HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-06-06REGULAR MEETING 0F THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,ItELD MONDAY, ^ ~YJNE 6TH, 19 $2. The regular meeting of the city council of the City:' of Sel~th San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evel~, June 6th,l$S~. The meeting was called to order at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor. Joseph ]~.Quinlan. ROT, T, OAT,T., Roll call found all members of the council pmesent, to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Mlnuccianl,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Quinlan. The minutes Of the previous meeting Were read. There being no errors or omissions they were app:eved as read. A communication was received from R.C.Stlskle, asking for a permit to operate a Dog Racing Track on the site for which the city Building Inspect~ had issued a building permit. There being no objections on the part of the city council, nor verbal or written protee~s against the issuance cf a license, Councilman Mtnucciani introduced- a resolution granting Stickle ~;~::r~.::~-~:~ou and his assigns,permission to establish, maintain and operate a dog race track in the 0itl of South San Francisco for the Period of five lears from date, specifying the license tax should be $~5 per day for the operation of the track, for the first year, and for the remainder of the five years the license tax shall be fixed by the Citl Council by ordinance. The resolution was adopted bl the unanimous vote of all the ~embers of the city ccuncil, to'wit ;- Ayes, Councilmen,][.B0ido, R. Ltold, ~.Minucelani,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P. ~uinlan. Nos s, Councilmen,None ~, Absent, Councilmen,None, Atte st Daniel Mo,~,we~ey Recorded in Boo~ of Resolutions, Vol. 2 at page S74. The Pacific Gas & Electric Compan~ made application for permission to install a 2" gas main in the sidewalk areas on the north and south sl~es of Commercial Avenue,between N~ple and Linden Avenues, and to open a trench 18 incheein d~mensions in Miller Avenue between Cypress an~ Linden Avenues. Referre~ to Co~cilmen Tibbette an~ the ~esl~ ~r~ta gr~te~.  McEachen an~ Mclntyre ~mitte~ a propos~tion to audit the city books for the ~ of ~50 for the fiscal year ending J~e ~th,19SY. Bl~ or~ere~ place~ on file. ' A co~ication was receive~ from D.W.R~tto a~ating a' ~tain building on Division Street an~ ~other one on Linden Avenue were not construc~, aSSorting to the building or~nance. Buil~ing Inspector Beatt2 was instrUcte~ to investigate the complaint ~t~r rectlfie~. The application of Charles ~t for permission to construct a ~ining car on lots an~ 17,block 146, was ~enie~. A co~ication was receive~ from Fra~ McVeigh, ~ecutive Secretary of the S~ M~teo O~ty.O~rter Stu~ Co~tee stating he was sending copies to each co~cilman of the report e~t~e~ "Ban Mateo Cowry Gover~ent", for their consi~eration. He also e~resse~ his th~s to the city co.oil for the support an~ co-eperatton given hi~. The city clerk was instructed, to ~swer the co~icatlon ~ th~ Mr. McVeigh for the copies. The mont~y 'reports of Judge Farrell,Fire Chief Welte, Police Chief Belloni,Buil~in~ Inspector Beatty an~ City Clerk McSweene2 for the month· ending Ma2 31,were eubmitte~ an~ ~ccept~ with the tha~s of Mayor Quinl~. ~S0~TIOE ORDERING T~ 0F A F0~ TRUCE. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution ordering the purchase of a Ford truck for the street department of the city, and settin~ the date for the acceptance of sealed b:ds or proposals as July 5th,19S£, at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ales, Councilmen, Y.Voido, R.T, loyd, M.Mintlccianl,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. Pose,Councilmen,none. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel Mc.~weeney City clerk. Recorded in Book of ]~esolutions, ¥ol.2, at page RESOLUTION EMPLOYING CHARLES C LIFFORD. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution empolying Charles Clifford to make a thorough Investigation of all public utilities operating in the City of Semth San Francisco, using the city's streets, lanes, alleys, Public places and other p~ropert2. the earnings, etc. as disclosed by them to the Railroad 0ommiSston, the cftl agreeing to pay sal~ Charles Clifford fifty (50) per cent of all sums of money collected by him on account of such employment. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit ;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~.Boldo,R.Lloyd, ~.Mlnuccianl,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel Mc~weeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2,at page S76. CitI Clerk. The application of Albert C.Eleemeysr to be deputized as special.policeman, together with two other men of the school department was laid over till the first meeting in August. mm the recommendetio~ of Police .Chief Belloni. A recess ofcfY~.e-...~t~Utes,:~asttaken~:~ after which Councilmen V.Boido,R.Lloyd,l~.Minucciani. R,T~e.~ts ~ J~eph P. Quinla~ answered the ~oll Call. '. Claims in the amount of $2810.?S were next .presented for payment;- L. Belloni feeding prisoners $1S.46 Charles Lema,~ cleaning Jail May $ 6.00 J.Lombar~d~t.,~ gas & oil ~ $ 4.20 Fre~ Laut$~ rep Buic Car gas &~oil $95'~4 SuperiOr Steam Laundry wash fire houses Sl1.28 E. Galli attending fires ~ S 2.50 J. Ferre - " · S ~..50 A.O olombo " " '~ 2.50 BoBrOWn - "$ £. 50 The minutes Of the previous meeting Were rea~[. There being no errors or were appr~ove~ as rea~. A eomm_unication was received from R.C.Stiekle, asking for a permit to operate a Dog Racing ~a~k on the site for which the city Building Inspect~ ha~ issue~ a building permit. There bei~ no objections on the part of the city co.oil, nor verbal or written protee~e ~nst the lessee of a licen~, 0o~cllman Minuccl~i introduce& a resolution gr~ti~ ~,.0. ~tic~e.~..-,' ~:~. ..... ~.. ,,~ ~ .... ,'~ o'~: ~n~ his assigns,permission to establish, ~intain an~ operate a ~og rac~ trac~ in the 0it7 of South S~ ~olaoo for the Perio~ of five 7ears from ~te, specifyin~ the license t~ shoul~ Be $25 ~r ~2 for the operation of the tr~k, for the fl~st year, for the re. in,er of the five 2ears the license tax s~ll be fixe~ b2 the City Co.oil b2 ~,, 0 r ~i~o ·. The resolution ~e a~opte& By the ~imous vets of all ~e ~mbers 9f the city council, to'wit;. ~es, Co~il~n,~.B01~o, R.~o~, ~.Minucel~i.R.Tl~etts,Joseph P.~uinl~. ~oes, Co~cil~n,No~e~, Absent, Oo~cilmen,None, Attest Daniel Reoor~e& in Boo~ of Resolutions, Vol. 2 at page The Pacific Gas & Electric Company made application for permission to install a 2," gas main in the sidewalk areas on the north an~ south si~es of Commercial Avenue,between llaple an~ Linden Avenues", an~ to open a trench 18 inche~in ~mensions in Miller Avenue between O~press an~ Linden Avenues. Referre~ to Co~cilmen TiBbette ~ the ~esire~ ~r~ta gr~te~.  MoEaohen ~ McIntyre ~bmttte~ a propos~tion to audit the city books for the ~ of 250 for the ~lecal 2ear ending ~e ~th,19~2. B~ or~ere~ place~ on file. · A occultation was receive~ from D,,W.Rbtto a~ati~ a' ~tain building on Division Street an~ ~other one on Linden Avenue were not oonstruo~ Smoothing to the building or~n~ce. Building Inspector Beatt2 was instructe~ to investigate the complaint ~ ~'te the ~t~r rectifie~. The application of C~rles ~t for permission to construct a ~ining car on lots 16 ~ l~,block 146, was ~enie~. A occultation was receive~ from Fra~ McVeigh, ~ecutive Secretary of the S~ M~teo O.~t2 C~rter Stu~ Con,tee stating he was sen~ing copies to each co~cilman of the report e~t~tYe~ "Ban Marco cowry Oover~ent", for their cOnai~eration. He also e~reese~ his' th~s to the city co.oil for the support an~ co-operation given hi~. The city clerk was instructe~ to ~ewer the co~icatlon ~ th~ Mr. McVeigh for the copieS. The mont~2 reports of Judge Farrell,~ire Chief Welte, Police Chief Belloni,Buil~in~ Inspector Beatt2 ~ City Clerk Mc~weene2 for the month, ending M~ Zl,were submitte~ an~ eccept~ with the tha~s of M~yor Quinl~. ~S0~TIOE 0RDERI~ T~ ~~BE 0F A F0~ TRUCK. Councilman Tibbetts introduce& a resolution ordering the purchase of a Ford truck for the street department of the city, and setting the d~te for the acceptance of sealed b'.~S or proposals as July 5th,19Zy,, at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~. Voido, R.T, loyd, M.MinUcciani ,R.Tlbbetts, Joseph P.quinlan. Noes,Councilmen,none. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McBweene2 City Clerk. Recorded in Book of lesolutions, 11ol.2, at page S?5. RESOLUTI 0N EMPLOYING CWARv,~S C LIi~ORD. Councilman Boido intro~uoe~ a resolution empolying Charles Oliffor~ to make a thorough investl~ation of all public utilities operating in the City of S.emth San ~ranoisce, 'wing the city's streets, lanes, alleys, public places an~ other property, the earnings, etc, as disclose~ by them to the Rallroa~ Commlasion, the city agreeing to pay said Charles Cliffford fXfty (50) per cent of all sums of money oollecte~ by him on account of such employment. The resolution was a~opted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit ;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~.Boi~o ,H.T. loy~, M.Mlnucciani ,R.Tibbetta, Joseph P.quinlan. Boes, Counollmen,2one. Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel Mc~weeney ~l~o~.e~l in Book of Reeolutions,~ol.2,at page S?6. City Clerk. The application of Albert C.Kleemeyer to be deputize~ as special ~policeman, together ~Xth twa other men of the school department was laid over till the first meeting in August. ~et the ree~a~en~etion of ]~olice Chief Belloni. A reo~ ~£c~ec~ix~Utes~as-ttaken~:~'. after which 0ouncllmen ~.Boido,R.V,loy~,M.Minucelani. ':~,'~ a~J~h P.Quinlaz~ answered the ~oll Call. Claims in the amount of $2810.~Z were next presente~ for payment;- L. Bello~l fee~ing prisoners SIS. 45 Charles Le.n~~ cleaning Jail May gas & oil ~ l~e~ rep Buic Car gas &~oil '~'~'" ' Steam l~un~ry wash fire houses ~,,' '~'~. attending fires *~ uniform fire chief 5. O0 4.20 S95.84 ~11.2,8 .50 ~-.50 5.00 2,0.00 Disbrus®ments continued;- Hastings Clothing, i~red Laut ze General Electric Ce. 01d Reliance Garage N. Me de ghini I~red Laut ze Union 0il Cc So.C ity Pl~dabing .~hop Mueller & Company Patrick-Motse Klinkner u~iform assr, fire chief Raffaelli gasoline fire dept,May cats contractor rep. ch evolet truck Str. Dept, sweeping streets gas & oil str; dept 25 tons asphalt supplies str. dept 2 clangs,tapped No 2" str dept ink pad, clerk's office San Mateo County Title Co daily r.e.transfers Cali~ornia Water Service Co,hydrant service May Peele Tel & Tel Co city phones May Pac. Gas & ElecSric Co., street lighting May " " " " hal lighting etc., May New V. incoln Market, brilliant hine,te, paper city hall Ga&land Mercantile Laundry, towel service Ma~ J. Welch removing doge, May Calif. Pas. Title Ins Ce., reports on lots town of Baden J. A. Riot ~an H. ]~. Haaker Geo. A.Kneese The Enterprise Capit&l N~ aery H. S~ar~er C o Goo~e~ Rubber Comply Optimo cigara insurance fire truck,fire,theft " prem bond city treasu~e~ let inst work So. Lin~en Ave. 500 letter heads,500 envelopes ? flats verbenas sprinklers parks hose etc,f&~e-Ae~- parks California Wet er Service Corp. ~ater, park purposes Baden Cash Store sprinklers, parks Bank of So. San ~rancisco cashing labor warrants Geo. Lamuth labor pul:ling cables Total_ ?8.86 1.60 0.50 10.00 $~810.?~ The ~latms having been audited b2 the finance committee councllman Tib~etts moved they be paid. The motion wac seconded b2 councilman NinucciaJ~i and regularly oarrie~. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts move~ to adJourz until the next r~gular meeting,MonAay, June 20th,19~2, at 7;~0 o'cloc~ pem. The motion was seconded by councllman~Ztnucciami an~ regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;45 o'clock. ~M. · ..' ~o-f' South San ~x