HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-05-21R~GHF~IH ~TIN~ 01~'T~r~ 0ITel COUNCIL OI~'TW~ CITY 0]~ SOUTH SAN FI~NCISCO'HELD MONDA¥, MAT.~S1ST,19~4. The regular' meeting of the city COuncil of the 0~ty of SOUth San Prancisco was hel~ in the c~ty hall, Monday evening,Ma~ ~1st,19~4. ~he meeting was oalle~ to or~er ~t ~;~0 o'clock R0~ OA~. 'Roll call fo~ all ~mbers of the~ ~tt~ Oo~oil present,to-wlt~- 0o~ol~n,V.Boi~o,R.~gy~, M.~n~aX~ 'R. Tlbbett8, Joseph P.~ui~.' ~e ~nutes'of the previous meeting were rea~.~ere bei~ ~o errors or o~ssions they ·ere appr'eve~ as rea~. A a~i~tion was. receive~ f~m the W.J.~tin 0o~ offeri~ ~ of several stores they have to rent for the use of the juStloe of'the Peace Oo~t. The city co.oil oonsi~ere~ the ~ve no J~is~o~on in selectl~ a court for the ~stioe, ~' su~geate~ Ju~e' Jarrell or Do. t2 A~ist~t,~r ~!~gg ~t ~ve the right to select the Oo~t'a q~ters, Will$~ &{.ABbOt~,0o~ael 0~al for the ~rket S~eet ~ilw~ C~y suBmitted:.a~S~ete~ showing the ~o~t of $214.~ ~ue the City of South ~ ~oisc9 ~er. section ordinances 66 an~ 85,for .their franchise, an~ requeste~ the city's approval r of the statement before forwarding the Ohecl~ for the amount. The city acoepte~ the st&temeHt s~ requeste~ the city clerk to so e0n~mm~eate to the OO~sel ~r~ 'of the Rallroa~ 0emp~. A co~~tion was. received ~om the Sou%~ ,~ ~~8oo C~%er 0f 0om~eroe. oallin~ the city's at~ntion te co~laintm receive~ b2 t~ o~ber'm co. tree to the effect t~t a n~l of mongrel ~ogs,' ~ea~,~ic~ ~ ap~entl2 ~c~e~ for. ~e r~i~ about at large in city streets, ~ re.eats& A~t~/b2 the city co~cil In ~ppresaing the nuisance. state~ the city wo~ take action against the evil.'~ instructe~ the city clerk to ~swer the co~ication to that effect. · Another oo~i~tion ~om the Sou~ ~n ~oisoo Chamber of Co.eros requeste~ the to procure ~1 ~ta 0n a~ rosa project in this area so that the first towbship of the ~ sec~e recognition in the ~kl~ of ~ ~teo Co~t2 buret for the fiscal 2ear ~ oalle~ for a meeting at the cit2 ~ll,~ea~2 eve~ng,~2 2~,to form ~ ~f the first to~iP which will effictivel2 represent the people before the B~r~ of Superviso~ ~f this oo~t2. ~2or Lloy~ requeste~ ~gtneer ~assen to sects all a~allable ~ta on necessa~ improvements to be ~e an6 appear before the ~eeti~g ~es~2 evening,~2 22, wi~h members of the oit2 co.oil others, i~tereste~. ~ application for a permit to bOlA a ~e in ~ater~l Hall,Satur~2 evening,J~e 16, 1934, was reoeive~ from Regi~ Ela~ Circle,~97,of South S~ ~anoisoo. Permit grante~. E.H.Vent~l, representing the Bol ~oouts of South S~ ~anoisco , ~e written reques~ ~pon the oit2 for a ~o~tlon t~ pa2 e~enses of one boy tO the a~l ~~me~t, the amo~t not to exoee~,~en ~ollar~.0n: a~vioe of ~he city attorne2 Mayor Lloy~ state~ cities are prohibit~ from ~l~ ~onations of this o~raoter. Co~ci~ Oui~an requeste~ ~. Vent~i be notifie~ as t~ the city's decision, So or,orcA. A oo~i~tio~ was reoeive~ from the League of California ~iol~lXties of Californl~ requesting the ett2 to subscribe the s~ of $60 for emergency p~poses in socking the assiet~ of the ~ague Oo~lttee on ~soli~e In urging legistation at the next session of the 0al~for~a ~gislat~e a~tio~l alott~nt of ~sollne t~ to the ~lcipalities of 0allfo~ia, ~he com~leation was aecepte~ an& well receive& by the oit2 co.oil, an~ Co.ellen ~nu~ciani ,L~tro~e~ a resolution of the 0it2 of South S~ ~anoisoe authorl~-~ the sn~ of S~t2 Del~rs be pal~ the League o~ Calif~a M~ioip~ltiea as compe~ation for services on behalf of the State's m~iolp~lties. ~e resolution was a6opte~ b2 the ~animous vote of all the ~ o~cilmen, to-wit; - ~es, Co.clinch, V. BolAo,R.~oy~,M.~nuccl~,R. Tibbetts,Jes. P.qul~an. Noes,Oo~cllmen,Eone, Absent, Co~oi~,NO~e. Attest ~el Clezk- Recor~ in Book 0f Resolutions, ~ol.2,at ~ge ~2or ~ey~ reeeive~ a repl2 from ~yer ~guire of S~ 'Br~o relative te provl~ng oon~tiens in contracts to ~use S~ ~teo Co~ products whezever possible ,price an~ ~terial being equiv~ent. ~ Pacific Gas & EleCtric Com~ ~ appli~tion for permission t0 open a 14' In the l~terseotion of ~gnoll~ ~ ~ller Avenues an~ alo~ ~ller Avenue 90'. Referre~ t9 ~e~oi~ Tibbetts ~ the ~eSire~ permission gr~te~. The mont~2 report of 0it2 Treas~er E~.P.Eauf~n for the month ~f April was reoeiw ~ aoeepte~ The laiA over application of ~ ~iavia for a business license at 2~ ~r~6 Aven~ was oontinue~. Th· ~t~r of speoi~ing the time for the begl~lng o~ a~ng t~ ps. ties was left 0pe~. City Attorney 0oleber~ reporte& the ~tter of the g~age sit.rich an~ the a6optioz of an or~~e repealing the ~lsting ~usiness license ore--ce sho~ be taken up ~ Claims in the ~o~t 0f $125~.49 were n~t presente~ to the co~cil for p~ment;- SerVice ~zage an~ [~aohine ~hop repair ties,police o~ ~ .50 A. Jo~eon, painting ~rktng zones $ ~2.00 ~e~ Bre~ " " " s ~0'00 O~ifornia ~lre ~tinguisher Oo In~ ~ packing ~ ,~ ~ 1, SS Se~vioe G~age & ~chine Shop,material,fire dep~ Ol~.RelIanee G~age labor & ~%erial,S%r, ~ep~, $ lb' 85 HjA.0avas~, supplies, clerk'S effiee'~ ~ 8'~1 Pa%risk-NOise Kli~e: 0e ~tin s%~,sold for ~es clerks Bash~~' S~h two city maps.rollers, brackets .S0.96 D.Me~een~, e~enses of city o~ficlals to mee~l~ of branch League Penins~a m~leipali~les,Les Gatos ~.00 ~e~ Bre~ carpenter work' ~ A.Je~sun helping carpent~ ~ 22.00 S~u%h 0~ L~be= .~ ~suppl2 O~mp~ supplies for sewers ~ S0.88 " " " " " "$ ~1.66 ]_68 claims against the city,continued;- John Corec :~r & APr,, removing dead dOgs ~.Jozza 4 days 6uttlng g~aes Hillside Sign A.De Tomasi 1 day poisoning 'rats city dumps Pas. Tel,& Tel. Co. phone 626 April '' ' ' bal~oe due cit~ phone service Apr. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., street Ii.ts April " " "~Oell~eous service April 19~4 So.S.~.C~mber of 0o~eroe ~y A~vertlsin~ " ~e ~t.rprise BresS,500 .copies 0~n~e J$1?l " " " printing ~.~1~1 Sears Roeb~ 0e 10 ft leather belting Ba~n Cash Stere brooms, sulpher,~t powder Gra~uoei & Oo~ · 2 Italian Scythes and h~e~ ~a~e Califor~a ~loipalities. for special The claims havir~ been aud:Lted by the finance oommit2ee ogunollma~ NAnuoeiani reeved t~2 be pal~. The ruction was seoo~de~ by Co~ll~ T!bbetta ~d really e~ried. There ~elng no ~ther business before th~ eo~oll, oo~l~e~ ~nue~l move~ to a~Jo~n ~til Men~2 evening, by Oe~el~ Bol~o an~ re~12 Time of a~Jo~~t, 8'1~ e'olook p.m. 'Ma~or of' 'South~ ~a~ ~.a6cisoo ' Respect_fully submi tte~,