HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-07-05 REGULAR ME~TING 0F THE CITY 00UNOIL 0F TEE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANC ISO 0, HELD TUESDAy, JULY, 5TH The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the'city hall Tuesday evening, July 5th,19ZY. The meeting was called to. order at 7;30 o'clock p.m.-~ Ma~orf.~osePh P,~utnlan. HOT,T. CA]~L, Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, 'M.Minuociani, R. Tlbbetts , Joseph P. Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. These being no errors or omissions they were approved as read; R.O.Stickle,President of the Baden Kennel Club, requested the city council to appoint Peter Magnaghi, Henry Eneese and C.E.Church special policemen to serve en and about the grounds 'and premises of the Baden Kennel Club, the salaries of the men to be Paid by the club and also the State Compensation Insurance premiums. The request was granted, and the men Ordered sworn in by the city clerk. An application was received from Robert Dwyer asking the council's permission to run a:roller skating rink in Fraternal Hall on Tuesda~:~,Thursdays and Sunday nights. As the applica did no.t appear to represent himself the communication was ordered placed on file. Peter Lind made application for the position' of Health Officer or Deputy Health 0fficex of the City of'Sou, th San Francisco, to serve the city without pay. The application was accepted and ordered placed on file. The Ex-Oelo Concrete Company ~ettfied the city that a claim of $186.$0 was due them fro the Walker Martin 6empan~. E.Mil~i 1~otified the city of a claim of $16.00 against the compan~ also. Accepted and filed. A communication was received from the Pacifl0 Gas & Electric Company requesting per- mission to out two holes in the pavement on the north side of Commercial Avenue, to make repaix Permission granted, A communication was received from C.H.Brown, public accountant, requesting permission discuss audits with the city officialS. Accepter and placed on file. A communication from the C.J.Rambo Company to the same effect was received ant placed on file. The California Water Service Company notified the city in writing that commenoin~ Jul$ 1st, the city would be billet for 150 hydrants at $450 instead of f;l'5~, hydrants at $4~ on account of hydrant No. 150 being on a metered line. Acoe. pted and placed on file. l~ernando Barni's request for aweet refund of $1.96 was granted on mOtion by oouncilma Ninuoelani, regularly seconded and carried, Two comm~mnication from the League of California Muniolpalities respecting budgets an~ ordinances and gasoline tax were read and accepted and ordered placed on file. Reports of city Judge Edw Farrell, P$~ice Chief Belloni,Fire Chief Welte and City Cle McSwe.eney were reoeive~ fur the month ending June $0th,193~ and ~y~rQuinlan thanked the office for their attention to their duties. This beLugthe date set for the opening of bids for a Ford Truck for the Street depart ment Councilman Tlbbetts moved that the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. 'The following bids were then Opened;- Fred J. Lautze, one Ford Truck Hydrolic dump heavy body ,$9?~ ,00 Allowance on old Chevrolet trucks ES.00 Net Total $94?. 50 William L.Hughson Co,one ford Truck e~c," " $999.18 Allowance on ol~ ChevrOlet truckS ~et total $97A. 16. Fred J.Lautze appearing the lowest bidder councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution awarding the bid to Fred J.Lautze for the sum of $9&~.50 after deducting the sum of $E5.00 allowed for the purchase of the old ChevrOlet truck. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all the member.s of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V~Boido,H.Lloyd, M.MinUcciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, C eunoilmen.,None. Absent, C ouncilmen,None. Attest, Daniel McSweene2, City Clerk ' Recorder lin Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.2,at page ZSl. This being the date set for the hearing of p~otests against proceedings NOs?3, the installation of electroliers on Grand Avenue between DivisAon Street and Spruce Avenue, the assessment for same having been filed with the city clerk,Mayor quinlan asked if there were objections to the assessment, either, verbal or writtem, Hearing none and there being no writte~ , objections Councilman Tlbbetts introdeced a resolution oonfirning said assessment. The resolu. tion was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd,M.Minuccian.i,~.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Qutnlan. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Cou:'ctlmen,Nome. Attest~.!~' ~Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page ZS0. 9~I~D INANC E NO. ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COU~OIL 0F TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 'PROHIBITING SETTING ~D ~INTA~G BONFIHES ~D THE BU~ING 0F RUBBISH WASTE ~T~I~S IN T~ C ITH 0F SOUTH S~ F~CISC0 WITHOUT PE~ISSION 0F T~ ~ CHI~ OP SAID CITY ~D PROVIDING A P~TY FOR Ti~ VIOL~TI0~7 T~0F"~ · eeon~ ~ea~ng and was passed and adopted as an ordin~ce ef the City of Seuth~k the following vote;- ~e8, Co~cllmen, V.Bei~o,R.Lloyd, M.Mi~celanl,R'Tlbbett8, Joseph P~Quinlan. Noes, Ce~llmen,None. Absent,Councilmen,Nene. Atte8~ Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. ReeorAA~ in Book of 0rdin~ces Vol 2 at page 205. ~ ORDINANOE NO 160. An ordinance entitled "AN 0RDENANCE REGULATING THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF DOG RACING TRACES IN THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND PROVIDING P0R LICENSING OF THE SAME", had its second reading, and was passed and adopted as an ordinance ef ': ~..' the City of South San Francisco by the votes of all the members of the city council, to-wi~; Ayes,.Councilmen ,V.Boidc ,R'Lloyd, ~.Minucciani ,R. Tlbbett s, JoSeph P. Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,~one, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in book of ordinances, Vol.2 at pages 206-20?. Soft dxink licenses were granted the following;- A.C olombari, J.Fernandez ,Guiseppa, Berone,Frank Rodoni ,Ermelinde ~arani, Joe Mainini i~rank Robinson,Tasty Sweet Shop,~Tario iiegalia,Mrs. Kate Borzaane,Dame Hendricks & Frank 2emm, Lulgi Barmagachi,Gagliani Lazzari & Company,E.Giorgetti & A Genevost,Q.Mamsagli,MartLn Devlohi,Peninsula Drug Company, Lawrence A. Armantni,Ernest Galli, S,Bottini, Max GlaWia, Silvio Dubtosi, E.Bonalanza,Antonaane & Ugarti, Ca~l Nelte Frank Preti,E.Polloni,Chris ~e~phens, P.Baratteri Jennings Pharmacy, John Fannucoht,Fat Boy Rarbazue,Ltd., and pool room licemse s were granted the fellowlng.- L'ario Regalia, J. FernandezFrank Pre,i, ~.Antonano & G.Ugartt, Carl Welte,~.Massagli, Martin Dov~chi,E.Galli, Marlo Regalia. .Referring to the proposition to divert a percentage of the gasoline tax from cities and counties, as now allowed by law, Mayor Quinlan requested city attorney Coleberd to dxaw u up a~'x~elmtion in protest to it. Ca.un~ilman Boido moved Dr. J.0.McMills be appointed Health Officer at a salary of $25.00 per month commencing July lst,19~2. The motion was seconded by ceunoilma~.Minucciani and regularly carried. Councilman Tibbetts moved that the salaries of street sweepers D.Zampatti and Nazari~ Medeghini be fixed at $128 per month, commencing July lst,19~2. The motion was seconded by c councilman Minucciant and regularly carried. ~ Claims in the amount of $~A15.?A were next presented to the council for payment; Adolph Bu~hler, burning grasm $ 9.00 Chas. Lema cleaning Jail June$· 5.00 Louis Belloni Thomas Turniture Co J. Lombardi La Mars Garage B.Brcwn E. Galli C .Brimmi L. Sa?aras J. Andrews G. Sani J. Ferre Paul ?eno ski R. Smith R. B i sagnc J.Bernardo J.Meyerle D.Pierce A.C olombc E.Venturi R.Pe~rocchi John Fambrini E. Generdini A. J.Pacheco feeding prisoners June etc $ ,stove, cotton pads 2 tires a tubes gas & oil plo dep June attendin~ fires otc tt ~t Fire"alarm mai~tenance, Superior 8team Laundry wash June " " " "' "fire houses Fred J. Lautze repairs to Ford La Mars ~arage gas June fire dept Certified Lab. Products Co., oxygen refilled D.W. Ratt9 insurance 1927 Seagrave The Seagrave Corp'n 6 fuses,etc La ~,~ars Gagage gas oil str. dept, June N.Medeghlni street mweeplng Schwabacher Frey Co 2 sets guides San Mateo CO.Ti~le Co., June reports E.S.Chandler rep & clean typewriter J.Welch removing dogs,cats June 2.65 4.50 40.10 68.59 ~. 50 ~ 2.50 · -.5o 2.50 2. 50 5.00 5.00 7.5o 7.60 7.50 .?. 50 10.00. lO.CO 14. O0 15. O0 16.50 18.50 25.50 20. O0 3.48 7.91 1.15 IS6.85 6.00 90. O0 1.71. A9.5O lO.8 1.5o ,3.5o iv.co Bank of South San Francisco claimoof Gordon Rowe $150.00 Geo. A.Kneese 1st pyt ,labor,etc Industrial Way League of California Municipalities, yr,aues California Water Service Co,hydrant rental June Pac. Gas& Electric Co. mime. lights June " " " rstreets lights, June Pacific Tel & Tel C9,, phome service,June $ 6o.oo $452.00 $118. 6 $987.08 $ 60.52 'The " " 500 fire permits California Water Service Co. park water service La Mars Garage gas oll,park Hallwell ~eed Ce park seed Fernando ~arni refund weed charge Fred J.Lautze, 1st payment Ford Truck Enterprise print delinque~At tax llst$SSS. 00 Total $~4i5.74 On motion by councilma~ Tibl~ettm,meeonded by councilman Minucciani ~d~ regularly carried the claims were ordered p~id. There being no further business the council adjourned to meet again Monday, Jlxl2 18~h,1932 at -~;$0 o'el~ck P.m. Time of a. dJournment 9 o'clock p.m. Hespectfull~2~submitte~ /// P.Baratteri Jennings Pharmacy,John Fannucohi,Fat Boy Barbszue,Ltd., and pool room llcemses were granted the following.- l~ario Regalia, J. FernandezFrank Preti, G.Antonano & G.Ugarti, Carl Welte,Q.Massagli, Martin Dovochi,E.Galli, Marlo Regalia. .Referring to the proposition to divert a percentage of the gasoline tax from cities and counties, as now allowed by law, Mayor Quinlan requested city attorney Ooleberd to dzaw u up a"x, eeelution in protest to it. Cesmellman Boido moved Dr. J.0.McMills be appointed Health Officer at a salary of $25.00 per month commencing July lst,1952. The motion was seconded by councilmaz~Minucciani and regularly carried. Councilman Tibbetts moved that the salaries of street sweepers D.Zampatti and Nazarimo Medeghinl be fixed at $125 per month, commencing July lst,1952. The motion was seconded by c councilman Minucciant and regularly carried. Claims in'the amount of $5415.74 were next presented to the council for payment; Adolph Bu6hler, burning grass $ 9.00 Chas. Lema cleaning Jail June $ 5.00 Louis Bellonl feeding prisoners June etc $ 2.65 Thomas Furniture Ce ~,stove, cotton pads J. Lombardi '2 tires a tubes La Mars Garage gas & oil plo dep June B.Brown attending fires otc E.Gallt " " C.Brl~l '" " L. Savaras " " J.Andrews " " G.Sani " " J. Ferre ~ " Paul Penoskt " " R. Smith " " R.Bisagno " " J.Bernardo " ' J.Meyerle " " D.Pierce " " A.Colombo " " E.Venturi w . R.Pe~rocchi " " John Fambrini ~ " E.Generdini " " A. JePachece " " " " " Fire"alarm mai~tenance, Superior ~team Laundry wash June " " " " "fire houses Fred J. Lautze repairs to Ford La Mars ~arage gas June fire dept Certified Lab. Products Co., oxygen refilled D.W. Ratte insurance 1927 ~eagrave The Seagrave Corp'n 6 fuses,etc La Mars Gagage gas oil str. dept,June N.Medeghlni street aweeping Schwabacher Frey Co 2 sets guides San Mateo GO.Title Co., June reports E.S.Chan~ler rep & clean typewriter J. Welch removing dogs,cats June 4.50 40.10 68.59 25.50 - 2.50 2.50 2. 50 5. O0 5.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 .?. 50 10.00. lO.OO 14.00 15. O0 16.50 18.50 25.50 6.15 ~0. O0 s. 48 7.91 1.15 56.85 6.00 90. O0 1.71. 49.50 10.85 1.5o s. 50 17.oo Bank of South San Francisco claimoof Gordon Rowe $150.00 Geo. A.Kneese 1st pyt ,labor,otc Industrial Way League of California Municipalities, yr,dues California Water Service Co,hydrant rental June Pac. Gas& Electric Co. misc. lights June " " " streets lights, June Pacific Tel & Tel C9., phone service,June 'The Enterprise print delinque~,t tax list$Z$8.00 w ,, 500 fire permits California Water Service Co. park water service I~Mars Garage gas oil,park Hallwell ~eed Ce ~ernando Sarnl Fre~ J.~autze, $,.~0.00. $ 60.00 $452.00 $118.26 $987.08 $ 60.52 ?.75 95.28 1.51. park seed $ 8.25Fernando Barnt, refund weed charge $ 1.96 1st payment Ford Truck Total $3415.74 .) On motion by counctlma~ Tibbetts~ooz~led by councilman Minucciani ~E regularly carried the claims were ordered p~td. There bei~ n~ further business the council adjourned to meet again Monday, JlXly 1~h,1932 at ~;~ o'el~k p.m. T~e 0f ~dJour~ent 9 o'clock p.m. nespect~l~submitte~ ~ So. th S~ Fr~olSoo ler~