HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-08-15.REGULAR MEETING 0~~ THE CITY C~UNCIIL~0F:~HE CI~"~ 0~ SOUTH SAN PRANCISC0,ItELD LIONIIAY, AUG UST 15th, 195E, The regular meeting of ihs City Council of the City of ~outh San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, August 15th,193~.. The meeting was calle~ to order at ?;30 oClock p.m. b$ Mayor Joesph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL Roll call found the following members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido,M.Minucciani ,R.Tibbe ttg, Joseph P.Quinlan. Absent, Councilman,Reese Lloyd. . 2heominutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions the were approved as read. A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities requestin~ as many city officials to attend the next session of the league in San DiegO, September E6 tc the 29, inclusive, as can possibly afford the time, Communication accepted and placed on ~ A statement was received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company showing the sum of $774.4~ was due the city on its franchises. ~ccepted and ,placed on file. Branch No,l,~of the Sociedad Mutualista Mexi:mana"Ow~ PULTEPEC", Inc., .requested permis to hold a d~e on September 17th,19Z2 from 8 0'clock p.m. till 1 a~m. Permission granted An application for a soft drink license was received from the Baden Kennel Club. Lice granted. John H.McGwaw applied for a soft drink and pool room license for the store ES? Grand Taken under advisement; The applications of 'Dario Teanne and,Jeanne H. Earl for soft drink licenses on the E1 Casino Real were taken under advisement. The monthly report of' the city H~-~alth Officer for the month of July was received from Dr. James _0.McMills. The report was accepted I~ayor Quinlan thanked the Health Officer for hi prompt attention to the duities of his office. A recess of 10 minutes was taken at 8;10 o'clock p.m. The council reassembled at 8;20 o'clock p,m. and on roll call the following councilmen answered the roll;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido, M.Minucciani ,R. Tibbet ts, Joseph P. Qutnlan. Absent, Councilman, Reese Lloyd. Claims in the amount of $E63.85 were next presented for payment ;- 01d Reliable Garage m~terials-repairs Ford Truck ~ 9.60 Burroughs Adding Machine Co, maintenance ~ 5.55 Standard ~il Company motor otl ~26.47 General Electric Company 6 contacts,police dept , .~ 3.44 Service ~arage & Machine Shop battery cables,otc ftreDl~$~l.90 The Enterprise, notice meeting Board EquAlization ~ 2.00 Fred J. Lautze Ric's Service Station Dudley Perkins Galland Mercantile Laundry Howard ~ Bulck Company P.P.Balestracci Chas. Bollazzi B.M.County Title Cc., Superior Steam Laundry tire, fire dept, $11.9~ gasoline,"" " $20.01 " street dept ~3~. A9 globe-sppede,police dp, $ 1.?? service ,July, $ 8.00 new pump.police car $ 9.10 int~rpreting,police court 5.00 sprays,etc,ftre dept, $ 1.8§ daily reports July $ 1.50 wash,fire dept ~ 8.,33 " police dept ~ 1.80 S.M.County Charter Study Committee 2 months $50.00 Fred J. Lautze 2nd pyt Ford Truck,&Int.$§~.09 On motion by councilman Tibbetts, ~econded by councilman Boido and regularly carried the claims were ordered.paid. Joe Di l~ardi and George Kiessling were deputized specia amen in the school DeptUnder the head of Good and ·Welfare ~,~ayor Quinlan paid tribute to the memory of the .,la ~rs. Carrie E.Winterhalter, cited her m~y good qualities, her great interest in the city's a~fatrs and her many benevolent'works~ and requested city attorney Coleberd to draw up a re~ ~:~;~i-. of condolence to be presented at tie next meeting of the city council,and requested the council when adjourning to adjourn OUt of respect to the memory of Mrs. Winterhalter. ~ . City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to dr~w up a resolution for adoption by the citl council eulogizing the labo, r and efforts of William J. Locke aS 6esretary-Treasurer of the La~ of California Municipalities for so mauD years, but now separated from this service, ,and req' -I that the league show fairness in grantiug Mr. Locke a trial on the charges purported to have ~· filed against him. · ~ There being no further business councilman Minucctani moved to adjourn out of respect the memory of ~.~rs, Carrie E.Winterhalter, until Tuesday,September 6th,1932, at ?;Z0 o'clock The motion w~s seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time~ of adjournment 8;50 O'clock p.~.. Appr o~e d ayor of South San Francisco Respectfully submitted,