HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-09-04REGULAi~ L~ETIN~ 0F THE CITY COUNCIL 0F Tr~E CITY 0F sOuTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD TUESDAY, SEPT .4TH, 19Z4. The regular meeting off the city council of the City of South San Francisco was' held in the city hall Tuesday evening, September 4th,19Z4. The meeting was called to order at 7;Z0 o'clock p.m. by l~ayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL, Roll call found the following members of the city council present;- Councilmen, Reese Lloyd, E.Einucciani and Joseph P.Quinlan. Absent, Councilmen, Rod Tibbetts and Victor Boido. The minutes of the ~revious meeting were read. There being no errors or omissio~ theY were approved as read. An application for a business license to sell wine grapes at retail was receive. from Cala~ano & Norri, and the application denied. An a~!ication for the position of Janitor or Gardener was received from Charle~ Be~toldi, ~ll MagnoliaAvenue. Application accepted and placed on file. An invitation was extended to the City Council from the Ameri~a~~uth San Francisco ~o at'tend the installation of officers, Wednesday evgning, Se~tember 5th,at eight O'clock p.m. The invitation was accepted and the clerk instructed to acknowledge the receip of the invitation. A communication was received from the League of California Eunicipalities, incl a list of round trip low rates for members of the league for the triv to the League's convert at Pasadena,california,September E4th,to ET,inc. Commnui~ation accepted and placed on file. A bomm~mication was receive8 by the city clerk f~om Nr. Mott of the State !~oard .Equalization, stating the figures for the operative roll would be ready the latter part of June,19Z5/ and would be sent to city assessors to be set up and collected on the 19Z5,-~6 assessment~roll. Accepted and ?laced on file. The monthly re~orts of the Chief of Police,Fire Chief, City Judge, City Health Officer, ¥cting Building Inspector, and City Clerk were submitted and accepted with the thanl ~yor Lloyd for the officers' pro~tness in attending to this duty. This being the date set by state statute for the setting of the 19~4-55 tax rat~ Councilman Quinlan introduced a resolution fixing the tax rate on all the property within original corporate h~u~aries of the City of South San Francisco at $1.35 on the hindred dol assessed valuation, and at $1, S1 on all the property contained ~ithin the baundaries of the land annexed to the City of South San Francisco by a special election held March lSth,1916, upon each-One Hundred Dollars assessed valuation. The resolution ~as adopted by the votes o~ all the members of the council,present, to-wit;- ·yes, Councilmen, M.Minuociani, Joseph P.Quinlan,Reese ~loyd. Noes, Councilmen,None.Absent, Councilmen, V. Boido,Rod. Tibbetts. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2.,at page 449. Approved Attest Daniel McSweene2 CityClerk. J.B.Gugltelmetti lubricants & dressing Pacific Engineering Chemical Co materials,fire dept Antone De Tomast poisoning rats Dan McSweeney refund of taxes,charged twice to me California Water Service Co hydrant wa~er, August ~ ' ~ ~ fountain & fire house water ~ ~ " ~ water ball Park & cevic center Aug~ registration ,Abstract,~tc,Del.taxes,$1~4.?0 vehicle license books $ 8.?1 tax rece~pt"books ~156.72 expenses to Pasadena Fire C~ief C~nv. S100.00 drill manuel $ 1.00 Gordon Rowe audits,special, ~297.75 street~lig~ting & mtsoallaneous Aug. ~644.11 Installing wind bracket glassware.for street lights maintaining fire alarm system Aug. push brooms & handles 5 ~reeman Mop Handles paimttng traffld signals feeding ~prisoners, A~gust condensor for M.0. Cycl~ phones, August, remov, dead dogs,cats, August, wash, fire houses August c.E.Leverton re~. U~derhood Typewriter,S 9.S0 ..Pariani & Limb~rg,rep. fire chief autoS10 Pat. GaS & El. Ce misc. Ga~ & Lights,July $8?.9? Geo. A.Kneese A/~ sewer & gas tax inv. S54, A.Marcucci clerical Labor A/C Messier ~51.75 Standard 0il Ce.gasoline, Aug. $~?, ~re~ Brown carpenter work,city hall S 6.20 Calif. Water Service Co library water$~l, Total $2,520, The'~latms having been audited by t~ finance committee, Cou.~cilman Minucciant moved they ~e paid. The motion w~a secSnded by ~,:_~ counctlm=~ ~i~r~_ and regularly carried. There being no further business Councilman ~inucciant moveg~o a~Journ until the next regular me eting,Monday,3ept.17th,1954,at ?;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman ~uinlan and regularly carried. T~me of adjournment, ~?;50 o'clock p.m. Respectfully~u~b~tted, $ ~.50 $ 67.5? S 20.00 ~ 22.24 8 S 14.40 ~ 1.50 $ $ 62.95 $ 29.50 $ 11.9S · 1.72 $ 12.30 $ 4.00 S 63.81 $454.00 $' 6.9? $ 55.90 Geo N.Messier, Enterprise Press AL.J.Welte Robert B.Rodgers Bank of America,A/~ Pacific Gas & Electric Co Paoheco Electric 0o. Amerio.anPush Broom Co West Disinfecting Co. Eugenic Ntlani Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Pacific Tel & Tel Ce Jack Welch Superior 'steam Laundry o Claims in the amount of $2520.90 were next presented to the council for payment;- Councilmen, Lloyd, ~,,~i. Minucciani and Josep, h P. QUinlan. Absent, Councilmen, Rod Tibbetts and Victor Boido. The minutes of the ~revious meeting were read. There being no errors or omissio~ they were approved as read. An application for a business license to sell wine grapes at retail was receive( from Cala~ano & Morri, and the applic~ation denied. An a~p!ication for the position of Janitor or Gardener was received from Charle~ Be~toldi, -Bll l,~aonO~laAvenue. APblication accepted and placed on file. An invitation was extended to the City Council from the Ameri~ca~~uth San Francisco ~to attend the installation of officers, Wednesday eve~ning, Se¥,tember ~th,at eight O'clock p.m. The invitation was accepted and the clerk instructed to acknowledge the receip' of the invitation. , A communication was received from the League of California ~iunicipalities, incl~ a list of round trip lo~ rates for members of the league for the tri~ to the League's conven' at Pasadena ,California ,September 24th,to 27,inc. Commnui~ation accepted and placed on file. A ~comm~mication ~as receive8 b~ the city clerk fr~om ~ir. ~Iott of the State !~oard ~Equalization, stating the figures for th~ operative roll would be ready the latter part of June,19Z~/ and would be sent to city assessors to be set up and collected on the 1935,-36 assessment~roll. Accepted and ?laced on file. The monthl~ re~orts of the Chief of Police,Fire Chief, City Judge, City Health Officer, ~¥cting Building Inspector, and-City Clerk were submitted and accepted with the thanl ~iayor Lloyd for the officers' pro~,Dtness in attending to this duty. This being the date set by state statute for the setting of the 1934-35 tax rat~ Councilman-Quinlan introduced a resolution fixing the tax rate on all the property within original corporate h~u~daries of the City of South San Francisco at $1.35 on the hindred del assessed valuation, and at $1, Sl on all the property contained ,within the baundaries of the land annexed to the City of South San Francisco by a special election held March 13th,1916, upon each-One Hundred Dollars assessed valuation. The resolution ,was adopted by the votes of all the members of the council,present, to-wit;- ·yes, Councilmen, M.Minucciani, Joseph P.Quinlan,Reese ~loyd. Noes, Councilmen,None.Absent, Councilmen, V. Boido,Rod. Tibbetts. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2,at page 449. Approved Attest Daniel McSweene2 CityClerk. Claims in the amount of $2520.90 were next presented to the council for payment;- registration ,Abstract,&tc,Dsl.t~axes,$194.?O vehicle license books S 8.71 tax rece~pt~books ~156.72 expenses to Pasadena Fire Chief C~nv.~100.O0 drill manuel $ 1.00 Gordon Rowe audits,special, street~ligSting & miscallaneous Aug. ~A4.11 Installing wind bracke~ glassware,for street lights maintaining fire alarm system Aug. push brooms & handles ~ ~reeman Mop Handles paimting traffic signals feeding prisoners, August condenser for M.0. Cycl~ phones, August, remov, dead dogs,cats, August, wash, fire houses August 5.50 6?.5? 2O.O0 22.24 B.O? 14.40 1. BO 62.95 29.50 ll.95 12.~0 4.00 65.81 $454.00 6.9? 55.90 Gee N.Messier, Enterprise Press AL.J.Welte Robert B.Rodgers Bank of America,A/$ Pacific Gas & Electric Co Pacheco Electric Ce. American Push Broom Co West Disinfecting Eugenic Nilani Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Pacific Tel & Tel Ce Jack Welch Superior '~team Laundry J.B,Guglielmetti lubricants & dressing Pacific Engineering Chemical Co materials,fire dept Antone Ds Tomasi poisoning rats Dan McSweeney refund of taxes,charged twice to me California Water Service Co hydrant wa~er, August w ' " fountain & fire house water water ball Park & cevic center Aug~ G.E.Leverton re~. U~derhood Typewriter,~$ 9.BO Pariani & Llmb~rg,rep. fire chief autoS10 & $8?.9? Geo. A.Kneese A/C sewer & gas tax inv.$54 Pac. GaS& El. Ce misc. Gas Lights,July A.Marcueci clerical Labor A/C Messier $51,?~ Standard 0il Ce.gasoline, Aug. $2? ~re~ Brown carpenter work,city hall ~ 6.20 Calif. Water Service Co library water,B1 Total $2,520 The'claims having been audited by t~ finance committee, Co~c~lman Minucciani moved they3e paid, The motion w~a seconded h2 ~i~ councilm~n ~in~A~ and regularly carried. There being no further business Councilman Einucciani move~o adjourn until th~ next regular meeting,Menday,Sept.l?th,lBB4,at ?;B0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman ~uinlan and regularly carried. T&me of adjournment, ?;50 o'clock p.m. Respectfully~kb~tted, '~ayor of South San ~rancisco ~n.~~/Otty Cle~