HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-05-02CITY OF SOUT~.~ L~OITDAY, ~,L~Y 2nd,19S2. The regular meetin:' of tLe City 6ounci! of tke City of £~outh Sa~ Francisco was hell. in the city hall ~ondayeventng, Y, ay £nd, 193£. The ~eeting was called to order at '?;20 o'clock p.m. by ~.ayor ~oseph P.Quinlan. i~OLL CALL. Roil call found all members of the court,oil pr~--sent, to-v;it;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R,Lloyd, E.Y. inucc_i~ani,R.Tibbetts, Josept~ P.Quinlan. The ~'~mtes of the two previous meeting~ were :ead. TLere being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. .,'~ conm:unication was received from the £ocie&ad L~utualista Yexicana Cha pultepec, requesting permission to hold a dance and ~i~ISS in tke vacant lot near the South San Francisco Baker~, on July 3rd to E a.m. ~uly 4th, Laid over for investigation. G.H.Thomsan.paid the city tke s~% of ~100 for one year's fee for permission to erect an electric sign at the cit~'s concrete sign~Sout:~ San Francisco, The Industrial City.~'kccepted. ~.~ark l%ker,the city's new truck driver submitted a letter of thanks to tLe city council for his appointment, statin~ he would use his best efforts to fill the position faithfully and energeticall~ for the best interests of tLe city..~ccepted. Henry Veit submitted a proposition to the council for their conse.t to place house numbers of all houses tn the city on top ~f and on the side of the curbs, at no cost to~ the city. Cost of the propesed work would be paid by the property o~ers, and all help from the ranis of South S~ Francisco's unemployed. Laid over for investigation. Mr. C~delfinger appeared before the council v~ith a verbal request for ~o~rmission to do the Same kind of work. Laid cver for further consideration. The Pacific GaS & Electric Company made application for permission to set pol~s o~ the 17orth side of iiailroad Avenue between ~fag~olia and Orange Avenues. Referred to Chairman Ti~betts Of ~ street com~ittee and permission ~ttorney William J. Locke, formerlI:' ~'~, 'otarL-;Ya~ager of tke League of Califor~i~ K~icipalities ~'rote tke cou~cil a long state~ent of his differe~ces ~:~ith the nmv board of ~anagers of the league and tke cause of Lis separatio~ from it, and requested the city to write to Eitchell and insist tkat he se~ve ~Tr. Locke with written charges not later than August S~th,19SE~ and tkat said ckarges be take~ up at the San Diego Convention of the L~ague at the ~IEtT 0F B~,,~I~' ........ ..... The communication was accepted and Yr. Coleberd requested to take some action in behal behalf of ~x. Locke at the proper time. Eugene Eozlowski m~.~de application for a~y Position in the city Service that tke co.oil might kate at their disposal. Placed on file. ,_~6. on cunt o~ taxes collected Arthur Buehler n~.de written request for a refund of Z7 acc on a parcel of kis E.~:~ acres of land on tke Sa:. Es'uno i~oad wLick had been taken o~er b~ tke State Highwa~ Commission. Cranted. A petition signed by Z8 persons was eoeived asking the city council to reconsider , change or amend city ordinance ~168, coverin~ t_o distribution of handbills. Petition ordered placed on file. Tke monthly reports of the Building I~spector, Chief of Tolice,Fire Ohief and City Clerk for tls month ending April SOth,19SS we~:~ submitted and accepted with the tLa~d=s of the ~[ayor and council. Yayor °uiz~lan commended tLe Soutk Sa[~ Pr~cisco Elementary schools for tLe excellant showing made in the Civic Center at the fay ~a~: Festival, ~fonday the Snd, inst. On motion by Co~cilman Yinucciani,~eoonded by ~ouncilman B0i~o~and regularly carried action on tke propose& ~ew lighting system oz~ Crand 2~enue fro~ Spruce A~enue to t..e ~fission Rca& ~:~s postponed to Lugust let, 01ai~s i~ tls amount of ~1879.~Z were next submitted to the council for pavement. On motioz~ by Counailman Zlo~& seconded by~ co~ clln~n Roido ~d regularly carried tke an~ounts were appro~'ed ayd~o~ered paid. C. Heard A. J. ~ohmidt H. A. Cava~sa V. Bianchini Dudley ~erkins J. Lombardi Paul Eamilton B. Brown E. Xoslowski A. Colombo R. ~mit~ A. Johnson A. Schmidt ~. Sani J. Fasb ri ni E. Venturi The Seagrave Corporation Bertucelli & Nanmini Pacific Coast Rubber Co. · . Minmeciani Co. Ze bardi i, ~de~hini $~&l 0~1 Ce. Califernia ~ater Co. Attending fires salary fireman 6 days supplies police dept, expenses t o ~alinas labor on motorcycle gas, oil, etc. Police'Dep, Mar. Apr. gas, Fire Dept, Apr. fire alarm maintenance Apr. Attending fires Apr. I Bendix housing':& asses. ~re Dep. 2 cans floor wax' rep&iring & testing 5 lengths hose repair work on fire truck gas, oil, st~reet Dept. Apr. sweeping street 11 days 3 tanks stove oil hydrant service Apr. $ 2.50 30. O0 4.50 5.00 7.18 87.04 11.73 20.00 ~.00 5.00 5.00 2.60 2.50 2.50 ~.50 2.~0 86.00 1.30 Z~ .50 4.~0 47.48' 49.50 11.55 452.00 Rol'l call found all members of the cou:',cil pr.':sent, to-i'~it;- Councilmen, Y.Boi&o, R.Lloyd, ~f..1,[inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ~.~uinlan. The n:n~tes of ~.ke two previous meeting~ were ii~ead. T]~ere being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A conm~.unication was received from the £ociedad L~utualista k'exicana Ohs pultepec, requesting permission to hold a dance and ~YEi~I~S in tke vacant lot near the South ~an Francisco Bakery, on July 5rd to £ a.m. ~uly 4th, Laid over for investigation, G.H.Thomsan paid the city tls sur~ of ~lg0 for one year's fee for permission to erect an electric sign at the city's concrete stgn~Souti~ San Francisco, The Industrial City." Accepted. ~fark YeAst,the city's new truck driver submitted a letter of thanks to tls city council for his appointment, stating he would use his best efforts to fill the position faithfully and energeticall~ for the best interests of the city. Accepted. Henry reit submitted a proposition to the council for their conse~,t to place house nu~'~bers of-all houses in the city on to~ ~f and on the side of the curbs, at no cost to~ the city. Cost of the propesed work would be ?aid by the property owners, and all help from the ranks of South ~ oan Francisco's unemployed. Laid over for investigation. ~r. Cundelfinger appeared before the council with a verbal request for ~. rmission to do the same kind of work. Laid ever for further consideration. The l~acific Cas & Electric Company made application for permission to set pol~.s on the !7orth ~ide of Railroad ~venue between ~fag~ ol~a a~'~d Orange Avenues. Referred to Chairman Ti~betts of tho street comrfttee and permission granted. ~',ttorney William J. Locke, ~or~.~r~.,-~ '~ ~.,~ ,L~tar~';~'~nager of the League of Cali£orni~ ~unicipalities wrote tke couucil ~ long state~nt of Lis di£f~-~r~nces ~'~ith the new board of ~__anagers of tke league and the cause of Lis separatiou from it, and requested the city to write to Eitchell and insist t~'~at he se;~ve ~Tr. Locke with written charges not later than August £~th,195£~ and tkat said ckarges be taken up at tke Zan Diego Convention of tls L~ague at the ~IE'3T OF BUZIITE3~5, Ti~_e co~:mmnication was accepted ~?~d Yr. Coleberd requested to take some action in behal behalf of ~. Locke at the proper time. Eugene L~ozlowski m~de application for &ny position in tke city Service that tke cour~cil might Lave at their disposal. Placed on file. Arthur Buehler mnde written request for a refund of ~6.£7 on account o~ t~xes collected on a parcel of kis £.~£ acres of land on the Sa?. Bruno iQoad which had been taken ewer b~- tke ~tate Highwa~ Commission. Cranted. .~i petition signed by 58 persons was ~eceived asking the city council to reconsider , change or amend city ordinance ~158, coverzng t.e distribution of handbills. Petition placed on file. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Chief of Police,Fire ~hief an& City Clerk for tls month ending ~pril SOth,195£ wer~ ~ubmitte& and accepted with the thazd[s of tls Ea~or and council. !layer Ouinlan commended the South Sai'~ Francisco Elementary schools for the excellant showing ~.ade in the Civic Center at the fay Da~- Festival, }fonday the and, inst. On n~otion by Councilman !~inucciani,seconded by ~ouncilman BOi~o~and regularly carried action on ti~e proposed new lighting system on Crand 2~enue frm~ Zpruce Avenue to t~e ~ission Road ¥;as postponed to August 1st, 19Z£ Olaims in tls ~mount of OlS?9]~Z v~er~, next sub~.itted to tls council for pa~n.ent. On motion by Cou~ilman Lloyd seconded b2.~ co~/~ciln~n ~oido and regularly carried the an~o~ts were approved ayd~orCered paid. C. Heard A. J. Sohmidt H. A. Cavasea ¥. Bianchini Dudley ~erkins ~. ~ombardi Paul Eamtlton B. Brown L Xeslowaki A. Colombo R. Smith A. Johneen A, 9ohmidt $. Sani J. ~mbrini ~ or pora t i on ~ter 4:0. Attending fir es salary fireman 6 da~ supplies police dept. expenses to ~alinas labor on motorcycle gas, oil, etc. Police Dep. Mar. Apr. gas, Fire Dept. Apr. fire alarm maintenance Apr. Attending fires Apr. 1 Bendix housing & asses. Ire Dep. 2 cans floor wax repairing & testing ~ lengths hose repair work on fire truck gas, oil, st~reet Dept. Apr. sweeping street 11 d&ye ~ tanks stove oil hydrant service Apr. $ 2.50 30. O0 4.50 §.00 7.18 87.04 11.73 20.00 5.00 5. O0 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 ~6.00 1.30 ZE .~0 4. ~0 47.48' 49.50 11.55 452.00 Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. San Marco County Titl · Co. J. Welch l~est Disinfecting Co. A. Carlisle Co. Schwabacher Frey Co. Arthur ][.. Buehler Charter Study Committee of Sah Marco Co. Bertucelli & Nar~ini California Water Service Co. Ba~k of America Phone ~1170 reports foreclosure proceecings Town of Baden removing cats and doge Apr. ~ bbl. disinfectant electi on supplies file, card drawer, guides, etc. refund a/o overcharge on 2.~ ac. expense of charter study 6 hose cla~s and couplings misc. water service Apr. various labor claims - work on Orange Ave. money expended labor on crosl sections S.S.F. Drainage & sewer investigation $ 5.~0 20.00 19.50 114.65 6.Z? ZS.00 2.10 68.79 149.50 .94 Total .......... $1,879.5Z TLere being no further business Cour~ci!man Lloyd moved to adjourn until tls next zegular meeting, ~fonday, ~;m~ 15th,1532, at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Oouncilh:an ~oldo and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;05 o'clock p.~. App rove d r o~ south San ~rancisco Respectfully submitted,