HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-05-07 REC~ MEE~IN~ OF THE'CITY C.OU~IL 0~ THE CITY OF SOU~ SA~ FRAI~I~C0.~r~.~D 'MONDAY. MAY ~TH,19~4o The regular meeting af the oity ooux~X1 .of the Olty ef South San J'rax~Xsoo was hel~ in the City Hall Mon~ay evening,Ma2 ~th, I9~4. The meeting was oalle~ to order at ?~S$ o'clock p.m. by 'ROLL CAT,T.. Roll.call foun~ all n~mbers of the 01t2 oounOil pr~sent,to-wit~- Councilmen.Recess r. lQy~,~.I~l~o,l~.~nuoe/anl,R.Ttb~.etts,~eseph P.quinlan. The edm~tes of the previous meeting w~re rea4. There being no errors .or Omiss~on~ they were alr~roved.as rea~. The South San FrancisCo Flre'Department'mm~e applieati~n for permAeeion to hol~ their annual ~anoe in Praternal Itall.~aturd~2 evenin~,~a2 .2.6th,19Z.4,t~fom 9 P.M. until ~.A.M. ?ermisaton grante,~. A oommuz~oation was reoeive~ from the City Cler~ of the City. of Los Gates, notifytn~ all 'Ma~or$Counoilmen an~ all other cit~' officials o'f the Bay region belonging to the Peninsula Branch of the V. eague to be present at the Bar~eo~xe lunoheea.e~te~tainme~t an~ regular meeting of .the league at LoS ~atos on Saturday afternoon,~ay 12th,19~.an~ requeste~ informs tion as t~ the number from South San t~ranel~eo lnten~ing to be present. Mayor Reese Lley~ aske~ how many city oi~lolals woul~ &tten~, an~ five agreeA to make the trip. The monthly reports of' the City ~u~ge. Chief of Police,Health 0ffioer,~lre Chief, Buil~ln~ Inspector an~ City ~lerk for the ~m.o, nth' en~ln~ April ~0th,19~4,were submitte~ to the coufloil a~ aooepte~ with the than~s of ~.:~ayer LloyA for the o~fioers' promPtness· in attenting to this ~uty. X O'. An ord.tnanoe entltle~ "AN ORDINANCE _~ROVIDIN~ ~0R 2CENSING OF BUSINESS, PR0~$ION~,TRADES, CALLIN6$; ,..A~ OCCUPATIONS XN ~ CITY OF 50I~TH · RANCI~OW,ha~ its secon~ rea~in~ an~ was adepte~ as an ordinance ef theC~ty of South San ~¥ancisoo by the following vote;- A~es, Counollmen,V.Boi~o ,R. L10y~,M.MAnuc~fa~A ,R. Tlbbet ts, J~seph Noes. Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, None . Attest Daniel ~.Swpene~, clt cle . Recor~e~ in Book of Or~lnances.Vol. ~-, at pages 2~0 to Un,er the hea~ of unfinishe~ business councilman Bot&o ~ove~- to postpone the hearing on the pr_oposition to install eleotrollers in Upper..Gram~ Avenue from May 1934 to Deoember ~th.19~. The motion was seoon~ b~ og~ci~ Nl~uocl~l an~ reg~rL2 oarrie~. Engineer Robert Elaasea, on motion regu~rl2 ~rie~,waa lns~uote~'to ~appl2 to ~e State Hl~w~ Co~lssion ~lng appll~tlon for the city's s~re of ~e ~ of the ~tate ~asoll~ ~ ~o be applie~ for oons~uctlgn work on Cra~ A~nue,~llle~ Avenue, Linden Ave~ ,~n.:Avenue. School T~stees Ca, ssa ~ Ro~on~ ap~e~ Before the o~t2 oo~cil ~ su~mitte~ a shetch of a propose~ roa~ from the E1 C~ino Real ~ S~ B~o,thro~h the north en~ of T~f0r~ . co~eoting t~ E1 C~ino with the foot of SpruCe A~nue in this city. The shetoh was stu~e~ by ~e oit~, co,oil lightly . ~e co,oil will give the ~tter ~rther attention at a ~ture ~te.~e School T~stees state~ the2 might B.e able to seo~e State an~ ~e~eral al~ In carrying out the project. In co--orion wish. the proposition off ~he school t~atte,:. Co~ll~ ~ui~an state~ It woul~ be beneficial to the oil's interests to create a oit~ pla~ing oomissf~n for studies of this kin~ for the city's ~t~e ~evelop~nt, an~ acoor~ingl2 move~ that a oit~, plying oo~lssion be appointe~, b2 ~2or Reese Lloyd. ~e motion was seconde~ eouncll~ Tibbetts an~ reg~rl~ ~rrie~. · Claims In the amo~t off $1151.66 were next presente~ to the oo~cil for payme~t;~ Loui.$ B~lloni, fee~ing prisoners ~r 2 Apr.~' '~,29 A. Jo~ sO~.erecting fence $ 20,00 ~ey-~er~ins,repairs to ~o.~C2ole . . ~$$14.6~ W.P.~ler Co. traffic pal~ 69.19 ~pini ~ ~etti M9 ~ycle g,:~s ~.~. Ben~er Moss C9,,Z vol~es A.J.Pacheoo, oheo~ over s~eet, sills ~ 8.50 pe~l co~e,~ Civil co~e $ 25.06 "= ' Apt. fire a~rm ~zte~e, ~ ~0.00 A.Oarlisle · Co Eleot,~ppl$121.86 P~heoo Elec~rlo Co. ,rep.air confessor ~ 15,99 Cali.for~ Wat~ Servloe Ce. S~netti,rep fire ~se ~1~,~2, S 5. Z5 ~tain & ~ire ~e,WaterAp~ R~yql Supply Ce, supplies,fire ~ept, ~ .4~ Cai. Water Ser.Co.~ant Wot ~erioan. ~Ire ~tin~is~r Ce 6 qta.ext~'r S T.~ er ~4~.~ ~perior .~team ~~2,waSh fire ~ept,Apr. ~ 12.9~ Pae.~el & ~ Co city phone::.· 49.45 Porto'S Stage, polish,fire, ~ept, S · 1.02 Stan~r~ 0il Co. gasoline ~' ~1.49 The Hub. pillow slips, April ~th,l~ ~ 2.~ J.weloh rem. cats,~ogs ~ 21.~0 Buzzell Electric Co., one Roo~for~ P~le2 1,~9 Enterprise ~ess copies 170~ Z. 0~ W~inucela~,~rain ~ p~le2 ~. 1.~ - "print 0r~.l~0 ~ 19.00 ~e~ Bro~ ~ ~2s painting safety zo~$ ~ 20.~ envelopes,Warrant~- ~.~ ' ' 5~ ~Ys erectl~ fete ~ Z~.05 Arn~t's store ~r.~ags AJo~eon painting safety zones ~ 24,00 ~.M.C.Tltle. Co ~112 repor~ ~ezoe Wahehousem h~ng ballot pa~er ~ ~5 Cai. Water Ser.~e. Llb Water ~ Callforni& Water Serv.Oe water p~ks ~lv Cev 40~56 B~ ~.~ ~.Ce.grin~er _S ~17 The' claims having b~,en .a~.tte~ bm the ~Jj~ce. con, It;tee C~uneilman T. lkbetts move~the~ Se pal~, ~r~. b,~e ~t~:w~a .!~~.~ b2 councilman ~Anuooxanl an~: re~uAarA~ ~arrle~. '£aere oex~ ~o ~er B~l'ness 'co,clan ~~~ move~ to. a~Jo~z ~t~l Mon~2,~ ~lat,19~,at v;~0 o'olooh p.m. ~. mo tXo~ wa, ,ec~ b~ oo=~ ~bett, an~ re~l,,.,,~ o~r,e,,~XTM of a,Jo~e~t,9.05 0'oleo, P.~.