HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-11-07REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD M01{DAY, NOYEMBER ?TH, 19~2~. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco ~was held in the city hall Nonday evening, November ?ti~,1932. The meeting was called to order at ?;30 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLT~ CALI: Roll call found all members of the city council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.Lloyd, E.Minucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the preyious meeting were read. There being no errors Or omissions they were approved as read. Application for permission to hold a T~,.anksgivtng ~ve. dance in Fraternal Hall, November 2~rd,19~2, ~iwas received from the Redmen Society of South San Francisco. As the hour of clostn~ the dance was not mentioned the city council gave permission to run the dance until I A.M. J. The application of Jim Botterini and Horbert ~or a soft drink license was denied. A com~nunication was received from J.~.Ron, stating the vicinity of Cypress and Juniper Avenue is in darkness and requested the city council to have a light installed there. Referred to councilm~ Tibbett~ ~.~or' investigation. · A report was receiYe~ from Fire Chief Welts,stating he ~ad attended the Fire Chief's Convention at San Diego,October l?th,to Elst,inclusiwe. He stated many topics of value to ~ire control were brought out during the convention~ the convention well attended. Report accepted and placed on file. ~The monthly reports of the City Judge, Building Inspector,~Flre Chief, Health Officer and City Clerk for the month ending October 31st,19~2, were received. The reports were accepted and ordered placed on file, and the officers thank~d by the Mayor for their attention to their labors. In the matter of the proposed light;'~~ o~f upper Grand Avenue Councilman Lloyd moved the proposition be postponed until ;~ay lst~,193~. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. At 8.09 o'clock a recess of five minutes was ~ taken. On reassembling all members of the council answered present, at 8~l$-o'clock, to.wit;- Counc ilmen ,V. Boido ,R. Lloyd, E. t~inucc iani, R.Ttbbe tt s, Joseph P. Quinlan. On motion regularly carried Clyde Emerson was ordered permanently discharged from the fire department. On motion regularly carried Andrew Sc~midt was appointed a regular city firemar_, or~ permanent salary. ~ayor Quinlan counseled the people present to vote for the proposed $3§0,000 bond issue for the relief of the unemployed in San ~ateo County, st?~ting 6000 persons would be in actual want this winter if provision were not made for their relief. The mayor called the attention of'the public to a meeting to be held Wednesday evening, 'November 9th,19Z£,at ?;30 o'clock p.m, for the purpose forming a committee to handle the annual Christmas Tree Festival. ~'red Brown, Vice-Com~nander of the society of Veterans of Foreigh Wars, appeared before the council and invited all city officials and the public to attend the presentation of of the colors to ~homas E.Hickey Post, Veterans of Foreigh Wars on Thursday evening, November 9th,1932. Accepted. Claims i~ the amount of $8~A.~6 were next presented to the council for payments- A. Bueh 1 er Dudley Perkins F, N, Brolra Louis Bell chi Service Garage' John Mager' s Ser. Station · arrem & Bailey Superior Steam Laundry ¢. Bollamzi · antini & Rooouosi Arndt's Dept. store F. J. ~autae A. J. Pacheoo E. Genard iai E, Ven turi R. ~mith E. Meyers Paul Penoski B. Brown J. Bernmrdo J. ~amb rini ~. ~eri A. Colombo l~ire ~ngineering Street Sweeping repairs motorcycle repair phone bo, oth wash clean Buick road service motorcycle gas police dept. gas - ~ires fire dept. air reducing valve fire wash ~ 1 -~yhouses Sop. " " Oc t. supplies - fire de'pt. ~ bed sheets ", oil cloth,curt~in~ fire dept. tune motor, adjust brakes fire dept. fire alarm maintenance Oct. attending fires Oct. 2 years sub. "Fire Engineering cans fly spray fire dep. buzser - fire dept. dry cells, SOt conduit gu, oil street dept. $96.00 3.80 4.75 1.00 73.91 29.34 15,87 10 1~.6~ 6.00 1.75 ~0o00 ~.50 2.50 2~50 2.50 2.50 2'50 2.50 2.50 2.50 ~.75 5.85 The minutes of the prev~ious meeting were read. There being no errors Or omissions they were approved as read. - Application for permission to hold a T~ anksgiving ~'ve. dance in Fraternal Hall, November 2~rd,19~2, fwas received from the Red. men Society of South San Francisco. As the hour of closin~ the dance was not mentioned the city council gave permission to run the dance until 1 A.M. J. The application of Jim Botterini and Horbert for a soft drink license was denied. A communication was received from J.~.Ron, stating the vicinity of Cypress and Juniper Avenue is in darkness and requested the city council to have a light installed there. Referred to councilman Tibbett~ for' investigation. A report was recefved from Fire Chief Welte,stating he had attended the Fire Chief's Convention at San Diego,October 17th,to 21st,inclusive. He stated many topics of value to ~ire control were brought out during the convention~ the convention well attended. Report accepted and placed on file. ~The monthly reports of the Ci't2 Judge, Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Health O~ficer and City Clerk for the month ending October 3lst,19~2, were received. The reports were accepted an& ordered placed on file, and the officers thank~:-d by the Mayor for their attention to their labors. In the matter of the proposed light.' :f' o'f upper Grand Avenue Councilmen Lloyd moved the proposition be postponed until May lst, 1933. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. At 8.09 o'clock a recess of five minutes was -. taken. On reassembling all members of the council answered present, at 8~l$-.o'olock, to,wtt;- Councilmen ,V. Boido ,R.Lloyd, N. I_~inucciani ,R.Tibbe tt s, Joseph P. Quinlan. On motion regularly carried Clyde Emerson was ordered permanently discharged from the fire department. On motion regularly carried Andrew Sc~midt was appointed a regular city fireman, on permanent salary. ~,!~ayor Quinlan counseled the people present to vote for the proposed $350,000 bond issue for the relief of the unemployed in San Mateo County, st?.ting 6000 persons would be in actual want this winter if provision were not made for their relief. The mayor called the attention of'the public to a meeting to be held Wednesday evening, 'November 9th,1932,at ?;30 o'clock p.m, for the purpose forming a committee to handle the annual Christmas Tree Festival. Fred Brown, Vice-Oo~nander of the society of Veterans of Foreigh Wars, appeared before the council and invited all city officials and the public to attend the presentation of ~ of the colors to ~'?homas E.Hickey Post, Veterans of Foreigh Wars on Thursday evening, November 9th,19~2. Accepted. Claims i~ the amount of $8~4.B6 were next presented to the council for payments- A. Buehler Dudley Perkins F o Il. Brown Louis Bell chi Service Garage ~ohn Mager's Ser. Station · arrem & Bailey Superior Steam Laundry C. Bollamzi ~antini & Roccuoei Arndt's Dept. store F. J. Lautme A. J. l~checo · , Genard lni B, Ven tmri R, Smith · , Meyers l~ul ~enoski B, Brow~ J. BernmrAo J. Famb rini Jo Fort A. Colombo Fire ~ngtneertn~ ?'. leloh J', Oorso $adland Mercanti ~..~aundry Street Sweeping repel r~ motorcycle repair phone booth wash clean Buick road service motorcycle gas police dept. gas - 2iree fire dept. air reducing valve fire dept, wash ~ 1 - $2 houees Sep, " " Oo t · s~upplies - fire dept. 6 bed sheets ", oil cloth.curtains fire dept. tune motor, adJu~t brakes fire dept. fire alarm maintenamoe Oct. attending fires Oct. 2 years · ub. "Fire ~nglneerin~ 8 oana fly spray fire dep. 1 buzser - fire d~pt. dry oell~ "garba~ 8ep. Oct. towel set. ce $98.00 25.80 4.?~ 1.00 73.91 29°34 15.8? 9.~ 10.~1 6,00 8,52 1.TB P-.50 2 2..50 2~ 50 P.. 50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.75 3.3~ ~0.~ 5.00 Gallmnd Meroaut ile Lamndr2 Antone Detomas i. San mateo Co. Title Co. ~triok ~ Moise ~i~er Co, Robi~ ~ Co. B~ro~s Adding ~ohine Co. B~k of ~outh ~an Francisco Chas. Bollassi 3antini & Roecucci V. Gianelli. Westinghouse Electric Supply F. J. LautSe Service Garage towel service Oct. $5,00 1 day poisoning rats 4.00 reports Oct. 1.50 repair ~ater 2.45 typing ~ paper 2.40 1 ribbon . ? 5 claim Gordon Rowe Co. audit ending ,$ep.30-;~:''' 150.00 epa!ing fork and 1St snarol 5.10 1 pair boots 6.00 35~ days trimming tree l&l.00 bal. due Invoice $1?I?'S Aug.31, 19~2 46.38 4th payment Pord truck 53.21 repair cable control mot oroycl e 1. O0 Total ......... S844 .$6 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business before the council councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Thursday evening, November 10th,195~, at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9.10 o'clock p.m. South San Prancisco Respectfully submitted,