HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-10-16136 ~- m ~ OF RECb-L~iR I~E~ILG THE CITY COU~'TCIL 0P THE CITY 0P SOUTH SA2J FRANCISC0,H~LD I~ONDAY, OCTOBER 16TH ,1933. The regular meeting of the cit~ council of the City of ~outh 2an Francisco was held in the city hall, Yonday evening October 16th,19S3, The meeting was called to order 2t 7;~0 o'clock p.m. by ~ayor Joseph P.Ouinlar_. ROLL CALL. Roll call found a~l members of the citN council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.P, oid0, R. Lloyd, I{.}finucc iani ,l. Tibbe tts, Joseph ~. ~uinlan. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions the~~ were approved as read. A communication was received from the Pacific Cas & Electric ComDany requesting permission to install arid m~intain a 2" gas main in the westerl~ sidewalk area of Linden Avenue ,be t'?ee~ ~%ller Ave. and Tamarack Lane. Referred to ~.ouncilm~ma Tibbetts. The 01ymoian 0il Comoany wrote a c ,m',mnication aoDlvin~- for permission to con- struct a~ service ~tatior/"~j~en~ue and Bayshore ~ighway on t~ ~ro~erty of Arthur W. andi I,Say ~fcCain,on lots 13,14,15,block 149. Laid over m~til ten days after notice is posted announcing the proposal to install gasoline tanks for storing gasoline. A co~nunica ti on was received from tLe Peninsula League of ~{unicipalities request- ing the cit~ officials to attenm the regular meeing of the league in Pale Alto,i'hursday evening, October 19th,19ZZ. Communication accepted and many of. the city officials s~gniz'ied their intention of attending. i~iss R.Clifford notified the city council of the resignation of t~r. Ira H.Po~ter, from the board~of Library Trustees, Comunication accepted and placed on file. The resignation of ~Ar. Potter from the library board was then read. Fr. Potter stated he regretted ha~ing to resign, but had moved and could no longer hold the position. The resignation was accepted,and Nmyor Cuinlan eulogized ~r. Potter for his creditable service to the City of South San Francisco during his term of office. .i'ire Chief A.J.V:elte submitted the n~-m~es of C.J,Ninehart and Thongs Galli for appointment to the call forces of the city fire departn~nt, to fill vacancies caused by tko resignation of two members of the department. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman itnucciani and reguls~'~y carried, the names submitted by the Fir~ ~hief were accepted and the~ were regularly appointed to tko call force. The monthly report of the fire chi~f for the month of ~eptember was read and accepted. On motion by Councilman Lloyd secon<ed by ~ouncilman ~inucciani,the action of the city council in holding a special meeting October llth,19~$, to award a contract to Angelo Zangrando to construct a hot house on ti~e civic center was verified and approved. ayor 0uinlan announced there woul~ be an ]~.N.A. _meeting and para, de in the City of ~outh ~-~an 2rancisco,~;ednesfzay evening,October 18th, and one in Rurlingame,on the 20th, inst. and requested all i~outt, 2an 2ranciscanr, to attend t2, e citF parade in particular. Building Inspector reoorted that t ~e ..... erican Brake ~!hoe Compan'~ had not ~,et completed their plans and specifications for ti eir new structure on ?anforan,~vehue' ~ ~ ~ also stated the corers, an7 would probabl[; have to receive permission from the Cityn of 2an Bruno to connect tkeir sewer with tke se'-,er in Tanforan ivenue, ~ r of , Yr. i:orton and ~r.mar y ti::e advertising firm of roster & r. leiser appeared before the cit~; council, requesting an audience to discuss the matter of reducing the tb~ rate per square foot for advertising. _:fret much diecussion it was agreed to give the firm a wee2 in which to confer with tke city cour. uil and city attorney fJoleberd. The company was was instructed to furnish a deposit of sufficient size to cover back licenses, during the settlement of the case. Claims in the amount of. ~18~5.95 were next pmesented to the council for payment;- Enterprise Press ,! ~outh Cit~: Lw~:ber & !'~us, p!~: Co. Pacific ~as Du~ey ~:~rkins American 2ire ~ting.0o A. J.Pacheco °acific Tel & Tel Co, Howard Buick Company S. Mine t t i, 2ariani ~ Le~:berg Bertuccelli :> l~a~ini Eic's Service '~tation A.Carlisle & Co., ~uperior Steam La~y foe Oenna H.S.Crocker 3: Co., police codes 01~ ~%eliance ~ara~e rcs str_J~ot F.s.kurray, c~m.p~met~r ren~,~'~i Ge0.A.Kneese engineer ser,Ins.~ Western ~ipe & ~teel Co ~ ~0 gal Tk · Buehler printinc' stamped envelopes 9 ~7.83 " " " ~100.53 materials ~: 1.87 " ~ 21.29 " i]!l 95.64 " ~ 58.68 " ;~: 32.11 li:?hts,September [~7~2.74 tire,ere, ~ 12.11 soark plugs ~ ~ 6.10 - ~. ~ extinguisher fluid ~ 6.1~ fire alarm maintenance,~ept. ~ ~0.00 cit~ phones, Septembe~ ~' 51,75 brake dr~s,cit}~ car ~ 4S,l~ one fallen gran 6 1.70 muffler,police car ~ S,8~ floor w~ ~ 1,~5 I g~! glo coat ~ .77 Pire Jolo .~ .~5 ~ 19.0E gasoline,oil,etc, ~ 1S.6O sheets for ~essier wash f~e- jail blanket '"~ .40 wash the 2 fire houses ~'~ 15.47 ~ ~' ~'~ 1 17 ~ 10.45~. H.~:.Crocker &, Co, pencils ~ 2.00 ~305.54 nacific Tel i Tel Co phonelO'l f! .90 ~ 38.25 " ,, "hal on paint No. ~, firehouse : 21.60 ?antini & Roccucci BOO? ~: 26 00 Total ~'~1845.76 The claims having been addited by the finance committee councilm~n t:inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly. There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until I!onday.0ctober 23,1933,at 7;,50 o'clock p.m. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions the~? were approved as read. A communication vTas received from the ?acific Cas & Electric Company requesting permission to install and m.~:intain a 2" gas main in the westerl3? sidewalk area of Dinden Avenue ,be tv, ee~ ?'iller Ave. and Tamarack Lane. Referred to ?ouncilmau Tibbetts. The ,01ymoian 0il,Comoany wrote a c.~mmunication aoplying for permission to con-. struct a' service statiorf'kVenue and Bayshore Highway on the property of Arthur W. and l,,,~ay ~,~cCain,on lots 13,14,15,block 149. Laid over until ten days after notice is posted announcing the propo~al to install gasoline tanks for storing gasoline. A communication was received from the Peninsula League of ~unicipalities request- ing the cit3 officials to atten~ the regul-~.r meeing of the league in Palo Alto,Uhursday evening, October 19th,1933. Communication accepted and many of the city officials s~,gnified their intention of attending. ifiss R.Clifford notified the city council of the resignation of t,~r. Ira H.Pozter, from the board~of Library Trustees. Communication accepted and placed on file. The resignation of ~&r. Potter from tLe library board was then rea&. i~r. Potter stated he regretted ha~ing to resign, but had ,moved and could no longer hold the position. The resignation was accepted,and Nmyor ~.~uinlan eulogized ~r. Potter for his creditable service to the City of South San Francisco during his term of office, ~'ire Chief A.J.Uelte submitted the nmmes of C.J.Einehart and Thonms Calli for appointment to the call forces of the city fire departnmnt, to fill vacancies caused by the resignation of two members of the department. On motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman ]~inucciani and reguls'~ly carried, the names submitted by the Fir~ Chief were accepted and they were regularly appointed to tLe call force. The monthly report of the fire chi~:f for the month of °eptember was read and accepted, On motion by Councilm~n Lloyd secon,led by ~ouncilman ~:inucciani,the action of the city council in holding a special meeting October llth,1933, to award a contract to Angelo Zangrando to construct a hot house on t!:e civic center was verified and approve&. ayor fi'uinlan announced there woul~ ~e an ]~.R.A. meeting and parade in the City of -qouth ?an Prancisco,'i;edmesday evening,October 18th, and one in 2urlingame,on the 20th, inst. and requested all i~outh ~an 2ranciscan'~ to attend the city parade in particular. Building Inspector reported that t:_e American Brake 7hoe Compan~ had not yet completed their plans and specifications for tieir new structure on Tanforan 2venue~ He also stated the company would probably have to receive permission from the Cityn of :~an Bruno to connect their sewer with the se-?er in Tanforan Avenue, ~r. i:orton and ~r.2arr7 of ti~e advertising firm of ?oster & !~leiser, appeared before the cit[f council, requesting an audience to discuss the matter of reducing the tb~ rate per square foot for advertising. After much diecussion it was agreed to give the firm a wee$ in which to confer with the cit~' cour_cil and city attorney Coleberd. The compar_y was was instructed to furnish a deposit of sufficient size to cover back licenses, during the settlement of the case. Claims in the amount of $18~5. V5 were next p~esented to the council for payment;- Enterprise Press ,! '~outh Cit~:' Lmuber & ',~u~ply Co. Pacific ~as & Electric Co, Du~ey P,-:.rkins American ?ire [~ting. C o A, J.Pacheco °acific Tel & Tel Co, Howard Buick Company S. ~::~ine tti, ~ariani .':: Leu'berg Bertuccelli L. Ea~ini l~ic's Service '~tation A.Carlisle & Co., 2UPerior ;:;t earn printina· stamped envelopes materials ,! li?hts,September tire ,etc, spark plugs extinguisher fluid fire alarm maintenance,Eept. tit: phones, Septembe~ brake dr~nns,city car one fallon gran muffler ,police car floor wax I g~l glo coat :~ir e Jo!o gasoline,oil,etc, sheets for ~,[essier wash f~e- jail blanket ~,~asL the 2 fire houses $1oo. 3 1.87 £1. s9 195.64 58.68 32. ll lS.ll 20.00 51.V5 1.70 1.2~ .V5 19.02 .4o 15.47 Joe Derma & '~ons H.S.Crocker :~ Co., police codes 1~ ~eliance garage ~ps str,d~t .s.murray, comp~ome~r renta±"i Ce0.A.Kneese engineer ser,Ins.~i~7 Western ~ipe & -~teel Co 550 gal Tk 2. Buehler paint i~o. 2~, firehouse ~ 10.4g~ ' **.~.Crocker & Co, pencils · ~ 2 O0 '505.54 Wacific Tel ,.7:: mol Co phonelO':?l ~ , .90 :~ 38.25 " " ' "bal on 1071 :~ 1.85 21.80 ?angini & ~occucc~ BO0:~ ~ 26.00 ~r of SOuth can Francisco Total ~ . :::1845 76 The claims having been addited by the fznanc,:' ' ~ committee counSilm~n ~,:inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly. T,here being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until L!onday,0ctober 25,1933,at 7;50 o'clock p.m. Approved