HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-07-02MONDAy, ~lr~Y 2n~ ,~ 19SA. Thb regular meeting 'of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, JulY' ~,1934. The meeting mas called to order at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd, ROT,V. CALL. Roll call found all members of the council-present,as follows;- Counoilmen, V. Boido,R.Lloyd, M. Ninuoolani ,R. Tibbetts,Joseph o. Ouinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from E.A.Rolison,Oity Manager of the City of Redwood ~.ity, requesting the City Councilmen of the City of South San ~rancisco to~ be present at a dinner meeting of the Peninsula Division of the League of California Municipalities at the Ben Franklin Hotel., ~iday evening, Jul2 6th,19S~ , to discuss matters of importance concerning the expenditure of publio mone~ that may be available for relief purposes, and the latest reports of the progress of the gasoline tax committees. Mayor L~oycl, a~vised all the member~ to attend who coul~ spare the ~ime,o~mtng to the importance of the s~b~e to be oonSidere~. A repl~ was~,~iwa~ ~lem~.thO 8Sate Board of Public WOrkS tO the city's letter and resolution petitioning the the state to construct a grade separation on the Junipers Serra Boulevard,near Lawndale, stating that owing to the status of this road and the finances available the Divialoz of H[ghways is prevented from making ~h~ improvement requested. Director Kelly also stated this road is not a part of the state highway system south of Edgmar Road, and that all funds slotted by the government had been allocatted~TWe Director stated the resolution would be placed on file for consideration in ~the allocation of further federal funds. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. A~ application for the position of City Poun~master was received from Roy Smith, in case there should bee vacancy in that ~ositlon. Communication ordered placed on file. A resolution of the Cit~' O~uncil of the City of South San ~rancisco approving the routing of certain city streets by the ~::~State Highway was introduced by Councilw~n Tibbetts, and passed and'adOpted by the votes of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, 'Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, :%Minucoiani ,~ R.Tlbbetts,Joseph .~.~uinlan. ii~Noes,c ouncilmen,None. Absent,.Uone. AAtest Daniel 'McSweeney. C l~y Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Volumne E,at page 445~ RES~LU?ION 0~ C01~OLE~X~E~.~ Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of condolence and the deep regret and ::':::', i':.:: sympathy of the city council and the publis of South San ~ranclsco on the death of Mfs. May Elizabeth McSweeney, wife of City Clerk,Daniel McSweeney~, The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City 0ouncil. Recorded in Book of Resoluttons,Vol.2,at page 446.. The monthly reports of the City Judge, Chief of oolioe, Health Officer, Building Inspector Assistants, Fire Chief and Cit2 Clerk, for the month ending June 30,1934',were submitt. and accepted. Under the head ~f unfinished business the application of the Braun-Knecht-Het,~_n Co. for permission to store certain chemicals in a building on Linden Avenue,south, was laid over a'. the fire chief instructed to procure additional information on the character of the chemicals, · she matter of the appointment of a library trustee was laid over until a future mee~U Clt~ attorney Coleberd submitted a' letter for the council's information on the subje of Veterans rights to exemption of taxes, and veterans purchasing property under the Welfare Board. Letter filed for reference. Under the head of new business Liayor I~l~yd called!: the council's and police departmen attention to damage done to a building on O~'press Avenue and other places, by children throwing stones or otherwise wrecking the places, and requested the police department to assist in abating the nuisance. '~ ~lre Chief Welts suggested that the city take some action in securing some ooncessio: 'from the Hetchy Hereby water supply for t~e use of the fir% department when the pipe lines are built through the el.fy of South San Francise~. Mayor IAoyd stated the city had already under . consideration the matter of oont.scting the Hetchy Hetchy people when the time arrived. Claims in the amount ~1703.64 having been presented to the council and audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Mlnuceiani and~regularly carried. Louis ~elloni, Soampini .t~Zanetti Royal Supply Co ~uperior Steam Laurie.fy A. Johns on R.Petrooohi E.Meyers J.Mayerle B.Brown A. J.Pacheoo feeding prisoners ay ~ June tires and tubes police dept dry cells fl~e dept, fire houses wash June burning grass 3 days fire alarm maintenance June 2.~0 ' 6S.~6 .92 · ~. 10.52 ~ 12,00 c 20.00 ~ 24.00 28.00 28.00 ~ 20.00 2 hea~ duty lungar char~es, fire department ~ 62.65 1 pot light 5.12 cleaning hall windows ' fountai~ ~!,00 removing ~ags an~ oats,June $ 28,50 gasoline June ~, $127.01 .00 12~.00 Councilmen, V.~Boido ,R.Lloyd, !~.l~inueoi ani ,R. Ttbbe t ts, Joseph ~ . ~uinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication v~as received from E.A.Rolison,Oity Manager of the City of Redwood tity, requesting the City Councilmen of the City of South San Francisco to be present at a dinner meeting of the Peninsula Division of the League of California ~miclpalities at the Ben Franklin Hotel, 3~lday evening,. July 6th,19~4 , to discuss matters of importance concerning the expenditure of publio money that m~y be available for relief purposes, and the latest reports of the progress of the gasoline tax committees. Ma~or Lloyd advised all the member~ to attend who could spare the time,owing to the importance of the cubists to be considered. A reply was:.~.$~iwa~ ~em~.the 2tats Board of Public Works to the city's letter and resolutloE petitioning the the state to construct a grade separation on the Junipera Serra Boulevard,near Lmwndale, stating that owing to the status of this road and the finances available the Dlvisic oi'H~ghways is prevented from makin~ ~h~ improvement requested. Director ;:elly ~lso stated this road is not a part of the state highway system south of Edgmar Road, and that all ftmds alotte5 by the government had been allocatted,~e Director stated the resolution would be placed on for consideration in ~the allocation of further federal funds. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. A~ application for the position of City ~oundmaster was received from Roy Smith, in ease there should bsa vacancy in that ~osition. Communication ordered placed on file. A resolution of the Clt~. c~uncil of the City of South San ~rancisoo approving the routing of certain city streets by the ":~State Highway was introduced by Councilman Tlbbetts, and passed and adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.~loyd, ~.l~lnuootani ,~'R.Tlbbetts,Joseph ~.~uinlan. ~Noes,c ouncilmen,None. Absent,.Uone. A~test Daniel ~NoSweene~ Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Volumne £,at page 445~ RES~UTION OF CONDOLE~E~'~ Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of condolence and the deep regret and ~'~:,",i: ~ sympathy of the city council and the public of South San Francisco on the death of Mfs. May Elizabeth McSweeney, wife of City Clerk,Daniel McSweeney., The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City 0ouncil. Hecorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2,at page 446~ The monthly reports of the City Judge, Chief of oolioe, Health Officer, Building Inspector Assistants, Fire Chief and Clt~ Clerk, for the month ending June 30,19B4,were submit and accepted. Under the head Of unfinished business the application of the Braun-Knecht-Heiman Co. for permission to store certain chemicals in a building on Linden Avenue,south, was laid over the fire chief instructed to procure additional information on the character of the chemicals. · she matter of the appointment of a library trustee was laid over until a future mee~ Clt~ attorney Coleberd submitte~ a' letter for the council's information on the subj of Yetera~s rights to exemption of taxes, and veterans purchasing property under the Welfare Board. Letter filed for reference. Under the head of new business Liayor Lloyd called~:the council's and police departme attention to damage done to a building on O~press Avenue and other places, by children throwin stones or otherwise wxecking the places, and requested the police department to assist in abating the nuisance. "~' ~lre Chief Welts suggested that the city take some action in securing some ooncessi from the Hetchy Hereby water supply for t~e use of the fire department when the pipe lines are built through the ol~y of South San Francisep, Mayor Lloyd stated the city had already under consideration the matter of oont$cting the Hetchy Hetchy people when the time arrived. Claims in the amount f;1703.6A having been presented to the council and audited by the finance committee councilman ?ibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Mlnucefani and. regularly carried. Louis ~elloni, So ampini ::~Zane tti Royal Supply C o ~uperior ~team Laundry A. Johnson R.Petrocchi E.Meyers J.Mayerle B.Brown A. J.Pacheco feeding prisoners ay & June tires and tubes police dept dry cells flee dept, fire houses wash June burning grass ~ days ;~lre alarm ~inte~nce J~e 6~.V6 .92 10.5~ 1~o00 ~0.00 24.00 !~8.00 28.00 20.00 2 hea~ duty lungar char~es, fire department ~ 6~.65 I spot light ~ 5,12 cleaning hall windows ' fountai~ ~l,O0 remowing ~ags and %ars,June ~ 28.50 gasoline June $1~?.01 Bank of South San ~ancisco,claim of Enterprise,printing delinquent tam list Bank of America cl~hm Srdon Howe,Auditors A.Carlisle Co a-~2400 auto tax receipts California Water Service Co,h~,drant water,June ISEE. O0 1~ 5. O0 I 45 .0o Claims against the city,continued;- California ~/~ater °ervioe Company, RobLneon-Druggi st Redwoo~ Begonia Gardens Richmond Pottery California Water Service Co. fountain & fire house ser.$ 5.36 crepe paper & tacks . 4 doz tubrous po.tte~ begon las, 36 ---9 in. saucers ~ 3.60 water ball grounds,C.Oenter library service J~e $ 20. Total There being no further business Coun011man Nnucciani mewed to adjourn until .?~onda2 evening, July 16th,19S4,at ?;SO o'clock p,m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;40 o'clock p,m. Approved ~o~otr~ o~~,-_~-,z~, ne ~. se o. Respectfully submitted,