HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-10-03 REGULAR MEETING 0F~:.THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY ~' 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 3RD, 193E. The regular meeting of the city council of the ~tty of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, October 3rd,19~E. The meeting was calle~ to o~der at ?;J0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.quinlan. ROLL OALA. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minuccianl,R. Til~betts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting ~ere read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as r ead~ Luigi Fregosi applied for permission to operate a grocery store at BEB California Avenue. Taken under advisement pending investigation. Applications for the position of st~reet sweeper in the Dapartment of Public Works were received from John L.Butler, Bert EeBrown, Manuel Repoza, Domenico Naltoni,Marlon Petro~ Adolph Buehler, Guiseppe Galli, t'~ictor Gianella and Giovanni Fortrans were received and orde~ ed placed on file. Pacific GaS & Electric Oompany ap~',lied for permission to install a new gas main in the sidewalk area on the north side of Miller Aven~e between Linden and Cypress Avenues. Referred to Councilman Tlbl~etts and the desi~red permit granted. A card of thanks was received from t~e Zampatti family for the city's expression of Sympathy a,t the death of Mr. Domenico Zampatti. Accepted and placed on file. Mayor ~uinlan eUlogizeA ~he memOry~of.~A'~Zam~at~ ~nd!eXp~e~Se~ the sympathy of the city for his family, and requested city attorney ~olebe,rd to draw up a resolution of condolence to his family at the next meeting of the council. Attorney Angelo Scampini arose and stated the resolution of condolence was very g0o~ but the City of South San Francisco erred in not making an effort to apprehend the persm or persons who were responsible for the death of ;~r. Zampatti, and charged the Chief of Polics with assisting in compounding a felony in suppressing evidence at the coroner's jury. Quinlan. explained that the city was in no way responsible, individually or collectively,and had no knowledge of facts outside of reports current, and that no member of the Zampatti family or other~-persons had asked for redress or investigation af any kind. A petition was submitted by ~r. An~elo $campini, signed by .9~ persons, requesting the city council to revoke the license and p~i~rmit~ of the Baden Kennel Club,~and /Or Western Greyhound ~reeders Association on the ground that s~id organization permits gambling within its establishment. In his argument requesting the city council to revoke the license and permit of the Baden Kennel Club ,Mr. Scampint stated to the councilmen "you are five petty grafters and I can prove". ~ayor ~uinlan resented the accusation of Mr. Scampini and said his charge was an unmitigated misstatement. ;~ayor Quinlan stated there was no word or protest against the building of the track or against t?~e issuance of a license at any of the council meetings, none of which Mr. Scampini attended, and that the ~construction and operation of the track gave employment to a large number of the city's unemployed, the only thing the city council was interested in. Councilman Minucciani stated the regularly constituted legs: body of the City of South San Francisco was the city council, which was elected by the people and to the people they are responsible and not to any attorneys. Hay Spangler and ~ ~ ~ ..... Brambl, spoke for the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and the Bus iness ~en's Association, respectively, stat~gthose bodies are and.~er~a unit for the construction and operation of the Dog iiace Track. On motion by councilman Lloyd seconded by councilman L~tnucciani and regularly carried the petition was ordered *~led for consideration a~d ~nwe~tigation. A petitiOn~was received from a~Umber 0f. ~bl~siness me~ of the City Sf ~euth San l~:a~eisee endorsing a~d approving the Baden Kennel Club, stating it"has put~ 1~0 men and women ~e.'~werk~, increased th~i~city~s pay toll ~lP-000 per~ week, the~concessions run by local people andlthe workers catching up with their bills with the merchants. ~etition accepted and placed on file .... The September reports of the Health Officer, Police Chief, Fire Chief,Bu~lding InSpector, ~unicipal ~udge and City Clerk were submitted and accepted with the thanks of the ~Iayor for the officers'promptness in attending to this du~y. ~he committee appointed to investigate the condition of the sidewalks in front of John Colombo's residence ,which were reported by Mr. oolombo as breaking from the growth of roots, reported, stated some of the trees were disturbing the sidewalks and Mr.Oolombo allowe~ to remove them. Julie Ferre reported the break in Hickory Lane and .Cypress and Grand Avenues not ye' repaired. Inspector Beatty was instructed to attend to the matter. Claims in the amount of $185.60 were next presented to th~ council. Antone Detomasi, poisoning rats,~ $ 4.50 R. Bisagno, S. Mine t t i The Enterprise Jos. P~Qutnlan The Enterprise Press Jack Welch John Figone Donald Pierce Charles Lema Highway Transport Co, A, J.Pachece l~red J. Laut ze attending fire $ ~.50 I.P.~,'~uker $ 1, 55 notice filing unpaid assts $10.50 expenses on unemployed work $ 1.80 1000 envelopes $39.75 removing dead .dogs and catsSept. $21. 50 cl~aning cit~' hall windows SP~O.O0 50 attending fire cleaning Jail,September freight maintaining fire alarm, Sept. 3rd payment Ford Truck Total  O0 5~ 50 $ co SOS. 50 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Ttbbetts moved they be paid. Th motion was seconded by Councilman Minuccianl and regularly carried. There being no further business Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn out of respect to the~ me,aery of the late member of the ~ity's Street Department, Domenico Zampatti. The motion was, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9.05 o'clock P.M. M South San. Francisco