HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-03-27COUI,~CIL O? T!~E CITY OF SOUTH Fi%AI,TC I ~C 0, H~LD ~,r~,OND~%Y, ~,~J~ RC H ~Tth,19SS. A regularly adjourned mesting of the citj~ council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall ~onday evening,~arch £?th,19ZS. This meeting was called to order at ?;S© o'clock p.m. by ]~ayor~ Joseph ]?.(~.uinlan. RCLL CALL. 1{ol! call found all members Of the city council present, to-v~it;- ¥.Boido ,R.Lloyd, ~.]~inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Jo~opi~ P. f~uinlan. The reading of the minutes of the previous up. sting ~as dispensed with. I A con~unication from the City of ~.~ountain View invitod all l~ayors and Councilmen to attend a ~eeting of the I1' ~ ~ y O r S' and Councilmens' Conference of Central California ?~ l~ountain View Thursday evening,April l~th,19ZZ,at o,~50 o clock p.m, at ~e 'A~erican Legion ?!all The dinner of Turkey to cost ~ · ~ ~.65. All city councilmen and city officials Present agreed to attend, l~ ~n ni~mber,~ A con~unication was received from the Bu?lingame chamber of Commerce requesting th~ City o f South San Francisco to pass a resolution to be s~nt to/~ayor Rossi of San Francisco and James Reed , Eanager of the .Golden Gate Bridge Company, requesting that labor on the bridg~ be represented from San ~ateo County and other counties on the bay. Laid over for consideration. Applications for a license to sell be~,~?~ines and liquors ~-hen the sale is. legalized, ~ere received from Joe. ~annini and Ernesto Galli. Aprlicatiors order~d placed on fils. An,~?application~ for the sale of soft drinks and beer wam received fron~ Er~ilio Cortesi, Peck's Lots ~rocery. Application ordered placed on file. Applications for soft drink licenses ~ere received from John Tacchi, Guisepp~ Penna,and Baldi~i & Yenturini. Applications ordered placed on file. An a~?lication for a license to sell b~er '%n connection with Tamalos was received from YLE.lTelson, SS5 i~]l Camino Real. A[~-~I~lication denied. An aplr'lication'for a soft drink license w,~as received fron~ Beatrice Jumeau Davis, El5 E1 Camino Real. Application denied. This being the date set for the openin~ of bids to furnish lumber for the temporary outfall se~,~.~er, Councilr~an Tibbetts moved the bids be opened. The motion was eec6nded by Councilman ~,~inucciani ~r~,d r~gularly carried. '~i~here u~ere 'two bids submitted, as follows, South City Lumber & Supply Compan~~, Indust~?iaI City Lvunber Company ;!:'~545.07 The ~outh Citj? Lun-:ber and Supt~ly Compan~ being the lowest responsible bidder, Councilman Einucciani introduced a resolution awarding the contract to said company. The resolution was adopted bj~ tho unanomous vote of all the members of ti~e city council, to-wit;- A~es, Counciln~e~,V.~oido, R. Lloy~, ],,~.Einucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Counc~lmen,l~one, Absent, Councilr~, None. Attest Daniel ]~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book ~f Resolutions , ¥ol.E,at page 405. Co~nciln~n ~,'~inucciani repor.t~d a broke~ sidewalk in bad condition in front of Farage west half of lot ~4 in block 1~5, Sll Baden A%enue. Councilr~an Lloyd moved the owner,A.J. Eschelbac]~ be notified to n~ake repairs to the san~e l~y April lOth,195S.~ The motion was seconded by Councilmar~ Boido and regularly carried. City Attorney Coleb~rd invited the citi~ council and officials of the board to attend a meetin~i of the Chamber of Com3~,~_erce of South San Francisco, Friday, April 7th,195~ at 9 o'clock p.m.~ He intimated April 7th, ~ould be ITational beer Opening Day. All city officials present accepted the invitation. Referring to the appointment of Al.I~_au~f~ann, deputy city Treasurer, City Attorney C oleb,~rd stated th~- bond should be of the sa~e proyort~.o~ a~ the Treasurer. 'He was instructed to prepare the official ap]~,ointment and arrange for the posting of the required bonds. There }oeing no further business cot~nCil~an Lloyd moved to adjotrn until th~ next regular m~eting,I~onday,April Z,19ZS,at ?;3~ o'clock~?.m. The motion ~?~as seconded by council:~an Boido and regularly carri~.d. Tithe of adjourn~ent, 8;~0 o'cloc] of Bouth SaD Francisco Respectful?~.y subf~itted._.. . /2