ce in Fraternal }!all ~atur~$~ evening, Apr$1 ~Z,19Za from 8.p.m. to ~ne ~'clock a.m. Permission grated. ~0 gallon gasoline tanks Dick's ~er~-ic~ Station requested ~' "~' t erm~,~ozon to install tu~o ~= and pumps at his place of business. Permission. granted. Tke California Cut ltone and Cranite Works of South San Francisco requested pernflssion. to install a 560 ga~,Sasoline ta~ at t~. ir place of business, Railroad ~% Lagnolia ?.venues. Permission granted. T]~e monthly reports of ChieT of ?ollce Belloni,Fire Chief Welts, !ns~'~ector Beatt~, Judge Edward Edward Farrell and City Clerk YcSv~-ene~ Tor~the~ m~th of Earch were submit~e~ ~d accepted ~Tith tls thanks of the city corneal. Action on weed. refunds was postponed ~<ntil a later meeting, Claims in the sum of $2,841,88 were next presented to the Council for pa2ment. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Bodio and regularly carried the claims were ordered paid. ~links Service Station Louis Bell Oni F. J. Lautze The Seagrave Corporation Flink's Service S'tatio~ The Hub E. Venturi J. ~erri G. S.ani ~. Colombo C. Heard A. Schmidt J. Andrews J. Bernardo A. Johnson A. Johnson R. B. Glenn on N. Nede~ini 2!i~k's Service Station ~..~e!ch PauY Hami lten A. Carlisle Co. San Mateo Co. Title Co. Crocker ~st National Bank Crocker First National Bar~ Ga~2and Mercantile L~ uudry Pacific Tele. & ~,le. Co. ~. G. & ~. C~lifornia ~ater Zerviee Co. Geo. ~. Y, neese Bertucelli & Nannin! C. Bollazzi Geo. A. Xneese galifornia Water Service gas, oil-1 set perfect-o-lites- police feeding prlsoners Mar. repair starter Ford Repair engine $1 gas -fire dept. 2 yds oilcloth Att ending ~fire a 'Cleaning Jail Mar. 2 valve lubricators dn Engines ,~1 & ~2 sweeping streets gas street dept. Mar. removing cats & doge Mar. fire alarm maintenance Mar. Ass essu:an~ ro!] & sheets reports i~ar. claim Jerdon Eowe Co. for audit ending Mar. ~1-~2 c!~im Gordon Rowe - 1st ,, .~er. t installation fil- ing system H~nd and cabinet service Jan. Feb. L~ar. e er vi c e ,~ar ch ~isc.'~ s ervic e ~arch street lights Lierhh hydrant rent~ March insrection, etc. repair sewer Swift Avenue 4 garbage nails services rendered on relief of unemp2oyment to Mar. 29 servt ce l!arch $85.33 3.25 2.35 171.65 15.18 .60 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 £. 50 2.50 5.00 12.00 49.50 48.68 28. O0 2O. O0 71.87- 1.50 150. O0 575.00 !~_ .00 58.85 137.00 928.07 452. O0 52.80 6.40 1.50 123.50 8.55 Total $2481.88 '~e %eing no further business ~,efore the council,'council;;~an Llo~,d moved · O a~e~l~, T]_e'mot~o~ The mot~ :n wa~ seconded b~ councilman Tibbetts Respect ~ully