HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-07-16 ot~ILAM MEETING OF THE OITY ~UNOIL 01~ THE 8ITY OF SOU?Hi S~'..N FRANCISCO,HELD MOFDAY,JULY 16th,1934. Th~ regular meeting of the city council of the City of South ~an Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, July 16th,I9~4' The meeting was called to order at ?;30 o'clock p.m. by [~yor Reese T, loyd. Roll Call. Roll call found the following members~of the city council presan$ as follows;- Councilmen, Reese I~oyd, H.~,~inucciani,R. Tlbbetts,Joseph P.~uinlam~. Absent, Counollman, ¥.~oido. Councilman Boido appeared after roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting ;vere read. There being no errors or omissions they were approves as read. A request of Anna Spencer for a restaurant license was referred to 0bier of ~alice ~elloni. An'applloation was received from Andrew ~ifurntes for permission to operate a free moving picture show in ~o~th ?afl ~anoisco four nights a week near Mr. Boid0's bakery was granted providing all ordinances be lived ~p to. - Thomas E.NAokey ~ost No.26~0. Veterans Foreign Wars, applied for an add donation of $15 for their picnic robe held at 0~ Grove Park. On motion by councilman ~niociani and seconded by oouncilman Boido the amount was ~ranted. A communi~tlon was received from the California Pacific International Exposition of San Diego. inviting tl~e Mayor of Bouth ~a~ Fran01soo a~a~ all the cit~ officials to attend the opening l,~y 29,1955. All city officials expreS~As a desire to attend,and the clerk was so instructed to inform the Exposition authorities. A communication was received from Paul McCarthy , Chair,,am of a representative of San Mateo cowry Citizens an& cities ,stating a meeting was held on July STh on mat~ers of great importance to the county at which a prmanent organization was set up and requested the Mayor od South San Francisco to nominate a representative f~r the Cit~ of South San Francisco, The mayor place& Councilman Quinlan on the commission. The Pacific Coast Builders Conference requested that a representative be sent to their convention at Palo Alto August 7. Referred to Assistant Building ~nspector Al. Welts. The application of Braun-Enecht-Yeiman ~ompany for permission to store certain chemicals in the citl limits Wes gr0nted. TW$.~ ~o~unicotion on w~t~ hydrnt rates was received from the League of California ~unicipalities, and a~.cepted. A comm~mication was received from Mr. Roscoe Campbell 'of the San ~ateo County Plamni~ ~ommission offering the services of himself and 1~. Pomero~ of the Commission to the City of ---~--~2outh Sa~ Francisco. The city accepted the offer and requested that ~ thanks of the citF be to Mr. Campbell and ~. ~omeroy. A report of 1~. Hollis R.Thompson. cit~- manager of Berkeley and President of the ~n~ section of the League of California tfunicipallties was received an& ordered filed. The monthly report of Clt2 Treasurer E.~.I~a~ff~_nn for the month ending June 30 was receive& and accepted. Un,er the head of unfinished busines Mrs. Lillian Walker was appointed a member of th~ Library Board.. Claims in the amount of $416.62 were next presente~ to the council for pa2menl Thomas E.Hickey ~ost 2660, Veterans Foreign Wars, Donation $15.00 01d Reliance Carage Pac, Tel & Tel Co Royal Supply C o Southern Pacific Co J.Penna & Sons ?orta' s 9stage S.M.Co. Title Co E.Meyers, R.Petrocchi O. H~e~r t A. JOnson ~a~ Oasagr~de Joe Galli S~th City Supply ~ao. Gas& ~ectrio Co B~er Hamilton Pas. Co D~. J. O.Mo~lls Sb.S.~.Oha~ber of Co~eroe B.T.M~lin ~e ~terprise B~er Hamilton Pacifoc repairs to garden tools phone lo~1 June cit~ phones, June cartridges f:eight balance due ~.ster brand polish ~aA12 reports June urnlng grass l~b~ron sewers . supplies for Streets MIso.lights &.gas JUne- sYpplies,~os~ coupli~s torches telephone 2~y & June momthly ad July shat~pening tools envelopes, police dept printing Ord. l?Z !doz spherlod torche~ 1,11 . 2.04 t4.00 16,00 ~4. O0 46.17 S~.48. S85.%9 5.86 6.50 9~90 Total $41~. ~2 The claims having been ordered paid by the finance department Councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion ~as seconded by' c~uncilman Boido and regularly oar: There being no further business befoee the council oouncilma~ ~inicclani moved to adJour~until the next regular meeting. ~onday, August 6th,19~4, at 7;30 o'clock p.: The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carrie&. Time of adjournment 8;45 p.m. Mayo~-~l '3o~rh 'San~anelsoO . Re~pectf~lQ~ subml~y