HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-09-06REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN'pRANCISOO,HELD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH,19SE. The regular ~eeting of the city council off the ~ity of ~outh San Francisco was held in the city hall, Tuesday evening, September 6th,19S2. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by. Mayor Joseph P.~uinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present;~ to;wit;- Councilmen ¥ .Boido, M.Minucc iani ,R. Tibbet ts, Joseph P.~uinlan. Absent, Councilman, Reese Lloyd. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application for a position of an~ kind in the city service was made by Alberto Ferraric, AA5 Commercial Avenue. Application placed on file. The monthly reports of the municipal judge, police chief, fire chief, Building Inspector, ~health officer and city clerk for the month ending August 31,193~ wer- ~eubmitt~ed to the council and accepted with the thanks of Mayor Quinlan for the officers at~ention to their duties. This being the ~ate se~ by ~-!~'~i~ ~lty ordinance for the adoption ~ of the tax rate for the 1932-~ fiscal year, Coun~ilm.~ Ti~betts introduced a resolution fixing the tax rate within the orig~nalecorporate boundaries of the city at $1.~,2. ~d.t~e One Hundred Dollars valuations,and $1.47- on the One Hundred Dollars Yaluations e~ the lands annexed to the cl;y by a speclal:'~le~ti, on held March 13th,1916. The resolution was adopted by the votes of aL1 the members of the council present,to-wit;- A~es,Councilmen, V.Boldo,M.l~tnucclani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes,C ouncilmen,None. Absent ,Councilman ,Reese Lloyd. Attest Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, at page 382.. RESOLUTION 0~ S~,~ATHY 01~ THE ~ D.~ATH OF ~S. CARRIE E.WINTERHALTER. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council expressing the sorrow of the c$~mz~unity at the death of the esteemed Mrs. Carrie E.Winterhalter, extendi, ng the sympathy of the public to .William Winterhalter in his bereavement, requiring the resolurion be spread upon the minutes and a copy b.. sent Mr. Winterhalter. The resolution was adopted .by the votes of all the members of the city counci present, to-wit ;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, M.Minucciani ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. B o · s ,Counc ilmen ,B one. Absent ,Councilmen, Reese Lloyd. Att est Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.~-,at page Soft drink licenses were granted John H.McGraw,~a~ew&y Stores Inc., Filiberto Teani,Jeanne H. Earl-E1 Camino Restaurant,Fred Martinelli, George Molinari, and a Pool Room License was granted John H.McGraw. City Attorney £'oleberd announced that a resolution of confidence in the ability and integrity of former Secretary-Treasurer William J. Locke of the League of California Municipalities would be forthcoming at the next regular meeting of the city council. Under the head of good and welfare ;,;a~or Quinlan thanked:~ th~.~City council for their good judgment in again reducing t?~ city tax rate this year, a r~etion of four cents having been made in the fiscal year 192~1~2 and s, reduction of ten cents this year,1932-3~. This is the lowest tax rate in many years, and l~;a.~,:or Quinlan stated if it were not for th, bond payments and the bond interest voted by the people of the city for the various municipal purposes at various times, and which bonds and interest must be paid, the tax rate would be much 'lower. Claims in the amount of $1417.41 were next presented to the council for payment. A. Buehle r, J. Cuglielmett i L. ~a~ar e s, E~enturf .~.Mayerle C .Brizzl J. Andrews R.Petrocchi J. Fambr in~£ Pacific Rotor Transport Co. Jennings Pharmacy Schwabacher Frey Co Angelo Pinzi The ~nterprise Press W.P. ~ller Company Superior Steam Laundry, Galland Ma~oa~tile Ldry.Co J.Penna & Oompany The Gamewell Company l.L. Hie~ey & Sons paint~ng zones, gas. board pub.works gab, park gas,otc, police dept, gas,oil fire dept, attending fire ,! freight carbon paper document guides painting zones printing tax books' traffic White 28.00 47.?8 1.co 78.41 l?.lS .86 ~0;00 25~ wash fire dept August ~$ 11.57 towel service " $ 5.00 washing powder fire dept~ register paper $ 2.06~ repairing toilet ,hall $ S. 25 Roll call found the following members of the council present;a to;wit;- Councilmen V.Boido, M.Minucciani ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.~uinlan. Absent, Councilman, Reese Lloyd. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application for a position of any kind in the city service was made by Alberto Ferrario, 445 Commercial Avenue. Application placed on file. The monthly reports of the municipal judge, police chief, fire chief, Building Inspector, .health officer and city clerk for the month ending August 31,195~- wer- ,submitted to the council and AcCepted with the thanks of Mayor ~ainlan for the officers attention to their duties. This being the date set by .,'' ,i city ordinance for the adoption 'of the tax rate for the 1932-5~ fiscal year, Councilma~ Ttbbetts introduced a resolution fixing the tax rate within the or[g~maI.corporate boundaries of the city at $1..~,2, .ertl, the One Hundred Dollars valuations,and $1.47 on the One Hundred Dollars Valuations o~t the lands annexed to the city by a special:~leotton held March 13th,1916. The resolution was adopted by the votes of aL1 the members of the council present,to-wit;- Ay e s, 0 ounc tlmen, V. B o i do ,M. N inucc lan i, R. T ibb e t t s, J o s · ph P. Q ut nl an. Roes ,C ouncllmen,Eone. Absent ,Councilman,Reese Lloyd. Attest Recorded in BoOk of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 382.. Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk. RESOLUTION 0F SY~ATHY 0~ THE D~ATH OF ~RS. CARRIE E.WINTERHALTER. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council expressing the sorrow of t~e cSm~.unity at the death of the esteemed~ Mrs. Carrie E.Winterhalter, extendi'ng the sympathy of the public to .William Winterhalter in his bereavement, requiring the resolurion be spread upon the minutes and a copy be sent Mr. Winterhalter. The resolution was adopted-by the votes of all the members of the city council present, to-wit;- Ayes, C m~cilmen,¥.Botdo, M.Mlnucciani ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P. Quinlan. B o · s, C ounc ilme n ,B one. Absent,Oouncilmen, Reese Lloyd. Att est Demiel MoSweene2. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at page 383, soft drink licenses were granted John H.McGraw,S~g~wa2 Stores Inc., Flliberto Teani,Jeanne H. Earl-E1 Camino Restaurant,Fred Martinelli, George Molinari, and a Pool Room License was granted John H.McGraw. City Attorney £:oleberd announced that a resolution of confidence in the ability and integrity of former Secretary-Treasurer William J. Locke of the League of California Municipalities would be forthcoming at the next regular meeting of the city council. Under the head of good and welfare Ear, or Quinlan thanked:.th$~'City council for their good judgment in again reducing t~':. city tax rate this year, a re.etlon of four cents 'having been made in the fiscal year 192F1~32 and a. reduction of ten cents this year,1932-3~. This is the lowest tax rate in many years, and La~'or Quinlan stated if it were not for th~, bond payments and the bond interest voted by the people of the city for the various municipal purposes at various times, and which bonds and interest must be paid, the tax rate would be much lower. Claims in the amount of $1417.A1 were next presented to the council for payment. A. Buehle r, J. Cuglielmet t i L. Sa~ares, B~hturi /J~' Mayerle C. Brlzzi J. ~ dr ew s R.Petrecchi J. ~b r t nl Pacific Motor Transport Co. Jennings Ph~cy 8chwabacher Frey Co ~gelo Pinzi The ~n~erprise Press W.P.~er Comply ~u~erier Steam La. dry, Galled M~e~tlle Ldry.Co J.Pe~ & Core. ny The C~ewell Core. ny · ,LeHl~ey & Sons J.Wel~ paint~ng zones, gas. board pub.works gas, park gas,otc, police dept, gas,oil f~.re dept, attending fire freight carbon paper document guides paintin~ zones printing tax books traffic W~ite 28.00 47.78 1.~o 78.41 17.18 2.~0 Z. 80 .~0 ~.50 lO;O0 ~1~6.00 wash fire dept August ~ 11.57 towel service " ~ 5.00 washing powder fire dept~ register paper $ 2.06' repairing toilet,hall ~J~ ~.~.5 removing sod,cats~ $ ~.50 clSaning jail,August $ 5.00 Expenditures, continued,- Mrs. Dora ~rieri Prod ~rown M.Belli & Company I~adl ey Perkins California State Auto Ass'n Louts Belloni, Charles Bollazzi West Disinfecting Co San Mateo Oo. Title Co Pao. Tel& Tel Co., B. J. Rodondi ~tr0n serlices painting xones care police cars labor motor cycle rep motor cycle zone signs 5.00 16.5o ?.5o ~..5o 7.14 S13.50 meals for prisonersAug8 2,80 paint brushes S 3. SO rags, fire dept.- $ 13.13 daily R.E.Reports August S 1.50 city phones, Au~. S 60.42 Fleet Insurance 8710.91 American Fire Equipment Co. ,pyrene '~ Peninsula Nursery Petronias ~ 2.259'00 Burlingame Advance Star ad~t Baden Kennel Club ~ 2.00 Hockwald Chemical 0ompany metal polich,fire dept o~ 2.34 Baker,Hamilton,Pacific Co., push brooms '8 ?.25 Fred J.V. autze 3rd payment on Ford Trucks 53.80 Sa. Mateo Co, Charter Study Com. final payT, contri~uts$ ?6.00 · $L417. 41 The finance committee having audited the claims councilman M!inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Tlbbe~ts and regularly carried, The~ being no further business before the councill, councilman Boldo moved to adjourn'until the next regular scooting, Monday, September 19th,l. gZE, at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 7;50 o'clock p.m. of South .~an l~rancisco. Respectfully submitted,