HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-01-16REOUIaIR I,,5]ETII~G OF TPJ{ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY SOUTH SAd: FiL~CISCO, P~I.D I~0EDAY, J&lfUERY 16TH ,193S. OF The regular moeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, January 16th,19~. The meeting was called to order at V;Z0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. In the absence of the City Clerk Councilman Einucciani acted as clerk pro tem. ROLL Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Botdo,R.Lloyd, E.Einucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P~uinlan. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. John L.De Benedetti applied for permission to install a new floor and re-roof his building at the North West Corner of C.~/press and Grand Avenues. iieferred to building inspector Beat ty. An application from Ptliberto Teanni, 213 E1 Cav_,ino Real, to sell light wines an~ beer in his place of business was roceived, and ordered placed on file. Soft drink lic®nses were granted Filiberto Teanni, Mrs. Mar~ Gianni, John Jacopi, and Frank !{odoni. A petition signed by twenty, residents and property owners in the Town of Baden was received, asking the city council to take some action in the matter of a 14" outlet that is drawing wa+er from the South side of ~he E1 Camino Real near First Street, causing floods the basementscof the residences and' store in the vicinity. The petition cites that the State Highway Commission is responsible for ~this condition, and there should be something done to prevent further damage. The matter was referred to Engineer Klausen with instructions to t~ the matter up with Colonel Skaggs. The monthly reports of the Chief of ~olice and ~,unicopal Judge for the month endi~ January 31,1933, were received a~d accepted. A1 Kauffmann acted permission to move the equipment of the South San Francisco ~-%thletic Club from. the l.~artin Hall to the Fraternal Hall. He was instructed there is no ordin~ against moving such equipmant He also a~ked to have the $5.00 fee charged for police protecti reduced to ~jY.~0. :e was advi~ed to take t~: matter up with the police department. Claims in the amount of $14~£.~1 were next presented to the council for payment Nm.!:urray, labor foreman $ C~ms Lema cl.-~.a~rg jail, Dec Louis Belloni, fee~ i--~g prisoners Pac. Coast Asso. Fire Chiefs ~u~s,fire chief 2uperior Steam Laundry wa~L fire houses,l,2 ~' Plimk's Service ~ta. gas fire dept, ~ A.J.Pacheco, cha}~ging lines fire,D Bertucelli & t~annini supplies fire dept Baker Hamilton & Pacific sho~'els,picks ~tc,W ~ :arion Petroff sweeeing streets, $ Old i~eliance Garage rep ~'o:d Truck sup~ol'es,clerk's office~ 16.00 5.00 2.10 3. O0 8.32 5.58 7.25 2.40 57.72 44.00 8.15 Jennings Pharmacy 9.35 Patrick I~ ise t[lin~.:ner,Co re~>air dater 60 San l{ateo Co. Title Co. daily reports 50 Pac. Oas& Electric Co, street lights Dec. $?35 88 " " " misc,~.llaneous service ~ll?.ll Jack Welch ~ ~ '~ " ~ ~ . rer:.o~g acc.,cats Dec.¥ gl 50 ~o. City Lumber ~ Supply Co.,lu*~.ber dump cottageS109.15 Standard Oil Company 2nd hana ~.as pump " " " city' ~aso!ine Dec Westinghouse Electric Co lam~'.~ for decorations ?acifi~ Tel & Tel Co., ph~na service December ~atrick-l~iose-Elinkner Co xe;:icle licenses ~Dog~ Elmer's Floral ~hop Christmas wreaths Rev. J.J. Delah ,u~y Add iu Fair Program Galland Eercm~tzle Laundry to~"el service Dec. John ?igone Russel Stapler The Enterprise Press J.~.Jayne The Enterprise clear, dug fountain 6 mo ~) tax refund :o~,.o,. Cloth signs shrub s reprinting r~mnicipal b b cuds 30. O0 82.18~ 37.34 44.63 23.25 14.50 15. O0 5.00 6.00 1.72': 7.5O 5.50 $ 50. O0 UE.l~urray labor foreman ~ 32.00 The clai~s ha~ing'b~en audited by the finance cemmittee'conncilman Tibbetts moved they be p&id. The motion was seconded by cm~ncilman Boido and regularly carried. There beinF no further busin,,ss before the board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular" meeting, Monday, February 6th,1933,at ~;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was s,conded by councilman Minuccian] and regularly carried~ Time of adjournment 8;20 o'clock p.m. i~pec t fully submitted, /