HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-08-06180 REGULAR IgEETING 0F.THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0P SOUTH SAN. FRA~0I~0,HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 6TIt,1954. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South ~an Francisco hel~ Monday evening,August 6th,19~4 in the. city.coun¢ll chambers ~e city hall. The meeting was oalled to order at ?;50 o'clock p.m. by ~ayor Reeoe Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call four~X the following members of the-council present, as follows;- Councilmen, Reese Lloyd,N;Mlnuoolanl,R.~lb~etts,o. nd Joseph P.~uiz~lan. Absent,Councilman V. BolAo. The minutes of the previous meeting were rea~. There being no errors or omission3 they were approved as read. An application for a business license for a ladies wearing apparel store, was received,ahA on motion by Councilman Minucelani and regularly carried was granted. The Italian American Citizens' Olub made application for a permit to hold a ~ance on August 25,and on motion by ComncilmanMinucciant.seoonded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly oarried was granted. A communication was received from the South San I~ranoisco Chamber of Comme~ee requesting the city's continue~ financial support in the ma~ing of the ne~t budget. On motion by Oounoil,~n Quinlan seconded by councilman Minuoolanl and regularly oa~ the request was grante~. The chamber in another communioat~on reeowe~d.iAdthat the city more olosety regulate the Electrical Contracting business'by imposing a hi,her license and a higher examination fee. The commu~ioation was acoepte~ and 9rdere~ plaoe~ on file- A communication was received from the Federal Emergency Relief A~mi~lstration stating they ha~ reoeive~ the recommend~tion of Na~or Reese I~0y~Of South ~anFr&noisco and that the application would be referred to the State Relief A~ministrator for action. A petition was received from a number of citizens a~ property owners requesting that a light be placed in Seventh Lane between Linden an~ Cypress AVenues. R~ere~dto C ouncilma~ Tibbetts for investigation. Mayor Lloy~ received a reply to his telegram to the Federal ~mergenc~ Adml~lstra- tion of Public Works,Washington,D.O.with reference to the Bay Crossing Pipe Line,stating that preference on labor was given to ex-service men first, with ~epen~ents, an~ others next entitled to labor,otc,and refferred to specifications on construction contract work. Communication place~ on file. A communication was received from the Paci£io Telephone an~ ~elegraph Company enclosing a ohec~ for $784.62 under their 'franchise to August §th,1934. Communication check accepted. Request was made by the Bank of South San ~rancisco upon the City of ~outh San Francisco for the payment of the sum of $25~7.66 for unpaiA bon~s and interest of series #H". A resolution of the City ~ounoil of the City cf ~outh San Francisco was introduced and adopte~ granting the regueet, by the following -vote; Ayes, Councilmen, Joseph P.Quinlan,R.Tibbetts,~.Minucolanl,3a~Ao~;I~loy~. Noes,Councilmen,None, Absent, ~ouncllm~n, V. Boi~o, Attest, Daniel MoSweeney City Clerk Recorded in Book of.Resolutions, volume £,at page 44~. The monthly reports of the Chief of Police. Fire Chief,Health Officer,City Judge, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending July ~l,were received and accepted, wl~h the thanks of Mayor Lloyd for the officers prompt attention to this duty. Mr. Wesley was ~ranted permission to preach the gospel on the streets at weekly meetings. The application of Mr. m~lini for a reduction in his assessment was referred to the Board of Equalization. Claims in the amount of ~9£~.&Z were next presented to the council for payment;- Re, aX 8u~pX2 Ce, · ~AXe2 ~erk~ A. Oa~Xlele ~o, ~S BeXlo~A ht4~iek & Holes Ell~kaer 0o, FX~'s So,vice W, L. l~heee A,~ J, l~oheee ~, ~e~ba~A Baker Naadltea & Paoifie A. ~. Paaheee SUperior Stea~ ~,m~ · llle~ & SteTM T~ol ~o. Oalifor~la Fire Ext. ~o. Fasb.tom Olothing Ce, ~ Ca~gra~e ~oe ~li ~e~. 7. ~utae ~tu~ ~eeri~ Co, W, L. ~aoheoo ~o~i~ ~le, & ~ele. O~, Oali ~r ~a ~ater 8e~lo · -~ P, G, · E, street lights w 4 benes oartrl~ee $ repairs & service motorcycle everhaLl motorcycle ~00 police reoerd~ & carbon feeding prisoners sta~p - police ga. & oil ~ ~bor & ~terial on 1 oo~lnati~ pipe fao & clx ~ tiro ~ m~nte~noo 2 - j fal. opec S nosab8 repa~a-fir · tru~ T F~emen' s U~forma ~ hys labor sewer work grease & oil street ~ruok fitting up 1 sewer pipe ~6 - 60W. ~affie lamps phone service fountain & fire house Bet. h~a~t service ~ul Street light8 ;~e w " ~y 19~ 8,20 A1,22 AX, S6 1.60 10, 2~ ?,68 12o26 l~., 48 ~5.40 5.90 S4S ° 8~ ?2.00 1.00 8,10 46.9~ 454' O0 644.11 Councilmen, Reese Lloy~,N;~lnuccianl,R.?ib~ettS,and ~oSeph l~.~uinlan. Absent ,Councilman V.Bol~o. ~e minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omisston~ they were approved as read. ~ application for a business license for a ladies wearl~ ap~rel store-was received,and on motion by Co~otlm~ Minuoelani and reg~arl2 carried was granted. ~e Italian ~eriean Citizens' Olub ~de application for a permit to hold a ~nce on August 25,an~ on motion by Co~oil~ Mtnuoolani,seoon~e~ by Colorlon Tib~etts and regularly e~rie~ was gr~te~. A co~cation was receiw~ from the ~outh San Fr~cisco Chamber ~f Coheres ~. ~'~:~ requesting the city's contlnue~ financial support in the m~ing of the ne]t budget. motion b2 Co~cil~n Quinl~ eecon~e~ By co~cil~ Mlnuccianl an~ reg~arl2 carrY~ the request was ~r~te~. The chamber In another ~o~ieati. on reoo~A,~,.t~t the city moze closely regulate the Electrical Contraotin~ business b2 imposing a higher license an~ a higher e~ml~tion fee. The co~~ation was aooep~e~ an~ cr~ere~ p~ce& on file. A comm~fea~ion was receive~ from the Federal ~ergeno2 ~lief A~stration stating they ~ receive~ the reco~en~tion of ~or Reeae ~o2~ of South San ~anoieco an~ that the application wo~ ~e referre~ to the State Relief A~nietrator for action. A petition was receive~ from a ~ber of citizens ~ property o~ere requesting that a light be place~ i~ Seventh ~ne between Linden ~ Cypress Avenues. R~ere~to Co~ckl~ TibBetts for investigation. ~2or ~o2~ receive~ a reply to his telegram to the ~e~eral ~ergenc2 A~l~stza- tlon of Public Worke,Waehington,D.C.wlth reference to the Bay Crossing Pipe Ll~e,stating t~t preference on labor was given to ex-service me~ first, with ~epen~ents, ~ others next entitle~ to labor,etc,~ refferre~ to specifications on construction contract ~vork. Com~ication place~ on file. A co~ioation was recelve~ from the Pacific Telephone ~ telegraph Oomp~ enclosing a chec~ for $~84.62 ~er their 'franchise to August 5th,1934. Co~loation a~ check accepte~. Request was ma~e b2 the Ba~ of South S~ ~r~cisco upon the Francisco for the payment of the s~ of $25~7.6~ fo~ ~lA bon~e an~ interest of series "H". A resolution of the City Go.ell of the City .f ~outh ~an ~anoisoo was intro~uce~ an~ a~opte~ granting the re~eet, b2 the following Ayes, Co~ellmen, Jo~ph P.Qui~an,R.Tibbetq,$,~,~.Minucot~X Noes ,C o~e ilmen ,None, Absent, Oo~oll~n, V. Boi~, Attest,, Daniel ~Sweeney Recor~e~ in Book of Resolutions, vol~e 2,at ~ge ~. The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief,Health 0ffioer,Cit2 Judge, City Treasurer and City Clef]; for the month ending July Zl,were received and accepted, wi~h the thanl~s of Mayor Lloyd for the officers prompt attention to this duty. Mr. Wesley was ~ranted permi~sion to preach the gOSpel on the streets at weekly meetings. The application of Mr. m~ltni for a reduction in his assessment was referred to the Board of Equalization. Claims in the amount of ~9~9.&5 were next presented to the council for payment;- RO~LI auppX2 Ce. Dud.leT ~erkAzs ~alifornia F~e Blt. (~o. I. L. Hloko2 & Son Yaehion Olothing ~e, Fz~ Ca~gra~e ~oe ~e~. ~. ~utze ~t~ ~neeri~ Co. W. ~. ~aoheoo ~o~lo ~le. & Tele. Co. 0~r~a Water Se~loe P. ~, & E. street lights 4 hexes oartrid~e. repairs & service motorcycle 8o~0 A1,22 AX. S6 1.60 l?' 99 ~0.00 10,28 ?.68 $ faXa. ~aiat fire ala~B maintenance J~LI. ~0.00 Wash- ~ul2 ~ - ~r gal. opes 2 nozzle8 repairs-fir · truck V Yiremen' s Uniforms 18 ~ay8 labor sewer WOT]; grea8e & oil street Jruck fitting up 1 sewer pipe Z6 - 6OW. Traffic lamps phone service ~ul~ feuntain & fire ho~ae set. h~ra~t service Street light8 ~une 19~4 w w ~uly 19~4 S.68 S5.40 5.90 S48,80 ?2.00 72.00 1.00 8.10 46. gE 4~A,00 644.11 ~ee. A, Eneese ][loe* ,ervic · J~LI2 19Z4 $91. repair0 toilet & sink O.Ilall ~lel~ ~rk & ~e~e in* oo~otlon wt~h ~ 1 ~ potsonl~ Fats *- A.00 r~ovl~ ~o~ & cato ~2 ~-~ ~lly reports ~7 1.50 ~or~ piece for lc Swee~e7 10.~0 ~ppliee to MessXe~ ~te~ Clvlo Oenter& ball ' '~brar2 ~7 ~.4S ooupli~s, 1~ ouster 11.8~ 10 · soo?. 66 5,929.45 · he elaim, having been au~lteA b2 the i'Xnlnoe committee Oounollma~ Ulnuootani move~ they be pai~. The motion was secon~e~ By Counoilma~ Tibbetts an~ regularly oarrie~. ~here being no further business before the bo&r~ Councilman Minucciani move~ to a~[Journ until ~on~Lay evening, August 1Zth,19Z4,at The motion Was secon~e~ by councilman ?ibbetts an~ regularly oarrle~. Time of a~[JOurnment, 8;40 o'clock p,m. ' May~r' of South ~ Francisco. Respectfully submitte~,