HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-12-15144 REGULAR I~ETING 0F THE CITY COUNCI~, OF THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRA~'ICISC0 ttELD MONDAY, DECEL[BER 18, 1933. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held on l,~onday, December 18, 1933. The meeting was called to order at ?:50 o'clock P. M. by Jos. P. Quinlan, }Jlayor. The following Councilmen were present: V. Boido, Reese l~loyd, t~. Minucciani, R. Tibbetts aud Jos. P. Qulnlan. City Clerk Daniel McSweeney being absent, on motion made by Councilman ~,loyd, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, Councilman LIinucciani was appointed to act as clerk pro tern. Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting of the City Oouncil was dispensed with. Application was received fr~n Albert Rodgers, 504 Third Lane, Basil Fornesi, 339 Lux Avenue, South San Francisco, Attilio Bolleri and Albert Akers of South San Francisco, for permission to operate dauces on Sunday after- noons at Fraternal Hall, 2 P. M. to 6 P. M., commencing about January 7, 1934. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, the application was granted. An application was received from Marion Petroff, Vice-President Of the Bulgarian American ~¥elfare Society for permission to give a New Years party. In view of the fact the proposed New Years party is to be a private affair, as stated in the application, no action by the City Council was deemed necessary and no other action was taken with reference to the application, except to state that permission by the Council would not be required. A letter was received from the Northside Taxpayers' Protective Association of South San Francisco, and complaint was made about a condition exi sting on Olive Avenue, commencing at the residence of Mr. Lopresti and extend- ing to School Street. Councilman Tibbetts reported that work had already been ordered for the purpose of repairing the portion of the sidewalk complained of and that repairs would be made at the earliest possible time. The report of Edward Farrell, as City Judge, for the month of October, 1933, was read. This report shows total receipts for the month of October amounting to $418.00. The report of Edward Farrell, as City Judge, for the month of Novsmber, 1933, was read. This report shows total receipts for the month of No~vember amounting to $331.00. On motion made by Councilman , Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, both reports were ordered placed on file. A communication was received from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Cospauy, dated December ?, 1933, stating that this company en- closed checks for $7,954.63, first half of 1933-34 taxes, which the company stated were being paid under protest. The letter stated that a claim would be filed to sever the duplication of acreage existing in Zone D, tax bill ~1789, also fo~ the Il,200.00 value of improvements, wharves and bulkheads, tax bill ~1793, as out- lined in letters of the company dated November 16th to Daniel McSweeney, Deputy Tax Collector. On motion by Councilman Lloyd and seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the letter was ordered placed on file. The application of R. G. Burns and Anna Burns for a permit to operate a gasoline and oil service station was again brought to the attention of the City Council. ~ir. Burns addressed the City Council and later }ir.J.T.0'Keefe, Jr. spoke in behalf of Mr. Burns and Mrs. Burns. Fire Chief A. J. Welte replied to the argument of Mr. O'Keefe aud stated that there would be a fire hazard if a gasoline station were conducted on the premises as they now exist. }Ir. Welts stated that his recommendations as to fire protection should be complied with before a permit is granted for the opration of a gasoline station. After con- siderable discussion on motion of Councilman ~,loyd, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and carried, the matter was referred to a committee consisting of Fire Chief A. J. ~elte, Andrew Hynding, Councilman Tibbetts, Councilman Boido, J. W. Coleberd and a representative to be selected by the Board of Fire Under- writers. On motion by Councilman ~Iimscciani, seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried, the bills as previously audited in the amount of $1,191.14 were ordered paid. Louis Belloni Service Garage Gamewell Co. Arndt's Dept. Store Rucker-Fuller Co. National Fire Pro. As sn. Goodyear Service Lletal Thermit Co. So.City Lumber Co. S. }iinetti Jenn~ n~s Pharmacy UnderwOod Elliott Co. D. McSweeney A. Detomasi Bashful Smi th Standard 0il Co. James Gratterola P. G. & E. 6 Blankets for jail $12.!? tire repair, spring Police car 6.25 20 lbs. register paper 5.15 6 slips 2.15 1 desk aud swivel chair 39.46 1 fire inspection manual 4 tires and tubes ~aterials supplies street dept. repair 2 drinking fountains supplies Clerk's office rent typewriter to 12/24 P. O. rent and stamps 1 day poisoning rats Blueprints Gasoline 0ct.30-Nov.13 22 street lights Misc. service 1.50 38.11 23.00 1.5.59 12.90 18.86 4.20 10. O0 1V. 20 4.00 14.01 64.58 33. O0 lO"/. 63 Basil Fornesi, 339 ~ux Avenne, South San Franc!~co, Atttlio Bolleri and Albert Akers of South San Francisco, for permission to operate da~ces o~ SHnday after- noons at ~rater~al Hall, 2 P. M. to $ P. M., commencing about January 7, 1%~4. On motion by Councilman MinHcciani, seconded by Co~ncilm~n ~ibbetts and regularly carried, the application was gra~ted. An application was received from Marion Petroff, Vice-President Of the Bulgarian American ~elfare Society for permission to give a New Years party. In view of the fact the proposed New Years party is to be a private affair, as stated in the application, no action by the City Council was deemed necessary and no other action was taken with reference to the application, except to state that permission by the Council would not be required. A letter was received from the Northside Taxpayers' Protective Association of South San Francisco, and complaint was made about a condition exi sting on Olive Avenue, commencing at the residence of Mr. Loprestt and extend- ing to School Street. Councilman Tibbetts reported that work had already been ordered for the purpose of repairing the portion of the sidewalk complained of and that repairs would be made at the earliest possible time. The report of Edward Farrell, as City Judge, for the month of October, 1933, was read. This report shows total receipts for the month of October amounting to $418.00. The report of Edward Farrell, as City Judge, for the month of November, 1933, was read. This report shows total receipts for the month of NoTember amounting to $331.00. On motion made by Councilman ~loyd, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, both reports were ordered placed on file. A communication was received from South San Erancisco Land and Improvement Co~pany, dated December ?, 1933, stating that this company en- closed checks for $7,9~4.63, first half of 1933-34 taxes, which the company stated were being paid under protest. The letter stated that a claim would be filed to cover the duplication of acreage existing in Zone D, tax bill ~1789, also fo~ the $11,200.00 value of improvements, wharves and bulkheads, tax bill ~1793, as out- lined in letters of the company dated November 16th to Daniel McSweeney, Deputy Tax Collector. On motion by Councilman Lloyd and seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the letter ~s ordered placed on file. The application of R. G. Burns and Anna Burns for a permit to operate a gasoline and oil service station was again brought to the attention of the City Council. Mr. Burns addressed the City Council and later Mr.J.T.0'Keefe, Jr. spoke in behalf of Mr. Burns and Mrs. Burns. ~ire Chief A. J. ~¥elte replied to the argument of Mr. O'Keefe and stated that there would be a fire hazard if a gasoline station were conducted on the premises as they now exist. Nr. ¥~elte stated that his recommendations as to fire protection should be complied with before a permit is granted for the opration of a gasoline station. After con- siderable discussion on motion of Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and carried, the matter was referred to a committee consisting of Fire Chief A. J. ¥~elte, Andrew Hynding, Councilman Tibbetts, Councilman Boido, J. W. Coleberd and a representative to be selected by the Board of Fire Under- writers. On motion by Councilman ~{inucciani, seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried, the bills as previously audited in the amount of $1,191.14 were ordered paid. Louis Belloni Service Garage Gsmewell Co. Arndt's Dept. Store Rucker-~uller Co. National Fire Pro. As sn. Goodyear Service Metal Thermit Co. So.City Lumber Co. S. ~inetti Jennin~s Pharmacy UnderwOod Elliott Co. D. McSweeney A. Detomasi Bashful Smi th Standard 0il Co. James Gratterola P. G. & E. 6 Blankets for jail $12.17 tire repair, spring Police car 6.25 20 lbs. register paper 5.15 6 slips 2.15 1 desk and swivel chair 39.46 1 fire inspection manual 4 tires and tubes ~aterials supplies street dept. repair 2 drinking fountains supplies Clerk's office rent typewriter to 12/24 P. 0. rent and stamps i day poisoning rats Blueprints Gasoline 0ct.30-Nov. 13 22 street lights Misc. service street lights Nov. Baker Namilton Pacific 6 ells and pipe 1. ~0 38.11 23.00 13.59 12.90 18.86 4.20 10. O0 17.20 4.00 14.0~ 64.~8 33. O0 107.63 637.31 11.62 South City ~umber and Supply Co. chalk line and square " material park Bertuccelli & Nannini 2 doz. shovels,rake & pitch fork Chas. Bollazzi 2 doz shovels, tape, flashlight 5.58 8.19 45.25 61.42 .~ To tal $1,191.14 at the corner of California Avenue and Bayshore Highly in South San Fr~cieco. motion made by Councilman Lloyd seconded by CoUncilman Boido and regularly carried the peition was accepted and placed on file. NE~'~ BUSINESS On motion made by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman D~inucciani and regularly carried, it was ordered that the salaries of all city employees be paid before Christmas Day. Thereupon the Mayor wished all employees of the city a Happy Christmas. Under good and welfare of the community, Fire Chief A. J. Welte reported that the Christmas tree was lit up and that the Christmas tree committee was very active. On motion regularly made and seconded and carried by the unanimous vote of the Council, an adjournment was taken to January 2, 1934, at ?:30 o'clock p. m. Time c,f adjournment 8:46 o'clock p. m. Approved; Mayor.