HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-07-17( Tbs? ra,=uYar meetJ','~,~ ~,~' the tit7 cov~ci~ oV the City of .South aa= Francisco was '~-- ]~aJ] ,~,~on¢!a~, eve~-~no' J~!y ]Tth.19ZZ. The meeting was ca!!e~ to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m. by ilayor Joseph riel._ ca]]. for, nd the fo]]owim~ me._burs of the co:u:ei! ~resent; Joe ~h 2. ~uiNlan. Co-mci!men, V. Boido, 2.~ibbetts, ~._ ~'bsent, Councilmen, E.Lloy5, :d.li~uccis,ni. Tie lfiinut,gS of the mrevious n:eetin~ were read There the7 were approved as read. The reading of communications was dispensed with. The Forgery and check alteration policy bein7 about to ezpire, i,.lr. 2rtwnlee, agent of tile com~s'~,,~.,..,.~ a:-nea:~ed~_ before the council s. nd notifin~., them. to that o~foct~.. ~ . .:,,F~ sts+~d~,, t~,e~,~ rate cut ao,,,'a 75.00 and a r,,-w :,,¢chine to %0 ¢-~-¢~s4swea fo-,. t%¢ two ,rear *~ ,~ ......................... ~ ....... tm, with the sane ~,uarantee o'°. ,~10,000. OP. motio:o bV~ com~cfRr?,am Tibbe%%? seconded ........ ~-r co~mcil~.~; ......... '~afan and ~,e, ~.~',-~],'~.,, carrie( was .,_not~ ~e~ed to renew 935. the head of good and welfare, City Attorney Co3eberd anvited the 0itv Coxne possible. ...... in the a.r::otmt of ,:~2z°°=-'-'.05- were no,-':*, _?'resented ~ac.!eI f To? Co. !! f! II Geo. N.Messier D. W. Rat to Standard 011 Compa~ "Los,7?.?O-407 reappraising insurance ,Beagrave water,roof grease Calif. Water Serv. ~o. ,water ballground,et " " " "library,civic ct " " " " fire ho,Swift Ave ~i: 59.60 izs4.00 45.40 2. 59 4~.1~ 4.68 " " " "hydrant rental ~ 452.99 Pacific Gas & El. Co misc. accounts ~;117.79 The Seagrave Corp'n fan belt ~ ~.50 Standard 0il Co ~une Gasoline $126.60 ~he Seagrave Corp'n headlight rim $ 2.57 Pacific Gas & El.So., Electric lamps,Servic. e June ,1933 $6~7.11 " " " discontinuance ServiS 55.00 Old Reliance Garage labor & material ~ 8.~5 American Fire Equip. Co.~ster Caps,AdapterS ~S.10 A.J.Pacheco fire alarm mainten June~ John Pigoni, cleaning fountain,6 Superior Steam Laundry,wash fire houses Fred J.L&utze, Dudley Perkins Scampini & Zanetti Mrs. J.Rtngue Chas. Lema J.~yerle E.~yers C.Robinson R.~etroccht June invoices machine service casings & '~ubes matron service s cleaning jail, June burning grass !f if The Enterprise Press printing 0rd 162, " " " " copies San ~;ateo Co.~itle Company R.E.Transfers S.S.P.Bake~y flour sacks 20.00 6.00 10.15 2S.11 1.50 18.65 59.60 2.50 5.00 52.00 ~32.00 32.00 32.00 70.00  15.75 1.50 A.E.Eauffmann freight charges ~ 1.32 Fred J.Lautze, ba! due,June invoice $ 2.00 E.Petroff 1B~ days labor,streets $ ~&.00 Total $2498.05. The 'claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boi&o and rwgularly carried There being no firther busines~ council~n Ttbbetts moved ~.~ o~ ........ I,, Roll call found the followin~ members of the council present;- Co~tuci!men, V.'!~oido, ~-~.~ibbetts, Jos~h ~-.~uzr~!an T!~a alp_utes of t~ ~revicus ~:~eetin? %Tere re~ '~, _,.. the7 were a-f:Droved as read. .... rca~ng of conm~nicatious was dispense5 w~th. ~ne Forger~? and chec~r a~teratSon i~olicy bein,~ about to ~i~~_~ ~.~, i.i'r. Br~wnlee of the com~,.,o,~; _~_, ........... ~'~ ,, ,mci! and notifies ±her.: to t]':at effect We sts+~d t cut 8ov, n ;.[~5.00 end a r, ev,r r?achi, ne to ~¢ ¢',r:c. ish~,d :For the two year term, with tb,.e sa~:e {:/u ~° .ijlO,O00. Ou: motio,~ by~ con.~oi!man, Tibbet~? second,sd h~? was i~struoted to renew the ?olicy'. ~.c%ion cn t~, al','llicah!ors~ ~or ~,-er hr.,ce?see t',eS ~postroned until i,lorlay,_ _. 'LTn~er the head of good and welfare, City Attorney Co?chord ~nvited the Cit' city cou:~ci]men /resent, ,and. other ;ncmber:~ of the tit7 Fove:,_'nment to i~e ir ~ttendsnce: , o ,sible. C]_,~.~.,~;' ~ z,_, the amount of ~'~2498 05 were ~:,re o e counc for ~,~, ~°c Z~ '~ ~ Co. Geo. N. ~.:~essier D. W. Rat to Standard 0il Compa~ printing¥,'!? 5q~. toO ~ "Ord. ~j16..00'I f'_ute cit' ]¢~n,~a~.'" 52.60 ! "l;os, ] 3.70-407 ~ 8.50' reappraising ;~. 00 ins~ce ,Beagrave 4~. 40 water~roof grease ~. 59 i Calif. Water Serv. Co.,water ballground,et 47.19 " " " "library,civic ct :~ 24.44 " " " "fire ho,Swift Ave~ 4.68 " " " "hydrant rental ~452.99 Pacific Cas & El. Co misc. accounts ~ll?.?9 The Seagrave Corp'n fan belt ,~ 2.50 Standard 0il Co ~une Gasoline $126.60 The Seagrave Corp'n headlight rim $ 2.3? Pacific Gas & El.~o., Electric lamps,$ervic e June ,19~ ~6~?.ll " " " discontin~nce ServiS 55.00 Old Reli~ce Garage labor & ~rial ~ 5.45 American Fire Equip. Oo.P~ster Oape,Adapter~ SS.10 A.J.Pacheco fire alarm mainten J~e: E0.00 John ?igoni, cleaning lo.rain,6 Eo. 6.00 Superior Steam ~~y,wash fire houses 10.15 Fred J. Lmutze, J~e invoices 2S. ll ~ey Perkins ~chine service $ 1.~ " " " " ~ 18.65 Soampini & Z~etti casings & '~ubes ~ 59.60 ~e. J.Ringue matron services ~ 2.50 Ohas. Lema cleaning jail,J~e 5.00 J. l~yerle burning grass ~2.00 E. Meyers " " ~3E. O0 O.Robinson " " ~ 32.00 R.~etrocchi " " $ ~2.00 The Enterprise Press printing Ord 162, ~,~ 70.00 " " " " copies ~ 15.75 San ~,~teo Co.~itle Company R.E.Transfers 1.50 S.S.F.B~e'ry flo~ sacks o 6 1.15 A.E.Eauff~ freight c~rges ~ 1.~2 Fred J.~utze, hal due,J~e invoice ~ 2.00 E. Petroff lsd- days labor,streets ~ 54.00 Total .$~498.05. The claims having been by the finance committee Co~ctlman Tibbetts moved they be ~id. The motion was seconded t co~cilm~ Boido and rwgularly carried . There being no firther business before the co~ co. cji=mn Tibbetts moved to adjourn ~til 5fon~y evening,July 24th,1953,Yt 7;30 o'clock ~ motion was se~nded by co~cilm~ Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjour~ent,8.05 o' A P 0VS _ sssc 'uzzY SUm:Z?TS