HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-12-191..00 REGULAR ~METING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0~ SOUSH ~AN ~RANCISCO, HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, 19Zg. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of.~outh 2an Francisco was held in the city hall Eonday evening, December 19th,1932, The meeting was called ct coder at ?;~ o'clock p.m. by ~a2or Joseph P.Cuinlan. ROLL ROLL . Roll call found all members of the council present;-to-wit;- Councilmen V.Boido, lQ.LLoyd, ~[.Einucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlam. The minutes of the two previous were read. There ~'eing no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application was made by Henry L..Schwe~ning for a permit to handle gas in a fifty gallon gas buggy at the ~outh City Auto Service, ~07 Cypress Avenue. On motion by Councilman Tibbe~s, seconded by Councilman LTinucciani and regularly ca~ried the r~iest was granted. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to open a 14" trench in the crossing af Baden Avenue and Orange Avenue and also in the crossing of Grand Avenue and Third Lane, for the purpose of installing 2"in gms lines. Referred to counciln~n Tibbetts and the desired ' permission granted. A communication was received from the Westinghouse Supply Company, enclosing the city's copy of an agreement for ~azda Lamps, and thanking the cit~ for the business. Communication ordered placed on file. James Nicolopolous, Su~erior Steam Laundry of the city , 8~.~bmitted a communication to the city protesting against the business methods of th~ Lee Laundry Company in operating without a license, and haying their work d~ne in San ~[ateo. Referred to Police Chief Louis Belloni for investigation. Charles Bollazzi,337 Grand Avenue and Lazzari & Oagliani, 475 Grand ,~veuue a?pli~d ~or licenses to sell wines, beers and liquors in their respective places of business. Applic~tio_ts ordered placed on file. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco declaring the policy of the City of ~outh S~u Prancisco as to salt marsh lids and submerged lands owned by the City of South San Francisco, '~o b.e used by the City of South O~,n Francisco and its successors i~ trust forcity uses end purposes, the establishment of,g~impro- vement of a barbor, etc. The resolution was adopt~d by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd,~f..L~inucciani, R.'[~ibbetts,Joseph P.quinlan. Noes, Councilmen, No~e. absent,Counculmen,~o~e. Attest Daniel l~cSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in book of resolutions, vol.2,at page The request of the League of California ;~unicipalities for the passage of a resolution requesting the State Legislature to adopt measures to devote a portion of the gas tax to m~micipalities ~.~as taken up and laid o~'er till furt~ '~r consideration could be given ti~e subject. The application of Peter Lind f~r a refund on account of taxes paid ~n personal property, taken under advisement by the cou~cil, was;~order~d gr~ted in the amount of $15.k0, the amount in quo st ion. Gussone & Ciffra, not hav~ng filed a~ applicatior~, to construct a~ gasoline ztation, no action u'as taken on their request for a pern~it to operate. John ".Butler was appointed a special policeman on the city garbage dump, at a salary Of ~ ~.~.00 per month, commencing WedI~esday, December 14th,19~2. .02 Claims in the amount of $2050. were n~:xt ~'~resented to tL~e council for payment;- ~;estern ~lectric Co, 6 cota contacts $ Rlc's 'ervive ~tation .~eagrave Coaporation !astings Clothing, ~ervice ~agage, l~ew Li¢~coln !~arket A.Buehler Fred J.Lautze, $ .Einetts 10;12 volt globes $ 4.00 ~tarials,fire copt $ 11.11 uniforms ,Camer0n,~fairan 8?.00 adding manifold $ '50' 2 fly spray ~ I 90 sweeping streets v 12~00 n~w exhaust gaskets ~ I O0 Installing city...,gas Pmv 42125 "air line to lank $ ~6.80 Pacific C~as & Electric Co,]iisc. Service 0ct-!~ov $126.58~ " " " street lights t~ov. ~V55 88 Pacific Tel £ Tel service !~ov. ~j 45[50 Reliable Drug Co., supplies clerk's offic~ 1.70 Bank of South San Fr~cisco,Clm Cordo~ow fin. filing sy~t em SZVS.00 Galland Laundry service ~ov. ~ 5.00 A.De ?o~asi poisoni~g rats ~ 4.00 Luigi ~etroni refu~d of Str. A~ts ~ 20.~V ~allawell ~eed Co glad bulbs ~ 12.50 S.~.F.L~d Imp.Co., ta~s, city paYks ~ 98.68 ~ervice ~;arage buick tires,tube,ets ~ 65.02 ~.Belli, & Company oil,grey, se ets,Buick $ 6.20 Calif. ~r E~ing Co., two nozzles,fire dept ;~ Z0.85 ~arian ?stroll sweeping' str~'~ets f~ 44.00 South City Lumber Company rock ? i~eady mix ~ 9.50 The Enterprise City Improvem,~ts Bonds 52.~5 " " cloth signs ~ 16.00 South City Lbr .f~ Supply Co, twine,ets,park $ 13.09 Pete Lind r~fund,per.prop tax ~ 15.20 John Butler i-!.r, Wm. ~,lur r ay N. Adler Price Furniture Co Wm. l~ur r ap labor,city dumr~ ~ 45.56 labor foreman,b~_~ll ?~ ~ ~0.00 labor drainag~ ditch i~ 12,~00 shade s ~ 3.60 labor ball park $ 20.00 Roll call found all members of the council present;-to-wit;- Councilmen ~.Boido, ii. LLoyd, E.Einucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.O. uinlan. The minutes of the two previous v/ere read. There ~eing no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application was made by Henry L..Schu:eining for a permit to handle gas in a fifty gallon gas buggy at the South City Auto Service, 207 Cypress Avenue. On motion by Councilman Tibb~ts, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly ca'::'ried the r~iest was granted. The Pacific Gas & Electric Corr:pany applied for permission to open a 14" trench in the crossing af Baden Avenue and Orange Avenue and also in the crossing of Grand Avenue and Third Lane, for the purpose of inst~lltng 2"in gms liCz.es. Referred to councilnmn Tibbetts and the desired ' permission granted. A communication was received from the Westinghouse Supply CoHipany, enclosing the city's copy of an agreement for Mazda Lamps, and thanking the cit:: for the business. Cor~unication ordered placed on file. James Nicolopolous, Su~erior ~team Laundry of the city , m~br~itted a communicatien to the city protesting against the business methods o~ th~:~ ]Lee Laundry Company in operating without a license, and ha~-ing their work d~ne in ~an ~,f_ateo. Referred to Police Chief Louis Belloni for investigation. Charles Bollazzi,5~7 Grand Avenue and Lazzari & Cagliani, 475 grand licenses to eell wines, beers and liquors in their respective places of business. Applic~tio_ts ordered placed on file. Councilma~ Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco declaring the policy of the City of ~outh San Francisco as to salt marsh tide and submerged lands o:,vned by the City of ~outh Man Francisco, to be used by the City of ~outh ~-~,n Francisco and its successors i~ trust forcity uses ~nd purposes, the establishment of,&impro- vement of a barbor, etc. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all 'the m,embers of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Cou.u.'cilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd,l¥'~.t::inucciani, R,-~ibbetts,Jozeph P.quinlan. I~oe~, Councilmen, NOne. absent ,Counculro_en ,LTone. Attest Daniel l~cSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in book of resolutions, vol.2,at page The request of the League of California I~,~unicipalities for the passage of a resolution requestinE the State Legislature to adopt measures to devote a portion of the gas tax to municipslities ~.~as taker., up and laid over till furt?,,-~r consideration could be given the subJe~t. The application of Peter Lind for a refund on account of taxes paid ~n personal property, taken under advisement by the council, was~.ordered granted que s t i on. Gussone & Ciffra, not having filed ar, application to construct a~ gasoline station, no action ~"as taken on their request for a perrr_it tO operate. John '.Butler was appointed a special poLicen~n on the city garbage dump, at a salary of $75.00 per month, conm~encing Wednesday, December 14th,1932. .02 Claims in the amount of $2050. ;were n~xt ~',,resented to ti_,e council for payment;- ~;estern Electric Co, 6 cota contacts Ric's ':ervive Station ~eagrave C oaporation astings Clothing, ~ervice ~agage, Lew Lincoln !:arket A. Buehler Fred J.Lautze, S .F, inetts 10;12 volt globes $ 4.00 r~tarials,fire cept $ 11.11 uniforr~s ,Camer0n,I, fairan 8~.00 adding ,manifold $ · 50 2 fly spray ~ 1.90 sweepiug str~ets ~; lB.00 n~w exhaust ~ask~;ts ~ 1.00 Installing city,,£~as Pm_$ 42.25 "air line to tank $ 56.80 ~lectric Co,!:isc. Service Oct-Iiov ~126.58 Pacific Cas & ~ " " " street lights Nov. ~735.88 Pacific Tel £ Tel service 1Joy. $ 45.50 Reliable Drug Co., supplies clerk's offic~'-, 1.70 Bank of South San Francisco,gin Gordonkow fin. filing system Galland Laundry A.De ?omasi Luigi -;etroni !!allawell ,Seed Co S.~.F.l, and :, Imp. Co., ~ervice ~::arage service Nov. poisoning rats refu,~d of Str. As~:~ts glad bulbs ta~s, city pa~'ks buick tires,tube,etc $375.00 5. oo 4.00 20.77 12.50 98.68 65.02 M.Belli, & Company oil,grease etc,Buick $ 6.20 - ' e '~ " "~' 30 85 Calif. _~r Ext~ng. Co., two nozzles,fire dept ~, . ~' 44. O0 I,iarian ?etroff sweepin~ str,'~ets South City Lumber Company rock ~' i~eady mix v 9.50 The Enterprise City Improvem~uts Bonds 52.75 " " cloth signs ~ 16.00 South City Lbr ,~: Supply Co, twine ,etc ,park $ 13.09 Pete Lind r~fund,per.prop tax John Butler ;-;r, labor,city durum $ 45.56 Wm.~,~urray labor i'orem¢~,b~_~ll ?~ $ 20.00 i,~.Adler labor drainag~ ditch ~;¢ 12;00 Price F~niture Co shades ~ 3.60 Wm. Eurray labor ball park $ 20.00 Tot ;~l ~2050.02 On motion by councilm~ Tibbetts seconaed b2 oo~cilman L;inucciani and regularly carried ~he clai~_s were ordered paid.~ Councilma~~. Lloyd moved to pay city salaries before X~'Tas. The motion ~as eeconded by Councilmau ~!inucciani ~d regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, January Zrd,19,BB, at ?;ZO o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded ~ by councilman Lloyd and regularl~ c~rrted. Time of aajour~u~ent, 9.0~3 o'clock p.m. ~ of Souring San ~,rancisco. ~espectfully submitted,