HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-09-05182 REGULA5 Lm~TILC OF TI!~ CITT COUtTCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH ° .... ~ ~ ~'~ ~.: ~ o~ PRAI~ ISC 0 ,HELD ~T~, 19~S. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisc0~was held Tuesday ,September ~th,19ZS. The meeting was called to order at ~;Z~'~ o'clock p.m. by ,Payor Joseph P.~ui~lan. ROLL CALL. .Roll call found all members of the court, oil present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.Lloyd, ~.Yinuceiani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P. ~uinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The Riverside Chamber of Commerce asked the citT's sr~nort in securing the League Of California ~,~iunicipalities convention for the City Riverside,19~4. Accepted and placed on file.The aoplication of Raeffaelli & Fischer for a beer license ~s laid .ove~ The Sociedad ~I~ftualista 5'texicana "CiD, PULTEPEC~ reqiested permission hoi~ a aance in Fraternal Hall on September 16th,19~S from 8 o'clock P.N. to E o'clock A.~,;I. Permission granted, In another com~_unication from the society the City Council was invi~ ted to attend, announcing that i~ayor Cuinlan and ~&rs. Catherine Peck would be presented- with a gold medal in appreciation of their kindmess to the ~exican colony of South San Francisco. Invitation accepted. Permission was asked by the California Water Service Company to install a 6" cast iron water n~in along the westerly line of Li~;~den Avenue Extension to Dollar Avenue,ere, advising that thei¢ity may wish,to install some hydrants for the district,Referred to councilman Tibbetts~ernarm kcOaifrey Post ii~o.~5 of touth San Francisco invited the City Council to attend their installatio~ ceremony Wednesday evening , September 6th,19SS,in conjunction with the '~uxiliary installation ceremony~jointl~~. Invitation accepted. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Wi~ford Ashby for appointment to the call forces in the Yire Department, to take the place of Don~ld Pearce ,re signed. On l~,7otion by councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman ~¥1inucciani and regularly carried, Winford Ashby was appointed to fill the vacancy. The Baden Kennel Club's a-o~lication for ~ license to sell beer was ~anted. A communication was received from John H.~Skeggs,District Engineer of the Divisibngo Highways, asking if the city is in a position to take over the maintenance of the highway within the city limits of the City of South San Francisco. ?he clerk was instructed to reply stating the city is not equipped for this kind of highway maintenance, and requests the s~ateHighway commission to maintain the roads. C.E.Piatt made application to audit the city's books for the sum of $,500 per annum, ~stating he is a certified public accountant. Con~;unication acc~-pted and ordered placed on The monthly reportdof the Building Inspector,Health Officer, Chief Of Police, 3ire Chief, City Judge and Cit~; Clerk for the month ending August Slst,19~S were submitted and accepted with the thanks of the Mayor for the officers' promptness in attending to this duty. A resolution fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 1955--~4 was introduced by Councilman ~inucciani~showing the rate to be J)l.~5 ~oer hundred dollars valuation,and ~l.41 per hundred dollars valuation on the territory aunexed to the {)ity of South San Francisco by the special election held ?arch 1~,1916. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of =ll the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes ,Councilr~n, ¥.Boido ,R. Lloyd,M.~inucciani ,R,Tibbetts, Joseph Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,NO~,TE. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Eesolutions,Vol. Z at page 4ZO. A tax refund in the amount of $E4. SE was granted ~!rs. Theresa Germane. Councilman Lloyd move~ that the city officials attend the League of California Nunicipalities Convention at Santa Cruz, September 18th to ER. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Claims in the amount of $ZZE0.Z4 were next presented to tt~ council for payment;- ~ar ia Rosaia Rr thur Johnson, Pariani & Lemberg Chas. Lema, Joe Lombardi Dudley Perkins A.Buehler '~r t ~ur Johnson Zariani & Lemberg Royal Rural Supply Co., Superior Steam Laundry H. C~. ~k elin ~,.~utualEngineering C o Refund taxes painting safety zonws repaorinF Euick cleaning jail, August gas & 0il,police dept repairs ,motor cycle painting: zones repair engJ~'~e ~ sup?~lies, fir e dept. wash f~re houses, August Berling Breaker, turning ~ brake drums lot S4,blk 70, I100.1~ ZO.O0 4.86 .oo 27.65 5.0'3 17.50 1.75 5.00 S.City Lumber & Supply Co.,lumber,bolts,change fire alarm ~.49 A.J.Pacheco maintaing f e alarm sys "~ ~0.00 ~'~.L.~acheco helping electrician change al 1~.50 ,~ ~roff swweping streets to Aug,~l ~ ~8.00 O, ty Lumber & Supply Co aupplies,s ,'er dep~, ~? 9.00 Westeinhouse El. Supply co, 20669 lamps del. ~j 90.90 Fra~kcis Rinehardt,Clerical labormcler~'s office ~£E.~0 Goodyear Service Inc. 4 tires & Tubes ~38.21 S.~f.C.Title Ins Co, daily reports,Aug ~ 1.50 Edith Avery typing for cit~,? a torney 18 hfs ,? 9.00 Patrick-Eoise Zlinkner,rep nu'~-~'bering ~chine ~ Z.01 Robinson-Druggist,Supplies ,clerk's office~,~ S.~5 ?acific Gas & El. Co. ,street lights AuE The Enterprise,notice meeting board of EqualizationS5.00 " " 1500 letters to appear before board Teresa Germane refund taxesm Gee A.Knwese,alteration drainage project Jack Welck impounding doga & Cats,August Patrick Eoise Klimhner Co vehicle tags Elmers Floral Shop, peice,Joe Castro Gee A.Eessniex reappraisal Work,ere Calif. Water Serv. Co., hydrant rental Aug. j~94.49 ~12.56 ~1.50 0alif ',later Serv Co fountain w:ter 7.25 30.00 z.O.,~ ~. m~ecellaneous set.Aug ~84.1~ 5.00 A.J.Welte ex~_enses to convTion ~100.0~ · £45.15 On motion b~' counciln~n Lloyd,seconaem by counciln ;452.00 Boido the claims <were oraered paid. There being no Roll call found all members of the coun~cil Present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido ,R. Lloyd, ~.~inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Cuinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The iqiverside Chamber of Commerce asked the cit?:'s s~v, ort in securing the League Of California ;,~unicipalities convention for the City Riverside,1934. Accepted and ordered placed on file.The application of lqaeffaelli & ~ischer for a beer license laid .over~ .~ The Sociedad kutualista Mexicana "Ct~PULTEPEC~ reqiezted permissionS%~ ' bola a ~ance i in Fraternal Hall on September 16th,19~ from 8 o'clock P.M. to 2 o'clock A.~.I Permission granted, In another communication from. the society the City Council was invi, ted to attend, announcing that ~.~ayor Cuinlan and l, trs. Catherine Peck would be presented- with a gold medal in appreciation of their kindness to the biexican colony of South San Francisco. Invitation accepted. Permission was asked by the California Water Service Company to install a 6" cast iron water nmin along the westerly line of Li~;:~den Avenue Extension to Dollar Avenue,etc, adviSing that thelcity m&y wish.to install some hydrants for the district,Referred to councilman Tibbetts~ernar~ I~cOaiirey Post i~'o.~ of ~outh San Francisco invited the City Council to attend their installatio~ ceremony Wednesday evening , September 6th,1933,in conjunction with the iuxiliary installation ceremony,jointl~~. Invitation accepted. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Wig:fiord Ashby for appointment to the call forces in the Fire Department, to take the place of Donald Pearce ,re signed. On ~,(otion by councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and reFularly carried, Winford Ashby was appointed to fill the vacancy. The Baden i:ennel Club's a-~olication for ~.~. license to sell beer was g'~anted. A communication was received from John H."Skeggs,District Engineer of the Divisibn of ' Highways, asking if the city is in a position to take over the maintenance of the highway within the city limits of the City of SoUth San ~'~rancisco. The clerk was instructed to reply stating the city is not equipped for this kind of highway maintenance, and requests the szateHighway commission to maintain the roads.  C.E.Piatt made application to audit the city's books for the sum of ~Z00 per annum, stating he is a certified public accountant. C om~ unica ti on accepted and ordered placed on file. The monthly reportdof the Building Inspector,Health Officer, Chief Of Police, ~.~ire Chief, City Judge and Cit~ Olerk for the month ending August Zlst,1933 were submitted and accepted with the thanks of the 4~ayor for the officers' promptness in attending to this duty· A resolution fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 193~--34 was introduced by Councilman Einucciani~showing the rate to be ,~1.45 per hundred dollars valuation,and ~l.41 per hundred dollars valuation on the territory annexed to the ~ity of South San Francisco by the speciaL election held ~arch 13,1916. The resolutim was adopted by the unanimous vote of =ll the members of the cit[~~ council,to-wit;- Ayes ,Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.Lloyd,M.L~inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ]?. Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,NONE. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk Hecorded in Book of iiesolutions,Vol.2 at page 420. A tax refund in the amount of $24.32 was granted ~:~rs. Theresa Germano. Councilman Lloyd move~ that the city officials attend the League of California Municipalities Convention at Santa Cruz, September 18th to 22. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Claims in t~Ae amount of $2~20.24 were next presented to ttr~ council for pa.Tment;- Earia Hoaaia ~r thur Johnson, Pariani & Lemberg Chas. Lema, Joe Lombardi Dudley Perkins A.Buehler '~r t hut Johnson Pariani & Lemberg P~o~al RurAl Supply Co., Superior Steam Laundry H. 0. ~,,~ak e I in ~,~utualEngineering C o Refund taxes painting o~, ~*-~ ..... ~. ~ ~ Z onws repaorinf: ~uick cleaning jail, August gas &. 0il,police dept repairs ,motor cycle paint in~f zones repair eng.~r~e ~2 sups:lies,fire dept. wash f~re houses, Auguat Berling Breaker, turning 2 brake drms lot J4,blk 70, lO0.14 20.00 4.85 5.00 2?.65 ' 5. O0 17.50 19.50 ~! 1.75 ~ 2. 20 ,~:: 1V. 90 ~; ,5.00 S.City Lumber & Suppl~ Co.,lumber,bolts,change fire alarm 7.49 A.J.Pacheco maintaing f e alarm sys ~ 20.00 ~,~.~, ~.Pacheco helping electrician change a-~ 14. B0 ~ Petroff swwepin~ streets to Aug,,s1 ~ ,58.00 SO,City Lumber & Supply Co aup~lies,s ~cer dep~, ~; 9.00 ~.%steinhouse E1.Suppl~ co, 20669 lamps &el. ~; 90.90 Frarkcis Rinehardt,Clerical labormcler~' s office ~2~.~0 Goods, ear Service Inc. 4 tires & Tubes ~38.21 S.~.C Title Ins Co, daily? reports Aug ~ 1.B0 ?acific Gas & El. Co. ,street lights Edith Avery typing for city a.torney 18 hfs ~; 9.00 Patrick-~oise Klinkner,rep nu?bering ~chine ~ 3.01 Robinson-Druggist,Supplies ,clerH's office ~ 3.35 Teresa Germano refund taxesm 24.32 $639.51 The Enterprise,notice meeting board of Equalization, 3.00 " " 1500 letters to appear before board Geo A.Knwese,alteration drainage project Jack Welck impounding doga & Cats,August Patrick Eoise Elimkmer Co vehicle tags Elmers Floral Shop, peice,Joe Castro Geo A.Eessnier reappraisal Work,etc Calif. Water Serv. Co., hydrant rental Aug. ~12.56 ~ 94.49 ~31.50 Calif ?later Serv Co fountain w:ter 7.23 ~ ~0.00 P.0.& E. miecellaneous set. Aug $84.12 ~ 5.00 A.J.Welte exi_e, nses to convTion ~100.0~ '. ~245.15 On motion b~ counciln~n Llo2d,seconae~ by council~ Boido the claims :were ordered paid.~here being no ~452.00 further business the council adjo~d/wmtil the ne regular meeting. Time of adjournment, 8;55 oClock P.M. Respectfully sul~t~ed,~/~.~