HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-10-02134 REGULAR ~ETING OF THE CITY COU!~CIL OF T~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,PHgLD ],~ONDAY,0CTOBER 2ND, 1953. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the Git:: Hall Eonday evening, October 2nd,1933. The meeting was called to order at ?;:.'-,0 o'clocck P.~,~. by ?,~ayor Joseph P. Ouinlan. ROLL CALL· Roll call fotmd all members of the city council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, E.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Qutnlan. A conmnunication was received from the Pacific Gas &, Electric Company, requesting permission to open a trench in the westerly line '~idewalk area of Eucalyptus Avenue 29' north of Baden Avenue, making it necessary to break pavement. Reffered to Couucilman Tibbetts and the desired permission grante~. Bernard ;~?cCaffrey Post No. 355 ,American Legion of South San Francisco requested permission to hold their monthly dance in ~,~etropolitan Hall, September 16th,1933, and also permission to hold regular monthly dances in ~,~etrou~olitan Hall on every third Saturday night on each month· ~ermission granted for both requests· A card of thanks was received from the Joeseph Castro family for the city's floral piece sent at the death of Er. Joe Castro· Accept~d and placed on file. Yotice was received from ~he Acting ~ecretary of the Peninsula League of ~/,unicipalities that the league's next meeting will be in ~alo Alto,Thursday evening,October 19th,19~3~ and that further details would be forthcoming. Pl-a~ed. on file. An application was received from the Regina Elena CirOi, e,~9V,U.A.0.D, requesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,Saturday evening, October 28th,1933, from 9 p.=. to i A.M. Permission gr_a_~ted. The application of John P.Fischer and B.A.Raffaelli for Off and On sale beer license~ was: granted. The application of the Safeway Stores for an Off sale beer license was granted aa~d the application of F.Corrucciani for an On Sale beer license was granted also. The monthly reports of the City freasurer, Building Inspector,Health Officer,Chief of Dolice &, City Clerk were submitted and accepted with the thanks of F.ayor C'uinlan for the officers promptness in attending to this duty, Building Inspector Beatty submitted plans and specifications for the first unit cf American Brake ~hoe Company's new structure on Tanforan Avenue, Councilman Lloyd requested that tke full plans and specifications for tLe complete structure be submitted for the quidance of the city council in granting the permit, and Inspector Beatty was so instructed. The estimated c,.ost of ti:.e first portion of the proposed str~.~ctu'e was ~8500. Claims in the amount of fj!2410.76 were next presented to the council for payment;- Louis Belloni, feeding ',-risoners Aug. ~e 4.46 Westinghouse Co., 48 lamps ~25.98 So·City Lubr Co lumber police dept ~'~ .72 " " 48 lamps ~12.55 w ~.Fuller Co traffic paint o1~.84 Jos P.0uinlan expnse conven-  ~,50. O0 " " " " " 11.5~ tion Santa Cruz - -,' " " " ~ 9.2S !:,ed Tibbetts " " ~50.00 " " " " " ' 20 Reese Lloyd, " " ~:,~0.00 X.Johnson, painting zones 1 00 V.Boido " " 0.00 Chas. Bollazzi savabrush ~24.4V Dan ~cSweeney " " ~50.00 A.J.Oacheco, repair fire alarm boxes :~52.~8 Judge Ed. Farrell" " ~50.00 Arndt's dept store 6 cases fire dept f~ 2·09 C.R,Beatty " " ~50.00 West Disenfecting Com. wiping rags (L~ss Cr.~) 1.5~ Peninsula Blueprints Co ~ .35 - H~ghway Transport Co., bale rags freight 2 reappraisal ~ps " ffrei~t, , ~ .V2 Pac. Coast Rubber Co., rep. fire aose ~22.50 ~obinson,Druggist, supolies fire dept o 2·87 i~he Gamewell Co., rep~ fire dept valve ?~142.17 The Electric Corp'n, supplies fire dept ~jlg. V4 Price Furniture Co., curtains,fire ~ept :[,11.45 Fac.Coast Steel Corp'n,1 welded assembly 1.~rion Petroff fan belt Tord truck 01d Reliance Garage labor Ford Truck Dunham,CarriganHayden Co. ,wheelbarrows etc So. City Lbr. & Supply Co sewer lumber - " " " " " ~Saterial Ge o. A.Kne ese engine er lng, e t c Blk 78 A.Dimm~inger sewer carpenter work P.Nassa labor Randolph Ave Ext Francis Rinehart clerical labor,clerk's Patrick-l,Ioise Elinkner Co tax rate stamp S.~.~.CO.Title Company Sept daily reports H.A.Cavassa supplies clerk's office A.Detomasi I day poison rats Down Tow~_ Associati:,n, dues ending 1933,5 Qts, Wm.~inucciani contract work,city hall John Corso rem. garbage July Aug. 1.00 6.00 32.08 ;26.95 ;28.35 ;31.92 ,15. O0 i8.00 94.50 · ,5.48 1.5o $ 3.80 4.00 30. O0 9' .2o $11. O0 Ge o. !~. }re ssner, apprai set, salary235.90 0alifornia Pacific Title Insurance Go.report 50'stri~ land ~ 5.50 J.S.Baker grade Tanforan Ave~''~:150.00 J.W.Welch rem·dogs cats Sept Bank of America,Gordon Rowe auditing serv. to Sept ~0,'~ ~125.00 Fac. Tel & Tel Co.,0ity phones~¢~55.45 California Water Service Co-. Hydrant service September $452.00 Calif. W'ater Serv. Co" fire tto.~~'~ ?.62 " " "park water 250.46 " ", "city hall" ~52.28 " " library "~ ¥52.89 " " " " Sept ~31.72 .~tandard 0il Go.gas July, les credit ~j30.62 C.Gaultier, bronzing city hall flag pole ~ 4.00 $2~10. The claims having been audited by the finance commitee councilman Tibbetts moved, they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman 5{inucciani and regularly carried· There being no further business before the bosrd councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting,,,,~onday,0ctober 16th,1933,at ?'30 o'clock,p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regulsrly carried· Approved Time of adjourbment ,8; 55 o'clock,p.m. of ~outi_ San Francisco